Element: <oj-form-layout>

Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)


DOM Interface: FormLayoutElement

  • 15.0.0
  • 4.1.0
In Redwood by default a form layout has a max width, add this class if you'd like to opt out and have the form layout to stretch the full width.
<oj-form-layout class="oj-formlayout-full-width">

CSS Variables

See JET CSS Variables for additional details.
Name Type Description
--oj-form-layout-margin-bottom <length> Bottom margin of each row in a form layout
--oj-form-layout-column-min-width <length> Form layout column min width
--oj-form-layout-column-max-width <length> Form layout column max width
--oj-form-layout-start-edge-column-min-width <length> Form layout column min width when label-edge is set to start
--oj-form-layout-start-edge-column-max-width <length> Form layout column max width when label-edge is set to start
--oj-form-layout-column-gutter <length> Gutter between form layout columns
--oj-form-layout-top-edge-label-to-value-padding <length> Vertical padding between the label and value when label-edge is set to top in a form layout
--oj-form-layout-start-edge-label-text-align start | end Label text align when label-edge is set to start in a form layout
--oj-form-layout-start-edge-value-text-align start | end Value text align when label-edge is set to start in a form layout
--oj-form-layout-start-edge-label-to-value-padding <length> Horizontal padding between the label and value when label-edge is set to start in a form layout
--oj-form-layout-horizontal-margin <length> Form layout horizontal margin
--oj-form-layout-divider-width <length> Form layout divider width
--oj-form-layout-divider-margin <length> Form layout divider margin