Assigning Cases and Alerts

Cases and alerts can be assigned to users individually (see Assigning a Single Alert or Case), via multiple selection from a list (see Assigning Alerts by Multiple Selection), or in bulk. This section is concerned with assigning either one at a time or via multiple selection; see Making Bulk Assignment Changes for information on assigning cases or alerts in bulk.


Users can edit cases and alerts even if the cases or alerts are not assigned to them. Assignment is not a mandatory part of Case Management, but can be used to make the division of work clearer, especially if it is used in conjunction with email notifications.

Assigning a Single Alert or Case

To assign or re-assign a single alert or case, you must first open the case or alert. You can then either assign the case or alert to another user, or assign it to you.

Assigning to Another User

To assign a case or an alert to another user, click the Change Assignment link in the summary pane of the Case or Alert screen.


This is privileged functionality. If you do not have the correct security settings, you will not be able to see the control at all.

This launches the Change Assignment dialog.

The Change Assignment dialog contains a list of users who can receive the assignment. Note that users who do not have permission to view the case or alert are excluded from the list. To assign a case or alert to a user, select the user from the list and press OK.

The dialog also contains a Search box. If there are a lot of users in the list, you can filter the list by typing into the search box. The list will automatically be updated to include only the user names containing the letters you have typed.

Assigning to You

To assign a case or alert to you, click on the Assign to Me option.


This is privileged functionality. If you do not have the correct security settings, you will not be able to see the control at all.

The case or alert is immediately reassigned.

Assigning Alerts by Multiple Selection

When viewing a list of cases or alerts, you can select many items from the list and assign (or re-assign) them all in a single action.

To assign many alerts or cases from a list view:

  • Use Ctrl-Select or Shift-Select to select a number of items in the list.

  • Click on the Assign button in the Navigation bar at the top.


    This is privileged functionality. If you do not have the correct security settings, you will not be able to see the control at all.

  • This launches the Change Assignment dialog in the same way as for an individual alert or case. Select the user you want to assign or re-assign the alerts to.