D Cleaning Up After a Failed Installation

This appendix describes the procedure to remove a deployed or a partially deployed Oracle Identity and Access Management software from a Kubernetes cluster.

The steps provided in this section assume that you have the persistent volumes mounted on the configuration node under /nfs_volumes/<pvname>.

This appendix includes the following topics:

Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager

To remove Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager (OUDSM):
  1. Remove the OUDSM deployment using the command:
    helm uninstall -n <OUDNS> oudsm-1
    For example:
    helm uninstall -n ounds oudsm-1
  2. If you have set up a node port service, remove the service using the command:
    kubectl delete service -n <OUDNS> oudsm-nodeport
    For example:
    kubectl delete service -n oudns oudsm-nodeport
  3. If you have installed Logstash, you also need to execute the following commands:
    kubectl delete deployment -n <OUDNS> oudsm-logstash
    kubectl delete cm -n <OUDNS> oudsm-logstash-configmap
  4. Verify there are no OUSDM services running, using the command:
    kubectl get all -n <OUDNS> -o wide
    For example:
    kubectl get all -n oudns -o wide
  5. Remove the contents of the persistent volume using the command:
    rm -rf /nfs_volumes/oudsmpv/*
  6. Remove the files from the working directory.
    rm -f /workdir/OUDSM

For the list of applicable variables, see Variables Used in this Chapter.

Oracle Unified Directory

If you have deployed OUDSM into the Oracle Unified Directory (OUD) namespace, you should first remove this component. See Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager.
  1. Remove the OUD deployment using the command:
    helm uninstall -n <OUDNS> <OUD_POD_PREFIX>
    For example:
    helm uninstall -n oudns edg
  2. If you have set up a node port service, remove the service using the command:
    kubectl delete service -n <OUDNS> oud-nodeport
    For example:
    kubectl delete service -n oudns oud-nodeport
  3. If you have installed Logstash, you also need to execute the following commands:
    kubectl delete deployment -n <OUDNS> oud-logstash
    kubectl delete cm -n <OUDNS> oud-logstash-configmap
    kubectl delete cm -n <OUDNS> elk-cert
  4. Remove the OUD namespace.
    kubectl delete namespace -n <OUDNS>
    For example:
    kubectl delete namespace -n oudns
  5. Check that all OUD pods have stopped, using the command:
    kubectl get all -n <OUDNS> -o wide
    For example:
    kubectl get all -n oudns -o wide
  6. Remove the files on persistent volume.
    rm -rf /nfs_volumes/oudpv
  7. Optionally, remove the files on the configuration persistent volume.
    rm -rf /nfs_volumes/oudconfigpv
  8. Remove the files from the working directory.
    rm -f /workdir/OUD

For the list of applicable variables, see Variables Used in this Chapter.

Oracle Access Manager

To remove Oracle Access Manager:
  1. Delete the domain creation job using the command:
    kubectl delete jobs <OAM_DOMAIN_NAME>-create-fmw-infra-sample-domain-job -n <OAMNS>
    For example:
    kubectl delete jobs accessdomain-create-fmw-infra-sample-domain-job -n oamns
  2. Delete the domain using the command:
    kubectl delete domain <OAM_DOMAIN_NAME> -n <OAMNS>
    For example:
    kubectl delete domain accessdomain -n oamns
  3. Delete the configmap using the command:
    kubectl delete configmaps <OAM_DOMAIN_NAME>-create-oam-infra-domain-job-cm -n <OAMNS>
    For example:
    kubectl delete configmaps accessdomain-create-oam-infra-domain-job-cm -n oamns
  4. If you have installed Logstash, you also need to execute the following commands:
    kubectl delete deployment -n <OAMNS> oam-logstash
    kubectl delete cm -n <OAMNS> oam-logstash-configmap
    kubectl delete cm -n <OAMNS> elk-cert
  5. Delete the NodePort Services if you have defined them, using the commands:
    kubectl delete service -n <OAMNS> <OAM_DB_SERVICE>
    For example:
    kubectl delete service -n oamns accessdomain-oap
    kubectl delete service -n oamns accessdomain-policy-nodeport
    kubectl delete service -n oamns accessdomain-oam-nodeport
  6. Check that the domain has completely stopped, using the command:
    kubectl get all -n <OAMNS> -o wide
    For example:
    kubectl get all -n oamns -o wide
  7. Creating a Helper Pod
    Create a helper pod inside the namespace to allow the running of the Repository Creation Utility (RCU).
    kubectl run helper --image <OAM_REPOSITORY>:<OAM_VER> -n <OAMNS> -- sleep infinity
    For example:
    kubectl run helper --image oracle/oam:latest -n oamns -- sleep infinity
    kubectl run helper -n oamns --image iad.ocir.io/mytenancy/oracle/oam:latest --overrides='{ "spec": { "imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "regcred"}] } }' -- sleep infinity
    The output appears as follows:
    pod/helper created
    Run the following command to check that the pod is running:
    kubectl get pods -n oamns
    The output appears as follows:
    helper  1/1      Running   0           8s
  8. Drop the OAM schemas by using the commands:
    1. Start a bash shell in the helper pod using the following command:
      kubectl exec -it helper -n <OAMNS> -- /bin/bash
      For example:
      kubectl exec -it helper -n oamns -- /bin/bash
    2. Set up the environment variables which you will use to connect to the database.
      export DB_HOST=<OAM_DB_SCAN>
      export DB_PORT=<OAM_DB_LISTENER>
      echo -e <OAM_DB_SYS_PWD>"\n"<OAM_SCHEMA_PWD> /tmp/pwd.txt
      For example:
      export DB_HOST=DBSCAN.example.com
      export DB_PORT=1521
      export DB_SERVICE=igdedg.example.com
      export RCU_PREFIX=IGDEDG
      export RCU_SCHEMA_PWD=rcupassword
      echo -e syspassword"\n"rcupassword > /tmp/pwd.txt

      Check that there are two entries in the /tmp/pwd file.

      For example:
      cat /tmp/pwd.txt
    3. Run the following command to create the RCU schemas in the database:
      /u01/oracle/oracle_common/bin/rcu -silent -dropRepository -databaseType ORACLE -connectString \
      $CONNECTION_STRING -dbUser sys -dbRole sysdba \
      -selectDependentsForComponents true -schemaPrefix $RCU_PREFIX -component MDS -component IAU \
      -component IAU_APPEND -component IAU_VIEWER -component OPSS -component WLS -component STB -component OAM -f < /tmp/pwd.txt
  9. Remove persistent volume and claim from Kubernetes using the commands:
    kubectl delete pvc -n <OAMNS> <OAM_DOMAIN_NAME>-domain-pvc
    kubectl delete pv <OAM_DOMAIN_NAME>-domain-pv
    For example:
    kubectl delete pvc -n oamns accessdomain-domain-pvc
    kubectl delete pv accessdomain-domain-pv
  10. Remove the OAM namespace.
    kubectl delete namespace <OAMNS>
    For example:
    kubectl delete namespace oamns
  11. Remove the files on the persistent volume.
    rm -rf /nfs_volumes/oampv
  12. Remove the files from the working directory.
    rm -f /workdir/OAM

For the list of applicable variables, see Variables Used in this Chapter.

Oracle Identity Governance

To remove Oracle Identity Governance:
  1. Delete the domain creation job using the command:
    kubectl delete jobs <OIG_DOMAIN_NAME>-create-fmw-infra-sample-domain-job -n <OIGNS>
    For example:
    kubectl delete jobs governancedomain-create-fmw-infra-sample-domain-job -n oigns
  2. Delete the domain using the command:
    kubectl delete domain <OIG_DOMAIN_NAME> -n <OIGNS>
    For example:
    kubectl delete domain governancedomain -n oigns
  3. Delete the configmap using the command:
    kubectl delete configmaps <OIG_DOMAIN_NAME>-create-fmw-infra-sample -infra-domain-job-cm -n <OIGNS>
    For example:
    kubectl delete configmaps governancedomain-create-fmw-infra-sample-domain-job-cm -n oigns
  4. If you have installed Logstash, you also need to execute the following commands:
    kubectl delete deployment -n <OIGNS> oig-logstash
    kubectl delete cm -n <OIGNS> oig-logstash-configmap
    kubectl delete cm -n <OIGNS> elk-cert
  5. Delete the NodePort Services if you have defined them, using the commands:
    kubectl delete service -n <OIGNS> <OIG_DB_SERVICE>
    For example:
    kubectl delete service -n oigns governancedomain-oim-t3-nodeport
    kubectl delete service -n oigns governancedomain-oim-nodeport
    kubectl delete service -n oigns governancedomain-soa-nodeport
  6. Check that the domain has completely stopped, using the command:
    kubectl get all -n <OIGNS> -o wide
    For example:
    kubectl get all -n oigns -o wide
  7. Drop the OIG schemas by using the commands:
    1. Start a bash shell in the helper pod using the following command:
      kubectl exec -it helper -n <OIGNS> -- /bin/bash
      For example:
      kubectl exec -it helper -n oigns -- /bin/bash
    2. Set up the environment variables which you will use to connect to the database.
      export DB_HOST=<OIG_DB_SCAN>
      export DB_PORT=<OIG_DB_LISTENER>
      echo -e <OIG_DB_SYS_PWD>"\n"<OIG_SCHEMA_PWD> /tmp/pwd.txt
      For example:
      export DB_HOST=DBSCAN.example.com
      export DB_PORT=1521
      export DB_SERVICE=igdedg.example.com
      export RCU_PREFIX=IGDEDG
      export RCU_SCHEMA_PWD=rcupassword
      echo -e syspassword"\n"rcupassword > /tmp/pwd.txt

      Check that there are two entries in the /tmp/pwd file.

      For example:
      cat /tmp/pwd.txt
    3. Run the following command to create the RCU schemas in the database:
      /u01/oracle/oracle_common/bin/rcu -silent -fropRepository -databaseType ORACLE -connectString \
      $CONNECTION_STRING -dbUser sys -dbRole sysdba \
      -selectDependentsForComponents true -schemaPrefix $RCU_PREFIX -component MDS -component IAU -component OIM \
      -component SOAINFRA -component OPSS -component WLS -component STB -component IAU_APPEND -component IAU_VIEWER -component UCSUMS -f < /tmp/pwd.txt
  8. Remove persistent volume and claim from Kubernetes using the commands:
    kubectl delete pvc -n <OIGNS> <OIG_DOMAIN_NAME>-domain-pvc
    kubectl delete pv <OIG_DOMAIN_NAME>-domain-pv
    For example:
    kubectl delete pvc -n oigns governancedomain-domain-pvc
    kubectl delete pv governancedomain-domain-pv
  9. Remove the OIG namespace.
    kubectl delete namespace -n <OIGNS>
    For example:
    kubectl delete namespace -n oigns
  10. Remove the files on the persistent volume.
    rm -rf /nfs_volumes/oigpv
  11. Remove the files from the working directory.
    rm -f /workdir/OIG

For the list of applicable variables, see Variables Used in this Chapter.

WebLogic Operator for Kubernetes

Before you remove the WebLogic Operator for Kubernetes, ensure that there are no domains in the Kubernetes cluster that is being managed by the WebLogic Operator. Removing the Operator may cause the dependent existing domains to cease working.

To remove the WebLogic Operator for Kubernetes:

  1. Remove the Operator deployment using the command:
    helm uninstall --namespace <OPERNS> weblogic-kubernetes-operator
    For example:
    helm uninstall --namespace operns weblogic-kubernetes-operator
  2. Remove the Operator namespace.
    kubectl delete namespace -n <OPERNS>
    For example:
    kubectl delete namespace -n operns
  3. Remove the local working directory.
    rm -rf /workdir/OPER/*

Oracle Identity Role Intelligence

To remove OIRI:
  1. Connect to the oiri-cli pod by using the command:
    kubectl exec -n <OIRINS> -ti oiri-cli /bin/bash
    For example:
    kubectl exec -n oirins -ti oiri-cli /bin/bash
  2. Remove the OIRI deployment using the command:
    helm delete oiri
  3. Delete the OIRI schemas from the oiri-cli pod by using the command:
    oiri-cli --config=/app/data/conf/config.yaml schema drop /app/data/conf/dbconfig.yaml \
                 --sysp <syspassword>
  4. Delete the oiri-cli pod by using the command:
    kubectl delete pod -n <OIRINS> oiri-cli
    For example:
    kubectl delete pod -n oirins oiri-cli
  5. Delete the oiri-ding-cli pod by using the command:
    kubectl delete pod -n <DINGNS> oiri-ding-cli
    For example:
    kubectl delete pod -n dingns oiri-ding-cli
  6. Remove the OIRI namespace.
    kubectl delete namespace -n <OIRINS>
    For example:
    kubectl delete namespace -n oirins
  7. Remove the DING namespace.
    kubectl delete namespace -n <DINGNS>
    For example:
    kubectl delete namespace -n dingns
  8. Remove the files on the persistent volume.
    rm -rf /nfs_volumes/oiripv /nfs_volumes/dingpv /nfs_volumes/workpv
  9. Remove the files from the working directory.
    rm -f /workdir/OIRI

For the list of applicable variables, see Variables Used in this Chapter.

Oracle Advanced Authentication

To remove Oracle Advanced Authentication:
  1. Remove the OAA application.
    From the OAA-MGMT pod, run the following command:
    helm uninstall <OAA_APPLICATION> -n <OAANS>
    For example:
    helm uninstall edg -n oaans
  2. Ensure that all pods have been terminated and deleted before continuing, by using the following command:
    kubectl get pods -n oaans
    Ensure that there are no STS services running before continuing, by using the following command:
    kubectl get sts -n oaans
    If any STS services are still running, then attempt to stop them using the following commands:
    kubectl patch sts -n oaans edg-cache-rest -p '{"spec":{"replicas":0}}'
    kubectl patch sts -n oaans edg-cache-proxy -p '{"spec":{"replicas":0}}'
    kubectl patch sts -n oaans edg-cache-storage -p '{"spec":{"replicas":0}}'

    Where edg is the name of the OAA deployment.

  3. Remove the OAM integration. You can perform these steps using curl or the OAM Console. For simplicity, the curl commands are shown.
    1. Encode oamadmin and its password by using the following command:
      echo -n oamadmin:<password> | base64
    2. Delete the authentication scheme using the following curl command:
      curl --location --request DELETE "http://worker1.example.com:<OAM_K8_PORT>/oam/services/rest/" --header "Authorization: Basic <ENCODED_OAMADMIN>"
      For example:
      curl --location --request DELETE "http://worker1.example.com:<OAM_K8_PORT>/oam/services/rest/" --header "Authorization: Basic <ENCODED_OAMADMIN>"
    3. Delete the authentication policy using the following curl command.
      curl --location --request DELETE "http://worker1.example.com:<OAM_K8_PORT>/oam/services/rest/ Suite&name=OAA_MFA-Policy" --header "Authorization: Basic b2FtYWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ="
      For example:
      curl --location --request DELETE "http://worker1.example.com:30701/oam/services/rest/ Suite&name=OAA_MFA-Policy" --header "Authorization: Basic b2FtYWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ="
  4. Delete the OAuth client.
    1. Encode oamadmin and its password by using the command:
      echo -n oamadmin:<password> | base64
    2. Delete the OAuth client using the following curl command:
      curl --location --request DELETE "http://worker1.example.com:<OAM_K8_PORT>/oam/services/rest/ssa/api/v1/oauthpolicyadmin/client?name=OAAClient&identityDomainName=<OAA_DOMAIN>"  --header "Authorization: Basic <ENCODED_OAMADMIN>"
      for example:
      curl --location --request DELETE "http://worker1.example.com:30701/oam/services/rest/ssa/api/v1/oauthpolicyadmin/client?name=OAAClient&identityDomainName=OAADomain>"  --header "Authorization: Basic b2FtYWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ="
    3. Delete the OAuth resource server using the command:
      curl --location --request DELETE "http://worker1.example.com:<OAM_K8_PORT>/oam/services/rest/ssa/api/v1/oauthpolicyadmin/application?name=OAAResource&identityDomainName=<OAA_DOMAIN>" --header "Authorization: Basic <ENCODED_OAMADMIN>"
      For example:
      curl --location --request DELETE http://worker1.example.com:30701/oam/services/rest/ssa/api/v1/oauthpolicyadmin/application?name=OAAResource&identityDomainName=OAADomain" --header "Authorization: Basic b2FtYWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ="
    4. Delete the OAuth domain using the command:
      curl --location --request DELETE " http://worker1.example.com:<OAM_K8_PORT>/oam/services/rest/ssa/api/v1/oauthpolicyadmin/oauthidentitydomain?name=<OAA_DOMAIN>" --header "Authorization: Basic <ENCODED_OAMADMIN>"
      For example:
      curl --location --request DELETE " http://worker1.example.com:30701/oam/services/rest/ssa/api/v1/oauthpolicyadmin/oauthidentitydomain?name=OAADomain--header "Authorization: Basic b2FtYWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ=
  5. Delete the database schemas. From the OAA-MGMT pod, run the following commands:
    sqlplus sys/<OAA_DB_SYS_PWD>@<DB_SCAN>:<DB_LISTENER>/<OAA_DB_SERVICE> as sysdba
    alter session set "_oracle_script"=TRUE; ** Required for PDB’s **
    drop user <OAA_RCU_PREFIX>_oaa cascade;
    delete from SCHEMA_VERSION_REGISTRY where comp_name='Oracle Advanced Authentication' and OWNER=UPPER('<OAA_RCU_PREFIX>_OAA');
    set pages 0
    set feedback off
    spool /tmp/drop_directories.sql
    select 'drop directory '||directory_name||';' from all_directories
    where directory_name like 'EXPORT%'
    spool off
  6. Delete role bindings using the commands:
    kubectl delete rolebinding -n oaans oaa-rolebinding
    kubectl delete clusterrolebinding oaa-clusterrolebinding
    kubectl delete clusterrolebinding oaa-clusteradmin
    kubectl delete role oaa-ns-role -n oaans
    kubectl delete serviceaccount -n oaans oaa-service-account
  7. Delete the OAA management pod.
    kubectl delete pod -n oaans oaa-mgmt
  8. Delete the namespaces using the commands:
    kubectl delete namespace oaans
  9. Delete the contents of the persistent volumes using the commands:


    The assumption is that you have the volumes mounted locally under /nfs_volumes.
    rm -rf <WORKDIR>
    rm -rf /nfs_volumes/oaacredpv/*
    rm -rf /nfs_volumes/oaaconfigpv/*
    rm -rf /nfs_volumes/oaalogpv/*
    rm -rf /nfs_volumes/oaalogpv /* /nfs_volumes/oaalogpv /.??*
  10. Remove the OAA entries from the OCI vault:
    Delete vault secret "<OAA_DEPLOYMENT>-map-oaaManifestMap.txt

    Change the default deletion date when scheduling the secret for deletion. For mor information, see Managing Vaults.

    Wait for <OAA_DEPLOYMENT>-map-oaaManifestMap.txt to be removed from the vault. The secret being in the deleted state is not sufficient. The removal from the vault takes upto 48 hours.

    After the secret is deleted, perform a new installation of OAA.

For the list of applicable variables, see Variables Used in this Chapter.

Ingress Controller

To remove Ingress controller:
  1. Remove the controller using the following command:
    helm uninstall -n <INGRESSNS> nginx-ingress
  2. Remove the namespace:
    kubectl delete namespace -n <INGRESSNS>

For the list of applicable variables, see Variables Used in this Chapter.

Elasticsearch and Kibana

To remove Elasticsearch and Kibana:
  1. Remove the NodePort Services:
    kubectl delete service -n <ELKNS> kibana-nodeport
    kubectl delete service -n <ELKNS> elk-nodeport
  2. Remove Kibana:
    kubectl delete kibana -n <ELKNS> kibana
  3. Remove the Elasticsearch cluster:
    kubectl delete elasticsearch -n <ELKNS> elasticsearch
  4. Remove the Elasticsearch Operator:
    helm uninstall -n <ELKNS> elastic-operator
  5. Remove the namespace:
    kubectl delete namespace -n <ELKNS>

For the list of applicable variables, see Variables Used in this Section.

Prometheus and Grafana

To remove Prometheus and Grafana:
  1. Remove the application:
    helm uninstall kube-prometheus -n <PROMNS>
  2. Remove Custom Resource Definitions:
    kubectl delete crd -n <PROMNS> alertmanagerconfigs.monitoring.coreos.com
    kubectl delete crd -n <PROMNS> alertmanagers.monitoring.coreos.com 
    kubectl delete crd -n <PROMNS> podmonitors.monitoring.coreos.com
    kubectl delete crd -n <PROMNS> probes.monitoring.coreos.com
    kubectl delete crd -n <PROMNS> prometheuses.monitoring.coreos.com
    kubectl delete crd -n <PROMNS> prometheusrules.monitoring.coreos.com
    kubectl delete crd -n <PROMNS> servicemonitors.monitoring.coreos.com
    kubectl delete crd -n <PROMNS> thanosrulers.monitoring.coreos.com
  3. Remove the namespace:
    kubectl delete namespace <PROMNS>