Alert Screen

The Alert Screen is used to view, assign, edit and change the state of alerts. In this screen, you view the details of one alert at a time from your list of currently active alerts. Your currently active alert list contains all the alerts which were returned by the filter that you selected in the Browser screen or in the Filter screen.

  • The Navigation Bar, at the top of the screen, allows you to move between the alerts in your list, to return to your list of alerts, or to move to the case associated with the current alert.

  • The Summary Pane, on the left of the screen, displays an overview of the selected alert, and provides controls for editing the alert.

  • The Results Pane, on the right of the screen, is split into an upper and a lower area. The upper area displays the alerts associated with the alert, and the lower area displays the history of the alert.

Entering the Alert Screen

You can enter the Alert screen by:

  • Double-clicking on an alert in the results panel of either the Browser screen or the Filter screen. The Alert screen will open with the alert you double-clicked as the selected alert.

  • Double-clicking on an associated alert in the Case screen. The Alert screen will open with the case you double-clicked as the selected case.

Navigation Bar

The Navigation bar contains several different controls, as described in the table:

Table 1-16 Navigation Bar Controls in the Alert Screen

Element Description

Back to List

Use this button to leave the Alert screen and return to the Filter or Browser screen.

Showing X of Y

Use this control to move between alerts in the list. The outer two buttons will take you to the first of the last alert in the list, respectively. The inner two buttons will take you to the previous or the next alert in the list. The caption between the buttons shows you which case you are on, and how many alerts there are in the list.

Go to Case

Use this button to move to the case associated with the selected alert.


Use this button to launch the online help for the Case Management user application.

Summary Pane

The Summary pane is divided into three sections:

  • The Current State section at the top of the panel displays the current state of the alert, as well as the name of the user who last changed the state of the alert, and when it was changed.

  • The Available Actions section contains the controls for editing the alert. The controls available may appear different to the ones shown here, because they depend on the state of the alert and your security permissions.

  • The Summary section contains further information about the case. You can choose whether to show the minimum summary information or the extended version.

There are three buttons of the pane:


The Edit Alert button is privileged functionality. If you do not have the correct security settings, you will not be able to see the control at all.

Table 1-17 Buttons in the Summary Pane

Element Description

Edit Alert

Use this button to edit the alert details.

Show More

This button is displayed when the minimum summary information is shown. Press it to see the expanded summary information.

Show Less

This button is displayed when the extended summary information is shown. Press it to see the minimum summary information.

Results Pane

The Results pane is split into an upper and a lower area. The upper area displays the records and relationships associated with the alert, and the lower area displays the audit trail for the alert.

Your results pane may have a different layout, depending on how it has been configured.

The tabs at the bottom of the Audit Log pane can be used to filter the information so that only comments, or attachments, or state history are shown.

Leaving the Alert Screen

From the Alert screen, you can move to the Case screen to view the case associated with the alert, or return to the Filter or Browser screen.

  • To move to the Case screen, click Go to Case in the toolbar.

  • To return to the Browser or Filter screen, click Back to List. You will be returned to whichever screen you originally used to entered the Case or Alert screen.