Change the Oracle BI Repository Password

Each Oracle BI repository has a password that's used to encrypt its contents.

You create the repository password when you create a new Oracle BI repository file.

You can change the repository password using the Model Administration Tool in offline mode, or using the obieerpdpwdchg utility. You can't change the repository password when the repository is open in the Model Administration Tool in online mode.

The obieerpdpwdchg utility is especially useful when you want to change the repository password on Linux systems where the Model Administration Tool isn't available.

This section contains the following topics:

Change the Oracle BI Repository Password Using the Administration Tool

Learn how to change your password in the Administration Tool and publish a modified repository.

Use the Upload Repository Command to change the repository password and to publish the modified repository.

  1. Open the repository in the Model Administration Tool in offline mode.
  2. Select File, then select Change Password.
  3. Enter the current (old) password.
  4. Enter the new password and confirm it. The repository password must be longer than five characters and can't be empty.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Save and close the repository.

Change the Oracle BI Repository Password Using the obieerpdpwdchg Utility

Learn how to change the repository password.

Use these steps to change the repository password using the obieerpdpwdchg utility, and then publish the modified repository using the Upload Repository Command.

You must define the repository password with more than five characters. Passwords are masked on the command line unless you include the -C option in the command to disable masking.

  1. Navigate to the obieerpdpwdchg utility, which is located here:


  2. Type the following arguments for obieerpdpwdchg:
    • -I name_and_path_of_existing_repository

    • -O name_and_path_of_new_repository

    Then, enter the current (old) password and the new password when prompted, for example:

    obieerpdpwdchg  -I my_repos.rpd -O my_changed_repos.rpd
    Please enter the repository password:
    Please enter a new repository password: