Element: <oj-status-meter-gauge>

Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)


DOM Interface: StatusMeterGaugeElement

  • 15.0.0
  • 0.7.0

CSS Variables

See JET CSS Variables for additional details.
Name Type Description
----oj-gauge-metric-label-font-weight <font_weight> Font weight for metric label.
Horizontal and Vertical Status Meter Gauge Size
Name Type Description
--oj-statusmeter-gauge-bar-sm-size <length> Vertical and horizontal status meter gauge small size
--oj-statusmeter-gauge-bar-md-size <length> Vertical and horizontal status meter gauge medium size
--oj-statusmeter-gauge-bar-lg-size <length> Vertical and horizontal status meter gauge large size
Circular Status Meter Gauge Size
Name Type Description
--oj-statusmeter-gauge-circular-sm-size <length> Circular status meter gauge small size
--oj-statusmeter-gauge-circular-md-size <length> Circular status meter gauge medium size
--oj-statusmeter-gauge-circular-lg-size <length> Circular status meter gauge large size
Plot Area
Name Type Description
----oj-statusmeter-gauge-bar-plotarea-border-color <color> Border color for plot area in vertical and horizontal status meter gauges.
----oj-statusmeter-gauge-bar-plotarea-color <color> Color for plot area in vertical and horizontal status meter gauges.