Export to Excel

The Export to Excel option can be used to export the results of the current filter. The format of the export file will depend on the type of filter in use; if a normal filter is selected, then details of all the cases and/or alerts returned by the filter will be exported in a comma-separated (.csv) format, which is compatible with Microsoft Excel and other spreadsheet programs. If the current filter is configured to produce a report grid, then the export will be in the form of an Excel (.xls) file.

To export the cases and/or alerts, press the Export to Excel button in either the Browser Screen or the Filter Screen. This will launch a file export dialog.

Browse to the directory you want to store your export file in, and enter an export file name. Click OK. The details of the selected cases and/or alerts will be saved in a file with the name you have specified and either a .csv extension or a .xls extension. The .csv file extension is used for lists of cases or alerts. The .xls extension is used for reports.