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Oracle Identity Cloud Integrator Provider : Provider Specific

Configuration Options     Related Tasks     

Use this page to define provider specific configuration for this Oracle Identity Cloud Integrator Provider.

Configuration Options

Name Description

The host name used to connect to the Oracle Identity Cloud Service.

MBean Attribute:


The port number used to connect to the Oracle Identity Cloud Service.

MBean Attribute:


The URI base path used for the connection to the Oracle Identity Cloud Service.

MBean Attribute:


Specifies whether the TLS/SSL protocol is used when connecting to the Oracle Identity Cloud Service.

MBean Attribute:


The name of the primary tenant where users and groups reside from the Oracle Identity Cloud Service. When the primary tenant is not configured, the user authentication processing must identify the tenant name.

MBean Attribute:

Client Id

The Client Id used when retrieving tokens from the Oracle Identity Cloud Service.

MBean Attribute:

Client Secret

The Client secret used when retrieving tokens from the Oracle Identity Cloud Service.

MBean Attribute:

Client Tenant

The tenant in which the Client Id resides from the Oracle Identity Cloud Service. When no client tenant name is configured, the tenant configured for the provider is used.

MBean Attribute:

Cache Enabled

Specifies whether to cache the Oracle Identity Cloud Service user's information.

MBean Attribute:

Cache Size

Specifies the maximum number of entries to cache.

MBean Attribute:

Cache TTL

The time-to-live (TTL) of the Oracle Identity Cloud Service user cache, in seconds.

MBean Attribute:

Token Cache Enabled

Specifies whether to cache Oracle Identity Cloud Service tokens after successful validation of the token.

MBean Attribute:

Access Token Timeout Window

The number of seconds before an access token times out that a new access token is requested. Adjusting the timeout window impacts how long access tokens are cached for reuse before an updated access token is requested from the authorization server.

MBean Attribute:

Tenant Data Flush Interval

The interval, in seconds, that the cached data for all the tenants, including the metadata and public key is flushed. Adjusting the interval impacts how long the tenant data is cached for reuse before it is updated. The default value is 0, which means that tenant data from a previous download is not cleared unless triggered by an MBean operation or configuration change.

MBean Attribute:

Synchronization Filter Enabled

Specifies whether the synchronization filter is enabled for servlet applications deployed on the security realm.

MBean Attribute:

Only Client Cert Requests

Specifies whether the synchronization filter only filters the requests with CLIENT_CERT or CLIENT-CERT Auth Type.

MBean Attribute:

Match Case

Specifies whether the synchronization filter performs case match when comparing the session user and the remote user.

MBean Attribute:

Prefer Header

Specifies whether the synchronization filter looks into the requests header before looking at the token for the remote user and tenant. This attribute is used only when the synchronization filter is enabled for requests with all authentication types.

MBean Attribute:

User Header Name

The names of HTTP headers sent on requests that the synchronization filter uses to look for remote user information.

MBean Attribute:

Connect Timeout

The maximum time to wait, in seconds, for the connection to the Oracle Identity Cloud Service to be established.

MBean Attribute:

Response Read Timeout

The maximum time to wait, in seconds, for a response from the Oracle Identity Cloud Service.

MBean Attribute:

IDCS server not available counter interval

The interval, in seconds, that the count of authentication failures caused by the Oracle Identity Cloud Service not being available are logged to the server log. Setting to zero (0) or negative value turns off the logging of the count.

MBean Attribute:

User Authentication Assertion Attribute

Used for User Authentication and Assertion. The default value results in the use of the attribute configured by the Oracle Identity Cloud Service.

MBean Attribute:

User Name Resource Attribute

SCIM User resource type attribute that specifies the name of the user.

MBean Attribute:

User ID Resource Attribute

SCIM User resource type attribute that specifies the ID (GUID) of the user.

MBean Attribute:

Client ID Resource Attribute

Used for Client ID App Assertion. The default value results in the use of the attribute configured by the Oracle Identity Cloud Service.

MBean Attribute:

Tenant Header Names

The names of HTTP headers sent on requests to the Oracle Identity Cloud Service that are used to determine the tenancy during authentication.

MBean Attribute:

Application Name Filter Header Name

The name of the HTTP header used to determine the application name applied when filtering the authentication and assertion requests to the Oracle Identity Cloud Service. When no value is supplied or can be determined, requests are not filtered by an application.

MBean Attribute:

Token Validation Level

The level of validation performed on Oracle Identity Cloud Service tokens passed to the Identity Asserter. Valid values are FULL, NORMAL, SIGNATURE and NONE.

MBean Attribute:

Token Clock Skew

The allowable variance, in seconds, for the token Expiration, Issued At, and Not Before attributes.

MBean Attribute:

Minimum value: 0


An override for the token issuer value used during validation. The issuer is normally obtained from the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Discovery Metadata. When configured, the issuer value is used for all tenants.

MBean Attribute:


An override for the JSON Web Key Set location (jwks_uri) used during validation of tokens. A file location can be specified to load keys from the local environment. The location of the keys is normally obtained from the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Discovery Metadata. When configured, the URI is used for all tenants.

MBean Attribute:

Signature Prefer X509 Certificate

If the optional X.509 certificate chain ("x5c claim") is available from the JSON Web Key Set, this attribute specifies whether the public key obtained from the X.509 certificate in the supplied chain is used during the verification of the token signature.

MBean Attribute:

User Name Token Claim

Used to get the user name from the token. Corresponds to the SCIM User name resource type attribute. If not set, the subject ("sub claim") is used.

MBean Attribute:

User ID Token Claim

Used to get the user ID (GUID) from the token. Corresponds to the SCIM User ID resource type attribute.

MBean Attribute:

Groups Token Claim

Used to get groups from the token.

MBean Attribute:

App Roles Token Claim

Used to get AppRoles from the token.

MBean Attribute:

Client Name Token Claim

Used to get the client name from the access token.

MBean Attribute:

Client ID Token Claim

Used to get the client Id (GUID) from the access token.

MBean Attribute:

Client Tenant Token Claim

Used to get the Identity Domain for the client from the access token.

MBean Attribute:

Resource Tenant Token Claim

Used to get the Identity Domain for the resource from the access token.

MBean Attribute:

Tenant Token Claim

Used to get the Identity Domain from the token.

MBean Attribute:

Tenant Host Name Template

The tenant-based host name, in Fully Qualified Domain name (FQDN) format, comprised of a tenant name and a host name. This attribute contains the tokens, such as {%tenant}.{%host}, that are replaced with the actual values.

MBean Attribute:

Thread Lock Timeout

The maximum time to wait, in seconds, when a thread attempts to acquire a synchronization lock for obtaining metadata, keys and access tokens.

MBean Attribute:

Any Identity Domain Enabled

The Oracle Identity Cloud Integrator provider defines this setting as always enabled.

MBean Attribute:

Token Virtual User Allowed

Determines whether to allow identity assertion to authenticate WebLogic Server users who are not represented in the security store.

MBean Attribute:

Audience Enabled

Specifies whether the audience from the access token is stored in the subject for later use by the application.

MBean Attribute:

Client As User Principal Enabled

Specifies whether the client name from the access token is stored in the subject as the username for later use by the application.

MBean Attribute:

Only User Token Claims

Specifies whether the claims about the user from the token are the only claims processed when a subject is created. Any additional information in the subject about the user, including groups and application roles, is obtained from the Oracle Identity Cloud Service.

MBean Attribute:

Token Secure Transport Required

Determines whether the Oracle Identity Cloud Integrator provider checks for a secure transport connection before accepting active token types. When enabled and a secure transport connection cannot be determined, tokens are not accepted for identity assertion.

MBean Attribute:

Tenant Data Reload Enabled

Specifies whether to re-load Oracle Identity Cloud Service tenant data when a token validation error occurs.

MBean Attribute:

Tenant Data Reload Interval

The interval, in seconds, that the Oracle Identity Cloud Service tenant data would not be removed when a token validation error occurs. Adjusting the interval impacts how long the tenant data is cached for reuse before repeated token validation errors result in a tenant data re-load.

MBean Attribute:

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