Set Multiuser Development Options

You can create a multiuser development option file to specify options for multiuser development. The option file is a text file, in standard Windows INI format.

The option file has the following properties and characteristics:

  • The option file must be placed in the multiuser development directory. The file has the same name as the corresponding master repository, but with an .opt extension. For example, for \\network\MUD\sales.rpd, create an option file called \\network\MUD\sales.opt.

  • The file should have the Hidden flag turned on.

  • In general, the option file should be managed only by multiuser development administrators. To ensure this, you may want to change the sharing permissions for the file.

The following example shows a multiuser development option file:

BuildNumber = Yes
Enforce Build Number =
Enforce MUD Protocol Version Number = 1
Prevent Rpd Upgrade = Yes 
Admin = admin1;admin2
Mandatory Consistency Check = Yes
Equalize During Merge = Yes

Options that aren't explicitly set are turned off by default. To turn an option on, set its value to Yes. To turn an option off, either remove it from the option file, or set its value to No.

The table explains the options in the multiuser development option file.

Option Description


When set to Yes, the build version of the Model Administration Tool is displayed in the MUD history.

Enforce Build Number

When specified, ensures that only users with an exact match of the given version of the Model Administration Tool can perform MUD operations. Select the Help menu, then select About to view the Model Administration Tool version.

Use this option in conjunction with Enforce MUD Protocol Version Number and Prevent Rpd Upgrade.

Remove this line if you don't want to enforce Model Administration Tool version consistency for MUD operations.

Enforce MUD Protocol Version Number

When specified, ensures that only users with an exact match of the given MUD version can perform MUD operations. Select the Help menu, then select About to view the MUD version.

Use this option in conjunction with Enforce Build Number and Prevent Rpd Upgrade.

Remove this line if you don't want to enforce MUD version consistency for MUD operations.

Prevent Rpd Upgrade

When specified, ensures that only users with an exact match of the given repository version can perform MUD operations. Select the Help menu, then select About to view the repository version.

Use this option in conjunction with Enforce Build Number and Enforce MUD Protocol Version Number.

Remove this line if you don't want to enforce repository version consistency for MUD operations.


Lists multiuser development administrators. Administrators must be defined in the option file before they can delete MUD history.

Administrators are defined by their computer/network login names. When multiple administrators exist, separate administrator names by semicolons, for example,


Mandatory Consistency Check

When set to Yes, the publish step performs a consistency check. Publishing can't proceed unless there aren't errors in the given repository.

Equalize During Merge

When set to Yes, the multiuser development merge process performs mandatory equalization during MUD merges. Setting this option to Yes affects the performance of the merge process.