Configuring the Content Server for Desktop

You need to make sure the CoreWebdav system component is enabled, before the client can use the WebCenter Content Desktop with the Content Server.

Additionally, you must enable the following components:
  • DesktopIntegrationSuite

  • DesktopTag

  • FolderStructureArchive

  • FrameworkFolders

You can also enable the EmailMetadata, which maps the e-mail message fields to the e-mail metadata fields.


When you enable the FrameworkFolders component (Folders feature), verify that the Folders_g component (Contribution Folders feature) is disabled; CoreWebdav will not work correctly with both enabled.
To configure the Content Server for Desktop:
  1. Sign in to WebCenter Content as an administrator.
  2. In the Content Server Administration menu, select Admin Server then select Component Manager. .
  3. On the Component Manager page, select Folders to display the Folders category of components.
  4. Select the following components:
    • FrameworkFolders

    • DesktopIntegrationSuite

    • DesktopTag

    • (Optional) EmailMetadata

  5. Click Update then click OK to confirm your selections.
  6. In the Component Manager page, click advanced component manager.
  7. In the Disabled Components box on the Advanced Component Manager page, select FolderStructureArchive, and click Enable.
  8. If Folders_g is in the Enabled Components box, select this component and click the Disable.
  9. Make sure that the CoreWebdav component is enabled:
    • Under Category Filters on the Advanced Component Manager page, select Show System Components.

    • If CoreWebdav is not in the Enabled Components box, select CoreWebdav in the Disabled Components box and click Enable.

  10. Restart the Content Server, as Starting and Stopping Managed Servers describes.
See the remaining topics in this section for more on configuration tasks.

About Installing and Configuring the Desktop on a Client Workstation

WebCenter Content for desktop has a set of embedded applications that help users integrate desktop experiences with Content Server, Oracle Content Database, or other WebDAV-based content repositories.

These applications provide convenient access to content repositories directly from Microsoft Windows Explorer, Microsoft Office applications, and supported e-mail clients (Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes).To install Desktop on a client workstation, see Setting Up the Desktop Client Software on Your Computer.

Opening Files from Microsoft Office 2010 Over a Non-SSL Connection

By default, Microsoft Office 2010 will not open files over WebDAV using basic authentication over a non-SSL connection.

You can create the following registry entry and set its value to 2:


For more about this task, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article 2123563 at: Office application opens blank from WebDAV.