Configuration Files

The table in this section lists the default locations of Forms configuration files on UNIX. The location of these files in Windows is similar. Samples and usage of specific Forms configuration files is also provided.


Where indicated, the location of files are given relative to the DOMAIN_HOME directory. Forward slashes should be replaced by back slashes on Windows. For information about terminology used such as Middleware home, Oracle home, Oracle instance, and so on, see Starting and Stopping Oracle Fusion Middleware in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Table -61 List of Files and their Locations in Release

File Name Location in this Release Description



formsweb.cfg is used to set applet and servlet parameters used at runtime. Applet parameters in this configuration file are defined in the Forms template files located in $FORMS_INSTANCE/server. To edit the files, see Configuring Forms Services.



default.env is used to set environment variables used at runtime. To edit the files, see Managing Environment Variables.



When you generate the HTML page that is used to start an Oracle Forms application, base.htm is used as a template by the Forms servlet. To change the baseHTML file, create your own version and reference it from the formsweb.cfg file by changing the appropriate settings.



When you generate the HTML page that is used to start an Oracle Forms application, basejpi.htm is used as a template by the Forms servlet. To change the baseHTML file, create your own version and reference it from the formsweb.cfg file by changing the appropriate settings.



This is the default baseHTML file for running a WebUtil enabled form using a generic APPLET tag.



This is the default baseHTML file for running a WebUtil enabled form using the Java Plugin. For example, this file can be used when running a WebUtil enabled form with Firefox on UNIX.



ftrace.cfg file is used to configure the various configure parameters used for diagnostics, see Enable and Configure Forms Trace. It is located at $FORMS_INSTANCE/server/.



For more information, see web.xml.



weblogic.xml is the web application deployment descriptor file. This file is located at $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/WLS_FORMS/tmp/_WL_user/formsapp_12.2.1/<random_string>/war/WEB-INF.



forms.conf is the Oracle HTTP listener configuration file for Oracle Forms Services. It includes Forms Services related directives, like Forms WebLogic Managed Server handler mappings.

To configure Oracle HTTP Server for use with Oracle Forms, see:



A Forms application can be configured to use a specific JVM controller using the jvmcontroller parameter. This parameter is specified in formsweb.cfg. The parameters that are used by the JVM controller are specified in the JVM controller's configuration file, jvmcontrollers.cfg, see Managing JVM Pooling from Fusion Middleware Control.



webutil.cfg file is one of the files used to configure WebUtil at run time. This file provides all of the configuration settings for WebUtil, including:

  • Logging Options

  • Installation Options

  • File Upload and Download Options

  • Server Side Logging Options for logging errors and log messages



Registry.dat enables you to change the default font, font mappings, and icons that Forms Services uses. For more information, see Deploying Fonts, Icons, and Images Used by Forms Services.



When you generate the JNLP that is used to start an Oracle Forms application with Java Web Start, base.jnlp is used as a template by the Forms servlet. To change the template file, create your own version and reference it from the formsweb.cfg file by changing the appropriate settings.



When you generate the HTML page that is used to start an Oracle Forms application, basejpi_jnlp.htm is used as a template by the Forms servlet. To change the template file, create your own version and reference it from the formsweb.cfg file by changing the appropriate settings.



When you generate the text page that is used to start an Oracle Forms application running with Forms Standalone Launcher, basesaa.txt is used as a template by the Forms servlet. To change the template file, create your own version and reference it from the formsweb.cfg file by changing the appropriate settings.



This is the default basejnlp file for running a WebUtil enabled form with Java Web Start or Enbedded JNLP.



This is the default basesaa file for running a WebUtil enabled form with the Forms Standalone Launcher (FSAL).



extensions.jnlp is used when configured to run applications using Java Web Start. When using Java Web Start, any Java JAR files other than frmall.jar or frmwebutil.jar must be listed in this file. Example syntax for adding entries is included within the file. This file is not managed by Fusion Middleware Control and therefore must be manually edited in a text editor. Changes to this file will require the restarting of the Forms Managed Server.


The web.xml file is the web application deployment descriptor file for forms Java EE application. This file is located at $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/WLS_FORMS/tmp/_WL_user/formsapp_12.2.1/<random_string>/war/WEB-INF/. Advanced users might want to edit the web.xml file to:

  • Run Oracle Forms using static HTML pages (rather than the Forms servlet).

    When Oracle Forms applications are run using a method other than the Forms servlet (for example, static HTML pages or JSPs), parameter settings in the formsweb.cfg file are not used. You may therefore need to define servlet parameters for the Listener Servlet, such as envFile (specifying the current FORMS_PATH for the Forms runtime processes and other application specific environment settings to be used).

    Such changes can be inserted into web.xml or plan.xml. See Modifying of Forms J2EE Application Deployment Descriptors.

    The following table describes two servlet mappings.

    Table -62 web.xml Servlet Mappings

    URL Path Type Maps to Purpose


    Servlet mount point

    Forms servlet

    Generate HTML page to run a form


    Servlet mount point

    Forms Listener servlet

    Handles message traffic from the Forms applet