2 Installing Oracle GoldenGate Classic Architecture

This chapter explains how to install Oracle GoldenGate Classic Architecture with various supported databases.

For installation prerequisites specific to your database, see Database Requirements.


Installing Classic Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle Database

Learn how to install the Oracle GoldenGate Classic Architecture for Oracle Database for the first time.

Installing Oracle GoldenGate installs all of the components that are required to run and manage the processing (excluding any components required from other vendors, such as drivers or libraries) and it installs the Oracle GoldenGate utilities.

Performing an Interactive Installation with OUI

The interactive installation provides a graphical user interface that prompts for the required installation information. These instructions apply to new installations as well as upgrades. However, to perform an upgrade to Oracle GoldenGate, follow the instructions in Upgrading Oracle GoldenGate, which includes a prompt to run OUI at the appropriate time.

  1. Expand the installation file.
  2. From the expanded directory, run the runInstaller program on UNIX or Linux, or run setup.exe on Windows.
  3. On the Select Installation Option page, select the Oracle GoldenGate version to install, and then click Next to continue.
  4. On the Specify Installation Details page, specify the following:
    • For Software Location, specify the Oracle GoldenGate installation directory. It can be a new or existing directory that is empty and has the amount of disk space shown on the screen or in the existing Oracle GoldenGate installation location (if you are upgrading an existing Oracle GoldenGate installation). The default location is under the installing user's home directory, but Oracle recommends changing it to a local directory that is not mounted and has no quotas. The specified directory cannot be a registered home in the Oracle central inventory. If installing in a cluster, install Oracle GoldenGate on local storage on each node in the cluster to provide high availability options for upgrading and software patching.


      The software location path cannot contain any whitespace.
    • (Optional) Select Start Manager to perform configuration functions, such as creating the Oracle GoldenGate subdirectories in the installation location, setting library paths, and starting Manager on the specified port number. To proceed, a database must exist on the system. When Start Manager is selected, the Database Location and Manager Port fields are displayed.

      • For Database Location, the database version in the specified location must be Oracle Database 12c if you are installing Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle Database 12c or Oracle Database 11g if you are installing Oracle GoldenGate for Oracle Database11g. The database must have a registered home in the Oracle central inventory. The installer registers the Oracle GoldenGate home directory with the central inventory.

      • For Manager Port, accept the default port number or enter a different unreserved, unrestricted port number for the Manager process to use for interprocess communication. The default port is the first available one starting with 7809. If you are installing multiple instances of Oracle GoldenGate on the same system, each must use a different port number.

    • Click Next to continue. If this is an upgrade to an existing Oracle GoldenGate installation, OUI prompts that the selected software location has files or directories. Click Yes.

  5. The Create Inventory page is displayed if this is the first Oracle product to be installed from OUI on a host that does not have a central inventory.
    • For Inventory Directory, specify a directory for the central inventory. It can be a new directory or an existing directory that is empty and has the amount of disk space shown on the screen. The directory cannot be on a shared drive.

    • Select an operating system group in which the members have write permission to the inventory directory. This group is used to add inventory information to the Oracle GoldenGate subfolder.

  6. On the Summary page, confirm that there is enough space for the installation and that the installation selections are correct. Optionally, click Save Response File to save the installation information to a response file. You can run the installer from the command line with this file as input to duplicate the results of a successful installation on other systems. You can edit this file or create a new one from a template. See Performing a Silent Installation with OUI.
  7. Click Install to begin the installation or Back to go back and change any input specifications. When upgrading an existing Oracle GoldenGate installation, OUI notifies you that the software location has files or directories. Click Yes to continue. You are notified when the installation is finished.
  8. If you created a central inventory directory, you are prompted to run the INVENTORY_LOCATION/orainstRoot.sh script. This script must be executed as the root operating system user. This script establishes the inventory data and creates subdirectories for Oracle GoldenGate.

Performing a Silent Installation with OUI

These instructions apply to new installations, as well as upgrades.

You can perform a silent installation from the command console if the system has no X-Windows interface or to perform an automated installation. Silent installations can ensure that multiple users in your organization use the same installation options when they install your Oracle products.

You perform a silent installation by running a response file. You can create a response file by selecting the Save Response File option during an interactive OUI session or by editing a template.

  1. To run a response file, use the following command:
    runInstaller -silent -nowait -responseFile absolute_path_to_response_file

    The response files and the template are stored in the response subdirectory of the Oracle GoldenGate installation directory. The Oracle GoldenGate response file contains a standard set of Oracle configuration parameters in addition to parameters that are specific to Oracle GoldenGate. These parameters correspond to the fields in the interactive session.


    If you are upgrading an existing Oracle GoldenGate installation with the silent option, then you might get the following warning:

    WARNING:OUI-10030:You have specified a non-empty directory to install this product. It is recommended to specify either an empty or a non-existent directory.
    You may, however, choose to ignore this message if the directory contains Operating System generated files or subdirectories like lost+found. Do you want to proceed with installation in this Oracle Home?
  2. Press ENTER to continue.

Specifying a Custom Manager Name for Windows

If you plan to install the Manager process as a Windows service and either of the following is true, then you must specify a custom name for the Manager service:

  • You are installing the Manager as a Windows service and want to use a service name other then the default, which is GGSMGR.

  • You want to have multiple Manager processes running as Windows services on this system. Each Manager service on a system must have a unique name.

To specify a custom Manager service name:

  1. From the Oracle GoldenGate installation directory, run ggsci.exe from the Oracle GoldenGate directory.

  2. Issue the following command:



    The ./ portion of this command must be used, because the GLOBALS file must reside at the root of the Oracle GoldenGate installation file.

  3. In the file, add the following line, where name is a unique, one-word name for the Manager service.

  4. Save the file. The file is saved automatically with the name GLOBALS, but without a file extension. Do not move this file because it is used during installation of the Windows service and during data processing.

Installing Manager as a Windows Service

By default, Manager is not installed as a service and can be run by a local or domain account. However, when run this way, Manager will stop when the user logs out. When you install Manager as a service, you can operate it independently of user connections, and you can configure it to start manually or at system startup.

Installing Manager as a service is required on a Windows Cluster, but optional otherwise.

To install Manager as a Windows service:

  1. Click Start, then Run, and then type cmd in the Run dialog box.

  2. Go to the directory that contains the Manager program that you are installing as a service, then run the INSTALL utility with the following syntax:

    install option [...]

    Where option is one of the following:

    Table 2-1 INSTALL Utility Options

    Option Description


    Adds Oracle GoldenGate events to the Windows Event Manager.


    Adds Manager as a service with the name that is specified with the MGRSERVNAME parameter in the GLOBALS file, if one exists, or the GGSMGR default. The ADDSERVICE configures the service to run as the Local System account, the standard for most Windows applications because the service can be run independently of user logins and password changes. To run Manager as a specific account, use the USER and PASSWORD options.


    A user account can be changed by selecting the Properties action from the Services applet of the Windows Control Panel.

    The service is installed to start at system boot time (see AUTOSTART). To start it after installation, either reboot the system or start the service manually from the Services applet in the Control Panel.


    Sets the service that is created with ADDSERVICE to start at system boot time. This is the default unless MANUALSTART is used.


    Sets the service that is created with ADDSERVICE to start manually through GGSCI, a script, or the Services applet in the Control Panel. The default is AUTOSTART.

    USER name

    Specifies a domain user account that executes Manager. For the name, include the domain name, a backward slash, and the user name, for example HEADQT\GGSMGR .

    By default, the Manager service is installed to use the Local System account.

    PASSWORD password

    Specifies the password for the user that is specified with USER.

  3. If Windows User Account Control (UAC) is enabled, you are prompted to allow or deny the program access to the computer. Select Allow to enable the INSTALL utility to run.

    The INSTALL utility installs the Manager service with a local system account running with administrator privileges. No further UAC prompts will be encountered when running Manager if installed as a service.


If Manager is not installed as a service, Oracle GoldenGate users will receive a UAC prompt to confirm the elevation of privileges for Manager when it is started from the GGSCI command prompt. Running other Oracle GoldenGate programs also returns a prompt.

Installing Oracle GoldenGate Classic Architecture for Non-Oracle Databases

Before beginning installation, see the Database Requirements relevant for your database.

  1. Copy the Oracle GoldenGate installation file to the system and directory where you want to install Oracle GoldenGate, and then unzip it.


    The installation path cannot contain any spaces.

  2. Create a GLOBALS file (all CAPS and no file extension) in the Oracle GoldenGate installation directory. Edit this file to include the GGSCHEMA parameter, providing a valid schema name that exists in the database. The GLOBALS file and GGCHEMA parameter are used by most Oracle GoldenGate installations and is necessary when Oracle GoldenGate objects are created in the database. The value of GGSCHEMA should be a dedicated schema only used by Oracle GoldenGate processes.

    Here's a sample of the GLOBALS file:
    GGSCHMA schema_name
  3. From this directory, run GGSCI. For Linux and UNIX, open a command shell to run ggsci.sh.

    For Windows, it may be necessary to run ggsci.exe as an Administrator based on the systems User Account Control settings. Right-click the executable file then select Run as administrator.

  4. In GGSCI, issue the following command to create the Oracle GoldenGate working directories.

  5. Create the Manager parameter file and provide at a minimum, an unused TCP/IP port for the Manager to run under. For example:
    PORT 7809
  6. Save and close the Manager parameter file.

  7. For Manager running interactively as the current user on Linux, start the Manager process in GGSCI.


    For Manager running on Windows, review the optional instructions for Specifying a Custom Manager Name for Windows and Installing Manager as a Windows Service.
  8. Exit GGSCI.


Specifying a Custom Manager Name for Windows

If you plan to install the Manager process as a Windows service and either of the following is true, then you must specify a custom name for the Manager service:

  • You are installing the Manager as a Windows service and want to use a service name other then the default, which is GGSMGR.

  • You want to have multiple Manager processes running as Windows services on this system. Each Manager service on a system must have a unique name.

To specify a custom Manager service name:

  1. From the Oracle GoldenGate installation directory, run ggsci.exe from the Oracle GoldenGate directory.

  2. Issue the following command:



    The ./ portion of this command must be used, because the GLOBALS file must reside at the root of the Oracle GoldenGate installation file.

  3. In the file, add the following line, where name is a unique, one-word name for the Manager service.

  4. Save the file. The file is saved automatically with the name GLOBALS, but without a file extension. Do not move this file because it is used during installation of the Windows service and during data processing.

Installing Manager as a Windows Service

By default, Manager is not installed as a service and can be run by a local or domain account. However, when run this way, Manager will stop when the user logs out. When you install Manager as a service, you can operate it independently of user connections, and you can configure it to start manually or at system startup.

Installing Manager as a service is required on a Windows Cluster, but optional otherwise.

To install Manager as a Windows service:

  1. Click Start, then Run, and then type cmd in the Run dialog box.

  2. Go to the directory that contains the Manager program that you are installing as a service, then run the INSTALL utility with the following syntax:

    install option [...]

    Where option is one of the following:

    Table 2-2 INSTALL Utility Options

    Option Description


    Adds Oracle GoldenGate events to the Windows Event Manager.


    Adds Manager as a service with the name that is specified with the MGRSERVNAME parameter in the GLOBALS file, if one exists, or the GGSMGR default. The ADDSERVICE configures the service to run as the Local System account, the standard for most Windows applications because the service can be run independently of user logins and password changes. To run Manager as a specific account, use the USER and PASSWORD options.


    A user account can be changed by selecting the Properties action from the Services applet of the Windows Control Panel.

    The service is installed to start at system boot time (see AUTOSTART). To start it after installation, either reboot the system or start the service manually from the Services applet in the Control Panel.


    Sets the service that is created with ADDSERVICE to start at system boot time. This is the default unless MANUALSTART is used.


    Sets the service that is created with ADDSERVICE to start manually through GGSCI, a script, or the Services applet in the Control Panel. The default is AUTOSTART.

    USER name

    Specifies a domain user account that executes Manager. For the name, include the domain name, a backward slash, and the user name, for example HEADQT\GGSMGR .

    By default, the Manager service is installed to use the Local System account.

    PASSWORD password

    Specifies the password for the user that is specified with USER.

  3. If Windows User Account Control (UAC) is enabled, you are prompted to allow or deny the program access to the computer. Select Allow to enable the INSTALL utility to run.

    The INSTALL utility installs the Manager service with a local system account running with administrator privileges. No further UAC prompts will be encountered when running Manager if installed as a service.


If Manager is not installed as a service, Oracle GoldenGate users will receive a UAC prompt to confirm the elevation of privileges for Manager when it is started from the GGSCI command prompt. Running other Oracle GoldenGate programs also returns a prompt.

Installing Oracle GoldenGate on a NonStop System

To install Oracle GoldenGate on a NonStop System, do the following:

  1. FTP the SQL/MX ODBC version of Oracle GoldenGate to the NonStop OSS environment in binary mode, and place it in the directory where you want Oracle GoldenGate to be installed.


    Do not use the generic ODBC Oracle GoldenGate build. It must be the SQL/MX version.

  2. Uncompress the file into the current directory.
  3. From the Oracle GoldenGate subvolume, run the GGSCI program.
  4. In GGSCI, issue the following command.
  5. Issue the following command to exit GGSCI.
  6. If this is a source NonStop system, continue with the next steps.
  7. On a source NonStop system, run the ggmxinstall script to SQL compile the Extract program on the system and install the VAMSERV object module in the NSK space.
    ggmxinstall destination

    Where: destination is the destination NSK volume and subvolume in OSS format, preferably the Oracle GoldenGate installation location. The volume must be a real volume name, not an SMF logical volume name.

  8. After ggmxinstall completes, log on to TACL as SUPER.SUPER and FUP LICENSE the newly installed VAMSERV object.


    The VAMSERV process is similar to the existing AUDSERV process that is part of the Oracle GoldenGate for NonStop product that is used with SQL/MP and Enscribe databases.

Integrating Oracle GoldenGate into a Cluster in Classic Architecture

To learn about integrating Oracle GoldenGate with Oracle RAC, Oracle Clusterware, and Oracle Database File System (DBFS) or Oracle ASM Cluster File System (ACFS), see the white paper Oracle GoldenGate Classic Architecture with Oracle Real Application Clusters Configuration Best Practices.