Environment Variables

This chapter describes Forms environment variables associated with configuration.

These notes apply to the following table:
  • Required: An environment variable is required if Forms requires a non-null value in order to function correctly.
  • Valid values: In a few cases, these are listed explicitly, but in most cases they can be inferred from the description.

    If the description implies that the value is Boolean (for example, it states Specifies whether), the valid values are TRUE, True, true, T, t, YES, Yes, yes, Y, y, 1, or FALSE, False, false, F, f, NO, No, no N, n, 0, (case-sensitive), unless indicated otherwise. Numeric values should be integers specified as decimal numbers, optionally followed by K, M, G, or T [powers of 1024, not 1000], unless indicated otherwise. The elements in lists of files or directories should be separated by ':' [Unix] or ';' [Windows] unless indicated otherwise.

  • Default: If specified, this is the non-null value that produces the same behavior as not specifying a value. If omitted, the implication is that the default value is null.

Table -63 Environment Variables

Environment Variable Applies to Description
CA_GPREFS Builder Specifies an alternative path for the Form Builder global preferences file. Applies to Microsoft Windows only.
CA_UPREFS Builder Specifies an alternative path for the Form Builder user preferences file. Applies to Microsoft Windows only.
CLASSPATH Runtime, Builder

The Java class path: a list of directories and/or JAR files.

Required (for the Forms debugger and for forms using imported Java).

COMPONENT_CONFIG_PATH Runtime Used for Reports integration. Value should point to Reports Tools component path.

Specifies the number of spaces to be used when tab is pressed while in the Form Builder code editor.

Default: 2


Specifies whether Forms should free variables shared between Program Units.

Default: 0


Specifies whether to enable normal Forms cleanup after an operating system exception in the runtime process. This consists of freeing various resources (for example, database connections) which the Forms runtime process had allocated. Setting this environment variable to FALSE bypasses the normal cleanup. Normally, this variable should not be set unless requested by Oracle Support. It might be appropriate to set it to FALSE if the Forms cleanup logic appears to be looping. Setting this environment variable will have no effect if the FORMS_CATCHTERM environment variable is set to FALSE.

Default: TRUE


Specifies whether the database to be logged into can be specified as a full connect string (the right-hand side of an entry in tnsnames.ora). If FALSE (the default) only a short tns name (the left-hand side of an entry in tnsnames.ora) can be specified.

The connect string must not contain a value of BEQ for PROTOCOL or PRO, or any value for COMMAND or CMD.

Default: FALSE


Specifies whether Java Script events should be processed or ignored. If the applications run in this environment do not knowingly use Java Script integration, this setting should be set to FALSE.

Default: TRUE


Forces the full PL/SQL compilation of modules before generating the executable (FMX, MMX, PLX).

Default: FALSE


Specifies whether to bypass the Forms internal Toolkit (TK) when initializing the JDAPI. If using JDAPI on a Unix/Linux platform and DISPLAY is not set or accessible, set this variable to TRUE.

Default: FALSE


Specifies a port, a set of ports, or a range of ports needed for Forms to integrate with DB Advanced Queuing. The value can be a single port number, a comma-separated list of ports, a range of ports (for example, 2000-2100), or a combination of ports and ranges.

If no value is provided, an available port is assigned at random.


Specifies whether or not the Form Builder should retain window position information upon exiting. When set to TRUE, a window positioned on a secondary monitory when exiting will have its position on that monitor retained. If the secondary monitor is expected to not be available in the future, setting this variable to FALSE will cause window positions to not be retained and restarting the Builder will occur on the main display.

Default: TRUE

FORMS_BI_SERVER Runtime Specifies the location of the BI Publisher Service Location in the format <protocol>://<server>:<port>. If the Service Location specified in a report object is a relative URL, the value of FORMS_BI_SERVER will be prepended to it.

Specifies the Java CLASSPATH used by the Builder. This is used in conjunction with the native Java CLASSPATH thereby allowing the number of JAR and class file references to be greatly extended.

The maximum length of CLASSPATH and FORMS_BUILDER_CLASSPATH may vary based on the platform.


Specifies whether to enable logging when using the Forms Standalone Launcher to run forms from the Builder. When TRUE, log files will be created in the operating system's configured TEMP directory. The log file created will be prefixed with "fsal" in the name.

Default: FALSE


Specifies where a stack trace is written in the event of an operating system exception in the runtime process. Setting this environment variable to TRUE (or leaving it unset) causes the stack trace to be written to a file (identified by FRM-93658 message in the Oracle Diagnostic Log). Setting this environment variable to FALSE causes the stack trace to be written to the Oracle Diagnostic Log. Setting this environment variable will have no effect if the FORMS_CATCHTERM environment variable is set to FALSE.

Default: TRUE


Specifies whether to enable normal Forms handling of an operating system exception in the runtime process. This consists of two parts:

  1. Writing a stack trace to a file or to the Oracle Diagnostic Log. (See the FORMS_C_STACK_TRACE_TO_FILE environment variable).
  2. Freeing various resources (for example, database connections) which the Forms runtime process had allocated, unless the FORMS_ABTERM_CLEANUP environment variable was set to FALSE.

Setting this environment variable to FALSE bypasses the normal Forms exception handling. Normally, this variable should not be set unless requested by Oracle Support.

Default: TRUE

FORMS_CHANGE_PASSWORD_HINT Runtime Specifies the text that should be displayed in the default logon dialog box. The total number of characters cannot exceed 255.

Specifies whether the Builder should verify that the server referenced in the Application Server URL Preference setting can be reached and is responding, before attempting to run the current form when the RunForm button is pressed.

Default: TRUE


If the Record Group Fetch Size property for a record group is set 0, the effective value is given by the environment variables FORMS_COMPUTED_RGFS_DIVIDEND, FORMS_MIN_COMPUTED_RGFS, and FORMS_MAX_COMPUTED_RGFS: FORMS_COMPUTED_RGFS_DIVIDEND divided by the record group record size, but no less than FORMS_MIN_COMPUTED_RGFS and no greater than FORMS_MAX_COMPUTED_RGFS.

Default: 512K


Specifies the end-user local time zone and defaults to the time zone of the Java client.

Oracle Forms uses time zone data to support the ADJUST_TZ built-in and to adjust the date/time displayed in DATETIME items. Values loaded from the database or set by application logic are interpreted as being in the server time zone, whereas values displayed in DATETIME items are converted from the server time zone to the end-user local time zone.

The default values for FORMS_DATETIME_SERVER_TZ and FORMS_DATETIME_LOCAL_TZ are usually different.


When upgrading from Forms 11g (11.1.2) or older releases, add FORMS_DATETIME_LOCAL_TZ=GMT to the environment variable configuration file (such as, default.env) to ensure that the end-user local time zone is identical to the server time zone.

Specifies the server time zone and defaults to GMT.

Oracle Forms uses time zone data to support the ADJUST_TZ built-in and to adjust the date/time displayed in DATETIME items. Values loaded from the database or set by application logic are interpreted as being in the server time zone, whereas values displayed in DATETIME items are converted from the server time zone to the end-user local time zone.

The default values for FORMS_DATETIME_SERVER_TZ and FORMS_DATETIME_LOCAL_TZ are usually different.

FORMS_DB_IDLE_TIME Runtime Specifies how long in seconds the connection to the database can be idle/unused before raising the SYSTEM_DB_IDLE System Event.

Specifies whether the database to be logged into can be specified as a tns name containing ':' (used for EZCONNECT).

Default: FALSE


Specifies the default font that should be used by the Builder Layout Editor when creating new objects. The syntax for this setting is: <font name>.<size>.<style>.<weight>.

Example value: arial.10.plain.bold


Specifies whether or not the Form Builder should detect if a previously connection with the database is still available.

Default: TRUE


Specifies the desired editor to use when the Use System Editor Builder Preference is enabled and the user attempts to open a multi-line property value.

If no value is provided, the system default, such as Notepad on Microsoft Windows, is used.


Specifies whether columns referenced in a Record Group may contain more than 4000 characters. This is only possible if the database has this setting: MAX_STRING_SIZE=EXTENDED.

Default: TRUE


Specifies whether to force an encryption handshake round trip to occur during application startup. If set to FALSE, the handshake is suppressed if message obfuscation is suppressed (which will happen if FORMS_MESSAGE_ENCRYPTION is set to FALSE or if it's unset and SSL/TLS [https] is being used). Specifying a value of FALSE reduces network traffic. Specifying (or defaulting to) a value of TRUE provides compatibility with the behavior of prior releases. This may be necessary for certain testing tools or third-party products that use Oracle Forms.

Default: TRUE



Specifies whether or not row banding should be used even when the underlying canvas has a set background color.

Default: FALSE


Specifies whether to hide the Change Password dialog when the database password has expired. If set to TRUE and an application attempts to connect to a database using an expired password, the application throws an error and then exits.

If set to FALSE, the user is presented with the Change Password dialog and must provide updated credentials. Setting to FALSE is typically only necessary in cases where the user is unaware that database credentials are needed to run the application, for example when using single sign-on (SSO).

Default: FALSE


Specifies whether to hide URL parameters when using "OneButtonRun" (the RunForm button) to launch a form from the Builder.

Default: FALSE


Specifies whether the Forms built-in GET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY can retrieve the current user's password.

Default: FALSE


Specifies the HTTP-enabled proxy host (if any) used for calls to Oracle BI-Publisher, or for calls to a remote server [a server other than the one where Forms is running] from server-side Java (Imported Java) in a form. You may also need to set FORMS_HTTP_PROXY_PORT.

If you are using the JVM Controller, see Network Proxies and Java Calls Using JVM Controller and the Java equivalent http.proxyHost.

FORMS_HTTP_PROXY_PORT Runtime, Builder Used in conjunction with FORMS_HTTP_PROXY_HOST.

Specifies the HTTPS-enabled proxy host (if any) used for calls to Oracle BI-Publisher, or for calls to a remote server [a server other than the one where Forms is running] from server-side Java (Imported Java) in a form. You may also need to set FORMS_HTTPS_PROXY_PORT.

If you are using the JVM Controller, see Network Proxies and Java Calls Using JVM Controller and the Java equivalent https.proxyHost.

FORMS_HTTPS_PROXY_PORT Runtime, Builder Used in conjunction with FORMS_HTTPS_PROXY_HOST.

The directory that contains all configuration files, repositories, log files, deployed applications, and temporary files.


FORMS_LIMIT_EXTERNAL_MESSAGES Runtime Unix only. If set to '1', "external" messages [messages from components other than Oracle Forms] written to stdout or stderr are suppressed. This may occasionally be necessary to prevent disk file systems from filling up. However, external messages are sometimes useful in diagnosing problems, for example, with loading executables. Leaving this environment variable unset will cause external messages to be written to the Oracle Diagnostic Log, in the body of message FRM-93546.

Specifies whether the user name and database name appears in the logon dialog when presented after a failed logon attempt.

Default: FALSE

FORMS_LOGON_HINT Runtime Specifies the text that should be displayed in the default logon dialog box. The total number of characters cannot exceed 255.

Used when the Interaction Mode form property is set to Non-Blocking. Specifies the time, in milliseconds, before the Cancel Query window appears after a query is initiated.

Default: 1000

Related topics:


Used when the Interaction Mode form property is set to Non-Blocking. In conjunction with FORMS_LOV_WEIGHT, specifies the time, in milliseconds, between pollings of the Cancel Query window, to determine whether to cancel a query.

Default: 500

Related topics:


Used when the Interaction Mode form property is set to Non-Blocking, in conjunction with FORMS_LOV_MINIMUM, to specify how to prolong the time between Cancel Query pollings. FORMS_LOV_WEIGHT is a ratio which has an effect in proportion to the average speed of a round trip between the Java client and Forms server. Therefore, the slower the round trips are, the longer a particular value of FORMS_LOV_WEIGHT will delay making another time-consuming round trip to the Cancel Query window.

Default: 0

Related topics:


Specifies if image items containing GIF images should bypass the Forms Multimedia processing layer. Bypassing the Multimedia processing layer will deliver uncompressed images to the user interface and will typically exhibit superior image quality when Native (a new Builder property for image items) is specified. However, image loading performance may be degraded. If the behavior of Native image items is desired for image items that specify an Image Format of GIF, this can be achieved without modifying or recompiling fmb files. Set the value of this environment variable to TRUE (or 1) to enable this feature. Set to FALSE (or 0) to disable.

Default: FALSE


Specifies if image items containing JFIF/JPEG/JPG images should bypass the Forms Multimedia processing layer. Bypassing the Multimedia processing layer will deliver uncompressed images to the user interface and will typically exhibit superior image quality when Native (a new Builder property for image items) is specified. However, image loading performance may be degraded. If the behavior of Native image items is desired for image items that specify an Image Format of JFIF/JPEG/JPG, this can be achieved without modifying or recompiling fmb files. Set the value of this environment variable to TRUE (or 1) to enable this feature. Set to FALSE (or 0) to disable.

Default: FALSE


If the Record Group Fetch Size property for a record group is set 0, the effective value is given by the environment variables FORMS_COMPUTED_RGFS_DIVIDEND, FORMS_MIN_COMPUTED_RGFS, and FORMS_MAX_COMPUTED_RGFS: FORMS_COMPUTED_RGFS_DIVIDEND divided by the record group record size, but no less than FORMS_MIN_COMPUTED_RGFS and no greater than FORMS_MAX_COMPUTED_RGFS.

Default: 100


The thread stack size passed to the JVM via the -Xss flag, if the runtime process needs spawn a JVM, for example, for certain Webutil operations, or for processing an expired password during logon when single sign-on is in effect. Specifying a large value may be necessary when a user exit allocates a large amount of memory.

Valid values: A decimal number optionally followed by k, K, m, or M.


Specifies whether to apply proprietary obfuscation to Forms messages between the client and the server.

Default: FALSE when using SSL or TLS [https]; TRUE otherwise [http]



If the Record Group Fetch Size property for a record group is set 0, the effective value is given by the environment variables FORMS_COMPUTED_RGFS_DIVIDEND, FORMS_MIN_COMPUTED_RGFS, and FORMS_MAX_COMPUTED_RGFS: FORMS_COMPUTED_RGFS_DIVIDEND divided by the record group record size, but no less than FORMS_MIN_COMPUTED_RGFS and no greater than FORMS_MAX_COMPUTED_RGFS.

Default: 20


Specifies whether to use memory mapped file I/O when reading forms or menus (fmx or mmx files). A value of TRUE reduces CPU and I/O time, and reduces the amount of memory required on a system when more than one user is running the same form. However, a value of TRUE has the side effect of preventing an fmx or mmx file from being rewritten while the form or menu is running, which may be undesirable in a development environment.

Default: TRUE


Setting this environment variable to a non-empty value restricts the directories from which Forms applications may be launched. The significant effects are as follows: If the initial form specifies a path, it must appear either in the value of FORMS_PATH, ORACLE_PATH, FORMS_MODULE_PATH, or in a subdirectory (without any references to the parent directory) of a path in the value of FORMS_MODULE_PATH. If no such match is found, an error message FRM-40010: Cannot read form is displayed. If a form, menu, or PL/SQL library (.fmx, .mmx, .plx, or .pll file) is specified without a path (either as the initial form or in a CALL_FORM, NEW_FORM, or OPEN_FORM statement), the current working directory is not searched. The only directories searched are those specified by the FORMS_PATH and ORACLE_PATH environment variables.

Value specified in the default.env file that is shipped with the Forms product: $FORMS_PATH (Unix) or %FORMS_PATH% (Windows).


Specifies a sleep interval, in milliseconds. Used when the Interaction Mode form property is set to Non-Blocking, and a query is initiated for a datablock, a record group, or a non-longlist LOV, or when such a query is resumed after displaying or polling the Cancel Query window. If FORMS_NONBLOCKING_SLEEP were set to 0, Oracle Forms would continuously check to see if the query was still executing, until it completed or until the time specified by FORMS_LOV_INITIAL or FORMS_LOV_MINIMUM an FORMS_LOV_WEIGHT had elapsed. However, this would consume excessive CPU time. To reduce the CPU time, Oracle Forms will sleep for the interval specified by FORMS_NONBLOCKING_SLEEP between performing checks to see if the query is still executing. The larger the value specified for FORMS_NONBLOCKING_SLEEP, the bigger the reduction in CPU time. However, if the value significantly exceeds the typical elapsed time required to fetch a set of records, queries will take noticeably longer to complete. Also, the value should not exceed to value of FORMS_LOV_INITIAL or FORMS_LOV_MINIMUM.

Default: 100

Related topics:


Specifies whether or not the full file system path should be included in the URL when using the Builder’s One Button Run feature. This will be helpful when the Application Server URL is set to a remote node.

Default: FALSE


When set to TRUE, the CLIENT_IDLE System Event will execute immediately after the blocked condition is released and any previously executing triggers complete processing. This does not apply to custom Java Beans that expose modal Java dialogs or any other blocked condition not originating from native Forms.

Default: FALSE

FORMS_PATH Runtime, Builder

FORMS_PATH and ORACLE_PATH specify the directories that Oracle Forms searches when looking for a form (fmx file), menu (mmx file) to run, or for a PL/SQL library (pll or plx file) to attach, when the file does not specify a path. The directories specified by FORMS_PATH are searched before the directories specified by ORACLE_PATH.



Specifies a list of hosts that should not be accessed using a proxy. Hosts in the list are separated by the | character. An individual host can include the wildcard character *.

See FORMS_HTTP_PROXY_HOST. If you are using the JVM Controller, see Network Proxies and Java Calls Using JVM Controller and the Java equivalent http.nonProxyHosts.


This environment variable is intended for users with critical performance requirements. Most users can simply use the default value. FORMS_RECMGR_ACTIVE_RECS_RATIO and FORMS_RECMGR_ACTIVE_RECS_DELTA together specify the default number of records to be kept active in each data block (and potentially in each record group).


Valid values: 3-120.

Default: 3


This environment variable is intended for users with critical performance requirements. Most users can simply use the default value.

FORMS_RECMGR_ACTIVE_RECS_RATIO and FORMS_RECMGR_ACTIVE_RECS_DELTA together specify the default number of records to be kept active within each data block (and potentially within each record group).

Active records are in a format which allows direct access to each item instance or cell. The remaining records in a data block or record group are archived. These are in a packed format which requires less memory.

Within each data block or record group, the active records are generally the most recently used records. Increasing the number of active records may improve performance (by reducing the frequency of conversions between active and archived format), but will increase memory usage. Conversely, decreasing the number of active records will decrease memory usage but may degrade performance.

The default number of active records in a data block is (Records_Displayed * FORMS_RECMGR_ACTIVE_RECS_RATIO) + FORMS_RECMGR_ACTIVE_RECS_DELTA (truncated to an integer).

If FORMS_RECMGR_ARCHIVE is MAP_SWAP or MAP_TMPFILE, and FORMS_RECMGR_USED_FOR_RECGRPS is TRUE, the number of active records in a record group is FORMS_RECMGR_ACTIVE_RECS_RATIO + FORMS_RECMGR_ACTIVE_RECS_DELTA (truncated to an integer). Otherwise, all records in a record group are in effect active (although their internal format differs from active records managed by the record manager).

The default number of active records in a data block can be overridden by setting the Number of Records Buffered property for a data block in the builder. The number of active records can be overridden globally at run time by setting the buffer_records runtime option to yes. This will set the number of active records in each data block to Records_Displayed + 3. This option is not recommended, but is supported for backward compatibility.


When a data block or record group is being populated after being cleared, the number of active records may temporarily exceed the "target" number specified by FORMS_RECMGR_ACTIVE_RECS_RATIO and FORMS_RECMGR_ACTIVE_RECS_DELTA (or by the Number of Records Buffered property), if the records are relatively small. The creation of archived records will be deferred until the number of records reaches a certain limit (based on the record size). If and when that limit is reached, the number of active records will be reduced to the target number.

Valid values: 1.0-5.0. Fractional values are allowed. Default: 3.0


Specifies where and how the Forms record manager stores archived records. For each data block and record group, Oracle Forms maintains a small number of active records in virtual memory. An active record is in a format which allows direct access to data values and control information for each item instance or cell in the record. The remaining records are archived. An archived record is in a packed format which does not allow direct access to item instances or cells. Archived records reside in the archive store.

Valid values:

  • MAP_SWAP specifies that archived records are stored in virtual memory backed by swap space.
  • MAP_TMPFILE specifies that archived records are stored in virtual memory backed by temporary files (typically in the /tmp or /var/tmp directory). Each open data block or record group has its own temporary file.

    Specifying MAP_SWAP will usually provide superior performance, but specifying MAP_TMPFILE may be appropriate when an installation's real memory plus swap space is insufficient for archived records.

    Restriction: This option is not available on Windows systems.

  • WRITE_TMPFILE specifies that archived records are written to the backing file: a single temporary file (typically in the /tmp or /var/tmp directory on Unix systems, and in the %TMP% or %TEMP% directory on Windows).

    Specifying MAP_SWAP or MAP_TMPFILE will provide superior performance, and will usually reduce memory usage significantly (by roughly the ratio of maximum to average item instance data value size, in most cases, although typically less when a data block contains image items). Specifying WRITE_TMPFILE is appropriate on a Windows system when the installation's real memory plus swap space is insufficient for archived records.

    Restriction: This option does not support record groups. [It supports only data blocks.] If this option is specified, record groups are maintained using pre-release-12 technology, as occurs when FORMS_RECMGR_USED_FOR_RECGRPS is set to FALSE. If a form contains a record group whose effective record size (excluding LONG columns) exceeds 64Kb, a fatal error is reported when the form is loaded.

Default: MAP_SWAP

Related topics: There are other environment variables which can affect the behavior of the record manager.

  • When FORMS_RECMGR_ARCHIVE is set to MAP_SWAP or MAP_TMPFILE, the following are relevant:

In addition, there are other environment variables which can affect the performance of the record manager. These are intended for users with critical performance requirements. Most users can simply use the default values.

  • When FORMS_RECMGR_ARCHIVE is set to MAP_SWAP or MAP_TMPFILE, refer to:
  • When FORMS_RECMGR_ARCHIVE is set to WRITE_TMPFILE, the following are relevant:

This environment variable is applicable only when FORMS_RECMGR_ARCHIVE is set to MAP_SWAP or MAP_TMPFILE. It specifies a threshold on the number of bytes in all O/S pages containing archived record segments. When the number of bytes exceeds the threshold, creation of records (for insert, query, or backup) will fail, at least until the next CLEAR_BLOCK operation (at which point creation of records will be allowed again if the number of bytes has fallen below the threshold). Smaller values will reduce the likelihood of the system encountering an out-of-memory condition, and will also reduce the likelihood of a Forms application being selected as the process to be terminated when such a condition does occur. The memory usage reported by message FRM-91992 may help to determine a reasonable value for this environment variable. It shouldn't be set to a value that would cause many Forms applications to exceed the threshold. [But bear in mind that some applications might be using more than their fair share, due for example, to omitting a WHERE clause from a large query.] Note that FRM-91992 will appear only if the log level (appended to the serverURL configuration parameter) is set to /sessionperf, /perf, or /debug.

Valid values: Integers in the range 64K-2T. The specified value will be truncated to a multiple of the O/S page size.

Default: 4G


This environment variable is applicable only when FORMS_RECMGR_ARCHIVEis set to MAP_SWAP or MAP_TMPFILE. It's intended for users with critical performance requirements. Most users can simply use the default value. When FORMS_RECMGR_ARCHIVE is set to MAP_SWAP or MAP_TMPFILE, the record manager allocates virtual memory for a data block or record group in large blocks, from which space for archived records is suballocated. This environment variable specifies the size of such blocks. Larger values reduce CPU usage (because there are fewer system calls to allocate or free large blocks of memory) but consume more memory, at least in the case where FORMS_RECMGR_RESERVE_SPACE is set to TRUE. When FORMS_RECMGR_RESERVE_SPACE is set to FALSE, the additional memory consumed by larger values is very small, because real memory won't be allocated until data is written to a page, and disk space won't actually be reserved until a page is flushed to disk. Very large values might require some additional real memory for second or third-level page tables. Very large values also increase the likelihood of hitting per-process limits on the size of the data segment.

Valid values: Integers in the range 32K-512K if FORMS_RECMGR_RESERVE_SPACE is set to TRUE, or 128K-2G if it's set to FALSE. The specified value will be truncated to a multiple of the O/S page size.

Default: 64K if FORMS_RECMGR_RESERVE_SPACE is set to TRUE, or 2M if it's set to FALSE


This environment variable is applicable only when FORMS_RECMGR_ARCHIVE is set to WRITE_TMPFILE. It specifies the maximum size, in bytes, of the record manager backing file. If creation of a record (for insert, query, or backup) would cause this limit be exceeded, the operation will fail. Other operations that would cause this limit be exceeded will succeed, but the archived record (or portions of it) will be kept in main memory until disk space becomes available. The memory usage reported by message FRM-91992 may help to determine a reasonable value for this environment variable. It shouldn't be set to a value that would cause many Forms applications to exceed the maximum size. [But bear in mind that some applications might be using more than their fair share, due for example, to omitting a WHERE clause from a large query.] Note that FRM-91992 will appear only if the log level (appended to the serverURL configuration parameter) is set to /sessionperf, /perf, or /debug.

Valid values: Must be at least the segment size specified by FORMS_RECMGR_SEGMENT_SIZE and must not exceed 2T (or 1T if the temporary file system page size is 512). The specified value will be truncated to a multiple of the temporary file system page size.

Default: 4G


This environment variable is applicable only when FORMS_RECMGR_ARCHIVE is set to MAP_SWAP or MAP_TMPFILE, and FORMS_RECMGR_USED_FOR_RECGRPS is set to TRUE, and log level (appended to the serverURL configuration parameter) is /sessionperf, /perf, or /debug. It's intended for users with critical performance requirements. Most users won't need to set this environment variable. It specifies whether to report record group memory usage, with and without the record manager. A value of TRUE (if applicable) specifies that at the end of the Forms session, a diagnostic message (FRM-91994) will display record group memory usage statistics, as of the time of the overall maximum archived memory usage. These statistics will show the memory used for archived records and the approximate memory required for active records and additional control information, both the actual usage (using the record manager), and what memory usage would have been if FORMS_RECMGR_USED_FOR_RECGRPS were set to FALSE. Note that the additional CPU time required to produce these statistics may be non-negligible.

Default: FALSE


This environment variable is applicable only when FORMS_RECMGR_ARCHIVE is set to MAP_SWAP or MAP_TMPFILE. If applicable, it specifies whether space should be reserved when the record manager allocates a large block of memory.

  • A value of TRUE specifies that when the record manager allocates a large block of virtual memory for a data block or record group (from which space for archived records will be suballocated), swap space or temporary file system space will be reserved for the entire large block.

    Specifying TRUE reduces the likelihood of a Forms application being killed without warning if the system runs out of memory. When swap space or temporary file system space is inadequate, memory allocations will fail, but the Forms application will respond gracefully: record creation (for insert, query, or backup) will be disallowed (at least until the next time a data block or record group is cleared), and the end user will have the opportunity to commit changes to the database. The downside of specifying TRUE is that disk space will be wasted: the Forms application may wind up never using all the reserved disk space (and even if it does, it won't use most of it right away). So subsequent memory allocations (requested by the Forms application or by other processes) may fail needlessly. This downside may be mitigated to a certain extent by specifying a small value for FORMS_RECMGR_BLOCK_SIZE, but smaller values increase CPU usage.

  • A value of FALSE specifies that space or temporary file system space typically won't be reserved until a page within a large block needs to be flushed to disk. Specifying FALSE makes better use of system resources, and memory allocations will almost never fail. However, a Forms application could potentially get killed without warning if the system runs out of memory. This should typically be rare, especially if a reasonable value is specified for FORMS_RECMGR_ARCHIVE_THRESHOLD.

The FORMS_RECMGR_RESERVE_SPACE environment variable is ignored when FORMS_RECMGR_ARCHIVE is set to WRITE_TMPFILE. In that case, most file systems will reserve disk space when the record manager writes an archived record (even though the file system may defer flushing the page(s) that contain the record to disk).

Default: FALSE (if supported: see restrictions that follow)


    • On Windows systems, only TRUE is supported.
    • On Linux systems, only FALSE is supported, unless /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory is set to 2, in which case both FALSE and TRUE are supported.
    • On AIX systems, whether memory is reserved for each memory allocation request is specified on a per-process basis by the PSALLOC environment variable (which defaults to late). A value of early requests that swap space be reserved when memory is allocated. In this case, the only supported value for FORMS_RECMGR_RESERVE_SPACE is TRUE. Otherwise, the only supported value is FALSE.
  • When FORMS_RECMGR_ARCHIVE is set to MAP_TMPFILE, all file systems support FALSE, but many file systems do not support TRUE, or support it only very inefficiently (by writing zeros to each reserved page). Modern extent-based file systems, such as ext4, btrfs, and xfs on Linux, support efficient preallocation of disk space. A value of TRUE is not recommended for any other file system.


    Future releases of Forms may choose to disallow a value of TRUE for certain file systems which currently allow it, but which support it only very inefficiently.

This environment variable is applicable only when FORMS_RECMGR_ARCHIVE is set to WRITE_TMPFILE. It's intended for users with critical performance requirements. Most users can simply use the default value. It specifies the time interval, in milliseconds, during which Forms will not attempt writes to the record manager backing file, beyond the highest disk address to which a write has been attempted, after having encountered an out of disk space error on a write. [The assumption is that disk space has probably not been freed by other processes during this interval.] After this interval has expired, Forms will resume attempting writes to all disk addresses, unless the out of disk space error was hard, that is it's guaranteed to recur on all subsequent write attempts at or beyond the address that encountered the error. [An example on Unix systems is a write that would exceed the process file size limit.] A value of 0 indicates that Forms will never suppress write attempts after a soft out of disk space error. Note that on Windows, the available timer may have a resolution considerably coarser than a millisecond (for example, 10-16 milliseconds), so the value specified for this environment variable is only approximate.

Valid values: A non-negative integer < 4G.

Default: 2000


This environment variable is applicable only when FORMS_RECMGR_ARCHIVE is set to WRITE_TMPFILE. It's intended for users with critical performance requirements. Most users can simply use the default value. It specifies the maximum segment size, in bytes. The record manager will split flattened images that exceed this size into multiple segments. A value larger than the default will typically reduce the number of I/O events in an application that manipulates images, at the cost of increased temporary file system usage.

Valid values: Powers of 2 no smaller than the temporary file system page size (or 16K, if the temporary file system page size exceeds that), and no larger than 1M.

Default: 64K


This environment variable is applicable only when FORMS_RECMGR_ARCHIVE is set to WRITE_TMPFILE. It's intended for users with critical performance requirements. Most users can simply use the default value. It specifies the total number of entries in the free segment pool. This is a pool of 4-byte disk addresses (expressed as page numbers) that are available for writing maximum-sized segments. A value of 1 is recommended for an application that contains no image items and no data blocks whose record size exceeds the maximum segment size (as specified by FORMS_RECMGR_SEGMENT_SIZE). For an application that contains image items or data blocks with very large records, the number of entries in the pool should be large enough to smooth out most of the peaks and valleys in the number of maximum-sized segments that are made available and subsequently reused during record navigation within a data block, because reusing these segments improves performance. A good rule of thumb is to analyze each data block that contains image items and/or very large records in order to determine an adequate pool size for that data block, and then take the maximum over all data blocks. To determine the adequate pool size for a particular data block:

  1. Determine an approximate floor and ceiling on the number of maximum-sized segments required for a record. [It's acceptable for 5%-10% of the records to fall outside these bounds.]
  2. Subtract the floor from the ceiling, and multiply by the maximum number of active records for the data block, as specified by the FORMS_RECMGR_ACTIVE_RECS_RATIO and FORMS_RECMGR_ACTIVE_RECS_DELTA environment variables, or by the data block's Number of Records Buffered property.

Valid values: 1-1024.

Default: 256


This environment variable is applicable only when FORMS_RECMGR_ARCHIVE is set to MAP_SWAP or MAP_TMPFILE. It's intended for users with critical performance requirements. Most users can simply use the default value. FORMS_RECMGR_SLACK_RATIO and FORMS_RECMGR_SLACK_MAX together specify the maximum number of slack bytes in each data block (or record group). See FORMS_RECMGR_SLACK_RATIO for details.

Valid values: Integers in the range 0-64K.

Default: 8K


This environment variable is applicable only when FORMS_RECMGR_ARCHIVE is set to MAP_SWAP or MAP_TMPFILE. It's intended for users with critical performance requirements. Most users can simply use the default value. While a data block (or record group) is being populated (for example, by a query), archived records are laid out sequentially in large blocks of memory, with no gaps (free regions). If the Forms application subsequently chooses to navigate through the records in the data block, the record manager will typically maintain a varying amount of slack (free regions interspersed between archived records), as part of its strategy to minimize fragmentation and improve locality of reference. [If the application navigates forward sequentially, there will typically be a single free region that moves forward through the large blocks of memory, varying in size when the records vary in size.] FORMS_RECMGR_SLACK_RATIO and FORMS_RECMGR_SLACK_MAX together specify the maximum number of slack bytes in each data block (or record group). A data block's maximum slack is FORMS_RECMGR_SLACK_RATIO times the average size of the data block's archived records, not exceeding FORMS_RECMGR_SLACK_MAX. The default values for these environment variables will usually produce near-optimal behavior. When a Forms application contains data blocks which exhibit extreme variations in record size, specifying larger values for these environment variables might reduce fragmentation and improve locality of reference. Larger values should not be specified if they cause a significant increase in memory used for archived records, as reported in the FRM-91992 message written at the end of the Forms session if the log level (appended to the serverURL configuration parameter) is /sessionperf, /perf, or /debug. Conversely, when the data blocks in a Forms application all exhibit small variations in size, specifying smaller values for these environment variables might reduce memory usage without significantly increasing fragmentation or reducing locality of reference. Smaller values should not be specified unless they cause a significant decrease in memory used for archived records.

Valid values: 0-32.0. Fractional values are allowed.

Default: 8.0


This environment variable is applicable only when FORMS_RECMGR_ARCHIVE is set to WRITE_TMPFILE. It's intended for users with critical performance requirements. Most users can simply use the default value. It specifies the approximate density of the backing file. The value indicates the maximum allowable size of the file at any given time, relative to the minimum possible size (roughly the size of all pages currently in use).

The valid values (0-7) have the following meanings:

  • 0: File can grow to twice as large as the minimum
  • 1: File can grow 1/2 larger than the minimum
  • 2: File can grow 1/4 larger than the minimum
  • 3: File can grow 1/8 larger than the minimum
  • 4: File can grow 1/16 larger than the minimum
  • 5: File can grow 1/32 larger than the minimum
  • 6: File can grow 1/64 larger than the minimum
  • 7: File can grow 1/128 larger than the minimum

Values smaller than the default may reduce CPU time, at the cost of increased temporary file system usage. Conversely, larger values may reduce temporary file system usage, at the cost of increased CPU time.

Default: 4


This environment variable is applicable only when FORMS_RECMGR_ARCHIVE is set to MAP_TMPFILE. It's intended for users with critical performance requirements. Most users can simply use the default value. When FORMS_RECMGR_ARCHIVE is set to MAP_TMPFILE, the record manager needs an open temporary file for each data block or record group that currently contains archived records. It maintains a pool of open temporary files, whose size is specified by this environment variable. When the record manager needs a temporary file, it will take one from the pool unless the pool is empty, in which case it will create a temporary file. When a data block or record group is cleared, the temporary file will be truncated to zero length and added to the pool unless the pool is full, in which case the temporary file will be deleted. Larger values reduce CPU usage (because there are fewer system calls to create, open, close, and delete temporary files) but will typically increase the peak number of concurrently open files.

Valid values: 0-256.

Default: 16


This environment variable is applicable only when FORMS_RECMGR_ARCHIVE is set to MAP_SWAP or MAP_TMPFILE. It's intended for users with critical performance requirements. Most users can simply use the default value. If applicable, it specifies whether the record manager will be used for all record groups.

A value of FALSE specifies that the record manager will not be used for record groups whose effective record size (excluding LONG columns) is less than 64Kb; instead, the pre-release-12 technology will be used. Specifying FALSE will reduce CPU usage, and may reduce memory usage when the number of records in a record group is small. Note that a value of FALSE is likely to increase memory usage significantly when the number of records in a record group is large (by roughly the ratio of maximum to average cell data value size, although typically less when a record group contains a LONG column). You can compare record group memory usage with and without the record manager. See FORMS_RECMGR_REPORT_RECGRP_MEM for details. When FORMS_RECMGR_ARCHIVE is set to MAP_SWAP or MAP_TMPFILE, the record manager is always used for record groups whose effective record size exceeds 64Kb.

This environment variable is ignored when FORMS_RECMGR_ARCHIVE is set to WRITE_TMPFILE. In that case, the record manager is never used for record groups. If a form contains a record group whose effective record size exceeds 64Kb, a fatal error is reported when the form is loaded.

Default: TRUE


The maximum number of records to be fetched from any record group (including those used by LOVs). Reaching this limit is treated essentially like end of query, although it may affect completion messages displayed in, for example, LOVs. A value of 0 indicates no limit.

Default: 0 (no limit)


Specifies a range of ports (min and max port numbers, separated by a hyphen), or a single port, via which Oracle Forms will attempt to connect to a remote Forms debugger. A value of 0 (or an invalid value) will cause a port to be automatically allocated. Specifying a non-zero value may be appropriate when the remote debugger is sitting behind a firewall and only a limited number of ports should be opened.

Default: 0


Specifies whether arbitrary SQL expressions are disallowed in enter-query mode. When a value of TRUE is specified, Oracle Forms limits the types of query criteria that can be entered when in Enter-Query mode. In general, it disallows the use of:

  • Conjunctions (AND, OR) keywords which modify parts of the SELECT statement outside of the WHERE clause (ORDER BY)
  • All functions, including SQL functions (LENGTH, TO_CHAR, LPAD, SUBSTR)
  • Query/Where window

Specify a value of FALSE (or remove the specification in default.env) for end-users who need access to the query-where functionality which potentially allows them to enter arbitrary SQL statements when in enter-query mode. Note, however, that this may be deemed a security exposure.

Value specified in the default.env file that is shipped with the Forms product: TRUE.

Default if unspecified: FALSE.


Specifies whether the Forms server will send the name of the form module to the client for each window that is created in the form. Specifying a value of TRUE will help to enhance the Oracle Real User Experience Insight (RUEI) user experience, by enabling RUEI to easily associate a particular window and its contents with a particular form.

Default: FALSE


Specifies whether or not the text in a field should be selected when using the mouse to enter the field.

Default: FALSE


Specifies whether or not to display the Create Report dialog when creating a new report object in the Object Navigator. Setting to TRUE (1) will cause the dialog to be displayed. Setting to FALSE (0) or unset will prevent the dialog from appearing.

Default: FALSE


Specifies whether to suppress a core dump (or a stack trace) if an operating system exception occurs while Forms is already processing a previous operating system exception in the runtime process. Normally, this environment variable should be set to FALSE (the default), because the core dump or stack trace may provide useful diagnostic information, but setting it to TRUE may be necessary if an excessive number of core dump files are being produced.

Default: FALSE


Specifies whether another form can service a system event when the current form doesn't have a subscription to the event. If set to TRUE, the behavior depends on whether a form has been designated as the master system event form (via SET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY (MASTER_SYSTEM_EVENT_FORM, form_id.id)). If so, it will service the event if it has a subscription to it. If not, the first opened form that has a subscription to the event (if there is such a form) will service the event.

Default: FALSE


Specifies the elapsed time, in minutes, before the runtime process is terminated if there has been no communication from the client.


The value of FORMS_TIMEOUT should always be greater that the value of the applet parameter, heartBeat. Setting it to less than the heartBeat value will cause an improper termination of the user's running session. Terminating the running form in this manner can result in the user session becoming unresponsive. See heartBeat in Web Configuration Parameters.

Valid values: Integers in the range 3-1440 (up to 1 day). Values of 1 and 2 are treated like 3, and values > 1440 are treated like 1440.

Default: 15


Specifies the location (directory) of dump files produced as the result of a crash of any of the Forms runtime executables. The dump files contain diagnostic information about events at the time the process crashed. Also specifies the directory which will contain files produced when tracing is enabled.

Default for Unix:

  • For dump files, and trace files produced when record=forms is specified as a runform parameter: $DOMAIN_HOME/system_component/FORMS/$FORMS_INSTANCE_NAME/trace.
  • For other sorts of trace files: $DOMAIN_HOME/system_component/FORMS/$FORMS_INSTANCE_NAME/log.


    The value of $DOMAIN_HOME is typically a subdirectory of ORACLE_HOME, for example $ORACLE_HOME/user_projects/domains/base_domain. The value of $FORMS_INSTANCE_NAME is typically something like forms1.

Default for Windows:

  • For dump files, and trace files produced when record=forms is specified as a runform parameter: %DOMAIN_HOME%/system_component/FORMS/%FORMS_INSTANCE_NAME%/trace.
  • For other sorts of trace files: %DOMAIN_HOME%/system_component/FORMS/%FORMS_INSTANCE_NAME%/log.


    The value of %DOMAIN_HOME% is typically a subdirectory of %ORACLE_HOME%\user_projects\domains\base_domain. The value of %FORMS_INSTANCE_NAME% is typically something like forms1.

Specifies whether a USE_CONCAT optimizer hint should be added to queries into data blocks whose WHERE clause contains a reference to an item whose Case Insensitive Query property is TRUE.

Default: FALSE


The full paths of shared object files (Unix) or DLL files (Windows) containing foreign functions that can be invoked from a user exit.

Example (Windows): FORMS_USEREXITS=C:/mathlib/add.dll;C:/mathlib/mult.dll


Specifies if the logon user name should be case sensitive or not.

Default: 0


Specifies the elapsed time, in minutes, before the runtime process is terminated if there has been no communication from the client while a JavaScript function or expression is being evaluated through Jetty websocket. Valid values: Integers in the range 0-1440 (up to 1 day). Values less than or equal to the value of FORMS_TIMEOUT are treated like the value of FORMS_TIMEOUT, and values > 1440 are treated like 1440. Specifying a value larger than the value of FORMS_TIMEOUT may be necessary if Jetty websocket is being used to evaluate a JavaScript function or expression, because heartbeats will be blocked during the evaluation.

Default: 0

LD_LIBRARY_PATH Runtime, Builder

Unix system environment variable. Specifies the directories which will be searched for shared objects dynamically linked by Oracle Forms and Reports.

Required on Unix platforms.


Unix system environment variable. Specifies shared objects which will be preloaded (loaded before all other shared objects). Oracle Forms and Reports require that libjsig.so be preloaded, to support the signal-chaining facility offered by JVM 1.5 and above.

Required on Unix platforms.


If there are multiple environment files, ensure that LD_PRELOAD has the same settings as in default.env.
MM_USE_TIF_G4 Runtime  
ORA_CLIENTTRACE_DIR   Specifies where the middle-tier interface to the Oracle RDBMS will write trace files.
ORACLE_HOME Runtime, Builder, Compiler, JDAPI

The base installation directory for Oracle products.


ORACLE_PATH Runtime, Builder, Compiler, JDAPI

FORMS_PATH and ORACLE_PATH specify the directories that Oracle Forms searches when looking for a form (fmx file), menu (mmx file) to run, or for a PL/SQL library (pll or plx file) to attach, when the file does not specify a path. The directories specified by FORMS_PATH are searched before the directories specified by ORACLE_PATH. ORACLE_PATH is also used by other Oracle products in addition to Oracle Forms.


PATH Runtime, Builder

System environment variable. Specifies the directories that contain the binary executables for Oracle products.



Specifies the name of the Reports Cluster and Server, for example: REPORTS_SERVERMAP=myrep_cluster:myrep_server1

Similar should be set on each node, instead setting the rep_server name to the name of the server on that host, for example, myrep_cluster:myrep_server2.

The appropriate must also be set in the Reports rwservlet.properties file of each host. An example entry might look like this: <reports_servermap>myrep_cluster:myrep_server1</reports_servermap>

TK2_HIDE_EDITOR_LINE_NUMBER Builder Specifies whether to show line numbers in the PL/SQL Editor in the Builder when on Microsoft Windows.
TNS_ADMIN Runtime, Builder, Compiler, JDAPI

The directory containing TNS files such as tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora.


UI_ICON Builder

Specifies the physical path of the location where icons and images are stored. Only one directory path can be specified. This is used by the Builder only for the purpose of displaying icons in the Builder Layout Editor. It has no impact on runtime.

Images must reside on the file system and cannot be contained in a zip or jar file. Some image formats are not supported for display in the Builder. Unsupported formats may appear black or not displayed at all.

UI_ICON_EXTENSION Builder Specifies the default image file extension to use if one is not provided in the Builder. If no value is provided, the platform default will be used, which is ICO for Microsoft Windows and XPM for Unix/Linux.
WEBUTIL_CONFIG Runtime The full path of the WebUtil default configuration file.