View and Delete History for Multiuser Development

You can view and delete the development history of a multiuser development repository.

This section contains the following topics:

View Multiuser Development History

You can view the development history of a multiuser development repository.

In the Model Administration Tool, multiuser development history is only available when no repository is open and after the administrator sets up the shared network directory. This prevents the confusion that could occur if a user opened a history log that didn't match an open, unrelated repository.

  1. Open the Model Administration Tool.
  2. Without opening a repository, from the File menu, select Multiuser , and the select History.
  3. In the Multiuser Development History dialog, select a repository.
  4. In the Open Offline dialog, type the password for the repository.
  5. In the Multi User History dialog, right-click a row and select an option. The table describes the options in the Multi User History dialog.


    To see details for all revisions, right-click in the background with no rows selected and select View , and select Details.

Delete Multiuser Development History

Only multiuser development administrators can delete history.

Administrators are defined in a special hidden option file in the multiuser development directory. See Set Multiuser Development Options.

You can delete the entire MUD history, or the oldest 1 to n versions. You can't delete versions in the middle of the range. For example, an administrator can't delete version 3 if there are still versions 1 and 2. If an administrator deletes the entire MUD history, newly assigned version numbers restart at version 1.

If an administrator deletes a MUD history version from which a developer has checked out a subset, and the developer is still working on it, the developer can't publish to the MUD directory. Deleting all MUD history prevents any developer who has currently checked out a subset from publishing it. Administrators should communicate with developers before the MUD history is cleared.