14 Creating Infrastructure for Oracle Identity Governance

The following topics describe how to install and configure an initial domain, which can be used as the starting point for an enterprise deployment. Later chapters in this guide describe how to extend this initial domain with the various products and components that comprise the enterprise topology you are deploying.

A complete Oracle Identity and Access Management uses a split domain deployment, where there is a single domain for Oracle Access Management and a different one for Oracle Identity Governance. You must create a separate infrastructures for Access and Governance.

Synchronizing the System Clocks

Before you deploy Oracle Identity Governance, verify that the system clocks on each host computer are synchronized. You can do this by running the date command simultaneously on all the hosts in each cluster.

Alternatively, there are third-party and open-source utilities you can use for this purpose.

About the Initial Infrastructure Domain

Before you create the initial Infrastructure domain, ensure that you review the key concepts.

About the Infrastructure Distribution

You create the initial Infrastructure domain for an enterprise deployment by using the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure distribution. This distribution contains both the Oracle WebLogic Server software and the Oracle JRF software.

The Oracle JRF software consists of Oracle Web Services Manager, Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF), Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control, the Repository Creation Utility (RCU), and other libraries and technologies that are required to support the Oracle Fusion Middleware products.


The Access infrastructure does not use the Web Services Manager.

See Understanding Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure in Understanding Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Characteristics of the Domain

The following table lists some of the key characteristics of the domain that you are about to create. Reviewing these characteristics helps you to understand the purpose and context of the procedures that are used to configure the domain.

Many of these characteristics are described in more detail in Understanding a Typical Enterprise Deployment.

Characteristic of the Domain More Information

Uses a separate virtual IP (VIP) address for the Administration Server.

Configuration of the Administration Server and Managed Servers Domain Directories

Uses separate domain directories for the Administration Server and the Managed Servers in the domain.

Configuration of the Administration Server and Managed Servers Domain Directories

Uses a per domain Node Manager configuration.

About the Node Manager Configuration in a Typical Enterprise Deployment

Requires a separately installed LDAP-based authentication provider.

Understanding OPSS and Requests to the Authentication and Authorization Stores

Variables Used When Creating the Infrastructure Domain

As you perform the tasks in this chapter, you reference the directory variables that are listed in this section.

These directory variables are defined in File System and Directory Variables Used in This Guide.







To simplify, the above variables are used. Depending on the domain you are creating, you must add the prefix to the above variables with the infrastructure you are creating for. For example:

  • For access deployments, use IAD. For example: IAD_ASERVER_HOME

  • For governance, use IGD. For example: IGD_ASERVER_HOME

In addition, you reference the following virtual IP (VIP) addresses and host names that are defined in Physical and Virtual IP Addresses Required by the Enterprise Topology:






  • SCAN Address for the Oracle RAC Database (DB-SCAN.example.com)


Depending on the domain you are creating, you must add the prefix to ADMINVHN. For example, IAD_ADMINVHN.


The instructions in this section use the installation on OIMHOST1 and OIMHOST2 as an example. If you are creating the infrastructure domain for Access, then substitute OAMHOST1 and OAMHOST2 wherever appropriate.

Support for Dynamic Clusters in Infrastructure Domains

Infrastructure domains support two different topologies: static clusters-based topology and dynamic clusters-based topology. When choosing the dynamic cluster topology, there are some differences with respect to the conventional static clusters configuration.

Static clusters, also called configured clusters, are conventional clusters where you manually configure and add each server instance. A dynamic cluster includes a new "server-template" object that is used to define a centralized configuration for all generated (dynamic) server instances. When you create a dynamic cluster, the dynamic servers are preconfigured and automatically generated for you. This feature enables you to scale up the number of server instances in the dynamic cluster when you need additional server capacity. You can simply start the dynamic servers without having to first manually configure and add them to the cluster.

The steps in this section include instructions to configure the domain for both static or dynamic topologies. The differences between the two types of configurations are listed below:
  • The Configuration Wizard process may differ for each case. For example, you should define server templates for dynamic clusters instead of servers.

  • For dynamic clusters, you should perform the server-specific configurations such as setting the listen address, configuring the upload and staging directories, or configuring the keystores in the server template instead of in the server.

  • Service migration is configured in a different way for dynamic clusters. Dynamic clusters do not use migratable targets, instead the JMS resources are targeted to the cluster. Specific procedure for configuring service migration for dynamic clusters is included in this guide.

Mixed clusters (clusters that contains both dynamic and configured server instances) are not supported in the Oracle Identity and Access Management enterprise deployment.

Installing the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure on OIMHOST1

Use the following sections to install the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure software in preparation for configuring a new domain for an enterprise deployment.

Installing a Supported JDK

Oracle Fusion Middleware requires that a certified Java Development Kit (JDK) is installed on your system.

Locating and Downloading the JDK Software

To find a certified JDK, see the certification document for your release on the Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurations page.

After you identify the Oracle JDK for the current Oracle Fusion Middleware release, you can download an Oracle JDK from the following location on Oracle Technology Network:


Be sure to navigate to the download for the Java SE JDK.

Installing the JDK Software

Oracle Fusion Middleware requires you to install a certified Java Development Kit (JDK) on your system.

You must install the JDK in the following locations:

  • On the shared storage device, where it will be accessible from each of the application tier host computers, install the JDK in the location specified in File System and Directory Variables Used in This Guide.

  • On the local storage device for each of the Web tier host computers. The Web tier host computers, which reside in the DMZ, do not necessarily have access to the shared storage on the application tier.

  • On the local storage device for each of the directory tier host computers, in case of the directory hosts not utilizing the shared storage.

For more information about the recommended location for the JDK software, see Understanding the Recommended Directory Structure for an Enterprise Deployment.

To install JDK 1.8.0_211:
  1. Change directory to the location where you downloaded the JDK archive file.
    cd download_dir
  2. Unpack the archive into the JDK home directory, and then run the following commands:
    tar -xzvf jdk-8u201-linux-x64.tar.gz
    Note that the JDK version listed here was accurate at the time this document was published. For the latest supported JDK, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware System Requirements and Specifications for the current Oracle Fusion Middleware release.
  3. Move the JDK directory to the recommended location in the directory structure.
    For example:
    mv ./jdk1.8.0_211 /u01/oracle/products/jdk
  4. Define the JAVA_HOME and PATH environment variables for running Java on the host computer.
    For example:
    export JAVA_HOME=/u01/oracle/products/jdk
    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
  5. Run the following command to verify that the appropriate java executable is in the path and your environment variables are set correctly:
    java -verison
    The Java version in the output should be displayed as “1.8.0_211”.

Starting the Infrastructure Installer

To start the installation program, perform the following steps.

  1. Log in to OIMHOST1.
  2. Go to the directory where you downloaded the installation program.
  3. Launch the installation program by invoking the java executable from the JDK directory on your system, as shown in the example below.
    $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -d64 -jar distribution_file_name.jar

    In this example:

    • Replace JAVA_HOME with the environment variable or actual JDK location on your system.

    • Replace distribution_file_name with the actual name of the distribution JAR file.

      If you download the distribution from the Oracle Technology Network (OTN), then the JAR file is typically packaged inside a downloadable ZIP file.

      To install the software required for the initial Infrastructure domain, the distribution you want to install is:


      For more information about the actual file names of each distribution, see Identifying and Obtaining Software Downloads for an Enterprise Deployment.

When the installation program appears, you are ready to begin the installation. See Navigating the Installation Screens for a description of each installation program screen.

Navigating the Infrastructure Installation Screens

The installation program displays a series of screens, in the order listed in the following table.

If you need additional help with any of the installation screens, click the screen name or click the Help button on the screen.

Table 14-1 Navigating the Infrastructure Installation Screens

Screen Description

Installation Inventory Setup

On UNIX operating systems, this screen appears if you are installing any Oracle product on this host for the first time. Specify the location where you want to create your central inventory. Ensure that the operating system group name selected on this screen has write permissions to the central inventory location.

See Understanding the Oracle Central Inventory in Installing Software with the Oracle Universal Installer.


Oracle recommends that you configure the central inventory directory on the products shared volume. Example: /u01/oracle/products/oraInventory

You may also need to execute the createCentralinventory.sh script as root from the oraInventory folder after the installer completes.


This screen introduces you to the product installer.

Auto Updates

Use this screen to search My Oracle Support automatically for available patches or automatically search a local directory for patches that you have already downloaded for your organization.

Installation Location

Use this screen to specify the location of your Oracle home directory.

For the purposes of an enterprise deployment, enter the value of the IGD_ORACLE_HOME variable listed in Table 8-2.

Installation Type

Use this screen to select the type of installation and as a consequence, the products and feature sets that you want to install.

For this topology, select Fusion Middleware Infrastructure.


The topology in this document does not include server examples. Oracle strongly recommends that you do not install the examples into a production environment.

Prerequisite Checks

This screen verifies that your system meets the minimum requirements.

If there are any warning or error messages, refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware System Requirements and Specifications document on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN).

Security Updates

If you already have an Oracle Support account, use this screen to indicate how you would like to receive security updates.

If you do not have one and are sure that you want to skip this step, clear the check box and verify your selection in the follow-up dialog box.

Installation Summary

Use this screen to verify the installation options that you have selected. If you want to save these options to a response file, click Save Response File and provide the location and name of the response file. Response files can be used later in a silent installation situation.

For more information about silent or command-line installation, see Using the Oracle Universal Installer in Silent Mode in Installing Software with the Oracle Universal Installer.

Installation Progress

This screen allows you to see the progress of the installation.

Installation Complete

This screen appears when the installation is complete. Review the information on this screen, then click Finish to dismiss the installer.

Installing Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure on the Other Host Computers

If you have configured a separate shared storage volume or partition for secondary hosts, then you must install the Infrastructure on one of those hosts.

See Shared Storage Recommendations When Installing and Configuring an Enterprise Deployment.

To install the software on the other host computers in the topology, log in to each host, and use the instructions in Starting the Infrastructure Installer and Navigating the Infrastructure Installation Screens to create the Oracle home on the appropriate storage device.

Checking the Directory Structure

After you install the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure and create the Oracle home, you should see the directory and sub-directories listed in this topic. The contents of your installation vary based on the options that you selected during the installation.

To check the directory structure:

  1. Change to the ORACLE_HOME directory where you installed the Infrastructure.
  2. Enter the following command:
    ls --format=single-column
    The directory structure on your system must match the structure shown in the following example:
    See What are the Key Oracle Fusion Middleware Directories? in Understanding Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Installing Oracle Identity Governance for an Enterprise Deployment

The procedure for installing Oracle Identity Governance and the dependant softwares for an enterprise deployment is explained in this section.

Starting the SOA Suite Installer on OIMHOST1

To start the installation program:

  1. Log in to OIMHOST1.
  2. Go to the directory where you downloaded the installation program.
  3. Launch the installation program by invoking the java executable from the JDK directory on your system, as shown in the example below.
    JAVA_HOME/bin/java -d64 -jar Installer File Name

    Be sure to replace the JDK location in these examples with the actual JDK location on your system.

    Replace fmw_12. with the name of the actual installer file for your product listed in Identifying and Obtaining Software Distributions for an Enterprise Deployment.

When the installation program appears, you are ready to begin the installation.

Navigating the Oracle SOA Suite Installation Screens

The installation program displays a series of screens, in the order listed in the following table.

If you need additional help with any of the installation screens, click the screen name.

Screen Description


This screen introduces you to the product installer.

Auto Updates

Use this screen to automatically search My Oracle Support for available patches or automatically search a local directory for patches that you’ve already downloaded for your organization.

Installation Location

For Oracle Identity Governance enter IGD_ORACLE_HOME.

For more information about Oracle Fusion Middleware directory structure, see Selecting Directories for Installation and Configuration in Planning an Installation of Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Installation Type

Use this screen to select the type of installation and consequently, the products and feature sets you want to install.

  • Select SOA Suite

Prerequisite Checks

This screen verifies that your system meets the minimum necessary requirements.

If there are any warning or error messages, you can refer to one of the documents in the Roadmap for Verifying Your System Environment section in Installing and Configuring the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure.

Installation Summary

Use this screen to verify the installation options you selected.

Click Install to begin the installation.

Installation Progress

This screen allows you to see the progress of the installation.

Click Next when the progress bar reaches 100% complete.

Installation Complete

Review the information on this screen, then click Finish to dismiss the installer.

Starting the Oracle Identity and Access Management Installer

To start the installation program:

  1. Log in to OIMHOST1.
  2. Go to the directory where you downloaded the installation program.
  3. Launch the installation program by invoking the java executable from the JDK directory on your system, as shown in the example below.
    JAVA_HOME/bin/java -d64 -jar fmw_12.

    Be sure to replace the JDK location in these examples with the actual JDK location on your system.

    Replace Installer File Name with the name of the actual installer file for your product listed in Identifying and Obtaining Software Distributions for an Enterprise Deployment.

When the installation program appears, you are ready to begin the installation.

Navigating the Oracle Identity and Access Management Installation Screens

The installation program displays a series of screens, in the order listed in the following table.

If you need additional help with any of the installation screens, click the screen name.

Screen Description


This screen introduces you to the product installer.

Auto Updates

Use this screen to automatically search My Oracle Support for available patches or automatically search a local directory for patches that you’ve already downloaded for your organization.

Installation Location

Use this screen to specify the location of your Oracle home directory.

For Oracle Identity Governance, this must be set to IGD_ORACLE_HOME.

For more information about Oracle Fusion Middleware directory structure, see Selecting Directories for Installation and Configuration in Planning an Installation of Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Installation Type

Use this screen to choose the type of installation you wish to deploy. You have two options:

  • Standalone Oracle Identity and Access Manager (Managed independently of Weblogic Server)

    Use this option if you are going to run Oracle Identity Governance with a webserver other than WebLogic.

  • Collocated Oracle Identity and Access Manager (Managed through WebLogic Server)

    Use this option if you have installed Oracle WebLogic Server into IGD_ORACLE_HOME as part of the infrastructure deployment. For Oracle Enterprise deployments, It is recommended that you use this option.

Prerequisite Checks

This screen verifies that your system meets the minimum necessary requirements.

If there are any warning or error messages, you can refer to one of the documents in the Roadmap for Verifying Your System Environment section in Installing and Configuring the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure.

Installation Summary

Use this screen to verify the installation options you selected.

Click Install to begin the installation.

Installation Progress

This screen allows you to see the progress of the installation.

Click Next when the progress bar reaches 100% complete.

Installation Complete

Review the information on this screen, then click Finish to dismiss the installer.

Verifying the Installation

After you complete the installation, you can verify it by successfully completing the following tasks.

Reviewing the Installation Log Files

Review the contents of the installation log files to make sure that no problems were encountered. For a description of the log files and where to find them, see Understanding Installation Log Files in Installing Software with the Oracle Universal Installer.

Checking the Directory Structure

The contents of your installation vary based on the options that you select during the installation.

The addition of Oracle Identity Governance adds the following directory and sub-directories. Use the ls --format=single-column command to verify the directory structure.




For more information about the directory structure you should see after installation, see What are the Key Oracle Fusion Middleware Directories? in Understanding Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Viewing the Contents of Your Oracle Home

You can also view the contents of your Oracle home by using the viewInventory script. See Viewing the contents of an Oracle home in Installing Software with the Oracle Universal Installer.

Downloading the Oracle Connector Bundle

Download the Oracle Connector bundle using the instructions in this section.

Download the Oracle Connector bundle from the following location:


Copy the connector bundle for Oracle Internet Directory (it covers OUD as well) to the following directory:


Installing the Oracle Identity Governance Connector

After you download the Oracle Connector for LDAP, install it into the ORACLE_HOME directory.

To do this perform the following steps:
  1. Go to the following directory:
    cd IGD_ORACLE_HOME/idm/server/ConnectorDefaultDirectory
  2. Unzip the LDAP directory using the following command:
    unzip oid_<version>.zip

Creating the Database Schemas for Oracle Identity Governance

Oracle Fusion Middleware components require the existence of schemas in a database before you configure a Fusion Middleware Infrastructure domain. Install the schemas listed in this topic in a certified database for use with this release of Oracle Fusion Middleware.

  • Oracle Identity Manager

    This automatically selects Oracle SOA Suite schemas along with the following ones:

    • Metadata Services (MDS)

    • Audit Services (IAU)

    • Audit Services Append (IAU_APPEND)

    • Audit Services Viewer (IAU_VIEWER)

    • Oracle Platform Security Services (OPSS)

    • User Messaging Service (UMS)

    • WebLogic Services (WLS)

    • Common Infrastructure Services (STB)

Use the Repository Creation Utility (RCU) to create the schemas. This utility is installed in the Oracle home for each Oracle Fusion Middleware product. For more information about RCU and how the schemas are created and stored in the database, see Preparing for Schema Creation in Creating Schemas with the Repository Creation Utility.

Complete the following steps to install the required schemas:

Installing and Configuring a Certified Database

Make sure that you have installed and configured a certified database, and that the database is up and running.

See the Preparing the Database for an Enterprise Deployment.

Starting the Repository Creation Utility (RCU)

To start the Repository Creation Utility (RCU):

  1. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable so it references the location where you installed a supported JDK.
  2. Navigate to the following directory on OIMHOST1:
  3. Start RCU:


    If your database has Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) enabled, and you want to encrypt your tablespaces created by the RCU, provide the -encryptTablespace true option when you start the RCU.

    This will default the appropriate RCU GUI Encrypt Tablespace checkbox selection on the Map Tablespaces screen without further effort during the RCU execution. See Encrypting Tablespaces in Creating Schemas with the Repository Creation Utility.

Navigating the RCU Screens to Create the Schemas

Schema creation involves the following tasks:

Task 1   Introducing RCU

Review the Welcome screen and verify the version number for RCU. Click Next to begin.

Task 2   Selecting a Method of Schema Creation

If you have the necessary permission and privileges to perform DBA activities on your database, select System Load and Product Load. This procedure assumes that you have the necessary privileges.

If you do not have the necessary permission or privileges to perform DBA activities in the database, you must select Prepare Scripts for System Load on this screen. This option will generate a SQL script, which can be provided to your database administrator to create the required schema. See Understanding System Load and Product Load in Creating Schemas with the Repository Creation Utility.

Task 3   Providing Database Connection Details

Provide the database connection details for RCU to connect to your database.

  1. In the Host Name field, enter the SCAN address of the Oracle RAC Database.

  2. Enter the Port number of the RAC database scan listener, for example 1521.

  3. Enter the RAC Service Name of the database.

  4. Enter the User Name of a user that has permissions to create schemas and schema objects, for example SYS.

  5. Enter the Password of the user name that you provided in step 4.

  6. If you have selected the SYS user, ensure that you set the role to SYSDBA.

  7. Click Next to proceed, then click OK on the dialog window confirming that connection to the database was successful.


For more information about the options on this screen, see Database Connection Details in Creating Schemas with the Repository Creation Utility.

Task 4   Specifying a Custom Prefix and Selecting Schemas
  1. Specify the custom prefix you want to use to identify the Oracle Fusion Middleware schemas.

    The custom prefix is used to logically group these schemas together for use in this domain; you must create a unique set of schemas for each domain as schema sharing across domains is not supported.


    Make a note of the custom prefix you choose to enter here; you will need this later, during the domain creation process.

    For more information about custom prefixes, see Understanding Custom Prefixes in Creating Schemas with the Repository Creation Utility.

    For more information about how to organize your schemas in a multi-domain environment, see Planning Your Schema Creation in Creating Schemas with the Repository Creation Utility.

  2. Expand the group IDM Schemas, and then select the Oracle Identity Manager schema. All the relative schemas will be selected:

    • Common infrastructure Services

    • Oracle Platform Security Services

    • User Messaging Service

    • Audit Services

    • Audit Services Append

    • Audit Services Viewer

    • Metadata Services

    • SOA Infrastructure

    • Weblogic Services

There are two mandatory schemas that are selected by default. You cannot deselect them: Common Infrastructure Services (the STB schema) and WebLogic Services (the WLS schema). The Common Infrastructure Services schema enables you to retrieve information from RCU during domain configuration. See Understanding the Service Table Schema in Creating Schemas with the Repository Creation Utility.


For more information about how to organize your schemas in a multi-domain environment, see Planning Your Schema Creation in Creating Schemas with the Repository Creation Utility.

Click Next to proceed, then click OK on the dialog window confirming that prerequisite checking for schema creation was successful.

Task 5   Specifying Schema Passwords

Specify how you want to set the schema passwords on your database, then specify and confirm your passwords. Ensure that the complexity of the passwords meet the database security requirements before you continue. RCU will proceed at this point even if you do not meet the password polices. Hence, perform this check outside RCU itself.


You must make a note of the passwords you set on this screen; you will need them later on during the domain creation process.

Task 6   Verifying the Tablespaces for the Required Schemas

You can accept the default settings on the remaining screens, or you can customize how RCU creates and uses the required tablespaces for the Oracle Fusion Middleware schemas.


You can configure a Fusion Middleware component to use JDBC stores for JMS servers and Transaction Logs, by using the Configuration Wizard. These JDBC stores are placed in the Weblogic Services component tablespace. If your environment expects to have a high level of transactions and/or JMS activity, you can increase the default size of the <PREFIX>_WLS tablespace to better suit the environment load.

Click Next to continue, and then click OK on the dialog window to confirm the tablespace creation.

For more information about RCU and its features and concepts, see About the Repository Creation Utility in Creating Schemas with the Repository Creation Utility.

Task 7   Creating Schemas

Review the summary of the schemas to be loaded and click Create to complete schema creation.


If failures occurred, review the listed log files to identify the root cause, resolve the defects, and then use RCU to drop and re-create the schemas before you continue.

Task 8   Reviewing Completion Summary and Completing RCU Execution

When you reach the Completion Summary screen, verify that all schema creations have been completed successfully, and then click Close to dismiss RCU.

Verifying Schema Access

Verify schema access by connecting to the database as the new schema users created by the RCU. Use SQL*Plus or another utility to connect, and provide the appropriate schema names and passwords entered in the RCU.

For example:

For example:

sqplus IGDEDG_OIM/<password>@//db-scan.example.com:1521/oigpdb_s.example.com
The output appears as follows:
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Aug 9 01:53:57 2021

Copyright (c) 1982, 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Last Successful login time: Mon Aug 09 2021 01:52:44 -07:00

Connected to:
Oracle Database 18c Enterprise Edition Release - Production


Configuring OIM Schemas for Transactional Recovery

After you have installed the Oracle Identity Governance schemas successfully, use the procedure in this section to configure the schemas for transactional recovery.

This procedure sets the appropriate database privileges so that the Oracle WebLogic Server transaction manager can query the schemas for transaction state information and issue the appropriate commands, such as commit and rollback, during recovery of in-flight transactions after a WebLogic Server is unexpectedly unavailable.

These privileges should be granted to the owner of the OIM schema, which you defined when you created the schemas with the Repository Creation Utility.

To configure the OIM schemas for transactional recovery privileges:

  1. Log on to SQL*Plus as a user with sysdba privileges. For example:
    sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
  2. Enter the following commands:
    SQL> Grant select on sys.dba_pending_transactions to oim_schema_prefix_oim;
    Grant succeeded.
    SQL> Grant force any transaction to oim_schema_prefix_oim;
    Grant succeeded.

Configuring the Oracle Identity Governance Domain

The following topics provide instructions for creating an Oracle Identity Governance domain using the Fusion Middleware Configuration wizard.

For more information on the other methods that are available for creating a domain, see Additional Tools for Creating, Extending, and Managing WebLogic Domains in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Starting the Configuration Wizard

To begin domain configuration, run the following command in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle home.


Navigating the Configuration Wizard Screens to Configure the Oracle Identity GovernanceDomain

Follow the instructions in the following sections to create and configure the domain for the topology, with static or dynamic clusters.

Creating the Domain with Static Clusters

Follow the instructions in this section to create and configure the domain for the topology.

Domain creation and configuration includes the following tasks.
Task 1   Selecting the Domain Type and Domain Home Location

On the Configuration Type screen, select Create a new domain.

In the Domain Location field, specify the value of the IGD_ASERVER_HOME variable, as defined in File System and Directory Variables Used in This Guide.


More information about the other options on this screen of the Configuration Wizard, see Configuration Type in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Click Next.

Task 2   Selecting the Configuration Templates

Select Oracle Identity Manager -[idm], the following template will be automatically selected:

  • Oracle Enterprise Manager -[em]

  • Oracle WSM Policy Manager -[oracle_common]

  • Oracle JRF -[oracle_common]

  • WebLogic Coherence Cluster Extension -[wlserver]


More information about the options on this screen can be found in Templates in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Click Next.

Task 3   Configuring High Availability Options

This screen appears for the first time when you create a cluster that uses Automatic Service Migration or JDBC stores or both. After you select HA Options for a cluster, all subsequent clusters that are added to the domain by using the Configuration Wizard, automatically apply HA options (that is, the Configuration Wizard creates the JDBC stores and configures ASM for them).


Oracle recommends that you use JDBC stores, which leverage the consistency, data protection, and high availability features of an oracle database and makes resources available for all the servers in the cluster. So, the Configuration Wizard steps assume that the JDBC persistent stores are used along with Automatic Service Migration.

If, for any reason, you want to use Files Stores, you can retain the default values for TLOGs and JMS persistent store options in this screen and configure them in a shared location later. See Configuring TLOGs File Persistent Store in a Shared Folder. Shared location is required to resume JMS and HA in a failover scenario.

You can also configure TLOGs and JMS persistent stores manually in a post step. For information about the differences between JDBC and Files Stores, and for specific instructions to configure them manually, see JDBC Persistent Stores vs. File Persistent Stores.

On the High Availability Options screen:

  • Select Enable Automatic Service Migration with Database Leasing.

  • Set JTA Transaction Log Persistence to JDBC TLog Store.

  • Set JMS Server Persistence to JMS JDBC Store.

  • Click Next.

Task 4   Selecting the Application Home Location

On the Application Location screen, specify the value of the APPLICATION_HOME variable, as defined in File System and Directory Variables Used in This Guide.


More information about the options on this screen can be found in Application Location in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Click Next.

Task 5   Configuring the Administrator Account

On the Administrator Account screen, specify the user name and password for the default WebLogic Administrator account for the domain.

Make a note of the user name and password specified on this screen; you will need these credentials later to boot and connect to the domain's Administration Server.

Click Next.

Task 6   Specifying the Domain Mode and JDK

On the Domain Mode and JDK screen:

  • Select Production in the Domain Mode field.

  • Select the Oracle Hotspot JDK in the JDK field.

Selecting Production Mode on this screen gives your environment a higher degree of security, requiring a user name and password to deploy applications and to start the Administration Server.


More information about the options on this screen, including the differences between development mode and production mode, can be found in Domain Mode and JDK in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

In production mode, a boot identity file can be created to bypass the need to provide a user name and password when starting the Administration Server. See Creating the boot.properties File.

Click Next.

Task 7   Specifying the Database Configuration Type

On the Database Configuration Type screen:

  • Select RCU Data to activate the fields on this screen.

    The RCU Data option instructs the Configuration Wizard to connect to the database and Service Table (STB) schema to automatically retrieve schema information for the schemas needed to configure the domain.

  • Verify that Vendor is Oracle and Driver is *Oracle's Driver (Thin) for Service Connections; Versions: Any.

  • Verify that Connection Parameters is selected.


If you choose to select Manual Configuration on this screen, you will have to manually fill in the parameters for your schema on the JDBC Component Schema screen.

After you select RCU Data, fill in the fields as shown in the following table:

Field Description

Host Name

Enter the Single Client Access Name (SCAN) Address for the Oracle RAC database, which you entered in the Enterprise Deployment Workbook.

For information about the Enterprise Deployment Workbook, see Using the Enterprise Deployment Workbook.


Enter the service name for the Oracle RAC database appropriate for this domain where you will install the product schemas. For example:


Specify the service name based on the value configured earlier in the Preparing the Database for an Enterprise Deployment section.


Enter the port number on which the database listens. For example, 1521.

Schema Owner

Schema Password

Enter the user name and password for connecting to the database's Service Table schema.

This is the schema user name and password that was specified for the Service Table component on the "Schema Passwords" screen in RCU (see Creating the Database Schemas).

The default user name is prefix_STB, where prefix is the custom prefix that you defined in RCU.

Click Get RCU Configuration when you are finished specifying the database connection information. The following output in the Connection Result Log indicates that the operating succeeded:

Connecting to the database server...OK
Retrieving schema data from database server...OK
Binding local schema components with retrieved data...OK

Successfully Done.

Click Next if the connection to the database is successful.


More information about the RCU Data option can be found in Understanding the Service Table Schema in Creating Schemas with the Repository Creation Utility.

More information about the other options on this screen can be found in Datasource Defaults in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Task 8   Specifying JDBC Component Schema Information

Verify that the values on the JDBC Component Schema screen are correct for all schemas.

The schema table should be populated, because you selected Get RCU Data on the previous screen. As a result, the Configuration Wizard locates the database connection values for all the schemas required for this domain.

At this point, the values are configured to connect to a single-instance database. However, for an enterprise deployment, you should use a highly available Real Application Clusters (RAC) database, as described in Preparing the Database for an Enterprise Deployment.

In addition, Oracle recommends that you use an Active GridLink datasource for each of the component schemas. For more information about the advantages of using GridLink data sources to connect to a RAC database, see Database Considerations in the High Availability Guide.

To convert the data sources to GridLink:

  1. Select all the schemas by selecting the checkbox at in the first header row of the schema table.

  2. Click Convert to GridLink and click Next.

Task 9   Providing the GridLink Oracle RAC Database Connection Details

On the GridLink Oracle RAC Component Schema screen, provide the information required to connect to the RAC database and component schemas, as shown in following table.

Element Description and Recommended Value

SCAN, Host Name, and Port

Select the SCAN check box.

In the Host Name field, enter the Single Client Access Name (SCAN) Address for the Oracle RAC database.

In the Port field, enter the SCAN listening port for the database (for example, 1521)

ONS Host and Port

In the ONS Host field, enter the SCAN address for the Oracle RAC database.

In the Port field, enter the ONS Remote port (typically, 6200).

Enable Fan

Verify that the Enable Fan check box is selected, so the database can receive and process FAN events.

For more information about specifying the information on this screen, as well as information about how to identify the correct SCAN address, see Configuring Active GridLink Data Sources with Oracle RAC in the High Availability Guide.

You can also click Help to display a brief description of each field on the screen.

Click Next.

Task 10   Testing the JDBC Connections

Use the JDBC Component Schema Test screen to test the data source connections you have just configured.

A green check mark in the Status column indicates a successful test. If you encounter any issues, see the error message in the Connection Result Log section of the screen, fix the problem, then try to test the connection again.


More information about the other options on this screen can be found in Test Component Schema in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard

Click Next.

Task 11   Entering Credentials

Enter the credentials you wish to use for the Oracle Identity Governance components. You have the choice of choosing both a username and a password for the various objects.

  • keystore: Set the username to "keystore" and the password to the password you wish to use for all automatically created keystores.

  • OIMSchemaPassword: Set the username to the OIM schema which you created in the earlier sections. For example, IGD_OIM (username) and its associated password.

  • Sysadmin: This is the administrative user you will use for OIM. This is typically xelsysadm, but can be anything. Set the password to a value you wish to use for this account.

  • WebLogicAdminKey: This is the domain admin username and password. For example, weblogic.

Click Next.

Task 12   Keystore

Use this screen to specify details about the keystore to be used in the domain.

For a typical enterprise deployment, you can leave the default values.

See Keystore in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Click Next.

Task 13   Selecting Advanced Configuration


This is not required for Access infrastructure.

To complete domain configuration for the topology, select the following options on the Advanced Configuration screen:

  • Administration Server

    This is required to properly configure the listen address of the Administration Server.

  • Node Manager

    This is required to configure Node Manager.

  • Topology

    This is required to add, delete, or modify the Settings for Server Templates, Managed Servers, Clusters, Virtual Targets, and Coherence.

  • Domain Frontend Host Capture:

    This allows you to specify the public entry point for OIM.


When using the Advanced Configuration screen in the Configuration Wizard, if any of the above options are not available on the screen, then return to the Templates screen, and be sure you selected the required templates for this topology.

Click Next.

Task 14   Configuring the Administration Server Listen Address

On the Administration Server screen:

  1. In the Server Name field, retain the default value - AdminServer.

  2. In the Listen Address field, enter the virtual host name that corresponds to the VIP of the ADMINVHN that you procured in Procuring Resources for an Enterprise Deployment and enabled in Preparing the Host Computers for an Enterprise Deployment.

    For more information on the reasons for using the ADMINVHN virtual host, see Reserving the Required IP Addresses for an Enterprise Deployment.

  3. In the Listen Port field, enter the port number to access the administration server. This guide recommends you to use the default port 7101 for Governance.

    Leave the other fields at their default values. In particular, be sure that no server groups are assigned to the Administration Server.

Click Next.

Task 15   Configuring Node Manager

Select Per Domain Default Location as the Node Manager type, then specify the following Node Manager credentials you will use to connect to the Node Manager:

  • Username: This is the user name used to connect to the Node Manager. For example, admin.

  • Password and Confirm Password: Enter the password you wish to associate with the Node Manager username.


For more information about the options on this screen, see Node Manager in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

For more information about per domain and per host Node Manager implementations, see About the Node Manager Configuration in a Typical Enterprise Deployment.

For information about Node Manager configurations, see Configuring Node Manager on Multiple Machines in Administering Node Manager for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Click Next.

Task 16   Configuring Managed Servers

Use the Managed Servers screen to create two new Managed Servers:

  1. Click the Add button to create a new Managed Server.

  2. Specify WLS_WSM1 in the Server name column.

  3. In the Listen Address column, enter OIMHOST1.

    Be sure to enter the host name that corresponds to OIMHOST1; do not use the IP address.

  4. In the Listen Port column, enter WSM_PORT – 7010.

  5. In the Server Groups drop-down list, select JRF-MAN-SVR and WSMPM-MAN-SVR.

    These server groups ensure that the Oracle JRF and Oracle Web Services Manager (OWSM) services are targeted to the Managed Servers that you are creating.

    Server groups target Fusion Middleware applications and services to one or more servers by mapping defined groups of application services to each defined server group. Any application services that are mapped to a given server group are automatically targeted to all servers that are assigned to that group. See Application Service Groups, Server Groups, and Application Service Mappings in Domain Template Reference.


    Nonce caching for Oracle Web Services is initialized automatically by the WSM-CACHE-SVR server group and is suitable for most custom applications. This initialization is automatically performed in SOA, OSB, and other FMW servers that run JRF and create a coherence cluster. Nonce is a unique number that can be used only once in a SOAP request and is used to prevent replay attacks. Nonce caching naturally scales with the number of added Managed Servers that run Web service applications.

    For information about advanced caching configurations, see Caching the Nonce with Oracle Coherence in Securing Web Services and Managing Policies with Oracle Web Services Manager, which provides additional guidance for the use of nonce caching and the WSM-CACHE-SVR server-group in custom WLS servers.

  6. Repeat this process to create a second Managed Server named WLS_WSM2.

    For the Listen Address, enter OIMHOST2. For the Listen Port, enter 7010. Apply the same server groups that you applied to the first managed server to the WLS_WSM2.

The Managed Server names suggested in this procedure (WLS_WSM1 and WLS_WSM2) are referenced throughout this document; if you choose different names then be sure to replace them as needed.

On the Managed Servers screen, a new Managed Server for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Identity Manger appears in the list of servers. This server was created automatically by the Oracle SOA Suite configuration template you selected in Table 8-3.

Perform the following tasks to modify the default Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Identity Manager Managed Server and create a second Managed Server:

  1. Rename the default Managed Server to oim_server1 to WLS_OIM1.

    Rename the default Managed Server soa_server1 to WLS_SOA1.

  2. Click Add to create a new Oracle Identity Governance Managed Server, and name it WLS_OIM2.


    The server names recommended here will be used throughout this document; if you choose different names, be sure to replace them as needed.

  3. Click Add to create a new Oracle SOA Suite Managed Server, and name it WLS_SOA2.

  4. Use the information in Oracle Identity Governance Managed Server Details to fill in the rest of the columns for each Oracle Identity Governance Managed Server.

For more information about the options on the Managed Server screen, see Managed Servers in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Server Name Listen Address Listen Port Enable SSL SSL Listen Port Server Groups

























Click Next.

Task 17   Configuring a Cluster

In this task, you create a cluster for each set of Managed Servers. You can then target the Oracle Identity Governance and Oracle SOA Suite components to the relevant cluster.

Create the following clusters:

  • OIM_Cluster

  • SOA_Cluster

  • WSM-PM_Cluster

Use the Clusters screen to create a new cluster:

  1. Click the Add button.

  2. Specify the cluster name in the Cluster Name field.

  3. Repeat the steps to create all of the clusters.


By default, server instances in a cluster communicate with one another using unicast. If you want to change your cluster communications to use multicast, refer to Considerations for Choosing Unicast or Multicast in Administering Clusters for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Click Next.

For more information about the options on this screen, see Clusters in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Task 18   Assigning Server Templates

Click Next .

Task 19   Configuring Dynamic Servers

Verify that all dynamic server options are disabled for clusters that are to remain as static clusters.

  1. Confirm that the Dynamic Cluster, Calculated Listen Port, and Calculated Machine Names checkboxes on this screen are unchecked.

  2. Confirm the Server Template selection is Unspecified.

  3. Click Next.


This screen will not be displayed if you are creating the Access Infrastructure.
Task 20   Assigning Managed Servers to the Cluster

Use the Assign Servers to Clusters screen to assign your managed servers to the clusters you have just created. At the end of this you will have the following assignments:

Cluster Managed Servers










  1. In the Clusters pane, select the cluster to which you want to assign the servers.

  2. In the Servers pane, assign the Managed Servers to the cluster as in the table above, using one of the following methods:

    • Click on the Managed Server to select it, and then click on the right arrow to move it beneath the selected cluster in the Clusters pane.

    • Double-click on the Managed Server to move it beneath the selected cluster in the clusters pane.

  3. Repeat to assign each of the Managed Server to the respective cluster.

  4. Click Next.

For more information about the options on this screen, see Assign Servers to Clusters in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Task 21   Configuring Coherence Clusters

Use the Coherence Clusters screen to configure the Coherence cluster that is automatically added to the domain.

In the Cluster Listen Port, enter 9991.


For Coherence licensing information, Oracle Coherence Products in Oracle Fusion Middleware Licensing Information User Manual.

Click Next.

Task 22   Creating Machines

Use the Machines screen to create new machines in the domain. A machine is required in order for the Node Manager to be able to start and stop the servers.

You must create a machine even if your topology contains just the Administration Server.

  1. Select the Unix Machine tab.

  2. Click the Add button to create new UNIX machines.

    Use the values in Values to Use When Creating Unix Machines to define the Name and Node Manager Listen Address of each machine.

  3. Verify the port in the Node Manager Listen Port field.

    The port number 5556, shown in this example, may be referenced by other examples in the documentation. Replace this port number with your own port number as needed.

Table 14-2 Values to Use When Creating Unix Machines

Name Node Manager Listen Address Node Manager Listen Port


Enter the value of the ADMINVHN variable.



The value of the OIMHOST1 host name variable or OIMHOST1 alias. For example, OIMHOST1.example.com.



The value of the OIMHOST2 host name variable or OIMHOST2 alias. For example, OIMHOST2.example.com.



If you are installing OIM on the same host as Oracle Access Management (OAM), ensure that the Node Manager ports are unique to each deployment.


More information about the options on this screen can be found in Machines in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Click Next.

Task 23   Assigning Servers to Machines

Use the Assign Servers to Machines screen to assign the Oracle Identity Governance Managed Servers to the corresponding machines in the domain.

Assign the machines as shown in the following table:

Servers Machines
AdminHost AdminServer









  1. In the Machines pane, select the machine to which you want to assign the servers.

  2. In the Servers pane, assign the Managed Servers to the machine as in the table above, using one of the following methods:

    • Click on the Managed Server to select it, and then click on the right arrow to move it beneath the selected machines in the machines pane.

    • Double-click on the Managed Server to move it beneath the selected machine in the machines pane.

  3. Repeat to assign each of the Managed Server to the respective machine.

  4. Click Next.

For more information about the options on this screen, see Assign Servers to Machines in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Task 24   Creating Virtual Targets

Click Next.

Task 25   Creating Partitions

Click Next.

Task 26   Configuring Domain Front End Host

In the Domain Front End host screen you specify the main entry point for OIM. This will equate to the name on the load balancer. For example, set Plain to http://prov.example.com.


Even though you are specifying this value it will never be used.

SSL: https://prov.example.com

Default: SSL

Click Next.

Task 27   Reviewing Your Configuration Specifications and Configuring the Domain

The Configuration Summary screen contains the detailed configuration information for the domain you are about to create. Review the details of each item on the screen and verify that the information is correct.

You can go back to any previous screen if you need to make any changes, either by using the Back button or by selecting the screen in the navigation pane.

Domain creation will not begin until you click Create.


More information about the options on this screen can be found in Configuration Summary in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Click Next.

Task 28   Writing Down Your Domain Home and Administration Server URL

The Configuration Success screen will show the following items about the domain you just configured:

  • Domain Location

  • Administration Server URL

You must make a note of both items as you will need them later; the domain location is needed to access the scripts used to start the Administration Server.

Click Finish to dismiss the Configuration Wizard.


Creating the Domain with Dynamic Clusters

Follow the instructions in this section to create and configure the domain for the topology.

Task 1   Selecting the Domain Type and Domain Home Location

On the Configuration Type screen, select Create a new domain.

In the Domain Location field, specify the value of the ASERVER_HOME variable, as defined in File System and Directory Variables Used in This Guide.


More information about the other options on this screen of the Configuration Wizard, see Configuration Type in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Click Next.

Task 2   Selecting the Configuration Templates

On the Templates screen, make sure that Create Domain Using Product Templates is selected, then select the following templates:

  • Oracle Identity Manager -[oim]

  • Oracle Enterprise Manager -[em]

    Selecting this template automatically selects the following dependencies:

    • Oracle JRF -[oracle_common]

    • WebLogic Coherence Cluster Extension -[wlserver]

  • Oracle WSM Policy Manager -[oracle_common]


More information about the options on this screen can be found in Templates in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Click Next.

Task 3   Configuring High Availability Options

This screen appears for the first time when you create a cluster that uses Automatic Service Migration or JDBC stores or both. After you select HA Options for a cluster, all subsequent clusters that are added to the domain by using the Configuration Wizard, automatically apply these HA options.

On the High Availability Options screen, complete the following steps:

  1. Verify that Enable Automatic Service Migration is not selected.

  2. Verify that Default Persistent Store is selected as the JTA Transaction Log Persistence option.

  3. Select JDBC Store as the JMS Service Persistence option.

You can configure only JMS Server persistence for Dynamic Clusters by using the Configuration Wizard. You cannot configure Service Migration and JTA Transaction Logs Persistence for Dynamic Clusters by using the Configuration Wizard, you have to configure them manually. Instructions are covered in later chapters of this guide.

Click Next.

Task 4   Selecting the Application Home Location

On the Application Location screen, specify the value of the APPLICATION_HOME variable, as defined in File System and Directory Variables Used in This Guide.


More information about the options on this screen can be found in Application Location in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Click Next.

Task 5   Configuring the Administrator Account

On the Administrator Account screen, specify the user name and password for the default WebLogic Administrator account for the domain.

Make a note of the user name and password specified on this screen; you need to use these credentials later to boot and connect to the Administration Server domain.

Click Next.

Task 6   Specifying the Domain Mode and JDK

On the Domain Mode and JDK screen:

  • Select only Production in the Domain Mode field.

  • Select the Oracle Hotspot JDK in the JDK field.

Selecting Production Mode on this screen gives your environment a higher degree of security, requiring a user name and password to deploy applications and to start the Administration Server.


More information about the options on this screen, including the differences between development mode and production mode, can be found in Domain Mode and JDK in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

In production mode, a boot identity file can be created to bypass the need to provide a user name and password when starting the Administration Server. See Creating the boot.properties File.

Click Next.

Task 7   Specifying the Database Configuration Type

On the Database Configuration Type screen:

  • Select RCU Data to activate the fields on this screen.

    The RCU Data option instructs the Configuration Wizard to connect to the database and Service Table (STB) schema. This connection automatically retrieves schema information for the schemas to configure the domain.

  • Verify that Vendor is Oracle and Driver is *Oracle's Driver (Thin) for Service Connections; Versions: Any.

  • Verify that Connection Parameters is selected.


If you choose to select Manual Configuration on this screen, you have to manually fill in the parameters for the schema on the JDBC Component Schema screen.

After you select RCU Data, fill in the fields as shown in the following table:

Field Description

Host Name

Enter the Single Client Access Name (SCAN) Address for the Oracle RAC database, which you entered in the Enterprise Deployment Workbook.


Enter the service name for the Oracle RAC database where you will install the product schemas. For example:


Be sure to specify the common service name that is used to identify all the instances in the Oracle RAC database; do not use the host-specific service name.


Enter the port number on which the database listens. For example, 1521.

Schema Owner

Schema Password

Enter the user name and password for connecting to the database's Service Table schema.

The schema user name and password that was specified for the Service Table component on the "Schema Passwords" screen in RCU (see Creating the Database Schemas) is used here.

The default user name is prefix_STB, where prefix is the custom prefix that you defined in RCU.

Click Get RCU Configuration when you are finished specifying the database connection information. The following output in the Connection Result Log indicates that the operating succeeded:

Connecting to the database server...OK
Retrieving schema data from database server...OK
Binding local schema components with retrieved data...OK

Successfully Done.

Click Next if the connection to the database is successful.


More information about the RCU Data option can be found in Understanding the Service Table Schema in Creating Schemas with the Repository Creation Utility.

More information about the other options on this screen can be found in Datasource Defaults in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard

Task 8   Specifying JDBC Component Schema Information

Verify that the values on the JDBC Component Schema screen are correct for all schemas.

The schema table is populated because you selected Get RCU Data on the previous screen. As a result, the Configuration Wizard locates the database connection values for all the schemas required for this domain.

At this point, the values are configured to connect to a single-instance database. However, for an enterprise deployment, you must use a highly available Real Application Clusters (RAC) database, as described in Preparing the Database for an Enterprise Deployment.

In addition, Oracle recommends that you use an Active GridLink datasource for each of the component schemas. For more information about the advantages of using GridLink data sources to connect to a RAC database, see Database Considerations in theHigh Availability Guide.

To convert the data sources to GridLink:

  1. Select all the schemas by selecting the checkbox at in the first header row of the schema table.

  2. Click Convert to GridLink and click Next.

Task 9   Providing the GridLink Oracle RAC Database Connection Details

On the GridLink Oracle RAC Component Schema screen, provide the information required to connect to the RAC database and component schemas, as shown in following table.

Element Description and Recommended Value

SCAN, Host Name, and Port

Select the SCAN check box.

In the Host Name field, enter the Single Client Access Name (SCAN) Address for the Oracle RAC database.

In the Port field, enter the SCAN listening port for the database (for example, 1521)

ONS Host and Port

In the ONS Host field, enter the SCAN address for the Oracle RAC database.

In the Port field, enter the ONS Remote port (typically, 6200).

Enable Fan

Verify that the Enable Fan check box is selected, so the database can receive and process FAN events.

For more information about specifying the information on this screen, as well as information about how to identify the correct SCAN address, see Configuring Active GridLink Data Sources with Oracle RAC in the High Availability Guide.

You can also click Help to display a brief description of each field on the screen.

Click Next.

Task 10   Testing the JDBC Connections

Use the JDBC Component Schema Test screen to test the data source connections you have configured.

A green check mark in the Status column indicates a successful test. If you encounter any issues, see the error message in the Connection Result Log section of the screen, fix the problem, then try to test the connection again.


More information about the other options on this screen can be found in Test Component Schema in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard

Click Next.

Task 11   Entering Credentials

Enter the credentials you wish to use for the Oracle Identity Governance components. You have the choice of choosing both a username and a password for the various objects.

  • keystore: Set the username to keystore and the password to the password you wish to use for all automatically created keystores.

  • OIMSchemaPassword: Set the username to the OIM schema which you created in the earlier sections. For example, IGD_OIM (username) and its associated password.

  • Sysadmin: This is the administrative user you will use for OIM. This is typically xelsysadm, but can be anything. Set the password to a value you wish to use for this account.

  • WebLogicAdminKey: This is the domain admin username and password. For example, weblogic.

Click Next.

Task 12   Keystore

Use this screen to specify details about the keystore to be used in the domain.

For a typical enterprise deployment, you can leave the default values.

See Keystore in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Click Next.

Task 13   Selecting Advanced Configuration

To complete domain configuration for the topology, select the following options on the Advanced Configuration screen:

  • Administration Server

    This is required to configure the listen address of the Administration Server.

  • Node Manager

    This is required to configure Node Manager.

  • Topology

    This is required to add, delete, or modify the Settings for Server Templates, Managed Servers, Clusters, Virtual Targets, and Coherence.


When using the Advanced Configuration screen in the Configuration Wizard:

  • If any of the options are not available on the screen, then return to the Templates screen, and ensure that you have selected the required templates for this topology.

  • Do not select the Domain Frontend Host Capture advanced configuration option. Later, you have to configure the frontend host property for specific clusters, rather than for the domain.

Click Next.

Task 14   Configuring the Administration Server Listen Address

On the Administration Server screen:

  1. In the Server Name field, retain the default value: AdminServer.

  2. In the Listen Address field, enter the virtual host name that corresponds to the VIP of the ADMINVHN that you procured in Procuring Resources for an Enterprise Deployment and enabled in Preparing the Host Computers for an Enterprise Deployment.

    For more information on the reasons for using the ADMINVHN virtual host, see Reserving the Required IP Addresses for an Enterprise Deployment.

  3. In the Listen Port field, enter the port number to access the administration server. This guide recommends you to use the default port 7001 for Access and 7101 for Governance.

    Leave the other fields at their default values. In particular, be sure that no server groups are assigned to the Administration Server.

Click Next.

Task 15   Configuring Node Manager

Select Per Domain Default Location as the Node Manager type, then specify the following Node Manager credentials you will use to connect to the Node Manager:

  • Username: This is the user name used to connect to the Node Manager. For example, admin.

  • Password and Confirm Password: Enter the password you wish to associate with the Node Manager username.


For more information about the options on this screen, see Node Manager in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

For more information about per domain and per host Node Manager implementations, see About the Node Manager Configuration in a Typical Enterprise Deployment.

For additional information, see Configuring Node Manager on Multiple Machines in Administering Node Manager for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Click Next.

Task 16   Configuring Managed Servers

On the Managed Servers screen, a new Managed Server for Oracle Identity Governance appears in the list of servers. These servers were created automatically by the Oracle Identity Governance configuration template you selected in File System and Directory Variables Used in This Guide.

Static Managed Server definitions are not needed for dynamic cluster configurations. To remove the default Managed Servers, complete the following steps:

  1. Click on the Managed Server.

  2. Click Delete.

  3. Repeat for each of the Managed Servers.

  4. Click Next.

Task 17   Configuring a Cluster

In this task, you create a cluster of Managed Servers to which you can target the Oracle Identity Governance software.

Use the Clusters screen to create a new cluster:

  1. Click the Add button.

  2. Specify OIM_Cluster in the Cluster Name field.

  3. From the Dynamic Server Groups drop-down list, select OIM-DYN-CLUSTER.

  4. Create a second cluster called SOA_Cluster and assign the Dynamic Server group SOA-DYN-CLUSTER.

  5. Create a third cluster called WSM-PM_Cluster and assign the Dynamic Server group WSMPM-DYN-CLUSTER.


By default, server instances in a cluster communicate with one another using unicast. If you want to change your cluster communications to use multicast, refer to Considerations for Choosing Unicast or Multicast in Administering Clusters for Oracle WebLogic Server.


More information about the options on this screen can be found in Clusters in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.


For more information about the options on this screen, see Clusters in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Click Next.

Task 18   Assigning Server Templates

Use the Server Templates screen to configure the template:

  1. Verify that wsmpm-server-template is selected in the Name field.

  2. Specify 7009 in the Listen Port field.

  3. Leave the Enable SSL option unchecked.

  4. Verify OIM-server-template is listed in the Name field.

  5. Specify 13999 in the Listen Port field.

  6. Leave the Enable SSL option unchecked.

  7. Specify 8000 for the Listen Port for template soa-server-template.

  8. Click Next .

Task 19   Configuring Dynamic Servers

Use the Dynamic Clusters screen to configure the following clusters:

Cluster Name Server Name Prefix Server Template Dynamic Cluster Size Machine Name Match Expression Calculated Machine Names
oim_cluster WLS_OIM oim-server-template 2 OIMHOST* Selected
soa_cluster WLS_SOA soa-server-template 2 OIMHOST* Selected
WSM-PM_Cluster WLS_WSM wsmpm-server-template 2 OIMHOST* Selected

Complete the following steps on this screen:

  1. Verify OIM_Cluster is listed in the Cluster Name field.

  2. Specify WLS_OIM in the Server Name Prefix field.

  3. From the Server Template drop-down list, select OIM-server-template.

  4. Specify 2 in the Dynamic Server Count field.

  5. Specify OIMHOST* in the Machine Name Match Expression field.

  6. Select Calculated Machine Names, Calculated Listen Ports, and Dynamic Cluster fields.


    Dynamic clusters with the Calculated Listen Port option selected will have incremental port numbers for each dynamic managed server that is created automatically: dynamic server 1 will use Listen Port+1, dynamic server 2 will use Listen Port+2.

    Since the Listen Port configured is 13999 and calculated ports is checked, OIM dynamic servers will use the following:

    • WLS_OIM1:14000

    • WLS_OIM2:14001

    Since the SOA Listen Port configured is 8000 and calculated ports is checked, SOA dynamic servers will use the following:

    • WLS_SOA1:8001

    • WLS_SOA2:8002

    Since the Listen Port that is configured is 7009 and calculated ports is checked, WSMPM dynamic servers use the following ports:

    • WLS_WSM1: 7010

    • WLS_WSM2: 7011

  7. Repeat the steps 1 through 6 for each of the clusters to be created.

  8. Click Next.


The Configuration Wizard does not allow you to specify a specific listen address for dynamic servers. For information about setting a specific listen address for WebLogic servers that are members of a dynamic cluster, see Configuring Listen Addresses in Dynamic Cluster Server Templates.

Task 20   Configuring Coherence Clusters

Use the Coherence Clusters screen to configure the Coherence cluster that is automatically added to the domain.

In the Cluster Listen Port, enter 9991.


For Coherence licensing information, Oracle Coherence Products in Oracle Fusion Middleware Licensing Information User Manual.

Click Next.

Task 21   Creating Machines

Use the Machines screen to create new machines in the domain. A machine is required in order for the Node Manager to be able to start and stop the servers.

  1. Select the Unix Machine tab.

  2. Click the Add button to create the new UNIX machines.

    Use the values in Table 14-3 to define the Name and Node Manager Listen Address of each machine.

  3. Verify the port in the Node Manager Listen Port field.

    The port number 5556, shown in this example, may be referenced by other examples in the documentation. Replace this port number with your own port number as needed.

Table 14-3 Values to Use When Creating Unix Machines

Name Node Manager Listen Address Node Manager Listen Port


Enter the value of the ADMINVHN variable.



The value of the OIMHOST1 host name variable or OIMHOST1 alias. For example, OIMHOST1.example.com.



The value of the OIMHOST2 host name variable or OIMHOST2 alias. For example, OIMHOST2.example.com.



The name of the machine should reflect the value that you have specified in the Machine Match Expression field with the addition of a sequential number. That is, if you have specified OIMHOST* in the Machine Match Expression field, then the names of your machines should be OIMHOST1, OIMHOST2, and so on.


More information about the options on this screen can be found in Machines in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Click Next.

Task 22   Assigning Servers to Machines

Use the Assign Servers to Machines screen to assign any statically defined managed servers to the appropriate machines. Servers that are part of a dynamic cluster are assigned to the calculated machine names automatically.

Assign AdminServer to the ADMINHOST machine.

Click Next.

Task 23   Creating Virtual Targets

Click Next.

Task 24   Creating Partitions

Click Next.

Task 25   Reviewing Your Configuration Specifications and Configuring the Domain

The Configuration Summary screen contains the detailed configuration information for the domain you are about to create. Review the details of each item on the screen and verify that the information is correct.

You can go back to any previous screen if you need to make any changes, either by using the Back button or by selecting the screen in the navigation pane.

Click Update to execute the domain extension.


More information about the options on this screen can be found in Configuration Summary in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Click Next.

Task 26   Reviewing Your Configuration Specifications and Configuring the Domain

The Configuration Summary screen contains the detailed configuration information for the domain you are about to create. Review the details of each item on the screen and verify that the information is correct.

You can go back to any previous screen if you need to make any changes, either by using the Back button or by selecting the screen in the navigation pane.

Domain creation begins when you click Create.


More information about the options on this screen can be found in Configuration Summary in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Click Next.

Task 27   Writing Down Your Domain Home and Administration Server URL

The Configuration Success screen shows the following items about the domain you have configured:

  • Domain Location

  • Administration Server URL

You must make a note of both items because you need them later; the domain location is required to access the scripts that are used to start the Administration Server.

Click Finish to dismiss the Configuration Wizard.

Performing Additional Domain Configuration Steps

Use the Configuration Wizard to update the newly created domain. Perform the following steps:

  1. Restart the Configuration Wizard by running the following command:


  2. On the Configuration Type screen, select Update an existing domain.
  3. In the Domain Location field, specify the Domain home directory (IGD_ASERVER_HOME).
  4. Click Next.
  5. On the Templates screen, select Update Domain Using Custom Template.
  6. In the Template location field, specify IGD_ORACLE_HOME/soa/common/templates/wls/oracle.soa.classic.domain_template.jar.
  7. Click Next.
  8. On the GridLink Oracle RAC Component Schema screen, click Next.
  9. On the JDBC Component Test Schema Test screen, click Next.
  10. On the Advanced Configuration screen, click Next.
  11. On the Configuration Summary screen, click Update.
  12. After the domain is extended, click Next on the Configuration Progress screen, and click Finish on the End of Configuration screen.

After you have completed creating the domain with static clusters, go to Creating Oracle Identity Manager Authenticator.

Creating Oracle Identity Manager Authenticator

Before you start the domain, you have to run a script which creates the Oracle Identity Manager (OIM) Authenticator in the domain.

To do this, complete the following steps:
  1. Set the DOMAIN_HOME to IGD_ASERVER_HOME using the following command:
  2. Run the following command from the location IGD_ORACLE_HOME/idm/server/bin:


    If you do not have execute permissions for this file, add it using the following command:

    chmod 750 offlineConfigManager.sh

Configuring the Domain Directories and Starting the Servers

After the domain is created and the Node Manager is configured, you can then configure the additional domain directories and start the Administration Server and any Managed Servers on the AdminHost.

Starting the Node Manager in the Administration Server Domain Home

Use these steps to start the per-domain Node Manager for the IAD_ASERVER_HOME domain directory.

  1. Verify that the listen address in the nodemanager.properties file is set correctly.
    1. Open the nodemanager.properties file for editing:
      vi IAD_ASERVER_HOME/nodemanager/nodemanager.properties
    2. Make sure the ListenAddress property is set to the value of the ADMINVHN virtual IP address.
    3. Make sure that QuitEnabled is set to ‘true’. If this line is not present in the nodemanager.properties file, add the following line:
  2. Change to the following directory:
  3. Start the Node Manager by entering the following command:
    nohup ./startNodeManager.sh > IAD_ASERVER_HOME/nodemanager/nodemanager.out 2>&1 &

    For more information about additional Node Manager configuration options, see Administering Node Manager for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Creating the boot.properties File

You must create a boot.properties if you want to start the Administrator Server without being prompted for the Administrator Server credentials. This step is required in an enterprise deployment. When you start the Administration Server, the credentials that you enter in this file are encrypted.

To create a boot.properties file for the Administration Server:

  1. Create the following directory structure:
    mkdir -p IAD_ASERVER_HOME/servers/AdminServer/security
  2. In a text editor, create a file called boot.properties in the security directory that you created in the previous step, and enter the Administration Server credentials that you defined when you ran the Configuration Wizard to create the domain:


    When you start the Administration Server, the username and password entries in the file are encrypted.

    For security reasons, minimize the amount of time the entries in the file are left unencrypted; after you edit the file, you should start the server as soon as possible so that the entries are encrypted.

  3. Save the file and close the editor.

Disabling the Derby Database

Disable the embedded Derby database, which is a file-based database, packaged with Oracle WebLogic Server. The Derby database is used primarily for development environments. As a result, you must disable it when you are configuring a production-ready enterprise deployment environment; otherwise, the Derby database process starts automatically when you start the Managed Servers.
To disable the Derby database:
  1. Navigate to the following directory in the Oracle home:
    cd WL_HOME/common/derby/lib
  2. Rename the Derby library jar file:
    mv derby.jar disable_derby.jar
  3. If each host uses a separate file system, repeat steps 1 and 2 on each host.

Enabling the Managed Servers to use IPv4 Networking

If the Managed Server is configured to use IPv6 networking, then you may encounter issues when you start the Managed Server. Therefore, you must enable the Managed Servers to use IPv4 networking.

To do this, complete the following steps:
  1. Edit the IAD_ASERVER_HOME/bin/setUserOverrides.sh file to add the following line:
    JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true"


    If the file does not exist, then create it.
  2. Save and close the file.

Setting the Memory Parameters in IAMGovernanceDomain

The initial startup parameter in the IAMGovernanceDomain, which defines the memory usage, is insufficient for production systems. If you are using the deployment for production purposes it is recommended that you increase the value of this parameter.

The example below sets the minimum heap size to 4GB and the maximium heap size to 8GB. To change the memory allocation setting, do the following:

  1. Change the following memory allocation in the ASERVER_HOME/bin/setUserOverrides.sh file, by updating the Java maximum memory allocation pool (Xmx) to 3072m and initial memory allocation pool (Xms) to 1024m. For example, change the following line to be:
    MEM_ARGS="-Xms4096m -Xmx8192m"
  2. Click Save and close the file.

Starting the Administration Server Using the Node Manager

After you have configured the domain and configured the Node Manager, you can start the Administration Server by using the Node Manager. In an enterprise deployment, the Node Manager is used to start and stop the Administration Server and all the Managed Servers in the domain.

To start the Administration Server by using the Node Manager:

  1. Start the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST):
    cd ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/common/bin
  2. Connect to Node Manager by using the Node Manager credentials:


    This user name and password are used only to authenticate connections between Node Manager and clients. They are independent of the server administrator ID and password and are stored in the nm_password.properties file located in the following directory:

  3. Start the Administration Server:


    When you start the Administration Server, it attempts to connect to Oracle Web Services Manager for WebServices policies. It is expected that the WSM-PM Managed Servers are not yet started, and so, the following message appears in the Administration Server log:

    <WSM-02141><Unable to connect to the policy access service due to Oracle WSM policy manager host server being down.>
  4. Exit WLST:

Validating the Administration Server

Before you proceed with the configuration steps, validate that the Administration Server has started successfully by making sure that you have access to the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console and Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control; both of these are installed and configured on the Administration Servers.

To navigate to the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console, enter the following URL, and log in with the Oracle WebLogic Server administrator credentials :


Creating a Separate Domain Directory for Managed Servers

When you initially create the domain for enterprise deployment, the domain directory resides on a shared disk. This default domain directory is used to run the Administration Server. You can now create a copy of the domain on the local storage for each of your managed server hosts. The domain directory on the local (or private) storage is used to run the Managed Servers.


If you are creating a domain for Oracle Access Management, it is not necessary to perform this step at this time. This is because, at the time of infrastructure creation, there are no managed servers in existence yet.

Placing the IGD_MSERVER_HOME on local storage is recommended to eliminate the potential contention and overhead caused by servers writing logs to shared storage. It is also faster to load classes and jars need from the domain directory, so any temporary or cache data that the Managed Servers use from the domain directory is processed quicker.

As described in Preparing the File System for an Enterprise Deployment, the path to the Administration Server domain home is represented by the IGD_ASERVER_HOME variable, and the path to the Managed Server domain home is represented by the IGD_MSERVER_HOME variable.

To create the Managed Server domain directory:

  1. Sign in to the host running the Administration Server, for example, OIMHOST1, and run the pack command to create a template as follows:
    cd ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/common/bin
    ./pack.sh -managed=true \ 
              -domain=IGD_ASERVER_HOME \ 
              -template=/full_path/edgdomaintemplate.jar \ 
              -template_name=edg_domain_template \
    	  -log_priority=DEBUG \ 

    In this example:

    • Replace IGD_ASERVER_HOME with the actual path to the domain directory you created on the shared storage device.

    • Replace full_path with the complete path to the location where you want to create the domain template jar file. You need to reference this location when you copy or unpack the domain template jar file. It is recommended to choose a shared volume other than ORACLE_HOME, or write to /tmp/ and copy the files manually between servers.

      You must specify a full path for the template jar file as part of the -template argument to the pack command:

    • The edgdomaintemplate.jar file is a sample name for the jar file that you create, which contains the domain configuration files.

    • The edg_domain_template label is the label is assigned to the template data stored in the template file.

  2. Make a note of the location of the edgdomaintemplate.jar file that you just created with the pack command.


    For more information about the pack and unpack commands, see Overview of the Pack and Unpack Commands in Creating Templates and Domains Using the Pack and Unpack Commands.

  3. If you have not already, create the recommended directory structure for the Managed Server domain on the OIMHOST1 local storage device.
  4. Run the unpack command to unpack the template in the domain directory onto the local storage, as follows:
    cd ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/common/bin
    ./unpack.sh -domain=IGD_MSERVER_HOME \
                -overwrite_domain=true \
                -template=/full_path/edgdomaintemplate.jar \
    	    -log_priority=DEBUG \
                -log=/tmp/unpack.log \


    The -overwrite_domain option in the unpack command allows you to unpack a managed server template into an existing domain and existing applications directories. For any file that is overwritten, a backup copy of the original is created. If any modifications had been applied to the start scripts and ear files in the managed server domain directory, they must be restored after this unpack operation.

    Additionally, to customize server startup parameters that apply to all servers in a domain, you can create a file called setUserOverridesLate.sh and configure it to, for example, add custom libraries to the WebLogic Server classpath, specify additional JAVA command-line options for running the servers, or specify additional environment variables. Any customizations that you add to this file are preserved during domain upgrade operations, and are carried over to remote servers when you use the pack and unpack commands.

    In this example:

    • Replace IGD_MSERVER_HOME with the complete path to the domain home to be created on the local storage disk. This is the location where the copy of the domain is unpacked.

    • Replace /full_path/edgdomaintemplate.jar with the complete path and file name of the domain template jar file that you created when you ran the pack command to pack the domain on the shared storage device.

    • Replace APPLICATION_HOME with the complete path to the Application directory for the domain on shared storage. See File System and Directory Variables Used in This Guide.


    For more information about the pack and unpack commands, see Overview of the Pack and Unpack Commands in Creating Templates and Domains Using the Pack and Unpack Commands.

  5. Change directory to the newly created Managed Server directory and verify that the domain configuration files were copied to the correct location on the OIMHOST1 local storage device.

Starting the Node Manager in the Managed Server Domain Directory on OIMHOST1

After you create the Managed Server domain directory, there are two domain home directories and two corresponding Node Manager instances on OIMHOST1. You use one Node Manager to control the Administration Server, running from Administration Server domain home, and you use the other Node Manager to control the Managed Servers, running from the Managed Server domain home.

You must start the two Node Managers independently.


The Node Manager for the Managed Server's MSERVER_HOME will be reset every time the domain configuration is unpacked. The ListenAddress will be changed to the ADMINVHN instead of the correct hostname. This needs to be changed to the correct value before starting the Node Manager service after an unpack is performed.

Follow these steps to update and start the Node Manager from the Managed Server home:

  1. Verify that the listen address in the nodemanager.properties file is set correctly, by completing the following steps:
    1. Change to the following directory:
    2. Open the nodemanager.properties file for editing.
    3. Update the ListenAddress property to the correct hostname as follows:
      OIMHOST1: ListenAddress=OIMHOST1
    4. Update the ListenPort property with the correct Listen Port details.
    5. Make sure that QuitEnabled is set to ‘true’. If this line is not present in the nodemanager.properties file, add the following line:
  2. Change to the following directory:
  3. Use the following command to start the Node Manager:
    nohup ./startNodeManager.sh > IGD_MSERVER_HOME/nodemanager/nodemanager.out 2>&1 &

For information about additional Node Manager configuration options, see Administering Node Manager for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Configuring Listen Addresses When Using Dynamic Clusters

The default configuration for dynamic managed servers in dynamic clusters is to listen on all available network interfaces. In most cases, the default configuration may be undesirable. To limit the listen address to a specific address when you use dynamic clusters, see Configuring Listen Addresses in Dynamic Cluster Server Templates. Reverify the test URLs that are provided in the previous sections after you change the listen address and restart the clustered managed servers.

Starting and Validating the WLS_WSM1 Managed Server on OIMHOST1

After you have configured Node Manager and created the Managed Server domain directory, you can use WebLogic Administration Console to start the WLS_WSM1 Managed Server on OIMHOST1.

  1. Enter the following URL into a browser to display the WebLogic Administration Console:

    In this example:

    • Replace IGDADMINVHN with the host name assigned to the IGDADMINVHN Virtual IP address in Identifying and Obtaining Software Downloads for an Enterprise Deployment.

    • Port 7101 is the typical port used for the Administration Server console and Fusion Middleware Control. However, you should use the actual URL that was displayed at the end of the Configuration Wizard session when you created the domain.


      The default Admin Port number for the Identity Domain is 7101.
  2. Sign-in to the WebLogic Administration Console by using the administrator's account. For example: weblogic.
  3. In the Domain Structure window, expand the Environment node, then select Servers.
  4. From the Summary of Servers page, click the Control tab.
  5. Select WLS_WSM1 from the Servers column of the table and click Start.
  6. In the resulting Server Life Cycle Assistant window, click Yes to acknowledge the start of the server.
  7. To verify that the Managed Server is working correctly, open your browser and enter the following URL:
  8. Enter the domain admin user name and password when prompted.


    Use the port number appropriately, as assigned for your static or dynamic cluster. If you select the Calculate Listen Port option for dynamic clusters, the port number for each dynamic managed server that is automatically created is incremented by one: dynamic server 1 will use Listen Port+1, dynamic server 2 will use Listen Port+2.

    Since the Listen Port configured for Dynamic Cluster is 7009 and calculated ports is checked, WSMPM dynamic servers use the following ports:

    • http://OIMHOST1:7010/wsm-pm/
    • http://OIMHOST2:7011/wsm-pm/

Configuring Listen Addresses When Using Dynamic Clusters

The default configuration for dynamic managed servers in dynamic clusters is to listen on all available network interfaces. In most cases, the default configuration may be undesirable. To limit the listen address to a specific address when you use dynamic clusters, see Configuring Listen Addresses in Dynamic Cluster Server Templates. Reverify the test URLs that are provided in the previous sections after you change the listen address and restart the clustered managed servers.

Propagating the Domain and Starting the Servers on OIMHOST2

After you start and validate the Administration Server and WLS_WSM1 Managed Server on OIMHOST1, you can then perform the following tasks on OIMHOST2.

Unpacking the Domain Configuration on OIMHOST2

Now that you have the Administration Server and the first WLS_WSM1 Managed Server running on OIMHOST1, you can configure the domain on OIMHOST2.

  1. Log in to OIMHOST2.
  2. If you haven't already, create the recommended directory structure for the Managed Server domain on the OIMHOST2 storage device.
  3. Make sure the oimdomaintemplate.jar accessible to OIMHOST2.
    For example, if you are using a separate shared storage volume or partition for OIMHOST2, then copy the template to the volume or partition mounted to OIMHOST2.
  4. Run the unpack command to unpack the template in the domain directory onto the local storage, as follows:
    cd ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/common/bin
    ./unpack.sh -domain=IGD_MSERVER_HOME

    In this example:

    • Replace IGD_MSERVER_HOME with the complete path to the domain home to be created on the local storage disk. This is the location where the copy of the domain will be unpacked.

    • Replace full_path with the complete path and file name of the domain template jar file that you created when you ran the pack command to pack up the domain on the shared storage device.

    • Replace APPLICATION_HOME with the complete path to the Application directory for the domain on shared storage. See File System and Directory Variables Used in This Guide.


    For more information about the pack and unpack commands, see Overview of the Pack and Unpack Commands in Creating Templates and Domains Using the Pack and Unpack Commands.

  5. Change directory to the newly created IGD_MSERVER_HOME directory and verify that the domain configuration files were copied to the correct location on the OIMHOST2 local storage device.

Starting the Node Manager in the Managed Server Domain Directory OIMHOST2

Follow these steps to update and start the Node Manager from the Managed Server home:

  1. Verify that the listen address in the nodemanager.properties file is set correctly, by completing the following steps:
    1. Change directory to the IGD_MSERVER_HOME/nodemanager directory:
      cd IGD_MSERVER_HOME/nodemanager
    2. Open the nodemanager.properties file for editing.
    3. Validate the ListenAddress property to the correct hostname as follows:
      OIMHOST2: ListenAddress=OIMHOST2
    4. Update the ListenPort property with the correct Listen Port details.
    5. Make sure that QuitEnabled is set to ‘true’. If this line is not present in the nodemanager.properties file, add the following line:
  2. Change directory to the MSERVER_HOME binary directory:
    cd MSERVER_HOME/bin
  3. Use the following command to start the Node Manager:
    nohup ./startNodeManager.sh > $IGD_MSERVER_HOME/nodemanager/nodemanager.out 2>&1 &

For information about additional Node Manager configuration options, see Administering Node Manager for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Starting and Validating the WLS_WSM2 Managed Server on OIMHOST2

After you have configured Node Manager and created the Managed Server domain directory, you can use WebLogic Administration Console to start the WLS_WSM2 Managed Server on OIMHOST2

  1. Enter the following URL into a browser to display the WebLogic Administration Console:

    In this example:

    • Replace IGDADMINVHN with the host name assigned to the IGDADMINVHN Virtual IP address in Identifying and Obtaining Software Downloads for an Enterprise Deployment.

    • Port 7101 is the typical port used for the Administration Server console and Fusion Middleware Control. However, you should use the actual URL that was displayed at the end of the Configuration Wizard session when you created the domain.


      The default Admin Port number for the Identity Domain is 7101.
  2. Sign-in to the WebLogic Administration Console by using the administrator's account. For example: weblogic.
  3. In the Domain Structure window, expand the Environment node, then select Servers.
  4. From the Summary of Servers page, click the Control tab.
  5. Select WLS_WSM2 from the Servers column of the table and click Start.
  6. In the resulting Server Life Cycle Assistant window, click Yes to acknowledge the start of the server.
  7. To verify that the Managed Server is working correctly, open your browser and enter the following URL:
  8. Enter the domain admin user name and password when prompted.


    Use the port number appropriately, as assigned for your static or dynamic cluster. If you select the Calculate Listen Port option for dynamic clusters, the port number for each dynamic managed server that is automatically created is incremented by one: dynamic server 1 will use Listen Port+1, dynamic server 2 will use Listen Port+2.

    Since the Listen Port configured for Dynamic Cluster is 7009 and calculated ports is checked, WSMPM dynamic servers use the following ports:

    • http://OIMHOST1:7010/wsm-pm/
    • http://OIMHOST2:7011/wsm-pm/

Modifying the Upload and Stage Directories to an Absolute Path

After you configure the domain and unpack it to the Managed Server domain directories on all the hosts, verify and update the upload and stage directories for Managed Servers in the new clusters. See Modifying the Upload and Stage Directories to an Absolute Path in an Enterprise Deployment.

About the Supported Authentication Providers

Oracle Fusion Middleware supports a variety of LDAP authentication providers. See Identity Store Types and WebLogic Authenticators in Securing Applications with Oracle Platform Security Services.

The instructions in this guide assume that you are using Oracle Unified Directory.


By default, the instructions here describe how to configure the identity service instance to support querying against a single LDAP identity store with an unencrypted connection.

If the connection to your identity provider has to be secured through SSL, then additional keystore configuration is required for role management in the Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control to function correctly. For additional configuration information, see Doc ID 1670789.1.

For more information about configuring a Multi-LDAP lookup, refer to Configuring the Identity Store Service in Securing Applications with Oracle Platform Security Services.

Creating a New LDAP Authenticator and Provisioning Enterprise Deployment Users and Group

When you configure an Oracle Fusion Middleware domain, the domain is configured by default to use the WebLogic Server authentication provider (DefaultAuthenticator). However, for an enterprise deployment, Oracle recommends that you use a dedicated, centralized LDAP-compliant authentication provider.

The following topics describe how to use the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console to create a new authentication provider for the enterprise deployment domain. This procedure assumes that you have already installed and configured a supported LDAP directory, such as Oracle Unified Directory or .

About the Enterprise Deployment Users and Groups

The following topics provide important information on the purpose and characteristics of the enterprise deployment administration users and groups.

About Using Unique Administration Users for Each Domain

When you use a central LDAP user store, you can provision users and groups for use with multiple Oracle WebLogic Server domains. As a result, there is a possibility that one WebLogic administration user can have access to all the domains within an enterprise.

It is a best practice to create and assign a unique distinguished name (DN) within the directory tree for the users and groups that you provision for the administration of your Oracle Fusion Middleware domains.

For example, create two users called oamLDAP and oimLDAP which is used to connect the WebLogic domain to LDAP. This allows the domain to see the users and groups which exist in the directory. You can create a different user for each domain or use a single user for multiple domains. Under no circumstances should the default LDAP administration user be used for this purpose. You must create these users in the systemids container. This container is used for system users that are not normally visible to users. Placing the user into the systemids container ensures that customers who have Oracle Identity Governance do not reconcile this user.

Using a different user for Oracle Access Management (OAM) and Oracle Identity Manager (OIM) LDAP connections ensures that the user that OAM uses to connect to LDAP has a restricted privilege set.

Create a user called weblogic_iam and an administration group called WLSAdministrators. Users in the WLSAdministrators group will be allowed to access the following:

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware Control

  • Oracle WebLogic Administration Console

Create a user called oamadmin and an administration group called OAMAdministrators. Users in the OAMAdministrators group are allowed to access the following:

  • Oracle Access Policy Manager

  • Oracle Access Manager Console

About the Domain Connector User

Oracle recommends that you create a separate domain connector user (for example, oimLDAP) in your LDAP directory. This user allows the domain to connect to the LDAP directory for the purposes of user authentication. It is recommended that this user be a non-administrative user.

In a typical Oracle Identity and Access Management deployment, you create this user in the systemids container. This container is used for system users that are not normally visible to users. Placing the user into the systemids container ensures that customers who have Oracle Identity Governance do not reconcile this user.

About Adding Users to the Central LDAP Directory

After you configure a central LDAP directory to be the authenticator for the enterprise domain, then you should add all new users to the new authenticator and not to the default WebLogic Server authenticator.

Users are added to the directory using the idmConfigTool. See Preparing an Existing LDAP Directory.

When you are using multiple authenticators (a requirement for an enterprise deployment), login and authentication will work, but role retrieval will not. The role is retrieved from the first authenticator only. If you want to retrieve roles using any other authenticator, then you must enable virtualization for the domain.

About Product-Specific Roles and Groups for Oracle Identity and Access Management

Each Oracle Fusion Middleware product implements its own predefined roles and groups for administration and monitoring.

Oracle Identity and Access Management has a number of groups that can be used to define who can access each of the products in the suite. The typical roles include:
  • Accessing Weblogic or Fusion Middleware consoles

  • Accessing Oracle Access Manager Components

  • Accessing Oracle Identity Manager components

You can create different groups for each type. However, in this guide, we will be using the following (you can choose your own names:
  • Weblogic Administrators: Example group name — WLSAdministrators

  • OIM Administrators: Example group name — OIMAdministrators

For instructions on adding additional roles to the WLSAdministrators group, see Common Configuration and Management Tasks for an Enterprise Deployment.

Example Users and Groups Used in This Guide

These users will be created as a part of Preparing an Existing LDAP Directory.

  • Admin User DN:

  • Admin Group DN:

  • Product-specific LDAP Connector User:
    This is the user that you use to connect WebLogic Managed Servers to the LDAP authentication provider. This user must have permissions to read and write to the Directory Trees:


This user needs to be granted membership in the following groups to provide read and write access:


Creating the New Authentication Provider

After creating the new domain, if you are using LDAP and want to log in using LDAP, then you must create an authentication provider for the directory inside the OIG domain.

To create a new LDAP-based authentication provider:

  1. Change directory to IGD_ORACLE_HOME/idm/server/ssointg/config.
  2. Edit the configureWLSAuthnProviders.config file as shown below:
    OIM_WLSPORT: 7101
    OIM_WLSADMIN: weblogic
    OIM_WLSADMIN_PWD: <password>
    IDSTORE_HOST: idstore.example.com
    IDSTORE_PORT: 1389
    IDSTORE_BINDDN: cn=oudadmin
    IDSTORE_BINDDN_PWD: <password>
    IDSTORE_USERSEARCHBASE: cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com
    IDSTORE_GROUPSEARCHBASE: cn=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
  3. Save the file.

    Table 14-4 Properties of the configureWLSAuthnProviders.config File

    Attribute Description


    It is the listen address of the IAMGovernanceDomain Administration Server. For example: IGDADMINVHN.


    It is the Administration Server's port. For example: 7101.


    It is the name of the administration user for the IAMGovernanceDomain.


    It is the password of the WLSADMIN account. The password is optional. If you do not provide the password, you will be prompted for it.


    It is the type of the LDAP directory you are using. For example: OID or OUD.


    It is the load balancer name for the LDAP directory. For example: idstore.example.com.


    It is the LDAP port on the load balancer. For example: 1389 for OUD.


    It is the credential used to connect to the directory to perform administrative actions. For example: oudadmin for OUD.


    This is the password for BINDDN. This is option if you do not provide it you will be prompted for it. The password is optional. If you do not provide the password, you will be prompted for it.


    It is the location in the directory where user details are stored.


    It is the location in the directory where group details are stored.

  4. Execute the OIGOAMIntegration.sh script for creating the authenticator. For example:
    cd IGD_ORACLE_HOME/idm/server/ssointg/bin
    export WL_HOME=IGD_ORACLE_HOME/wlserver
    ./OIGOAMIntegration.sh -configureWLSAuthnProviders
  5. Verify that there are no errors.


    If this is the first time you are using OIGOAMIntegration.sh, you may need to mark it as an executable by using the following commands:
    chmod 750 ORACLE_HOME/idm/server/ssointg/bin/OIGOAMIntegration.sh
    chmod 750 ORACLE_HOME/idm/server/ssointg/bin/_OIGOAMIntegration.sh

Deleting OIMSignatureAuthenticator

The createWLSAuthenticator script creates a new security provider called OIMSignatureAuthenticator. This security provider is not required in Oracle Identity Manager 12c.

To delete the security provider:

  1. Log in to the WebLogic Server Administration Console, if not already logged in.
  2. Click Lock & Edit.
  3. Click Security Realms on the left navigation pane.
  4. Click the myrealm default realm entry.
  5. Click the Providers tab.
  6. Select the security provider OIMSignatureAuthenticator.
  7. Click Delete.
  8. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
  9. Click Activate Changes to propagate the changes.

Recreating OUDAuthenticator

If your target directory is OUD, then you must delete and recreate the OUDAuthenticator security provider.

To delete the security provider:

  1. Log in to the WebLogic Server Administration Console, if not already logged in.
  2. Click Lock & Edit.
  3. Click Security Realms on the left navigation pane.
  4. Click the myrealm default realm entry.
  5. Click the Providers tab.
  6. Select the security provider OUDAuthenticator.
  7. Click Delete.
  8. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
  9. Click Activate Changes to propagate the changes.
To recreate the security provider:
  1. Log in to the WebLogic Server Administration Console using the URL.


  2. Click Security Realms in the left navigational bar.

  3. Click the myrealm default realm entry.

  4. Click the Providers tab.

  5. Click Lock & Edit in the Change Center.

  6. Click the New button below the Authentication Providers table.

  7. Enter a name for the provider.

    Use one of the following names, based on the LDAP directory service you are planning to use as your credential store:

    OUDAuthenticator for Oracle Unified Directory

  8. From the Type drop-down list, select the authenticator type OracleUnifiedDirectoryAuthenticator for Oracle Unified Directory.

  9. Click OK to return to the Providers screen.

  10. On the Providers screen, click the newly created authenticator in the table.

  11. Select SUFFICIENT from the Control Flag drop-down menu.

    Setting the control flag to SUFFICIENT indicates that if the authenticator can successfully authenticate a user, then the authenticator should accept that authentication and should not continue to invoke any additional authenticators.

    If the authentication fails, it will fall through to the next authenticator in the chain. Make sure all subsequent authenticators also have their control flags set to SUFFICIENT; in particular, check the DefaultAuthenticator and make sure that its control flag is set to SUFFICIENT.

  12. Click Save to persist the change of the control flag setting.

  13. Click the Provider Specific tab and enter the details specific to your LDAP server, as shown in the following table.


    Only the required fields are discussed in this procedure. For information about all the fields on this page, consider the following resources:

    Parameter Sample Value Value Description


    For example:


    The LDAP server's server ID.


    For example: 1389

    The LDAP server's port number.


    For example:


    The LDAP user DN used to connect to the LDAP server.


    Enter LDAP password.

    The password used to connect to the LDAP server.

    SSL Enabled

    Unchecked (clear)

    Specifies whether SSL protocol is used when connecting to the LDAP server.

    User Base DN

    For example: cn=users,dc=example,dc=com

    Specify the DN under which your users start.

    All Users Filter


    Instead of a default search criteria for All Users Filter, search all users based on the uid value.

    If the User Name Attribute for the user object class in the LDAP directory structure is a type other than uid, then change that type in the User From Name Filter field.

    For example, if the User Name Attribute type is cn, then this field should be set to:


    User From Name Filter

    For example:


    If the User Name Attribute for the user object class in the LDAP directory structure is a type other than uid, then change that type in the settings for the User From Name Filter.

    For example, if the User Name Attribute type is cn, then this field should be set to:


    User Name Attribute

    For example: uid

    The attribute of an LDAP user object that specifies the name of the user.

    Use Retrieved User Name as Principal


    Must be turned on.

    Group Base DN

    For example: cn=groups,dc=example,dc=com

    Specify the DN that points to your Groups node.

    All Groups Filter


    GUID Attribute


    This value is prepopulated with entryuuid when OracleUnifiedDirectoryAuthenticator is used for OUD. Check this value if you are using Oracle Unified Directory as your authentication provider.

  14. Click Save to save the changes.

  15. Return to the Providers page by clicking Security Realms in the right navigation pane, clicking the default realm name (myrealm), and then Providers.

  16. Click Reorder and use the resulting page to reorder the list of providers so that they match the order given below:

    List of Authentication Providers
    • OAMIDAsserter
    • OUDAuthenticator
    • DefaultAuthenticator
    • OIMAuthenticationProvider
    • Trust Service Identity Asserter
    • DefaultIdentityAsserter
  17. Click OK.

  18. In the Change Center, click Activate Changes.

  19. Restart the domain using the following commands:
    1. Shut down the Managed Servers WLS_OIM1 and WLS_OIM2.
    2. Shut down the Managed Servers WLS_SOA1 and WLS_SOA2.
    3. Shut down the Managed Servers WLS_WSM1 and WLS_WSM2.
    4. Shut down the Administration Server.
    5. Restart the Administration Server.
    6. Start the Managed Servers WLS_SOA1 and WLS_SOA2.
    7. Start the Managed Servers WLS_OIM1 and WLS_OIM2.
    8. Start the Managed Servers WLS_WSM1 and WLS_WSM2.

    If you have performed the workaround as described in the Update Value of MatchLDAPAttribute in oam-config.xml, then you must also restart the OAM domain.

    Shut down and restart the Administration Server and all the Managed Servers (WLS_AMA1, WLS_AMA2, WLS_OAM1, WLS_OAM2).

Adding the Administration Role to the New Administration Group

After you have added the users and groups to LDAP, The WLSAdministrators group must be assigned to the Administration role within the Weblogic domain security realm.This enables all users that belong to the group to be administrators for the domain.

To assign the Administration role to the new enterprise deployment administration group:

  1. Log in to the WebLogic Administration Server Console by using the administration credentials that you provided in the Configuration Wizard.

    Do not use the credentials for the administration user that you created and provided for the new authentication provider.

  2. In the left pane of the Administration Console, click Security Realms.
  3. Click the default security realm (myrealm).
  4. Click the Roles and Policies tab.
  5. Expand the Global Roles entry in the table and click Roles.
  6. Click the Admin role.
  7. Click Add conditions.
  8. Select Group from the Predicate List drop-down menu, and then click Next.
  9. Enter WLSAdministrators in the Group Argument Name field, and then click Add.

    WLSAdministrators is added to the list box of arguments.

  10. Click Finish to return to the Edit Global Role page.

    The WLSAdministrators group is now listed.

  11. Click Save to finish adding the Admin Role to the WLSAdministrators group.
  12. Validate that the changes were made by logging in to the WebLogic Administration Server Console by using the new weblogic_iam user credentials.

    If you can log in to the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console and Fusion Middleware Control with the credentials of the new administration user that you just provisioned in the new authentication provider, then you have configured the provider successfully.

Updating the boot.properties File and Restarting the System


This task is not required for Access Infrastructure.

After you create the new administration user and group, you must update the Administration Server boot.properties file with the administration user credentials that you created in the LDAP directory:

  1. On OIMHOST1, go to the following directory:
  2. Rename the existing boot.properties file:
    mv boot.properties boot.properties.backup
  3. Use a text editor to create a file called boot.properties under the security directory.
  4. Enter the following lines in the file:
  5. Save the file.

Adding a Load Balancer Certificate to JDK Trust Stores for OIG

Some OIG Products require that the SSL certificate used by the load balancer be added to the trusted certificates in the JDK. To add the certificate, do the following:
  1. Create a directory to hold user created keystores and certificates.

    For example:

    mkdir SHARED_CONFIG_DIR/keystores

  2. Obtain the certificate from the load balancer. You can obtain the load balancer certificate from using a browser, such as Firefox. However, the easiest way to obtain the certificate is to use the openssl command. The syntax of the command is as follows:
    openssl s_client -connect  LOADBALANCER
          -showcerts </dev/null 2>/dev/null|openssl x509  -outform PEM >

    For example:

    openssl s_client -connect
          prov.example.com:443 -showcerts </dev/null 2>/dev/null|openssl  x509 -outform PEM >

    This command saves the certificate to a file called prov.example.com.pem in SHARED_CONFIG_DIR/keystores.

  3. Load the certificate into the JDK and Node Manager Trust Stores by running the following command to import the CA certificate file, login.example.com.pem, into the JAVA_HOME.
  5. Set PATH to include JAVA_HOME/bin.
  6. Execute the following command to import the certificate into the Java trust store.
    keytool -importcert -alias
          prov.example.com -file SHARED_CONFIG_DIR/keystores/prov.example.com.pem  -trustcacerts
          -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts
  7. Enter a password for the keystore. The default password for the JDK is changeit. The default password for the Node Manager keystores is COMMON_IAM_PASSWORD. You will be prompted to confirm that the certificate is valid.

Configuring the WebLogic Proxy Plug-In

Before you can validate that requests are routed correctly through the Oracle HTTP Server instances, you must set the WebLogic Plug-In Enabled parameter. It is recommended to set the WebLogic Plug-In Enabled parameter at the domain level. Any clusters or servers not using the plugin via the web-tier can have their WebLogic Plug-In Enabled parameter value set to no on an exception basis as needed.

  1. Log in to the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.
  2. In the Domain Structure pane, click on the top-level domain node.
  3. Click Lock & Edit in the Change Center.
  4. Click on the Domain Name.
  5. Click on the Web Applications tab.
  6. Locate and select the WebLogic PlugIn Enabled option.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click Activate Changes in the Change Center.
  9. Restart the Administration Server.

Backing Up the Configuration

It is an Oracle best practices recommendation to create a backup after you successfully extended a domain or at another logical point. Create a backup after you verify that the installation so far is successful. This is a quick backup for the express purpose of immediate restoration in case of problems in later steps.

The backup destination is the local disk. You can discard this backup when the enterprise deployment setup is complete. After the enterprise deployment setup is complete, you can initiate the regular deployment-specific Backup and Recovery process.

For information about backing up your configuration, see Performing Backups and Recoveries for an Enterprise Deployment.

Verification of Manual Failover of the Administration Server

After you configure the domain, test failover by following the steps that are described in Verifying Manual Failover of the Administration Server.