Module java.base

Class JapaneseDate

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<ChronoLocalDate>, ChronoLocalDate, Temporal, TemporalAccessor, TemporalAdjuster

public final class JapaneseDate extends Object implements ChronoLocalDate, Serializable
A date in the Japanese Imperial calendar system.

This date operates using the Japanese Imperial calendar. This calendar system is primarily used in Japan.

The Japanese Imperial calendar system is the same as the ISO calendar system apart from the era-based year numbering. The proleptic-year is defined to be equal to the ISO proleptic-year.

Japan introduced the Gregorian calendar starting with Meiji 6. Only Meiji and later eras are supported; dates before Meiji 6, January 1 are not supported.

For example, the Japanese year "Heisei 24" corresponds to ISO year "2012".
Calling japaneseDate.get(YEAR_OF_ERA) will return 24.
Calling japaneseDate.get(YEAR) will return 2012.
Calling japaneseDate.get(ERA) will return 2, corresponding to JapaneseChronology.ERA_HEISEI.

This is a value-based class; programmers should treat instances that are equal as interchangeable and should not use instances for synchronization, or unpredictable behavior may occur. For example, in a future release, synchronization may fail. The equals method should be used for comparisons.

Implementation Requirements:
This class is immutable and thread-safe.
See Also: