What's New in This Guide

Review the new features and significant product changes for the Identity Governance Framework (IGF) and the related developer APIs.

New Features in Release 12c (

Learn about the new features introduced in release

The new features and major enhancements introduced in release include:

New Features in Release 12c (

Learn about the new features introduced in release

The new features and major enhancements introduced in release include:

Support for TLS Protocol Versions and Cipher Suites for Secure Connections

You can configure TLS protocol version and cipher suites using the WLST commands for the libOVD adapter.

See Configuring TLS Protocol Versions and Cipher Suites for Secure Connections.

Deprecated Features

Identity Governance Framework introduces some behavioral changes in the 12c ( release. This includes deprecated and desupported features and components.

By deprecate, we mean that the feature is no longer being enhanced but is still supported for the full life of the 12c ( release. By desupported, we mean that Oracle will no longer fix bugs related to that feature and may remove the code altogether. Where indicated, a deprecated feature may be desupported in a future major release.

From 12c ( release onward, the User and Role API and the ArisID API features have been officially deprecated. The following documents have been deprecated from this release of Identity Governance Framework:

Oracle recommends that you use instead Identity Directory API from Identity Governance Framework and migrate usage to this framework. For information about this migration, see Using the Identity Directory API and Migrating to Identity Directory API.

New Features in Release 12c (

This revision contains no new features. Minor updates were made throughout the guide.

New Features in Release 12c (

Learn about the new features introduced in release

The new features and major enhancements introduced in release include: