Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
12c (

The CompositeCache type exposes the following members.


Public methodCompositeCache(ICache, ICache)
Construct a CompositeCache using two specified caches:
  • FrontCache (aka "cache", "near" or "shallow")
  • BackCache (aka "actual", "real" or "deep")
Public methodCompositeCache(ICache, ICache, CompositeCacheStrategyType)
Construct a CompositeCache using two specified caches:
  • FrontCache (aka "cache", "near" or "shallow")
  • BackCache (aka "actual", "real" or "deep")
and using the specified front cache invalidation strategy.


Public methodAdd
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this cache.
Public methodClear
Clears both the front and back caches.
Public methodContains
Check whether or not this cache contains a mapping for the specified key.
Public methodCopyTo
Copies the elements of the BackCache to an Array, starting at a particular Array index.
Public methodDispose
Calls Release()()()() to release the resources associated with this cache.
Protected methodEnsureInvalidationStrategy
Ensure that a strategy has been choosen and that any appropriate global listeners have been registered.
Public methodEquals
Compares the specified object with this dictionary for equality.
(Overrides Object..::..Equals(Object).)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetAll
Get the values for all the specified keys, if they are in the cache.
Public methodGetEnumerator
Returns an enumerator that iterates through a cache.
Public methodGetHashCode
Return the hash code value for this dictionary.
(Overrides Object..::..GetHashCode()()()().)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInsert(Object, Object)
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this cache.
Public methodInsert(Object, Object, Int64)
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this cache.
Public methodInsertAll
Copies all of the mappings from the specified dictionary to this cache (optional operation).
Protected methodInstantiateBackCacheListener
Factory pattern: instantiate back cache listener.
Protected methodInstantiateFrontCacheListener
Factory pattern: instantiate front cache listener.
Protected methodInvalidateFront
Invalidate the key from the front.
Protected methodStatic memberIsPriming
Check if the specified event is a "priming" one.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodRegisterDeactivationListener
Instantiate and register a DeactivationListener with the back cache.
Protected methodRegisterFrontListener
Register the global front cache listener.
Protected methodRegisterListener()()()()
Register the global back cache listener.
Protected methodRegisterListener(Object)
Register the back cache listener for the specified key.
Protected methodRegisterListeners
Register the back map listeners for the specified set of keys.
Public methodRelease
Release the CompositeCache.
Public methodRemove
Remove the mapping for this key from this cache if present.
Protected methodRemoveKeyHolder
Remove the key holder from the ThreadLocal object.
Public methodResetFrontMap
Reset the front map.
Public methodResetHitStatistics
Reset the cache statistics.
Protected methodResetInvalidationStrategy
Reset the "current invalidation strategy" flag.
Protected methodSetKeyHolder
Set up a thread local Set to hold all the keys that might be evicted from the front cache.
Public methodToString
For debugging purposes, format the contents of the CompositeCache in a human readable format.
(Overrides Object..::..ToString()()()().)
Protected methodTryLock
Lock the keys in the given set without blocking.
Protected methodUnregisterDeactivationListener
Unregister back cache deactivation listener.
Protected methodUnregisterFrontListener
Unregister the global front cache listener.
Protected methodUnregisterListener()()()()
Unregister the global back cache listener.
Protected methodUnregisterListener(Object)
Unregister the back cache listener for the specified key.
Protected methodUnregisterListeners
Unregister the back cache listener for the specified keys.

Note: all the keys in the passed-in set must be locked and will be unlocked.

Protected methodValidate
Validate the front cache entry for the specified back cache event.


Protected fieldm_strategyCurrent
The current invalidation strategy, which at times could be different from the target strategy.
Protected fieldm_strategyTarget
The invalidation strategy that this cache is to use.
Protected fieldStatic members_tloKeys
The ThreadLocal to hold all the keys that are evicted while the front cache is updated during get or getAll operation.


Public propertyAverageGetMillis
Determine the average number of milliseconds per "get" invocation since the cache statistics were last reset.
Public propertyAverageHitMillis
Determine the average number of milliseconds per "get" invocation that is a hit.
Public propertyAverageMissMillis
Determine the average number of milliseconds per "get" invocation that is a miss.
Public propertyAveragePruneMillis
Determine the average number of milliseconds per cache pruning.
Public propertyAveragePutMillis
Determine the average number of milliseconds per "put" invocation since the cache statistics were last reset.
Public propertyBackCache
Obtain the back cache reference.
Public propertyCacheControl
Obtain the IConcurrentCache that should be used to synchronize the front cache modification access.
Public propertyCacheHits
Determine the rough number of cache hits since the cache statistics were last reset.
Public propertyCacheHitsMillis
Determine the total number of milliseconds (since that last statistics reset) for the "get" operations for which an entry existed in this cache.
Public propertyCacheMisses
Determine the rough number of cache misses since the cache statistics were last reset.
Public propertyCacheMissesMillis
Determine the total number of milliseconds (since that last statistics reset) for the "get" operations for which no entry existed in this map.
Public propertyCachePrunes
Determine the rough number of cache pruning cycles since the cache statistics were last reset.
Public propertyCachePrunesMillis
Determine the total number of milliseconds (since that last statistics reset) spent on cache pruning.
Public propertyCacheStatistics
Obtain the CacheStatistics for this cache.
Public propertyCount
Gets the number of elements contained in the BackCache.
Public propertyEntries
Gets a collection of ICacheEntry instances within the cache.
Public propertyFrontCache
Obtain the front cache reference.
Public propertyHitProbability
Determine the rough probability (0 <= p <= 1) that the next invocation will be a hit, based on the statistics collected since the last reset of the cache statistics.
Public propertyInvalidationHits
Determine the rough number of front cache invalidation hits since the cache statistics were last reset.
Public propertyInvalidationMisses
Determine the rough number of front cache invalidation misses since the cache statistics were last reset.
Public propertyInvalidationStrategy
Obtain the invalidation strategy used by this CompositeCache.
Protected propertyIsCoherent
Determine if changes to the back cache affect the front cache so that data in the front cache stays in sync.
Public propertyIsFixedSize
Gets a value indicating whether the BackCache object has a fixed size.
Public propertyIsReadOnly
Gets a value indicating whether the BackCache object is read-only.
Public propertyIsSynchronized
Gets a value indicating whether access to the back cache is synchronized (thread safe).
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets the element with the specified key.
Public propertyKeys
Obtain an ICollection of the keys contained in this cache.
Public propertySyncRoot
Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the back cache.
Public propertyTotalGets
Determine the total number of "get" operations since the cache statistics were last reset.
Public propertyTotalGetsMillis
Determine the total number of milliseconds spent on "get" operations since the cache statistics were last reset.
Public propertyTotalPuts
Determine the total number of "put" operations since the cache statistics were last reset.
Public propertyTotalPutsMillis
Determine the total number of milliseconds spent on "put" operations since the cache statistics were last reset.
Public propertyTotalRegisterListener
Determine the total number of RegisterListener(Object) operations since the cache statistics were last reset.
Public propertyValues
Obtain an ICollection of the values contained in this cache.

See Also