Element: <oj-swipe-actions>

Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)


DOM Interface: SwipeActionsElement

  • 15.1.0
  • 5.1.0
Designed for use with item in oj-list-view that contains the oj-swipe-actions element, specifically this will remove the padding around the content of the item so that the swipe actions can take the full height.
Is applied to the root of each item in oj-list-view containing the oj-swipe-actions element.

Category: Swipe Action Items

Designed to tag swipe action items within an oj-list-view.

Class template:


Note: Square brackets signify required token substitutions whereas parentheses signify optional token substitutions.

Values for [swipe-option]

Value (required) Name Description
neutral Show more available actions Designed for use with an action item that shows more available actions that users can perform.
attention Tag the associated item Designed for use with an action item that tags the associated item in oj-list-view
danger Perform an explicit action Designed for use with an action item that performs an explicit action like deleting the associated item in oj-list-view.
default Default action Designed for use with an action item that should get all the space when user swipes pass the threshold distance. This is usually the last item within the template