3 Post-installation Tasks

Learn about any post-installation tasks that may be required after installing Oracle GoldenGate Classic Architecture for your database.

Installing the DataDirect Driver for PostgreSQL in Classic Architecture

After installing Oracle GoldenGate for PostgreSQL, the Extract and Replicat processes use a DataDirect ODBC driver to connect to a PostgreSQL database.

This driver is packaged with Oracle GoldenGate and needs to be installed and configured separately.

Installing on Windows
After installing Oracle GoldenGate for PostgreSQL on Windows, do the following:
  1. Open a command prompt with the Run as administrator option.

  2. Change directories to the Oracle GoldenGate installation folder.

  3. Install the driver by running the following command:
Installing for Linux

After installing Oracle GoldenGate for PostgreSQL on Linux, the DataDirect driver is automatically installed, but an ODBCINI variable needs to be set.

In Classic Architecture, you need to create a new session variable called ODBCINI and assign it the path of the odbc.ini file, which defaults to /etc/odbc.ini.
export ODBCINI=/etc/odbc.ini