19 Configuring Oracle Identity Governance

You need to perform certain tasks in order to extend the enterprise deployment domain with the Oracle Identity Governance. This includes installing the Oracle Identity and Access Management, extending the domain for Oracle Identity Governance and completing post-configuration and verification tasks.

This chapter provides information on installing the Oracle Identity and Access Management, extending the domain for Oracle Identity Governance and completing post-configuration and verification tasks.

Variables Used When Configuring Oracle Identity Governance

While extending the domain with Oracle SOA Suite, you will be referencing the directory variables listed in this section.

The values for several directory variables are defined in File System and Directory Variables Used in This Guide.
















































In addition, you'll be referencing the following virtual IP (VIP) address defined in Reserving the Required IP Addresses for an Enterprise Deployment:


Actions in this chapter will be performed on the following host computers:





Starting and Validating the Oracle Identity Governance Managed Servers

Now that you have extended the domain, started the Administration Server, and propagated the domain to the other hosts, you can start the newly configured Oracle Identity Governance Managed Servers.

This process involves three tasks as described in the following sections.

Starting the Oracle Identity Governance Managed Servers and Bootstrapping the Domain

Unlike previous releases you no longer need to run the Oracle Identity Governance configuration wizard to deploy the OIM artifacts into the domain. However, you are required to boot strap the domain. This automatically performs many of the actions that used to be performed by the OIM configuration wizard in previous releases.

Bootstrapping the domain is largely automatic and is performed by starting and stopping the managed servers in the domain in the following order:
  1. Start the Oracle SOA Suite Managed Server WLS_SOA1.
  2. Start the Oracle Identity Governance Managed Server WLS_OIM1.
    The bootstrap process starts the Managed Server, and then stops it again automatically. You may see a Failed status in the WebLogic console, which can be ignored.
  3. Stop the Oracle SOA Suite Managed Server WLS_SOA1.
  4. Stop WLS_OIM1.
  5. Stop the WebLogic Administration Server.
  6. Start the WebLogic Administration Server.
  7. Start the Oracle SOA Suite Managed Servers WLS_SOA1 and WLS_SOA2.
  8. Start the Oracle Identity Governance Managed Servers WLS_OIM1 and WLS_OIM2.
In order for the bootstrapping process to successfully complete, it must occur when the OIM server is started from the IGD_ASERVER_HOME directory. However, the Node Manager that runs out of the IGD_ASERVER_HOME communicates using the igdadmin address. Rather than temporarily reconfiguring the Managed Servers to use this address, the Managed Servers can be started outside of Node Manager for the bootstrap process. Once the process is complete, the Managed Servers will be moved to local storage and Node Manager configured will be able to start and stop them.
To start the Managed Servers without Node Manager, you must run the following command from the directory IGD_ASERVER_HOME/bin:
  • Command for starting the Oracle SOA Suite Managed Server: ./startManagedWeblogic.sh WLS_SOA1

  • Command for starting the Oracle Identity Governance Managed Server: ./startManagedWeblogic.sh WLS_OIM1

When you execute these commands, you will be prompted to enter the WebLogic username and password. These commands run interactively, that is, after starting a Managed Server, control will not be returned to the command line. This does not matter as it is a one time operation.


You cannot perform these actions using Node Manager at this time.

Starting the WLS_SOA1 and WLS_OIM1 Managed Servers

To start the WLS_SOA1 and WLS_OIM1 Managed Servers:

  1. Enter the following URL into a browser to display the Fusion Middleware Control login screen:


    If you have already configured Web tier, use http://igdadmin.example.com/em.

  2. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control using the Administration Server credentials.
  3. In the Target Navigation pane, expand the domain to view the Managed Servers in the domain.
  4. Select only the WLS_WSM1 Managed Server and click Start Up on the Oracle WebLogic Server toolbar.
  5. When the startup operation is complete, navigate to the Domain home page and verify that the WLS_WSM1 Managed Server is up and running.
  6. Start the managed servers one after the other. Ensure one is started and then start the next one. Repeat for the servers WLS_SOA1 and WLS_OIM1.

Validating the Managed Server by Logging in to the Identity Console

Validate the Oracle Identity Manager Server instance by bringing up the Oracle Identity Manager Console in a Web browser at:


Log in using the xelsysadm username and password.

Validate the SOA configuration.


Starting and Validating WLS_SOA2, WLS_OIM2, and WLS_WSM2 Managed Servers

After validating the successful configuration and startup of the WLS_SOA1 and WLS_OIM1 Managed Servers, you can start and validate the WLS_SOA2, WLS_OIM2, and WLS_WSM2 Managed Servers.

To start and validate the WLS_SOA2 Managed Server, use the procedure in Starting and Validating the WLS_SOA1 Managed Serverfor WLS_SOA2 Managed Server. Use the procedure to start and validate the WLS_OIM2 and WLS_WSM2 Managed Servers too.

For the validation URL, enter the following URL in your web browser and log in using the enterprise deployment administrator user:

For Static cluster:
For Dynamic cluster:

Analyzing the Bootstrap Report

When you start the Oracle Identity Governance server, the bootstrap report is generated at MSERVER_HOME/servers/WLS_OIM1/logs/BootStrapReportPreStart.html.

The bootstrap report BootStrapReportPreStart.html is an html file that contains information about the topology that you have deployed, the system level details, the connection details like the URLs to be used, the connectivity check, and the task execution details. You can use this report to check if the system is up, and also to troubleshoot the issues, post-configuration.

Every time you start the Oracle Identity Governance server, the bootstrap report is updated.

Sections in the Bootstrap Report

  • Topology Details

    This section contains information about your deployment. It shows whether you have configured a cluster setup, SSL enabled, or upgraded an Oracle Identity Manager environment from 11g to 12c.

  • System Level Details

    This section contains information about the JDK version, Database version, JAVA_HOME, DOMAIN_HOME, OIM_HOME, and MIDDLEWARE_HOME.

  • Connection Details

    This section contains information about the connect details like the Administration URL, OIM Front End URL, SOA URL, and RMI URL.

    This also shows whether the Administration Server, Database, and SOA server is up or not.

  • Execution Details

    This section lists the various tasks and their statuses.

Configuring the Web Tier for the Domain

Configure the web server instances on the web tier so that the instances route requests for both public and internal URLs to the proper clusters in the extended domain.

For additional steps in preparation for possible scale-out scenarios, see Updating Cross Component Wiring Information.

Configuring Oracle Traffic Director for the Domain

If you have configured Oracle Traffic Director for this domain, you might be required to add additional origin server pools, virtual servers, or routes to the Oracle Traffic Director configuration. To understand the Oracle Traffic Director requirements for each Oracle Fusion Middleware product and for instructions on adding origin server pools, virtual servers, and routes, see Defining Oracle Traffic Director Virtual Servers for an Enterprise Deployment.

Integrating Oracle Identity Governance with Oracle SOA Suite

If you wish to integrate Oracle Identity Governance with Oracle SOA Suite, use the Enterprise Manager console to do the same.

To integrate Oracle Identity Governance with Oracle SOA Suite, do the following:
  1. Log in to Oracle Fusion Middleware Control using the following URL:



    The Administration Server host and port number were in the URL on the End of Configuration screen (Writing Down Your Domain Home and Administration Server URL). The default Administration Server port number is 7101.

    The login credentials were provided on the Administrator Account screen (Configuring the Administrator Account).

  2. Click weblogic_domain, and then click System Mbean Browser.
  3. In the search box, enter OIMSOAIntegrationMBean, and click Search. The mbean is displayed.


    If Oracle Identity Governance still starting (coming up) or is just started (RUNNING MODE), the Enterprise Manager does not show any Mbeans defined by OIM. Wait for two minutes for the server to start, and then try searching for the Mbean in System Mbean Browser of the Enterprise Manager.

  4. Go to the Operations tab of mbean, and select integrateWithSOAServer.
  5. Enter the following information:
    • Weblogic Administrator User Name: Enter the name of your ldap user of weblogic_iam. If you are not integrating with LDAP, then use the weblogic domain administrator account. For example, weblogic.
    • Weblogic Administrator Password: Enter the password for the above account.
    • OIM Front end URL: Set this to the load balancer virtual host used for internal call backs. For example:


    • OIM External Front End URL: Set this to the main load balancer virtual host used for Oracle Identity Governance. For example:


  6. Click Invoke.

Validating the Oracle SOA Suite URLs Through the Load Balancer

To validate the configuration of the Oracle HTTP Server virtual hosts and to verify that the hardware load balancer can route requests through the Oracle HTTP Server instances to the application tier:

  1. Verify that the server status is reported as Running in the Administration Console.

    If the server is shown as Starting or Resuming, wait for the server status to change to Started. If another status is reported (such as Admin or Failed), check the server output log files for errors.

  2. Verify that you can access these URLs:


    It is not necessary at this stage to attempt to login to the individual pages. All you are checking is that the pages can be accessed through the load balancer and the web server.
    • http://igdinternal.example.com:7777/soa-infra

    • http://igdinternal.example.com:7777/integration/worklistapp

    • https://igdinternal.example.com:7777/soa/composer

Managing the Notification Service

An event is an operation that occurs in Oracle Identity Manager, such as user creation, request initiation, or any custom event created by the user. These events are generated as part of the business operations or through generation of errors. Event definition is the metadata that describes the event. To define metadata for events, it is important to identify all event types supported by a functional component. For example, as a part of the scheduler component, metadata is defined for a scheduled job execution failed and shutting down of the scheduler. Every time a job fails or the scheduler is shut down, the events are raised and notifications associated with that event are sent.

The data available in the event is used to create the content of the notification. The different parameters defined for an event help the system to select the appropriate notification template. The different parameters that are defined for an event help the system decide which event variables can be made available at template design time.

A notification template is used to send notifications. These templates contain variables that refer to available data to provide more context to the notifications. The notification is sent through a notification provider. Examples of such channels are e-mail, Instant Messaging (IM), Short Message Service (SMS), and voice. To use these notification providers, Oracle Identity Manager uses Oracle User Messaging Service (UMS).

At the backend, the notification engine is responsible for generating the notification, and utilizing the notification provider to send the notification.

Using SMTP for Notification

Using SMTP for notification involves configuring the SMTP email notification provider properties and adding the CSF key.

Configuring the SMTP Email Notification Provider Properties

To configure SMTP Email Notification Provider properties by using the EmailNotificationProviderMBean MBean :

  1. Log in to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Control using the following URL:



    The Administration Server host and port number were in the URL on the End of Configuration screen (Writing Down Your Domain Home and Administration Server URL). The default Administration Server port number is 7001.

    The login credentials were provided on the Administrator Account screen (Configuring the Administrator Account).

  2. Click weblogic_domain, and then click System Mbean Browser.
  3. In the search box, enter EmailNotificationProviderMBean, and click Search. The mbean is displayed.


    If Oracle Identity Governance still starting (coming up) or is just started (RUNNING MODE), the Enterprise Manager does not show any Mbeans defined by OIM. Wait for two minutes for the server to start, and then try searching for the Mbean in System Mbean Browser of the Enterprise Manager.

  4.  Ensure that the correct information is entered for your email server in particular:

    Table 19-1 SMTP Email Notification Provider Properties

    Attribute Value


    Set this to a name of a CSF credential, this can be any name and will be used while adding a CSF key. For example; mailUser


    Set to true.


    Set to the host name of your email server.

  5. Click Apply to save the changes.

Adding a CSF Key

To add a CSF key:

  1. Login to Oracle Enterprise Manager.
  2. Click WebLogic Domain and select Security>Credentials.
  3. Expand oracle.wsm.security and click Create Key.
  4. Enter the following information.

    Table 19-2 CSF Key Properties

    Attribute Value

    Key name

    Enter the value of the credential Key, this must be the same value as defined in Using SMTP for Notification for example; mailUser.


    Enter the name of the user you use to authenticate with your email server.

    Password/Confirm Password

    Enter the password of the user you use to authenticate with your email server.


    Provide a description of the key being created. For example, Mail Server Credentials

  5. Click OK.

Configuring the Messaging Drivers


Each messaging driver needs to be configured. For information on configuring the drivers refer to:

For sending SMS messages, refer to the install and configure the driver.

You need to configure this service id you are enabling OAM's forgotten password functionality.

Configuring the Email Driver

To configure the driver to send and emails then you need to perform the following steps:

  1.  Log in to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Control.
  2. Click the Target Navigation icon next to the Domain name.
  3. Click usermessagingserver (WLS_SOA1) under User Messaging Service. A list of all the drivers will be shown.
  4. Click Configure Driver next to the User Messaging Email Driver.
  5.  If a configuration does not exist then click Create. If the configuration exists, click Edit.
  6. Update the attributes with the required details.

    Table 19-3 Configuring the Email Driver Attributes

    Attributes Values



    Sender Address

    Enter the From email address for the emails you wish to send in the format: EMAIL:myuser@example.com


    Choose whether you are going to send or receive emails.

    Complete the following Email Properties using the values specific to your organisation. Contact your email administrator for details, the details below are for Sending only. Refer to the documentation for receiving email details.

    • Outdoing Mail server.

    • Outgoing Mail server port

    • Outgoing email Server Security

    • Outgoing User name and password, if your email server requires it.

  7. Click Test to validate the information.
  8. Click OK to save the information.

Increasing Database Connection Pool Size

The default database connection pool size needs to be increased when Oracle Identity Governance is used in conjunction with a connector that allows interactions with an LDAP directory.

To do this, complete the following steps:
  1. Log in to the WebLogic Console in the IAMGovernanceDomain.
  2. Click Lock & Edit.
  3. Click Services and then click Data Sources.
  4. Click the data source mds-oim.
  5. Go to the Connection Pool tab.
  6. Modify the following properties with the values specified:
    • Initial Capacity: 50
    • Maximum Capacity: 150
    • Minimum Capacity: 50
    • Inactive Connection Timeout value to 30 from any other value


    Inactive Connection Timeout is in the Advanced section.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click Activate Changes.
  9. You will receive a message All changes have been activated. No restarts are necessary.

Forcing Oracle Identity Governance to use Correct Multicast Address

Oracle Identity Governance uses multicast for certain functions. By default, the managed servers communicate using the multi cast address assigned to the primary host name. If you wish multicast to use a different network, for example, of the internal network, you must complete the following additional steps:

  1. Log in to the WebLogic Administration console using the following URL:


  2. Under Domain Structure, click Environment and then expand Servers. The Summary of Servers page is displayed.
  3. Click Lock & Edit.
  4. Click the OIM Managed Server name, for example, WLS_OIM1 on the list of servers. The Settings for WLS_OIM1 are displayed.
  5. Go to the Server Start tab.
  6. Add the following line to the arguments field:


  7. Click Save.
  8. Repeat for the Managed Server WLS_OIM2. When doing so, make sure you add the following line to the arguments field:


  9. Click Activate Changes and restart the managed servers WLS_OIM1 and WLS_OIM2.

Integrating Oracle Identity Governance with LDAP

Integrating Oracle Identity Governance includes the following topics:

Update Connector Version

  1. Download the Connector bundle from the artifactory: Download Connector Bundle

    • For OID or OUD, download the Connector bundle corresponding to Oracle Internet Directory.


    For all directory types, the required Connector version for OIG-OAM integration is
  2. Unzip the Connector bundle to the desired connector path under $ORACLE_HOME/idm/server/ConnectorDefaultDirectory.

    For example:

  3. In case of integration with OID or OUD, update connector version and bundle version in the template XML files.

    • Remove the existing auth-template, pre-config and target-template xml files available out-of-box in LDAP Connector version

      For example, if the LDAP connector bundle is extracted to /u01/oracle/products/identity/idm/server/ConnectorDefaultDirectory/OID-, move the following files located at /u01/oracle/products/identity/idm/server/ConnectorDefaultDirectory/OID-
      • Move ODSEE-OUD-LDAPV3-pre-config.xml to ODSEE-OUD-LDAPV3-pre-config.xml_bak

      • Move ODSEE-OUD-LDAPV3-target-template.xml to ODSEE-OUD-LDAPV3-target-template.xml_bak

      • Move ODSEE-OUD-LDAPV3-auth-template.xml to ODSEE-OUD-LDAPV3-auth-template.xml_bak

      • Move OID-pre-config.xml to OID-pre-config.xml_bak

      • Move OID-target-template.xml to OID-target-template.xml_bak

      • Move OID-auth-template.xml to OID-auth-template.xml_bak

    • Update the Connector and bundle versions in the target template as follows:

      <advanceConfig name="Bundle Version" value="12.3.0" required="false"/>


      • If directory type is OUD, update ${IGD_ORACLE_HOME}/idm/server/ssointg/connector/oud/OUD-OAM-Target-Template.xml

    • Update the Connector and bundle versions in the authoritative template as follows:

      <advanceConfig name="Bundle Version" value="12.3.0" required="false"/>


      • If directory type is OUD, update ${IGD_ORACLE_HOME}/idm/server/ssointag/connector/oud/OUD-auth-template.xml

    • Update bundle version in pre-config template as follows:

      <LookupValue id="LKV2341" repo-type="RDBMS">
      <LKV_ENCODED>Bundle Version</LKV_ENCODED>


      • If directory type is OUD, update ${IGD_ORACLE_HOME}/idm/server/ssointg/connector/oud/OUD-OAM-pre-config.xml

      In case of OUD, update the maxSize to 100 for NsuniqueID attribute definition in OUD-OAM-pre-config.xml:
      <AttributeDefinition repo-type="API" name="NsuniqueID" subtype="User Metadata">


    Post OIG-OAM integration, if the LDAP Connector bundle or the Active Directory Connector bundle is used for creating target application instances for other IT resources, then the pre-config.xml corresponding to the directory type must be manually imported from Sysadmin UI before proceeding to create application instance.

      XML name: ODSEE-OUD-LDAPV3-pre-config.xml
      Location (example): $ORACLE_HOME/idm/server/ConnectorDefaultDirectory/OID-

    For importing pre-config.xml , see Importing Connector XML File.

Configuring the Oracle Connector for LDAP

The Oracle Connector for LDAP allows you to store users and passwords in a certified LDAP directory. Configure the connector before using it. Perform the following steps to configure the connector:

  1. Change directory to IGD_ORACLE_HOME/idm/server/ssointg/config

  2. Edit the file configureLDAPConnector.config updating the properties as shown below:

    ## [configureLDAPConnector]

    Save the file when done.


    Table 19-4 Configure LDAPConnector Properties

    Attribute Description


    It is the Load Balancer name for the LDAP directory for example: idstore.example.com


    It is the LDAP port on the load balancer for example 1389 for OUD.


    It is the type of LDAP directory you are using OUD.


    It is the credential used to connect to the directory to perform administrative actions, for example, oudadmin for OUD.


    It is the password or the IDSTORE_BINDDN account.


    It is the root directory tree in the directory.


    It is the location in the directory where users are stored.


    It is the location in the directory where groups are stored.


    It is the name of the user that OIM will use to connect to LDAP.


    It is the password of the above account.


    It is the email domain.


    This the the hostname that the OIM Managed server WLS_OIM1 is listening on, for example OIMHOST1.


    It is the port number of the WLS_OIM1 managed server.


    It is the OIM administrator account for example xelsysadm.


    It is the password of the WLS_OIM_SYSADMIN_USER


    It is the listen address of the IAMGovernanceDomain administration server, for example IGDADMINVHN


    It is the administration servers port for example 7101.


    It is the name of the IAMGovernance Domain administration user.

    For example weblogic CONNECTOR_MEDIA_PATH is the location that you installed the connector.


    It is the name of the OIM Managed server that is running. For example; wls_oim1.


    You should use the same values as you specified for these parameters in Creating a Configuration File.
  3. Locate the properties file, ssointg-config.properties, available at IGD_ORACLE_HOME/idm/server/ssointg/config/ and set the configureLDAPConnector value to true. All other values should be set to false.

    ## configureLDAPConnector takes care of updating container rules
    ## Additional option is provided in case rules need to be updated again
  4. Execute the script OIGOAMIntegration for configuring the connector.

  5. For example:

    cd IGD_ORACLE_HOME/idm/server/ssointg/bin
    export WL_HOME=IGD_ORACLE_HOME/wlserver
    ./OIGOAMIntegration.sh -configureLDAPConnector

Add Missing Object Classes

If any users existed in LDAP prior to enabling the Oracle Identity Manager, then these new users may be missing the object classes used to control OIM/OAM integration. To add these missing object classes to these users run the following commands:

  1. Change directory to IGD_ORACLE_HOME/idm/server/ssointg/config

  2. Edit the file addMissingObjectClasses.config updating the properties as shown below:

    IDSTORE_HOST: idstore.example.com
    IDSTORE_PORT: 1389
    IDSTORE_BINDDN: cn=orcladmin
    IDSTORE_BINDDN_PWD: <password>
    IDSTORE_USERSEARCHBASE: cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com

    Save the file when done.

    Table 19-5 Properties of addMissingObjectClasses.config

    Attribute Description


    It is the Load Balancer name for the LDAP directory. For example; idstore.example.com


    It is the LDAP port on the load balancer. For example; 1389 for OUD.


    It is the type of LDAP directory you are using (OUD).


    It is the credential used to connect to the directory to perform administrative actions, for example, oudadmin for OUD.


    It is the password for the IDSTORE_BINDDN account.


    It is the location in the directory where user information is stored.

  3. Execute the script OIGOAMIntegration.

  4. For example:

    cd IGD_ORACLE_HOME/idm/server/ssointg/bin
    export WL_HOME=IGD_ORACLE_HOME/wlserver
    ./OIGOAMIntegration.sh -addMissingObjectClasses

    You will be prompted to enter the password of the LDAP directory administrator account.

Restart Domains

Restart both the IAMAccessDomain and the IAMGovernanceDomain.

Integrating Oracle Identity Governance and Oracle Access Manager

Integrating Oracle Identity Governance and Oracle Access Manager includes the following topics:

Configuring SSO Integration in the IAMGovernanceDomain

Having deployed the connector the next step in the process is the configuration of SSO in the domain. In order to do this you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Change directory to IGD_ORACLE_HOME/idm/server/ssointg/config

  2. Edit the file configureSSOIntegration.config updating the properties in the section configureSSOIntegration as shown below:

    ## [configureSSOIntegration]
    OAM_HOST: OAMHOST1.example.com

    Save the file when done.


    Table 19-6 Configure SSOIntegration Properties

    Attribute Description


    It is the listen address of the managed server WLS_OAM1 in the domain IAMAccessDomain


    It is the port that the managed server WLS_OAM1 is listening on.


    It is always the same as the OAM_HOST.


    It is the port number of the OAM PROXY PORT.


    It is the name of the webgate agent created in Creating a Configuration File.


    It is the value assigned to the parameter OAM11G_OIM_WEBGATE_PASSWD in Creating a Configuration File.


    It is the value assigned in Creating a Configuration File.


    It is the value assigned in Creating a Configuration File.


    It is the LDAP field containing the users login attribute usually uid or cn.


    It is the listen address of the Administration server in the domain IAMAccessDomain for example IADADMINVHN


    It is the listen port of the Administration server in the domain IAMAccessDomain for example 7001.


    The listen address of the OIM Administration server for example IGDADMINVHN.example.com


    The listen port of the OIM Administration server. For example, 7101.


    The administration user of the OIM Administration Server. For example, weblogic.


    Password for the OIM_WLSADMIN account.


    It is the name of the OIM Managed server that is running. For example; WLS_OIM1.


    The value assigned to IDSTORE_OAMADMINUSER in Creating a Configuration File.


    Password for the IDSTORE_OAMADMINUSER account.

  3. Locate the properties file, ssointg-config.properties, available at IGD_ORACLE_HOME/idm/server/ssointg/config/ and set the configureSSOIntegration value to true. All other values should be set to false.

    ## configureLDAPConnector takes care of updating container rules
    ## Additional option is provided in case rules need to be updated again
  4. Execute the script OIGOAMIntegration for configuring SSO Integration.

  5. For example:

    cd IGD_ORACLE_HOME/idm/servers/ssointg/bin
    export WL_HOME=IGD_ORACLE_HOME/wlserver
    ./OIGOAMIntegration.sh -configureSSOIntegration
  6. Restart the Domain IAMGovernanceDomain.

Enable OAM Notifications

Having deployed the connector the next step in the process is to tell OIM how to interact with OAM for terminating a user session after a user has been expired or terminated. In order to do this you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Change directory to IGD_ORACLE_HOME/idm/server/ssointg/config.

  2. Edit the file enableOAMSessionDeletion.config updating the properties in the section enableOAMNotifications as shown below:

    ## [enableOAMNotifications]
    IDSTORE_GROUPSEARCHBASE: cn=Groups,dc=example,dc=com 
    IDSTORE_SYSTEMIDBASE: cn=systemids,dc=example,dc=com 
    IDSTORE_USERSEARCHBASE: cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com


    Table 19-7 Properties of enableOAMSessionDeletion

    Attribute Description


    It is the listen address of the administration server in the domain IAMGovernanceDomain for example IGDADMINVHN.example.com


    It is the port of the administration server in the domain IAMGovernanceDomain for example 7101


    It is the name of the weblogic administrator in the IAMGovernanceDomain for example weblogic.


    It is the password for the OIM_WLSADMIN account.


    It is the Load Balancer name for the LDAP directory for example: idstore.example.com


    It is the LDAP port on the load balancer for example 1389 for OUD.


    It is the credential used to connect to the directory to perform administrative actions, for example, oudadmin for OUD.


    It is the password or the IDSTORE_BINDDN account.


    It is the location in the directory where Groups are Stored.


    It is the location of a container in the directory where system users can be placed when you do not want them in the main user container.


    It is the name of the user you want to create as your Access Manager Administrator.


    A user that gets created in LDAP that is used when Access Manager is running to connect to the LDAP server.


    It is the location in the directory where users are stored.


    The name of the OIM server, for example; oim_server1.

  3. Locate the properties file, ssointg-config.properties, available at IGD_ORACLE_HOME/idm/server/ssointg/config/ and set the enableOAMSessionDeletion value to true. All other values should be set to false.

    ## configureLDAPConnector takes care of updating container rules
    ## Additional option is provided in case rules need to be updated again
  4. Execute the script OIGOAMIntegration for enabling notifications.

  5. For example:

    cd IGD_ORACLE_HOME/idm/servers/sointg/bin
    export WL_HOME=IGD_ORACLE_HOME/wlserver
    ./OIGOAMIntegration.sh -enableOAMSessionDeletion

Update oam-config.xml

In Oracle 12c all the configuration artifacts are stored within the database, this includes the oam configuration file oam-config.xml. In order to modify this file you must export it from the database, edit it and then import it. The steps below describe how to do this:

Export oam-config.xml

Create a file called oamdb.props on OAMHOST1 with the following values:


Save the file.

Table 19-8 Properties of oamdb.props

String Description


It is the string used to connect to the database hosting the oam schema.


It is the name of the schema which was created when you ran the Repository Creation Utility


It is the password of the schema.


It is the location where you want the extracted file to be placed.


It is the host:port:protocol of one of the oam managed servers. This managed server must be running.

Use the following command to extract the oam-config.xml file.

$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -cp $IAD_ORACLE_HOME/idm/oam/server/tools/config-utility/config-utility.jar:$IAD_ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jdbc/ojdbc8.jar oracle.security.am.migrate.main.ConfigCommand $IAD_ASERVER_HOME export /tmp/oamdb.props

Modify oam-config.xml

Edit the extracted oam-config.xml. Search for MatchLDAPAttribute and set the value to uid. For example:

<Setting Name="MAPPERCLASS" Type="xsd:string">oracle.security.am.engine.authn.internal.executor.DAPAttributeMapper</Setting>
<Setting Name="MatchLDAPAttribute" Type="xsd:string">uid</Setting>
<Setting Name="name" Type="xsd:string">DAP</Setting>


Do not increment the Version tag in the file by +1.

Import oam-config.xml

Now that the file has been modified it needs to be saved back to the oam database. You can use the same property file you used above for this. Execute the following command:

$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -cp $IAD_ORACLE_HOME/idm/oam/server/tools/config-utility/config-utility.jar:$IAD_ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jdbc/ojdbc8.jar oracle.security.am.migrate.main.ConfigCommand $IAD_ASERVER_HOME import /tmp/oamdb.props

Update TapEndpoint URL

For OAM/OIM integration to work you must update the OAM TapEndpoint URL you do this by performing the following steps.

  1. Log in to Oracle Fusion Middleware Control using the following URL:




    The Administration Server host and port number were in the URL on the End of Configuration screen (Writing Down Your Domain Home and Administration Server URL). The default Administration Server port number is 7101.

  2. Click WebLogic Domain, and click System MBean Browser.

    In the search box, enter SSOIntegrationMXBean, and click Search. The mbean is displayed.

  3. Set the value of TapEndpointURL to

  4. Click Apply.

Restarting the IAMGovernanceDomain

For the above changes to take effect you must restart the domain.

  1. Shutdown the managed servers WLS_OIM1 add WLS_OIM2,
  2. Shutdown the managed servers WLS_SOA1 and WLS_SOA2.
  3. Shutdown the managed servers WLS_WSM1 and WLS_WSM2
  4. Shutdown the Administration server.
  5. Restart the Administration Server.
  6. Start the managed servers WLS_SOA1 and WLS_SOA2.
  7. Start the managed servers WLS_OIM1 and WLS_OIM2.
  8. Start the managed servers WLS_WSM1 and WLS_WSM2.

    If you have performed the workaround as described in the Update oam-config.xml, then you must also restart the OAM domain.

    Shutdown and restart the Administration Server and all of the managed servers (WLS_AMA1, WLS_AMA2, WLS_OAM1, WLS_OAM2).

Enabling OIM to Connect to SOA Using LDAP User

Oracle Identity Manager connects to SOA as SOA administrator, with the username weblogic by default. As mentioned in the previous sections, a new administrator user is provisioned in the central LDAP store to manage Identity Management Weblogic Domain.

Perform the following post installation steps to enable Oracle Identity Manager to work with the Oracle WebLogic Server administrator user provisioned in the central LDAP store. This enables Oracle Identity Manager to connect to SOA:


For the SOAConfig Mbean to be visible, at least one OIM Managed Server must be running.

  1. Run the reconciliation process to enable the Oracle WebLogic Server administrator, weblogic_iam, to be visible in the OIM Identity Console. Follow these steps:

    1. Log in to the OIM System Administration Console as the user xelsysadm.

    2. Click Scheduler under System Configuration.

    3. Enter SSO* in the search box.

    4. Click the arrow for the Search Scheduled Jobs to list all the schedulers.

    5. Select SSO User Full Reconcilliation.

    6. Click Run Now to run the job.

    7. Repeat for SSO Group Create And Update Full Reconciliation .

    8. Log in to the OIM Identity Console and verify that the user weblogic_iam is visible.

  2. Log in to Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control of the IAMGovernanceDomain, as the weblogic user

  3. Click WebLogic Domain, and click System MBean Browser.

  4. Select Search, enter SOAConfig, and click Search.

  5. Change the username attribute to the Oracle WebLogic Server administrator username provisioned in Preparing the Identity Store. For example:


    Click Apply.

  6. Select Weblogic Domain > Security > Credentials from the drop-down menu.

  7. Expand the key oim.

  8. Click SOAAdminPassword and click Edit.

  9. Change the username to weblogic_iam and set the password to the accounts password and click OK.

  10. From the navigator, click WebLogic Domain and select Application Roles from the Security menu.

  11. Set the application stripe to soa-infra by selecting from the drop-down list. Click Search.

  12. Click SOAAdmin. Ensure that you see Administrators in the membership box.

  13. Click Edit. The Edit page is displayed.

  14. Click Add in the Members box. The Add principal search box is displayed.

    Enter the following:

    • Type: Group

    • Principal Name: starts with: WLS

    Click Search.

  15. Select WLSAdministrators from the results box and click OK.

    You will be redirected to the Edit screen. Ensure that the members are Administrators and WLSAdministrators.

    Click Ok.

  16. Log in to the OIM Self service Console as the user xelsysadm.

    If prompted, set up challenge questions. This happens on your first login to Oracle Identity Manager Identity Console.

  17. Click Manage > Roles and Access Policies > Roles .

  18. Search for the Administrators role.

    Enter Administrators in the Display Name search box and click Search.

  19. Click Administrators Role.

    That Role's Properties page appears.

  20. Click Organizations tab

  21. Click Add. Search and select the organization to which xelsysadm belongs, example, Xellerate Users.

  22. Click Add Selected. Click Select.

  23. Click the Members tab and click Add.

  24. Search and Select for the user weblogic_iam.

  25. Click Add Selected.

  26. Click Select, and then Apply.

Configuring OIM Workflow Notifications to be Sent by Email

OIM uses human workflow that are integrated with the SOA workflow. The SOA server configures the e-mail to receive the notifications that are delivered to the user mailbox. The user is allowed to either accept or reject the notifications.

Both incoming and outgoing email addresses and mailboxes dedicated to the portal workflow are required for the full functionality. See, Configuring Human Workflow Notification Properties in the Administering Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

  1. Log in to the Fusion Middleware Control by using the administrators account. For example, weblogic_iam.
  2. Expand the Target Navigation panel and navigate to SOA > soa-infra (WLS_SOA1) service.
  3. From the SOA infrastructure drop-down, select SOA Administration > Workflow Properties.
  4. Set the Notification mode to Email. Provide the correct e-mail address for the notification service.
  5. Click Apply and confirm when prompted.
  6. Verify the changes.
  7. Click Go to the Messaging Driver page link.
  8. In the Associated Drivers section, click Configure Driver for the User Messaging Email Driver.
  9. Click Create if the email driver does not exist already.
  10. Click Test and verify the changes.
  11. Click OK to save the email driver configuration.
  12. Restart the SOA cluster. No configuration or restart is required for OIM.

Adding the wsm-pm Role to the Administrators Group

After you configure a new LDAP-based Authorization Provider and restart the Administration Server, add the enterprise deployment administration LDAP group (OIMAdministrators) as a member to the policy.Updater role in the wsm-pm application stripe.

  1. Sign in to the Fusion Middleware Control by using the administrator's account. For example: weblogic_iam.
  2. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Security, and then Application Roles.
  3. Select the wsm-pm application stripe from the Application Stripe drop-down menu.
  4. Click the triangular icon next to the role name text box to search for all role names in the wsm-pm application stripe.
  5. Select the row for the policy.Updater role to be edited.
  6. Click the Application Role Edit icon to edit the role.
  7. Click the Application Role Add icon on the Edit Application Role page.
  8. In the Add Principal dialog box, select Group from the Type drop-down menu.
  9. To search for the enterprise deployment administrators group, enter the group name WLSAdministrators in the Principal Name Starts With field and click the right arrow to start the search.
  10. Select the appropriate administrators group in the search results and click OK.
  11. Click OK on the Edit Application Role page.

Restarting the IAMGovernanceDomain

For the above changes to take effect you must restart the domain.

  1. Shutdown the managed servers WLS_OIM1 add WLS_OIM2,
  2. Shutdown the managed servers WLS_SOA1 and WLS_SOA2.
  3. Shutdown the managed servers WLS_WSM1 and WLS_WSM2
  4. Shutdown the Administration server.
  5. Restart the Administration Server.
  6. Start the managed servers WLS_SOA1 and WLS_SOA2.
  7. Start the managed servers WLS_OIM1 and WLS_OIM2.
  8. Start the managed servers WLS_WSM1 and WLS_WSM2.

    If you have performed the workaround as described in the Update oam-config.xml, then you must also restart the OAM domain.

    Shutdown and restart the Administration Server and all of the managed servers (WLS_AMA1, WLS_AMA2, WLS_OAM1, WLS_OAM2).

Integrating Oracle Identity Manager with Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher

Oracle Identity Manager comes with a number of prebuilt reports that can be used to provide information about Oracle Identiy and Access Management.

Oracle Identity Manager reports are classified based on the functional areas like, Access Policy Reports, Request and Approval Reports, Password Reports, and so on. It is no longer named Operational and Historical. These reports are not generated via Oracle Identity Manager but by the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (BIP). Oracle Identity Manager reports provide a restriction for Oracle BI Publisher.

The setup of a highly available enterprise deployment of Oracle BI Publisher is beyond the scope of this document. For more information, see Understanding the Business Intelligence Enterprise Deployment Topology in the Enterprise Deployment Guide for Business Intelligence for

Configuring Oracle Identity Manager to use BI Publisher

You can set up Oracle BI Publisher to generate Oracle Identity Manager reports.

To configure Oracle Identity Manager to use the BI Publisher:
  1. Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control using the URL:
  2. Click on the WebLogic Domain and then select System MBean Browser.
  3. Enter XMLConfig.DiscoveryConfig as the search criteria and click Search.
    The XMLConfig.DiscoveryConfig MBean is displayed.
  4. Update the value of the Discovery Config BI publisher URL to the BIP URL. For example, https://bi.example.com/xmlpserver
  5. Click Apply.

Assigning the BIServiceAdministrator Role to xelsysadm

If you are using LDAP as your identity store in the Business Intelligence (BI) domain, then you must have created an LDAP authenticator in the BI domain, and you can view the Users and Groups stored within LDAP. The Oracle Identity Manager (OIM) system administration account (for example, xelsysadm) needs to be assigned the BIServiceAdministrator role, to generate reports.

To do this:
  1. Ensure that the OIM Administrator user is visible in the domain by logging in to the BI publisher WebLogic console using the url:
  2. Click Security Realms, and then click myrealm.
  3. Go to the Users and Groups tab.
  4. Look at the list of users and ensure that the user OIM Administration User (xelsysadm) is in the list of users.

Storing the BI Credentials in Oracle Identity Governance

To configure BIP credentials in Oracle Identity Manager:
  1. Log in to the Oracle Enterprise Manager using the url
  2. In the left pane, expand the  Weblogic Domain. The domain name is displayed.
  3. Right-click the domain name, and navigate to SecurityCredentials. A list of maps in the credential store, including the oim map, is displayed.
  4. Expand the oim map. A list of entries of type Password is displayed.
  5. Create a new CSF entry in the oim credential store map, as follows:

    Table 19-9 Properties of a new CSF entry

    Attribute Value

    Select Map









    xelsysadm password


    Login credentials for BI Publisher web service.


    If the key (BIPWSKey) already exists, then update it.

Creating OIM and BPEL Data Sources in BIP

Oracle BIP must be connected to the OIM and SOA database schemas to run a report.

Create OIM Datasource

In order to do this you need to create BIP datasources using the following procedure:

  1. Login to the BI Publisher Home page using the URL https://bi.example.com/xmlpserver

  2. Click the Administration link on the top of the BI Publisher Home page. The BI Publisher Administration page is displayed.

  3. Under Data Sources, click JDBC Connection link. The Data Sources page is displayed.

  4. In the JDBC tab, click Add Data Source to create a JDBC connection to your database. The Add Data Source page is displayed.

  5. Enter values in the following fields:

    Table 19-10 OIM Add Data Source Attributes

    Attributes Value

    Data Source Name

    Specify the Oracle Identity Governance JDBC connection name. For example, OIM JDBC.

    Driver Type

    Select Oracle 11g for an 11g database and Oracle 12c for a 12c database

    Database Driver Class

    Specify a driver class to suit your database, such as oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

    Connection String

    Specify the database connection details in the format jdbc:oracle:thin:@HOST_NAME:PORT_NUMBER:SID.

    For example, jdbc:oracle:thin:@igddbscan:1521:oim.example.com

    User name

    Specify the Oracle Identity Governance database user name for example IGD_OIM


    Specify the Oracle Identity Governance database user password.

  6. Click Test Connection to verify the connection.

  7. Click Apply to establish the connection.

  8. If the connection to the database is established, a confirmation message is displayed indicating the success.

  9. Click Apply.

In the JDBC page, you can see the newly defined Oracle Identity Governance JDBC connection in the list of JDBC data sources.

Create BPEL Datasource

  1. Login to the BI Publisher Home page using the URL https://bi.example.com/xmlpserver.

  2. Click the Administration link on the BI Publisher home page. The BI Publisher Administration page is displayed.

    1. Under Data Sources, click JDBC Connection link. The Data Sources page is displayed.

  3. In the JDBC tab, click Add Data Source to create a JDBC connection to your database. The Add Data Source page is displayed.

  4. Enter values in the following fields:

    Table 19-11 JDBC Add Data Source Attributes

    Attributes Value

    Data Source Name

    Specify the Oracle Identity Governance JDBC connection name. For example, BPEL JDBC.

    Driver Type

    Oracle 12c

    Database Driver Class

    Specify a driver class to suit your database, such as oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

    Connection String

    Specify the database connection details in the format jdbc:oracle:thin:@HOST_NAME:PORT_NUMBER:SID.

    For example, jdbc:oracle:thin:@igddbscan:1521:oim.example.com

    User name

    Specify the Oracle Identity Governance database user name for example IGD_SOAINFRA.


    Specify the Oracle Identity Governance database user password.

  5. Click Test Connection to verify the connection.

  6. Click Apply to establish the connection.

  7. If the connection to the database is established, a confirmation message is displayed indicating the success.

  8. Click Apply.

In the JDBC page, you can see the newly defined Oracle Identity Governance JDBC connection in the list of JDBC data sources.

Deploying Oracle Identity Governance Reports to BI

After BI Publisher is integrated with Oracle Identity Governance, you can deploy the predefined reports for using them. To deploy Oracle Identity Manager reports:
  1. Copy and unzip the predefined report IGD_ORACLE_HOME/idm/server/reports/oim_product_BIPReports_12c.zip located on OIMHOST1 file to the directory Shared_Storage_location/biconfig/bidata.


    The Shared_Storage_Location is defined in the ASERVER_HOME/config/fmwconfig/bienv/core/bi-environment.xml file.
  2. Add folder level permission to the BIServiceAdministrator BI application role to view and run the predefined Oracle Identity Governance reports. To do so:
    • Login to Oracle BI Publisher https://bi.example.com/xmlpserver by using the WebLogic admin credentials.

    • Click the Catalog link at the top. The Oracle Identity Manager named folder under shared folders is displayed in the left pane. Select the Oracle Identity Manager named folder.

    • Click Permissions option under the Tasks window on the bottom left.

    • Click the plus sign and perform a blank search on the available role.

    • Select the BI Service Administrator role, and add to the right panel.

    • Click Ok.

  3. Logout as WebLogic user.
  4. Login as the Oracle Identity Manager system administrator user to BI Publisher console.
  5. Run the Oracle Identity Manager reports.

Deploying Oracle Identity Governance Reports on the OBIEE Environment

To deploy the Oracle Identity Governance reports on the OBIEE environment:
  1. Copy the oim_product_BIPReports_12c.zip file to the BI Publisher directory.
  2. Extract the zip file and check for the Oracle Identity Manager and Translations directories that are created.
  3. To sync the catalog with /analytics:
    • Login to the BI Publisher so that the Oracle Identity Manager reports are displayed in the catalog folder on BIP.

    • Click Administration.

    • In System Maintenance, click Server Configuration.

    • In the Catalog, select  Oracle BIEE Catalog .

    • Click Apply.

    • Restart the BI Server.

Enable Certification Reports

Select or deselect the Enable Certification Reports option to enable or disable the certification reports. To enable the generation of certification reports, after configuring the BI Publisher credentials and URL, perform the following:
  1. Log in to the Oracle Identity Self Service using the url: https://prov.example.com/identity.
  2. Click the Compliance tab.
  3. Click the Identity Certification box.
  4. Select Certification Configuration. The Certification Configuration page is displayed.
  5. Select the Enable Certification Reports.
  6. Click Save.

Validating the Reports

We need to create the sample data source to generate reports against the sample data source.

Creating the Sample Reports

To view an example report data without running a report against the production JDBC Data Source, generate a sample report against the Sample Data Source. Create the Sample Data Source before you can generate the sample reports.

Generating the Reports against the Sample Data Source
After you create the Sample Data Source, you can generate sample reports against it by performing the following steps:
  1. Login to Oracle BI Publisher using the url : https://bi.example.com/xmlpserver.
  2. Click Shared Folders.
  3. Click  Oracle Identity Manager Reports.
  4. Select Sample Reports.
  5. Click View for the sample report you want to generate.
  6. Select an output format for the sample report and click View.

The sample report is generated.

Generating Reports Against the Oracle Identity Manager JDBC Data Source
To generate reports against the OIM JDBC data source, navigate to the Oracle Identity Manager reports by logging in to the Oracle BI Publisher, and select an output format for the report you want to generate.
To generate reports against the Oracle Identity Manager JDBC data source:
  1. Log in to Oracle BI Publisher using the url :https://bi.example.com/xmlpserver.
  2. Navigate to Oracle Identity Manager reports. To do so:
    • In the BI Publisher home page, under Browse or Manage, click Catalog Folders. Alternatively, you can click Catalog at the top of the page.

      The Catalog page is displayed with a tree structure on the left side of the page and the details on the right.

    • On the left pane, expand Shared Folders, and navigate to the Oracle Identity Manager. All the objects in the Oracle Identity Manager folder are displayed.

      You are ready to navigate to BI Publisher 12c and use the Oracle Identity Manager BI Publisher reports.

  3. Click View under the report you want to generate.
  4. Select an output format for the report and click View.
The report is generated.
Generating Reports Against the BPEL-Based JDBC Data Source
Some reports have a secondary data source, which is BPEL-based JDBC data source. This section describes how to generate reports against the BPEL-based JDBC data source.

Reports With Secondary Data Source

The following four reports have a secondary data source, which connects to the BPEL database to retrieve the BPEL data:

  • Task Assignment History

  • Request Details

  • Request Summary

  • Approval Activity

These reports have a secondary data source (BPEL-based JDBC Data Source) called BPEL JDBC. To generate reports against the BPEL-based JDBC data source:

  1. Log in to Oracle BI Publisher using the url: https://bi.example.com/xmlpserver.
  2. Navigate to the Oracle Identity Manager reports. To do so:
    • In the BI Publisher home page, under Browse or Manage, click Catalog Folders. Alternatively, you can click Catalog at the top of the page.

      The catalog page is displayed with a tree structure on the left side of the page and the details on the right.

    • On the left pane, expand Shared Folders, and navigate to the Oracle Identity Manager. All the objects in the Oracle Identity Manager folder is displayed.

      Navigate to the BI Publisher 12c and use the Oracle Identity Manager BI Publisher reports.

  3. Select the report you want to generate and click Open.
  4. Select an output format for the report, and click Apply.
The report is generated based on the BPEL-based JDBC data source.

Enabling Exalogic Optimizations

This section describes the tasks specific to Exalogic optimization. This sections contains the following topics:

Configuring Oracle Identity Governance Servers to Listen on EoIB

This section is only required if the Oracle Identity Governance servers need to be accessed directly from outside the Exalogic machine. This is the case when external Oracle HTTP Servers are part of the configuration.

Create a new network channel as follows:

  1. Log in to the WebLogic Console in the IAMGovernanceDomain.
  2. Click Lock & Edit.
  3. Navigate to Environment and then to Servers to open the Summary of Servers page
  4. In the Servers table, click WLS_OIM1.
  5. Select Protocols and then Channels.
  6. Click New to create a new channel.
  7. Enter OIMHOST1-EXTCHAN as the name. Select HTTP as the protocol and click Next.
  8. In the Network Channel Addressing page, enter the following information:
    • Listen Address: OIMHOST1-EXT

      This is the bond1 address assigned to OIMHOST1-EXT.

    • Listen Port: 8001

  9. Click Next and select the following in the Network Channel Properties page:
    • Enabled

    • HTTP Enabled for this protocol

  10. Click Finish.
  11. Click Activate Changes.

Repeat the preceding steps, substituting WLS_OIM2 and OIMHOST2-EXT for the Server and Listen Address.

Enabling Cluster-Level Session Replication Enhancements for Oracle Identity Manager and SOA

You can enable session replication enhancements for Managed Servers in a WebLogic cluster to which you deploy a Web application at a later time.

To enable session replication enhancements for oim_cluster in the domain IAMGovernanceDomain, use the values in Table 19-12.

Table 19-12 Network Channel Properties

Managed Server Name Protocol Listen Address Listen Port Additional Channel Ports






7006 to 7014






7006 to 7014






7006 to 7014






7006 to 7014

Proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to the WebLogic Administration console at: http://IGDADMIN.example.com/console

  2. Ensure that Managed Servers in the oim_cluster cluster are up and running, as described in configuring-infrastructure-oracle-identity-governance.html#GUID-EB131B7B-1013-4043-839C-0CD933851C4A__BABGJJFC.

  3. To set replication ports for a Managed Server, use the values in Table 19-12.

    To set the values for WLS_OIM1, for example, complete the following steps:

    1. Under Domain Structure, click Environment and Servers. The Summary of Servers page is displayed.

    2. Click Lock & Edit.

    3. Click WLS_OIM1 on the list of servers. The Settings for WLS_OIM1 are displayed.

    4. Click the Cluster tab.

    5. In the Replication Ports field, enter a range of ports for configuring multiple replication channels. For example, replication channels for Managed Servers in oim_cluster can listen on ports starting from 7005 to 7015. To specify this range of ports, enter 7005-7015.

    6. Repeat Steps a through e for each of the other managed servers in Table 19-12.

  4. The following steps show how to create a network channel for the managed server WLS_OIM1.

    1. Log in to the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.

    2. If you have not already done so, click Lock & Edit in the Change Center.

    3. In the left pane of the Console, expand Environment and select Servers.

      The Summary of Servers page is displayed.

    4. In the Servers table, click WLS_OIM1 Managed Server instance.

    5. Select Protocols, and then Channels.

    6. Click New.

    7. Enter ReplicationChannel as the name of the new network channel and select t3 as the protocol, then click Next.

    8. Enter the following information:

      Listen address: OIMHOST1


      This is the WLS_OIM1 floating IP assigned to WebLogic Server.

      Listen port: 7005

    9. Click Next, and in the Network Channel Properties page, select Enabled and Outbound Enabled.

    10. Click Finish.

    11. Click Save.

    12. Under the Network Channels table, select ReplicationChannel, the network channel you created for the WLS_OIM1 Managed Server.

      Expand Advanced, select Enable SDP Protocol, and click Save.

    13. To activate these changes, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Activate Changes.

    You must repeat the above steps to create a network channel each for the remaining Managed Servers in the cluster. Enter the required properties, as described in Table 19-12.

  5. After creating the network channel for each of the Managed Servers in your cluster, click Environment > Clusters. The Summary of Clusters page is displayed.

  6. Click oim_cluster. The Settings for oim_cluster page is displayed.

  7. Click the Replication tab.

  8. In the Replication Channel field, ensure that ReplicationChannel is set as the name of the channel to be used for replication traffic.

  9. In the Advanced section, select the Enable One Way RMI for Replication option.

  10. Click Save.

  11. Repeat these steps for the SOA cluster.

  12. To activate these changes, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Activate Changes.

  13. Manually add the system property -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true to the startWebLogic.sh script, which is located in the bin directory of IGD_ASERVER_HOME, using a text editor as follows:

    1. Locate the following line in the startWebLogic.sh script:

      . ${DOMAIN_HOME}/bin/setDomainEnv.sh $*

    2. Add the following property immediately after the above entry:

      JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true"

    3. Save the file and close.

  14. Restart the Administration Server of the IAMGovernanceDomain and the Managed Servers - WLS_OIM1, WLS_OIM2, WLS_SOA1, WLS_SOA2, WLS_WSM1, WLS_WSM2.