interface CInputSensitiveTextElement<V extends string = string>
Generic Parameters
Parameter Description V Type of the value
Typescript Import Format
//To typecheck the element APIs, import as below.
import { CInputSensitiveTextElement } from "oj-c/input-sensitive-text";
//For the transpiled javascript to load the element's module, import as below
import "oj-c/input-sensitive-text";
For additional information visit:
Note: Application logic should not interact with the component's properties or invoke its methods until the BusyContext indicates that the component is ready for interaction.
Global Attributes
Note: In addition to the component's custom attributes, the following global attributes are also supported by this component (note the differences in data binding syntax between component and global attributes described here)
autofocus :boolean
Autofocus is a Boolean that reflects the autofocus attribute. If it is set to true then the associated component will get input focus when the page is loaded. Setting this property doesn't set the focus to the component: it tells the browser to focus to it when the element is inserted in the document.
Item Name Property autofocus
Property change event autofocusChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-autofocus-changed
clear-icon :"always"|"never"|"conditional"
Specifies if an icon to clear the input field should be visible.
- Default Value:
Supported Values:
Value Description always
The clear icon will always be shown. conditional
The clear icon is visible under the following conditions: if the component has a non-empty value, and it either has focus or the mouse is over the field. never
The clear icon will never be shown (default, if unspecified). Names
Item Name Property clearIcon
Property change event clearIconChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-clear-icon-changed
column-span :number
Specifies how many columns this component should span. This only takes effect when this component is a child of a form layout that has direction 'row'.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property columnSpan
Property change event columnSpanChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-column-span-changed
container-readonly :boolean
Specifies whether an ancestor container, like oj-c-form-layout, is readonly. This affects whether a readonly component renders in full or mixed readonly mode.
Item Name Property containerReadonly
Property change event containerReadonlyChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-container-readonly-changed
disabled :boolean
Whether the component is disabled. The default is false.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property disabled
Property change event disabledChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-disabled-changed
display-options :oj-c.InputSensitiveText.DisplayOptionsProps
Display options for auxiliary content that determines whether or not it should be displayed.
Item Name Property displayOptions
Property change event displayOptionsChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-display-options-changed
help :oj-c.InputSensitiveText.Help
Form component help information.
Item Name Property help
Property change event helpChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-help-changed
help-hints :oj-c.InputSensitiveText.HelpHints
The helpHints object contains a definition property and a source property.
Item Name Property helpHints
Property change event helpHintsChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-help-hints-changed
label-edge :"inside"|"none"|"start"|"top"
Specifies how the label of the component is positioned when the label-hint attribute is set on the component.
Supported Values:
Value Description inside
The label floats over the input element, but moves up on focus or when the component has a value (default, if unspecified). none
The component will not create a label, but instead set the aria-label property on the input element. start
The label will be placed before the start of the component. top
The label will be placed on top of the component. Names
Item Name Property labelEdge
Property change event labelEdgeChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-label-edge-changed
label-hint* :string
Represents a hint for rendering a label on the component. This is used in combination with the label-edge attribute to control how the label should be rendered.
Item Name Property labelHint
Property change event labelHintChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-label-hint*-changed
label-start-width :(number|string)
The width of the label when labelEdge is 'start'.
This attribute accepts values of type
0 | `--${string}` | `${number}%` | `${number}x` | `calc(${string})`
Item Name Property labelStartWidth
Property change event labelStartWidthChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-label-start-width-changed
label-wrapping :"truncate"|"wrap"
Should the labels wrap or truncate when there is not enough available space.
Supported Values:
Value Description truncate
Label will truncate if needed. wrap
Label will wrap if needed. Names
Item Name Property labelWrapping
Property change event labelWrappingChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-label-wrapping-changed
length :oj-c.InputSensitiveText.Length
Defines the length limit for the field
Item Name Property length
Property change event lengthChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-length-changed
mask-icon :"hidden"|"visible"
The user can click on the mask icon to toggle the visibility of the text. When the user leaves the field, the text is automatically masked. If "mask-icon" is set to "hidden", then the user has no way to toggle the visibility of the text. If the input is set to "readonly" and "mask-icon" is set to "visible", the user will still be able to see the icon and toggle the text if it's masked. However, if the input is set to "disabled , the icon will never be visible and the user has no way to toggle the visibility of the text.
- Default Value:
Supported Values:
Value Description hidden
The mask visibility icon is never visible. visible
The mask visibility icon is always visible. Names
Item Name Property maskIcon
Property change event maskIconChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-mask-icon-changed
mask-icon-label :string
The text used for the screen reader to describe the mask icon toggle.
Item Name Property maskIconLabel
Property change event maskIconLabelChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-mask-icon-label-changed
messages-custom :Array.<oj-c.InputSensitiveText.ComponentMessageItem>
List of messages an app would add to the component when it has business/custom validation errors that it wants the component to show. This allows the app to perform further validation before sending data to the server. When this option is set the message shows to the user right away. To clear the custom message, set
back to an empty array.
See the Validation and Messages section for details on when the component clears
; for example, when full validation is run.- Default Value:
- Supports writeback:
Item Name Property messagesCustom
Property change event messagesCustomChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-messages-custom-changed
placeholder :string
The placeholder text to set on the element.
Item Name Property placeholder
Property change event placeholderChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-placeholder-changed
(readonly) raw-value :string
is the read-only property for retrieving the current value from the input field in string form. The main consumer ofrawValue
is a converter.The
updates on the 'input' javascript event, so therawValue
changes as the value of the input is changed. If the user types in '1,200' into the field, the rawValue will be '1', then '1,', then '1,2', ..., and finally '1,200'. Then when the user blurs or presses Enter thevalue
property gets converted and validated (if there is a converter or validators) and then gets updated if valid.This is a read-only attribute so page authors cannot set or change it directly.
- Supports writeback:
Item Name Property rawValue
Property change event rawValueChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-raw-value-changed
readonly :boolean
Whether the component is readonly. The readonly property sets or returns whether an element is readonly, or not. A readonly element cannot be modified. However, a user can tab to it, highlight it, focus on it, and copy the text from it. If "readonly" is set to "true" and "mask-icon" is set to "visible", a user can still toggle the visibility of the sensitive text. If you want to prevent the user from interacting with the element, use the disabled property instead.
If the property value is not set either directly on the component or inherited from a parent form layout, then the property is treated as if its value were false.
Item Name Property readonly
Property change event readonlyChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-readonly-changed
required :boolean
This property set to
implies that a value is not required to be provided by the user. This is the default. This property set totrue
implies that a value is required to be provided by the user.In the Redwood theme, by default, a Required text is rendered inline when the field is empty. If user-assistance-density is 'compact', it will show on the label as an icon.
The Required error text is based on Redwood UX designs, and it is not recommended that it be changed. To override the required error message, use the
attribute. The component's label text is passed in as a token {label} and can be used in the message detail.When required is set to true, an implicit required validator is created, i.e.,
new RequiredValidator()
. The required validator is the only validator to run during initial render, and its error is not shown to the user at this time; this is called deferred validation. The required validator also runs during normal validation; this is when the errors are shown to the user. See the Validation and Messaging section for details.When the
property changes due to programmatic intervention, the component may clear component messages and run validation, based on the current state it's in.
Running Validation when required property changes
- if component is valid when required is set to true, then it runs deferred validation on the value property. If the field is empty, the valid state is invalidHidden. No errors are shown to the user.
- if component is invalid and has deferred messages (invalidHidden) when required is set to false, then component messages are cleared (messages-custom messages are not cleared) but no deferred validation is run because required is false.
- if component is invalid and currently showing invalid messages (invalidShown) when required is changed
to either true or false, then
component messages are cleared and normal validation is run using the current display value.
- if there are validation errors, then
property is not updated and the error is shown. - if no errors result from the validation, the
property is updated; page author can listen to thevalueChanged
event on the component to clear custom errors.
- if there are validation errors, then
Clearing Messages when required property changes
- Only messages created by the component, like validation messages, are cleared when the required property changes.
property is not cleared.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property required
Property change event requiredChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-required-changed
required-message-detail :string
The component-specific message detail when the required validation fails. If the component needs a required validation error message that is different from the default, set this property. It should be a translated string.
Item Name Property requiredMessageDetail
Property change event requiredMessageDetailChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-required-message-detail-changed
text-align :"start"|"end"|"right"
Specifies how the text is aligned within the text field
Supported Values:
Value Description end
Aligns text right when reading direction is ltr and left when reading direction is rtl. right
Aligns text right regardless of reading direction, often used for numbers. start
Aligns text left when reading direction is ltr and right when reading direction is rtl (default, if unspecified). Names
Item Name Property textAlign
Property change event textAlignChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-text-align-changed
user-assistance-density :"reflow"|"efficient"|"compact"
Specifies the density of the form component's user assistance presentation. It can be shown inline with reserved rows to prevent reflow if a user assistance text shows up, inline without reserved rows that would reflow if a user assistance text shows up, or it can be shown compactly in a popup instead.
If the property value is not set either directly on the component or inherited from a parent form layout, then the property is treated as if its value were "reflow".
Supported Values:
Value Description compact
Messages, help, hints, and required will not be shown inline; they will show in a mode that keeps the screen more compact, like a popup for the messages, and a required icon to indicate Required. efficient
Messages, help, hints, and required are all shown inline under the field with reserved space. reflow
Messages, help, hints, and required are all shown inline under the field with no reserved space. Names
Item Name Property userAssistanceDensity
Property change event userAssistanceDensityChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-user-assistance-density-changed
(readonly) valid :"valid"|"pending"|"invalidHidden"|"invalidShown"
The current valid state of the component. It is evaluated on initial render. It is re-evaluated
- after each validator (validators or async-validators) is run (full or deferred)
- when messagesCustom is updated, since messagesCustom can be added by the app developer any time.
- when showMessages() is called. Since showMessages() moves the hidden messages into messages shown, if the valid state was "invalidHidden" then it would become "invalidShown".
- when the required property has changed. If a component is empty and has required set, the valid state may be "invalidHidden" (if no invalid messages are being shown as well). If required property is removed, the valid state would change to "valid".
Note: New valid states may be added to the list of valid values in future releases. Any new values will start with "invalid" if it is an invalid state, "pending" if it is pending state, and "valid" if it is a valid state.
- Supports writeback:
Supported Values:
Value Description invalidHidden
The component has invalid messages hidden and no invalid messages showing. An invalid message is one with severity 'error'. invalidShown
The component has invalid messages showing. An invalid message is one with severity 'error'. pending
The component is waiting for the validation state to be determined. The 'pending' state is set at the start of the convert/validate process. valid
The component is valid Names
Item Name Property valid
Property change event validChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-valid-changed
validators :Array<AsyncValidator<V>|Validator<V>>|null
List of validators, synchronous or asynchronous, used by the component and the implicit component validators when performing validation. Each item is either an instance that duck types oj.Validator or oj.AsyncValidator.
Implicit validators are created by the element when certain attributes are present. For example, if the
attribute is set, an implicit oj.RequiredValidator is created. At runtime when the component runs validation, it combines all the implicit validators with all the validators specified through thisvalidators
attribute and theasync-validators
attribute, and runs all of them.Hints exposed by validators are shown inline by default in the Redwood theme when the field has focus. You can turn off showing validator hints by using the 'validatorHint' property set to 'none' on the
attribute.In the Redwood theme, only one hint shows at a time, so the precedence rules are: help.instruction shows; if no help.instruction then validator hints show; if none, then help-hints.definition shows; if none, then converter hint shows. help-hints.source always shows along with the other help or hint.
property changes due to programmatic intervention, the component may decide to clear messages and run validation, based on the current state it is in.
Steps Performed Always
- The cached list of validator instances are cleared and new validator hints is pushed to messaging.
Running Validation
- if component is valid when validators changes, component does nothing other than the steps it always performs.
- if component is invalid and is showing messages when
changes then all component messages are cleared and full validation run using the display value on the component.- if there are validation errors, then
property is not updated and the error is shown. - if no errors result from the validation, the
property is updated; page author can listen to thevalueChanged
event to clear custom errors.
- if there are validation errors, then
- if component is invalid and has deferred messages when validators changes, it does nothing other than the steps it performs always.
Clearing Messages
- Only messages created by the component are cleared.
property is not cleared.
- Default Value:
Item Name Property validators
Property change event validatorsChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-validators-changed
value :(V|null)
The value of the component.
property changes due to programmatic intervention, the component always clears all messages includingmessagesCustom
, runs deferred validation, and always refreshes UI display value.When the input field is cleared and the value is committed, the
property is set tonull
.Running Validation
- component always runs deferred validation; the
property is updated with the result.
- Default Value:
- Supports writeback:
Item Name Property value
Property change event valueChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-value-changed
- component always runs deferred validation; the
virtual-keyboard :"number"|"auto"|"email"|"search"|"tel"|"text"|"url"
The type of virtual keyboard to display for entering a value on mobile browsers. This attribute has no effect on desktop browsers.
Supported Values:
Value Description auto
The component will determine the best mobile virtual keyboard to use (default, if unspecified). email
Use a mobile virtual keyboard for entering email addresses. number
Use a mobile virtual keyboard for entering numbers. search
Use a mobile virtual keyboard for entering search terms. tel
Use a mobile virtual keyboard for entering telephone numbers. text
Use a mobile virtual keyboard for entering text. url
Use a mobile virtual keyboard for URL entry. Names
Item Name Property virtualKeyboard
Property change event virtualKeyboardChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-virtual-keyboard-changed
getProperty(property) : {any}
Retrieves the value of a property or a subproperty.
Name Type Description property
The property name to get. Supports dot notation for subproperty access. Returns:
- Type
- any
reset : {void}
Resets the component by clearing all messages and messagesCustom attribute and updates the component's display value using the attribute value. User entered values will be erased when this method is called.
- Type
- void
setProperties(properties) : {void}
Performs a batch set of properties.
Name Type Description properties
An object containing the property and value pairs to set. Returns:
- Type
- void
setProperty(property, value) : {void}
Sets a property or a single subproperty for complex properties and notifies the component of the change, triggering a corresponding event.
Name Type Description property
The property name to set. Supports dot notation for subproperty access. value
The new value to set the property to. Returns:
- Type
- void
showMessages : {void}
Takes all deferred messages and shows them. It then updates the valid property; e.g., if the valid state was "invalidHidden" before showMessages(), the valid state will become "invalidShown" after showMessages(). If there were no deferred messages this method simply returns.
- Type
- void
validate : {Promise}
If enabled, validates the component's display value using the converter and all validators registered on the component and updates the value option by performing the following steps.
- All messages are cleared, including custom messages added by the app.
- If the UI display value is empty, then the component normalizes the value to null.
- If no converter is present, or the normalized value is null, then processing continues to next step. Otherwise, the UI value is first converted (i.e., parsed). If there is a parse error then the messages are shown and processing stops.
- If required is true, the implicit required validator is run. If the required validator throws an error, the message is shown.
- If there are no other validators registered on the component, or if the UI display value is empty, the value option is updated using the display value (an empty field's display value is null). Otherwise all validators are run in sequence using the parsed value from the previous step. When a validation error is encountered it is remembered and the next validator in the sequence is run.
- At the end of validation if there are errors, the messages are shown. If there were no errors, then the value option is updated.
If the component is readonly or disabled, returns a Promise that resolves to 'valid' without doing any validation.
Promise resolves to "valid" if there were no converter parse errors and the component passed all validations. The Promise resolves to "valid" if the component is disabled or readonly. The Promise resolves to "invalid" if there were converter parse errors or if there were validation errors.
- Type
- Promise
Type Definitions
A type for a single component message
Name Type Argument detail
string <optional>
"error" | "confirmation" | "info" | "warning" <optional>
string <optional>
Display options for auxiliary content that determines whether or not it should be displayed.
Name Type Argument Default Description messages
"none" | "display" <optional>
"display" Display options for auxiliary message text. validatorHint
"none" | "display" <optional>
"display" Display options for auxiliary validator hint text. -
Form component help information.
Name Type Argument Description instruction
string <optional>
A type of user assistance text. User assistance text is used to provide guidance to help the user understand what data to enter or select. -
The helpHints object contains a definition property and a source property.
Name Type Argument Description definition
string <optional>
A type of user assistance text. User assistance text is used to provide guidance to help the user understand what data to enter or select. help-hints could come from a help system. source
string <optional>
Help source URL associated with the component. sourceText
string <optional>
Custom text to be used for the source link. -
Defines the length limit for the field
Name Type Argument Default Description countBy
"codePoint" | "codeUnit" <optional>
"codePoint" Dictates how the input text characters are counted. max
(number|null) <optional>
Maximum number of characters that can be entered in the input field.