Interface Reporter

public interface Reporter
Interface for reporting diagnostics and other messages.

Diagnostics consist of a diagnostic kind and a message, and may additionally be associated with an element, a tree node in a documentation comment, or an arbitrary position in a given file. Other messages may be written directly to one of two streams that are informally for use by "standard output" and "diagnostic output", where "standard output" means the output that is the expected result of executing some operation, such as the command-line help that is generated when using a --help option, and "diagnostic output" refers to any errors, warnings and other output that is a side effect of executing the operation.

The exact manner in which diagnostics are output is unspecified and depends on the enclosing context. For example:

  • The DocumentationTool API allows a client to specify a DiagnosticListener to which diagnostics will be reported. If no listener is specified, diagnostics will be written to a given stream, or to System.err if no such stream is provided.
  • The ToolProvider API allows a client to specify the streams to be used for reporting standard and diagnostic output.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default PrintWriter
    Returns a writer that can be used to write diagnostic output, or null if no such writer is available.
    default PrintWriter
    Returns a writer that can be used to write non-diagnostic output, or null if no such writer is available.
    default void
    print(Diagnostic.Kind kind, DocTreePath path, int start, int pos, int end, String message)
    Prints a diagnostic message related to a position within a range of characters in a tree node.
    print(Diagnostic.Kind kind, DocTreePath path, String message)
    Prints a diagnostic message related to a tree node in a documentation comment.
    print(Diagnostic.Kind kind, String message)
    Prints a diagnostic message.
    print(Diagnostic.Kind kind, Element element, String message)
    Prints a diagnostic message related to an element.
    default void
    print(Diagnostic.Kind kind, FileObject file, int start, int pos, int end, String message)
    Prints a diagnostic message related to a position within a range of characters in a file.
  • Method Details

    • print

      void print(Diagnostic.Kind kind, String message)
      Prints a diagnostic message.
      kind - the kind of diagnostic
      message - the message to be printed
    • print

      void print(Diagnostic.Kind kind, DocTreePath path, String message)
      Prints a diagnostic message related to a tree node in a documentation comment.
      kind - the kind of diagnostic
      path - the path for the tree node
      message - the message to be printed
    • print

      default void print(Diagnostic.Kind kind, DocTreePath path, int start, int pos, int end, String message)
      Prints a diagnostic message related to a position within a range of characters in a tree node. Only kinds of DocTree that wrap a simple string value are supported as leaf nodes of the given path. This currently includes CommentTree, DocTypeTree, ReferenceTree, and TextTree. The positions are all 0-based character offsets from the beginning of string. The positions should satisfy the relation start <= pos <= end.
      Implementation Requirements:
      This implementation ignores the (start, pos, end) values and simply calls print(kind, path, message).
      kind - the kind of diagnostic
      path - the path for the tree node
      start - the beginning of the enclosing range
      pos - the position
      end - the end of the enclosing range
      message - the message to be printed
      IllegalArgumentException - if start, pos and end do not form a valid range.
    • print

      void print(Diagnostic.Kind kind, Element element, String message)
      Prints a diagnostic message related to an element.
      kind - the kind of diagnostic
      element - the element
      message - the message to be printed
    • print

      default void print(Diagnostic.Kind kind, FileObject file, int start, int pos, int end, String message)
      Prints a diagnostic message related to a position within a range of characters in a file. The positions are all 0-based character offsets from the beginning of content of the file. The positions should satisfy the relation start <= pos <= end.
      Implementation Requirements:
      This implementation always throws UnsupportedOperationException. The implementation provided by the javadoc tool to initialize a doclet overrides this implementation.
      kind - the kind of diagnostic
      file - the file
      start - the beginning of the enclosing range
      pos - the position
      end - the end of the enclosing range
      message - the message to be printed
    • getStandardWriter

      default PrintWriter getStandardWriter()
      Returns a writer that can be used to write non-diagnostic output, or null if no such writer is available.
      API Note:
      The value may or may not be the same as that returned by getDiagnosticWriter().
      Implementation Requirements:
      This implementation returns null. The implementation provided by the javadoc tool to initialize a doclet always returns a non-null value.
      the writer
    • getDiagnosticWriter

      default PrintWriter getDiagnosticWriter()
      Returns a writer that can be used to write diagnostic output, or null if no such writer is available.
      API Note:
      The value may or may not be the same as that returned by getStandardWriter().
      Implementation Requirements:
      This implementation returns null. The implementation provided by the javadoc tool to initialize a doclet always returns a non-null value.
      the writer