Element: <oj-file-picker>

Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)


DOM Interface: FilePickerElement

  • 15.1.0
  • 4.0.0
Apply to a custom file picker if the entire dropzone is replaced with another clickable element like button or menu item. Note that the oj-filepicker-custom class doesn't have to be specified in order to change the dropzone text.
Apply to the dropzone of the file picker.
Apply to the dropzone text of the file picker.

CSS Variables

See JET CSS Variables for additional details.
Name Type Description
--oj-file-picker-border-color <color> File picker border color
--oj-file-picker-border-width <length> File picker border width
--oj-file-picker-border-radius <length> | <percentage> File picker border radius