interface AttributeExprFilterDef<D>
Generic Parameters
Parameter Description D Type of Data
Typescript Import Format
//To use this interface, import as below.
import {AttributeExprFilterDef} from "ojs/ojdataprovider";
For additional information visit:
The interface for AttributeExprFilterDef
attribute :AttributeFilterDef.AttributeExpression|string
Property which contains an expression specifies which attribute to filter on.
- Since:
- 8.0.0
Attribute filter definition which filters on DepartmentId value 10
{op: '$eq', attribute: 'DepartmentId', value: 10}
op :AttributeFilterDef.AttributeOperator
Operator to apply for the filter. Valid operators defined in the AttributeFilterOperator union type are the strings:
- $co The entire operator value must be a substring of the attribute value for a match.
- $eq The attribute and operator values must be identical for a match.
- $ew The entire operator value must be a substring of the attribute value matching at the end of the attribute value. This criterion is satisfied if the two strings are identical.
- $pr If the attribute has a non-empty or non-null value, or if it contains a non-empty node for complex attributes, there is a match.
- $gt If the attribute value is greater than the operator value, there is a match.
- $ge If the attribute value is greater than or equal to the operator value, there is a match.
- $lt If the attribute value is less than the operator value, there is a match.
- $le If the attribute value is less than or equal to the operator value, there is a match.
- $ne The attribute and operator values are not identical.
- $regex If the attribute value satisfies the regular expression, there is a match.
- $sw The entire operator value must be a substring of the attribute value, starting at the beginning of the attribute value. This criterion is satisfied if the two strings are identical.
- Since:
- 8.0.0
value :any
Specifies the value to filter for.
- Since:
- 8.0.0
Filter definition which filters on DepartmentId value 10
{op: '$eq', attribute: 'DepartmentId', value: 10}