3.1.2 Utilizing the Local Kafka Cluster

You can use the local Kafka cluster as a source or target in GGSA pipelines. The instance provides a range of Kafka utilities to read and write data from local Kafka. These utilities are in the README.txt file in the/u01/app/osa/utilities/kafka-utils folder. Below is the description of the scripts for quick reference:

  • For Kafka-related help, type ./kafka.sh help.
  • To list Kafka topics, run ./kafka-topics.sh.
  • To listen to a Kafka topic, type ./kafka-listen.sh {topic-name}.
  • To feed a csv file into Kafka, run

    cat {your-csv-file} | ./csv2json.sh | ./sampler.sh 1 1 | ./kafka.sh feed {your-topic-name}

  • To feed a json file, run cat {your-json-file} | ./sampler.sh 1 1 | ./kafka.sh feed {your-topic-name}

  • To loop through your csv file, run ./loop-csv.sh {your-csv-file} | ./csv2json.sh | ./sampler.sh 1 1 | ./kafka.sh feed {your-topic-name}

  • The command sampler.sh {n} {t} reads {n} lines in each {t} seconds from STDIN and writes to STDOUT. Default values: n=1 t=1

  • The command csv2json.sh reads the CSV from the STDIN and writes JSON to STDOUT. First line must be the CSV header.

  • There are data files to simulate GoldenGate capture:

    cat ./gg_orders.json | ./sampler.sh | ./kafka.sh feed goldengate

  • There are data files to simulate nested json structures:

    ./loop-file.sh ./complex.json | ./sampler.sh 1 1 | ./kafka.sh feed complex

  • There are data files to simulate movement of buses:

    cat ./30-min-at-50-rps.json | ./sampler.sh 20 1 | kafka.sh feed buses

  • In general to feed test data to your running kafka installation, run {your-shell-script} | kafka.sh feed {your-topic-name}


    your-shell-script generates data in JSON format.

    Sample output:


