Annotation Interface Name

@Target({TYPE,FIELD,METHOD}) @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface Name
Annotation that sets the default name for an element.

For event classes, the name must be a legal class name as specified in the Java language, (for example, "com.example.Transaction". For event fields or event settings, the name must be a valid identifier (for example, "message"). See section 3.8 and 3.9 of the Java Language Specification for more information.

If the specified name is invalid, the annotation is ignored.

A stable and easy-to-use event name is of the form:


Events without a @Name annotation get their name from the fully qualified class name, which works well for experimentation but should be avoided in production.

  • The name should be stable to avoid breaking setting files and code that consumes or configures the event.
  • The name should not contain redundant or unnecessary information such as "jfr", "internal", "events", or "Event".
  • The name should be short, but not so short that it clashes with other organizations or products.
  • The name should be easy to understand and remember for users that want to configure the event. This is especially true if the event is part of a framework or library that is meant to be used by others. It is usually enough to put all the events for a library or product in the same namespace. For example, all the events for OpenJDK are in the "jdk" namespace, with no sub-namespaces for "hotspot", "gc", or "compiler". This avoids unnecessary cognitive load for users. Events can instead be arranged into categories, by using the @Category annotation. Categories can be renamed freely without causing disruption to dependencies

  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    Returns the name.
  • Element Details

    • value

      String value
      Returns the name.
      the name