Managing Filters

This topic covers these filter management options that you can accessed from the Browser screen:

Editing Filters

To edit a filter, right-click on it in the browser list. Select Edit from the options that appear.


This is privileged functionality. If you do not have the correct security settings, you will not be able to see the control at all.

This will open the Filters screen with the selected filter open for editing. For more details on the options available when defining filters, see Creating Filters.

Renaming Filters

To rename a filter, right click on it in the browser list. Select Rename from the options that appear.


This is privileged functionality. If you do not have the correct security settings, you will not be able to see the control at all.

This will open a dialog box where you can enter a new name and/or description for the filter.

Rename the filter and press OK.

Deleting Filters

To delete a filter, right click on it in the browser list. Select Delete from the options that appear.


This is privileged functionality. If you do not have the correct security settings, you will not be able to see the control at all.

This will open a message box that will ask you to confirm that you really want to delete the filter.

Press Yes to delete the filter, or No to return to the filter list.

Managing Favorite Filters

To mark a filter as a favorite, right-click on it in the browser list. Select Add to Favorites from the options that appear.

The filter will then be displayed with a yellow star, and will be available in your Favorites list.

To remove a filter from your favorites, right-click on it again. This time, select Remove from Favorites.

Managing the Default Filter

To set a filter as your default filter, right-click on it in the browser list. Select Set as Default Filter from the options that appear.

The filter will then be displayed with a blue star, and will be selected and displayed immediately after logging in to Case Management.

To remove the default filter, right-click on it again, and this time select Unset as Default Filter from the menu.

Bulk Updating Cases or Alerts in a Filter

It is possible to perform a bulk update operation directly on all cases and alerts that meet your filter criteria, for example to assign the cases and alerts in a filter to a number of users.


This is privileged functionality. If you do not have the correct security settings, you will not be able to see the control at all.

To perform a bulk update on a filter, right-click on it in the browser list. Select Bulk Update from the options that appear.

The Bulk Update dialog appears. For more details on the options available, see Making Bulk Edits.

Bulk Deleting Cases or Alerts in a Filter

It is possible to bulk delete all cases and alerts that meet your filter criteria.


This is privileged functionality. If you do not have the correct security settings, you will not be able to see the control at all.

To bulk delete all cases and alerts in a filter, right-click on it in the browser list. Select Bulk Delete from the options that appear.

Sharing Filters with Other Users

Filters that you have created show up in the 'User' list. If you want to share one of your filters with other users, and if you have the correct security permissions, you can move it into the 'Global' list. Filters in the 'Global' list are visible to all Case Management users.


If a filter specifies a case source as part of its criteria, then only users who have permission to that source will be able to see it, even if it is made Global. That is, not only the results of the filter, but also the filter itself, are hidden by the security settings.

To share a filter, right-click on it in the User list. Select Move to Global Filters from the options that appear.


This is privileged functionality. If you do not have the correct security settings, you will not be able to see the control at all.

The filter will be moved from the User list to the Global list. Any other settings, such as whether or not the filter is marked as your default, or one of your favorites, will be unaffected by this change.

If you want to remove a filter from the Global list, and if you have the correct security permissions, you can do so by clicking on it again, and selecting Move to Local Filters.


This is privileged functionality. If you do not have the correct security settings, you will not be able to see the control at all.

The filter will be moved from the Global list to the User list. All other filter settings will be unaffected by this change.

Restricting Filter Access via Permissions

A global filter can be associated with a permission. You can only see a filter if the appropriate permission has been granted to you.

To assign a permission to a filter, right-click on it and select Change Permission.

Select the appropriate permission from the drop down box, and press OK.

Importing and Exporting Filters

Filters may be exported to, and imported from, files, in order to move them between environments.

Note that the file extension for Case Management filters is .dfl.

Note that user filters are stored using your user account. It is therefore not necessary to export and import them if you simply want to log on to a different machine using the same user account. The main purpose of filter export and import is to move configured global filters to a new server hosting Case Management.

Importing Filters

To import filters from a valid Case Management filter file, right-click on either the Global node (to import filters and share them with other users), or the User node (to import filters for yourself only), and select Import Filter.

The Import dialog appears. Use the Browse button to browse to a valid filter file, select the file of filters that you want to import, and click Select. A dialog appears showing the list of filters available in the filter file. Select those you want to import and click OK.

If any of the filters to be imported has the same name as an existing filter at the same level, it will appear in red. You can now either Cancel the import, Rename the filter you are about to import, or overwrite the existing filter with the one in the import file. To rename the filter to import, specify a new name directly in the dialog.

The 'Duplicate names' error will disappear once the filter does not have a clashing name.

Alternatively, to overwrite the existing filter with the same name, simply tick the Overwrite box and click OK.

Exporting Filters

You can either export a single filter, or all filters at either the Global or User level, to a filter file.

To export a single filter, right-click on it, and select Export Filter.

The Export Filter dialog appears. Click the Browse button to choose where to write the export file. Type in a file name, and click on Select to export the filter.

To export many filters to a single file, right-click on either the Global or User nodes, and select Export Filter, then follow the same process as above.