
Push Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Logs to Amazon S3 with OCI Functions


The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Logging Service provides a unified view of all logs generated by OCI services and resources, as well as custom logs created by users.

OCI Functions is a serverless compute platform that empowers developers to build and deploy lightweight, event-driven applications in the cloud.

Amazon S3 is a highly scalable and reliable cloud storage service provided by Amazon that enables users to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere in the world.

The high-level process includes using a Service Connector to collect logs from OCI Logging service and sending to the target function which then pushes the data to Amazon S3.

Architecture Diagram


Step-by-step guide on how to push OCI Logs to Amazon S3 with OCI Functions.


  1. Users in Amazon Web Services (AWS) must have the required policies to create the bucket and be able to read and write objects in the bucket. For more information on the bucket policies, follow this page.

  2. Users in OCI must have the required polices for Functions, Service Connector Hub and Logging services to manage the resources. Policy reference for all the services are here.

Task 1: Configure AWS settings

  1. Create an Amazon S3 bucket.

    Create AWS bucket

  2. Create an AWS access key and secret key for the user under IAM.

    1. Navigate to IAM, Users, Security Credentials, Create access key, Third-party service.

    2. Copy the generated AWS access key and secret key to a Notepad file.

      Create AWS access & secret key

Task 2: Configure Oracle Cloud Infrastructure settings

Store AWS access key and secret key in OCI Vault

Create a dynamic group

Create a policy for the dynamic group

Create an OCI Function in Python or any supported language to send OCI logs to Amazon S3

  1. In the Oracle Cloud Console menu, navigate to Developer services and select Functions.

  2. Select an existing application or click Create Application. Create a function within your application.

  3. In this tutorial, we are using the OCI Cloud Shell to create the function.

    Note: Cloud Shell is a recommended option as it does not require any setup prerequisites. If you are new to OCI Functions, follow sections A, B, and C in the Functions Quick Start on Cloud Shell..

  4. We recommend creating a sample Python function first. The following command generates a folder ociToaws with three files:, func.yaml, and requirements.txt.

    fn init --runtime python pushlogs
  5. Change with the following code. Replace secret_key_id, access_key_id in the code with respective secret ocids from OCI Vault which got created previously.

    import io
    import json
    import logging
    import boto3
    import oci
    import base64
    import os
    from fdk import response
    # The below method receives the list of log entries from OCI as input in the form of bytestream and is defined in func.yaml
    def handler(ctx, data: io.BytesIO = None):
        funDataStr ='utf-8')
        # Convert the log data to json
        funData =  json.loads(funDataStr)
        # The Secret Retrieval API is used here to retrieve AWS access keys and secret key from vault. These keys are required to connect to Amazon S3.
        # Replace secret_key_id, access_key_id with respective secret ocids.
        secret_key_id = "<vault_secret_ocid>"
        access_key_id = "<vault_secret_ocid>"
        signer = oci.auth.signers.get_resource_principals_signer()
        secret_client = oci.secrets.SecretsClient({},signer=signer)
        def read_secret_value(secret_client, secret_id):
            response = secret_client.get_secret_bundle(secret_id)
            base64_Secret_content =
            base64_secret_bytes = base64_Secret_content.encode('ascii')
            base64_message_bytes = base64.b64decode(base64_secret_bytes)
            secret_content = base64_message_bytes.decode('ascii')
            return secret_content
        awsaccesskey = read_secret_value(secret_client, access_key_id)
        awssecretkey = read_secret_value(secret_client, secret_key_id)
        for i in range(0,len(funData)):
            filename = funData[i]['time']
            # Send the log data to a temporary json file. /tmp is the supported writable directory for OCI Functions
            with open('/tmp/'+filename+".json", 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                json.dump(funData[i], f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
            # Send the log file to Amazon S3 target bucket
            session = boto3.Session(aws_access_key_id= awsaccesskey, aws_secret_access_key= awssecretkey)
            s3 = session.resource('s3')
            s3.meta.client.upload_file(Filename='/tmp/'+filename+'.json', Bucket='lasya-bucket', Key=filename+'.json')
  6. Update func.yaml with the following code.

    schema_version: 20180708
    name: pushlogs
    version: 0.0.1
    runtime: python
    build_image: fnproject/python:3.9-dev
    run_image: fnproject/python:3.9
    entrypoint: /python/bin/fdk /function/ handler
    memory: 256
  7. Change requirements.txt with the following code.

  8. Deploy the function with the following command.

    fn -v deploy --app ociToaws

Create a Service Connector to send OCI logs from Logging to Functions

  1. In the Console menu, select Analytics & AI, Messaging, and then Service Connector Hub.

  2. Select the compartment where we want to create the service connector.

  3. Click Create Service Connector and provide the respective values. Under Configure Service Connector, select Streaming as the source and Logging Analytics as the target.

  4. Under Configure Source, select the logs to be pushed to Functions

  5. Under Configure Destination, select the Function Application we created in Step 4.

  6. Create the default policies that appear on the screen and click Create.

    create a service connector

    create a service connector

    create a service connector

Task 3: Verify if the logs are pushed to Amazon S3

Next Steps

This tutorial showed how Oracle Cloud Infrastructure logs can be pushed to Amazon S3 using Service Connector Hub and Functions. The OCI log data can be utilized for multiple storage strategies for redundancy and compliance and also for detailed analysis with your existing connectors within AWS.


Authors - Vishak Chittuvalapil (Senior Cloud Engineer), Lasya Vadavalli (Cloud Engineer-IaaS)

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