
Troubleshoot compute instances by creating a VNC console connection in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure


You can remotely troubleshoot malfunctioning instances using console connections in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). For example:

The VNC console connection uses SSH port forwarding to create a secure connection from your local system to the VNC server attached to your instance’s console.


Create a VNC console connection to a compute instance for troubleshooting.


Supported Instance Types

VNC console connections are supported on the following types of instances:

Task 1: Create a VNC console connection

  1. Log in to your Oracle Cloud account and open the Console connection page.

    console connection page

  2. Click Create local connection.

    create local connection

  3. Select the Upload public key file (.pub) or Paste public key option. Based on the option selected, upload or paste the public key which was created in prerequisites.

    public key

  4. Connection will be active in a few seconds.

    connection active

    Note: Mac OS X Screen Sharing app Not Compatible with VNC Console Connections. The Mac OS X built-in VNC client, Screen Sharing app does not work with VNC console connections in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Use another VNC client, such as Real VNC Viewer.

  5. Click on the ellipsis icon and copy VNC connection command. Run this command on the terminal.

    copy vnc command

  6. Connection will be established on localhost:5900.

    command run

  7. Open Real VNC Viewer and connect to localhost:5900.

    VNC Viewer

  8. Connection will be created. You can access the machine and start troubleshooting.

    connection established


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