Verifying User Authentication for Integrated Excel Workbooks

If users of an integrated Excel workbook do not get prompted for user credentials when they invoke an action that interacts with the Fusion web application configured with ADF security, it may mean that security is not configured correctly for either the integrated Excel workbook or the Fusion web application.

You can verify that your secure Fusion web application authenticates business users and that it is security-enabled by carrying out the following procedure.

To verify that a secure Fusion web application authenticates business users, in the web browser's address bar, enter the URL that you used to verify whether ADF Desktop Integration remote servlet is running. See Verifying That Your Fusion Web Application Supports ADF Desktop Integration. If the Fusion web application is security-enabled, it will request that you enter user credentials.

For more information about securing your integrated Excel workbook, see Securing Your Integrated Excel Workbook.