1.2.6 Configuration Analysis

Configuration Analysis is a part of the EDQ suite of applications. Configuration Analysis can be used to report on the configuration of a project in Director, or on any of the components that make up a project, such as Jobs, Processes and Results Books.

Configuration Analysis can be used to report on the configuration of a component (or set of components), or to compare two components (or sets of components), and report on the differences between them.

The user interface for Configuration Analysis includes:

  • A set of menus and a toolbar, at the top of the screen;

  • Two selection panes at the left of the screen, which are used to select the components to be analyzed;

  • A results area which takes up the remainder of the screen, used for displaying the results of the analysis.

Menus and Toolbar

The menus and main toolbar provide the main controls for using Configuration Analysis. All the controls are present on the toolbar and in either the File or Analysis menus. The Help menu provides access to the online help for Configuration Analysis and to the About dialog for the application.

Using the toolbar or corresponding menus, you can:

  • Start a configuration comparison;

  • Start a configuration report;

  • Cancel a comparison or a report;

  • Configure the comparison settings;

  • Configure the report settings;

  • Save results in an HTML format.

Selection Panes

The selection panes are used to specify the components for analysis. If a component is selected in just one of the panes, you can run a configuration report for that component.

If one component is selected in each pane, you can compare the configuration of the two components against each other.

When a comparison is performed, changes are expressed relative to the component selected in pane A. For example, suppose that you have compared two processes. If the report states that a processor has been added, then the processor will be absent from the process selected in pane A, and present in the process selected in pane B.

Result Pane

The Result pane displays the results of the most recent comparison or configuration report. The results area is subdivided into multiple panels, and the layout depends on the complexity of the components being analyzed.

The Result pane always contains a component list, which displays the top-level components included in the analysis, and a details pane which contains the details of the report for the currently selected component:

If you select a process in the component list, a processor list will be added to the details pane. This contains a list of all the processors in the selected process.

Component List

The component list holds a list of all the components covered by the analysis. If analysis is performed on a single component, such as a process or a set of reference data, there will only be a single entry in this list. If multiple components are covered by the analysis, there will be multiple entries in the list.

The information presented in the results area depends on whether you are browsing comparison results or configuration report results. For report results, each line simply contains the component name and an icon indicating the type of the component (job, process, snapshot and so on).

For comparison results, each line contains the name of the component as seen on both sides of the comparison, and the result of the comparison. The Comparison Filter can be used to filter the items in the list based on the results of the comparison (see Filtering Comparison Results for more details).

For more details, see the comparison results and report results topics, respectively.

Details Pane

The details pane contains a list of the various configurable attributes for the selected component, and their values. When comparing two components, the configuration differences are highlighted using colored backgrounds for the appropriate rows.

Navigating the Details Pane

Whether you are running comparisons or configuration reports, the results are provided complete with automatically inserted hyperlinks for ease of navigation. The hyperlinks are rendered in blue, underlined text, and can be used to move between the sections of data for a component, or between components.

Each section, such as the 'Options' section, is preceded by a link back to the top of the current page of the report. Subsections are preceded by a link back to the top of the page, and a link to the top of the section.

In addition, links are provided to the previous and next processors in the process.

If you click on a hyperlink in a report, you will build up a browsing history based on your path through the report. This will activate the navigation buttons at the top of the details pane, which can then be used to retrace your path through the report, as required:

Processor List

The processor list only appears when a process is selected in the component list. The processor list contains a list of all the processors in the selected process. If a comparison is being performed, each row shows the processor as it appears in each version of the process, and the results of comparing those two processors.

For each processor, its name and type are given (for each side of the comparison, if appropriate). It is possible to filter the results by processor name and processor type, if required (see Filtering Comparison Results and Filtering Report Results for more details). In addition, if the process includes grouped processors, the Parent column will be visible. This column shows the group to which the processor belongs.

Navigating from the Processor List to the Canvas

If you have launched Configuration Analysis from within Director, a link is created between the applications. You can use this link to navigate from processors listed in the analysis results back to the location of those processors on the Canvas.

To navigate from the results to the Canvas, right click on the results row which corresponds to the processor you want to investigate.

The options you are offered depend on the type of analysis you have performed and, in the case of comparisons, the results associated with the selected processor:

  • For configuration reports, you are always offered 'View Processor A in Process'. Selecting this option opens the process on the canvas, with the selected processor highlighted. 'View Processor B in Process' is disabled.

  • For configuration comparisons where the processor is present in both versions of the process, both 'View Processor A in Process' and 'View Processor B in Process' are enabled. Selecting 'View Processor A in Process' opens the process selected in selection pane A, with the selected processor highlighted. Selecting 'View Processor B in Process' opens the process selected in selection pane B, with the selected processor highlighted.

  • For configuration comparisons where the processor has been added (that is, it is present in the process selected in selection pane B but not in the process from selection pane A), 'View Processor A in Process' is disabled. Selecting 'View Processor B in Process' opens the process selected in selection pane B, with the selected processor highlighted.

  • For configuration comparisons where the processor has been deleted (that is, it is present in the process selected in selection pane A but not in the process from selection pane B), 'View Processor B in Process' is disabled. Selecting 'View Processor A in Process' opens the process selected in selection pane A, with the selected processor highlighted.