Addressing Deserialization Vulnerabilities

An application that accepts untrusted data and deserializes it is vulnerable to attacks. You can create filters to screen incoming streams of serialized objects before they are deserialized.

Inherent Dangers of Deserialization

Deserializing untrusted data, especially from an unknown, untrusted, or unauthenticated client, is an inherently dangerous activity because the content of the incoming data stream determines the objects that are created, the values of their fields, and the references between them. By careful construction of the stream, an adversary can run code in arbitrary classes with malicious intent.

For example, if object construction has side effects that change state or invoke other actions, then those actions can compromise the integrity of application objects, library objects, and even the Java runtime. "Gadget classes," which can perform arbitrary reflective actions such as create classes and invoke methods on them, can be deserialized maliciously to cause a denial of service or remote code execution.

The key to disabling deserialization attacks is to prevent instances of arbitrary classes from being deserialized, thereby preventing the direct or indirect execution of their methods. You can do this through serialization filters.

Java Serialization and Deserialization Overview

An object is serialized when its state is converted to a byte stream. That stream can be sent to a file, to a database, or over a network. A Java object is serializable if its class or any of its superclasses implements either the interface or the subinterface. In the JDK, serialization is used in many areas, including Remote Method Invocation (RMI), custom RMI for interprocess communication (IPC) protocols (such as the Spring HTTP invoker), and Java Management Extensions (JMX).

An object is deserialized when its serialized form is converted to a copy of the object. It is important to ensure the security of this conversion. Deserialization is code execution because the readObject method of the class that is being deserialized can contain custom code.

Serialization Filters

A serialization filter enables you to specify which classes are acceptable to an application and which should be rejected. Filters also enable you to control the object graph size and complexity during deserialization so that the object graph doesn’t exceed reasonable limits. You can configure filters as properties or implement them programmatically.


A serialization filter is not enabled or configured by default. Serialization filtering doesn't occur unless you have specified the filter in a system property or a Security Property or set it with the ObjectInputFilter class.
Besides creating filters, you can take the following actions to help prevent deserialization vulnerabilities:
  • Do not deserialize untrusted data.
  • Use SSL to encrypt and authenticate the connections between applications.
  • Validate field values before assignment, for example, checking object invariants by using the readObject method.


Built-in filters are provided for RMI. However, you should use these built-in filters as starting points only. Configure reject-lists and/or extend the allow-list to add additional protection for your application that uses RMI. See Built-in Filters.

For more information about these and other strategies, see "Serialization and Deserialization" in Secure Coding Guidelines for Java SE.