Filter Screen

The Filter Screen is used to create and edit filters. See Managing Filters for more details on creating and editing filters.

  • The Navigation Bar, at the top of the screen, allows you to refresh the screen jump straight to a case or an alert, or to perform bulk operations on the current results set.

  • The Browser Pane, on the left of the screen, contains controls for creating and editing filters.

  • The Results Pane, on the right of the screen, displays the cases and/or alerts associated with the currently active filter.

Entering the Filter Screen

To move to the Filter screen, click on the Filters tab at the bottom left of the Browser screen. If you entered the Case or Alert screen directly from the Filter screen, you will be returned to it when you close the Case or Alert screen.

Navigation Bar

The Navigation bar contains several different controls, as described in the table:


The Bulk Update, Bulk Delete, and Export to Excel buttons are privileged functionality. If you do not have the correct security settings, you will not be able to see the control at all.

Table 1-15 Navigation Bar Controls in the Filter Screen

Element Description


Use this button to refresh the information on the screen to be sure it is up to date.

Jump to Id

Use this button if you know the ID of a case or an alert and want to go directly to it. Enter the ID in the text box, and click on the arrow.


Use this button to assign the selected cases and/or alerts in the Results pane.

Bulk Update

Use this button to change the details of all the cases and/or alerts in the Results pane.

Bulk Delete

Use this button to delete all the cases and/or alerts in the Results pane.

Export to Excel

Use this button to export the cases and/or alerts in the Results pane to an Excel spreadsheet.


Use this button to launch the online help for the Case Management user application.

Browser Pane

The Browser pane lists all the filter options and displays the current filter configuration. The options are divided into these sections:

  • The General section is used to perform text searches, to filter by case source, and to specify only cases or alerts.

  • The Attributes section filters results by the standard attributes of cases and alerts.

  • The Extended Attributes section filters results by the extended attributes of cases and alerts.

  • The Source Attributes section filters results by the attributes associated with the case source, if a case source has been selected.

  • The History section filters results by changes to attributes and/or comments made on cases by users.

  • The Allowable Transitions section filters results by the transitions that a user is permitted to make.

  • The Reporting section is used to create a results summary in a grid format. It is possible to drill down on the grid results to investigate each category further.

Each section can be collapsed to hide its contents, or expanded. The blue arrow next to the section name shows whether it is expanded (downward pointing arrow) or collapsed (sideways pointing arrow). Click on the arrow, or the name of the section next to it, to switch between states.

Configure the filter by selecting elements from the list and providing values as appropriate, then click on the green arrow to view the results in the Results pane on the right.

The bottom of the pane includes several buttons, as well as the green arrow:

Results Pane

The Results pane will be empty when you first open Case Management. It displays all the cases and alerts associated returned by the filter when you press the green arrow.

Your results pane may have a different layout, depending on how it has been configured. The title bar at the top of the pane will include the name of the filter you have selected, followed by an asterisk (*) if is has been altered, and the total number of items (both cases and alerts) that the filter has returned.

Leaving the Filter Screen

From the Filter screen, you can move to the Browser screen, to the Alerts screen or to the Cases screen.

  • To move to the Browser screen, click on the Browsers tab at the bottom left of the screen.

You can only enter the Alerts or Cases screens from here if the Results pane contains alerts or cases.

  • To enter the Alerts screen, double-click on an alert in the Results list.

  • To enter the Cases screen, double click on a case in the Results list.