4 Monitoring Oracle GoldenGate Targets

After you have set the credentials for the targets, you can monitor them. For a few targets, such as the Extract and Replicat, the Start, Stop, and Kill buttons are enabled, using which, you can manage the targets by performing the start and stop operations.

To view the target details:
  1. In the Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-in, click Targets and then select GoldenGate to display the OGG Home tab.
  2. Click the target name to view correspond target details, such as metrics, logs, and configurations.

If the process is up, then the status of the target types is indicated as Up by an Up arrow, if not the status of the target types is also down. This topic describes the target types for Microservices and Classic instances.

4.1 Start and Stop a Target

You can use the start, stop, or kill the Extract or Replicat targets, for which the credentials have been set.

To start, stop, or kill the targets:
  1. Go to the OGG Home page.
    (Optional) Enter the result of the step here.
  2. Select either the Extract or Replicat Process.
  3. Click one of the following: Start, Stop, or Kill.

4.2 Metrics Tab

The Metrics tab on the Targets page enable you to monitor metrics and to alert users about specific metric results.

For more information about the target-specific metrics that are dispayed on the OGG Home page, see Target Metrics Available on OGG Home Page.

4.3 Log Tab

For targets, such as Extract and Replicat, the Log tab contains the following: Report, Discards, and GGS Error Log.

  • Report: The Report tab contains a list of reports generated for the selected target type. The files have an extension of .rpt. These report files contain details of the targets, such as target directories, database versions, parameters they run on, and recovery parameters.
  • Discards: If there are any discard files specified in the parameter files and the file exists in Oracle GoldenGate Core, then these files are also displayed in the Discards tab as a list of Discard Files. You can specify the names of the folder, files, or file extensions of your choice. The default discard files are read from the dirrpt folder, for example, dirrpt/processName*.dsc. Note that the file name is an absolute path of the discard file or path related to the OGGCORE location and file extension can be any of the following: .txt, .discard, or .dsc. You can specify multiple discard files as follows:
  • GGS Error Log: The GGSERR log tab shows the file contents of the ggserr.log file.

4.4 Configuration Tab

The Configuration tab displays the entire parameter file in view mode. At runtime, new tabs get added on the Configuration tab for the Oracle GoldenGate properties file. There can be multiple such tabs for these files. You can modify the content of the property and parameter files.

To modify the files on the Configuration tab:

  1. In the Configuration tab, click Edit to reopen the parameter file in an edit mode.

  2. Click the filename (hyperlink) in the parameter file to create a new tab next to the parameter tab. The tab title is displayed as the include/obey file name.


    The absolute path to the file is displayed at the bottom of the tab. The content of the existing include/obey file is displayed in new tab. If the file doesn't exist (for example, user-typed new file name in editing mode) the empty tab is displayed with a warning message above the text area.
  3. Click Save after you have made the chages. If you haven't modified any content, then no action is taken.

If you want to revert the changes to the parameter configuration files, then click Reload. Changes made to the parameters file in the text area is discarded.

If you want to verify whether the property (or parameter) file is edited, then:

  1. Edit the properties file from the Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-In user interface and save it.

  2. Go to the Oracle GoldenGate Core and check for these changes.

  3. Add or remove content from the Oracle GoldenGate side and click Refresh on the Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-In side.

    Existing properties files are displayed in the Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-In UI.

4.5 Supported Target Types

This topic lists the target types supported in Classic and Microservices instances.

4.5.1 Target Types Supported in Classic

The target types supported in Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Classic instances are as follows: Oracle GoldenGate

Oracle GoldenGate target type represents an Oracle GoldenGate classic instance. It's the parent target of Manager, Extract, and Replicat targets.

The Oracle GoldenGate target displays the collective status of all the processes available in Oracle GoldenGate excluding the Initial Load processes. The following is an example that illustrates how the collective status of this target works: there may be 5 Extract and Replicat processes and 2 Initial Load processes in Oracle GoldenGate, out of which, only 2 are discovered and promoted in the Oracle Enterprise Manager. This means that a subset of the Oracle GoldenGate processes is being monitored in the Enterprise Manager. However, the Oracle GoldenGate target displays the collective status of all the processes available in Oracle GoldenGate, and does not display only the status of the processes that are monitored in the Enterprise Manager. Extract and Replicat

You can view detailed metrics of Extract, logs, and configuration of extract on an Extract page; and view detailed metrics of Replicat, logs, and configuration of Replicat on a Replicat page.

For more information, see the Extract and the Replicat target types, see Extract and Replicat. Manager

The Manager process controls all the Oracle GoldenGate processes in the classic instance. Part of its role is to generate information about critical monitoring events, which it passes to the agent. For target types Replicat, Extract, and Manager, you can control the process though start, stop, kill, and resume actions.

This topic discusses the Manager process for Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-in Classic instance.

Metric Description

Host Name

Shows the name of the host system.

Valid values: The fully qualified DNS name of the host, or its IP address

Manager Port

Shows the port on which the Manager process of the Instance is running on its local system. The default port number is 7809, but a different port could be specified for this Manager and can be identified by viewing the Manager parameter file or by issuing the INFO MANAGER command in GGSCI (if Manager is running).

Valid values: The port number for the Manager process, as specified in the Manager parameter file

Start Time

Shows the time that an Oracle GoldenGate component received its startup information after it has been created.

Valid values: 64-bit Julian GMT time stamp in microseconds


Indicates the version of Oracle GoldenGate that the selected Oracle GoldenGate Instance represents.

Valid values: X.x.x (major, minor, and maintenance version levels), for example 11.1.1

Working Directory

Shows the directory that contains the Manager executable file for the selected Oracle GoldenGate Instance. This is the home directory of the Oracle GoldenGate installation.

Valid values: The full path name of the directory

4.5.2 Target Types Supported in Microservices

The target types supported in Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Microservices instances are as follows: Administration Server

You can use the Administration Server page to manage Extract and Replicat processes and to monitor the metrics of these processes. Extract and Replicat

On the Extract target and Replicat target pages, you can view the respective Oracle GoldenGate process metrics, set alerts for these metrics, view logs, configuration files, and monitor historical trends.

The following table lists the metrics used to monitor the Extract and Replicat processes. Metrics are fetched every 60 seconds by default from the targets. However, you can change the fetch frequency.

Metric Description

Checkpoint Position

Valid for Extract and Replicat

Shows a composite representation of the checkpoints that were persisted to disk most recently by Extract or Replicat. The value is captured by the monitoring agent when the attribute is published, right after the checkpoint gets persisted.

Extract creates read and write checkpoints, and Replicat creates only read checkpoints. Each individual checkpoint within the composite Checkpoint Position consists of the RBA (relative bye address) of a record in the transaction log or trail (depending on the process and whether it is a read or write checkpoint) and the sequence number of the log or trail file that contains the record. There can be a series of read checkpoints in multiple data source log files (such as Extract from Oracle Real Application Cluster), and/or multiple write checkpoints such as in Extract configurations with multiple trail files.

Valid values: Different databases use different representations of the position of a record in the log. Therefore, instead of numeric values, Checkpoint Position is published as a string of text characters encoded in UTF8. For each individual checkpoint within Checkpoint Position, the following are shown the way that they are returned by the GGSCI SEND group-name STATUS command:

  • The values of the RBA (relative byte address)

  • The file sequence number

  • The time stamp

Delta Deletes

Valid for Extract and Replicat

Shows the number of DELETE operations that were processed by the selected Oracle GoldenGate process since the last fetched value.

Valid values: A positive integer

Delta Discards

Valid for Extract and Replicat

Shows the DISCARD operations that were processed by the selected Oracle GoldenGate process since the last fetched value.

Valid values: Positive integer.

Delta Executed DDLs

Valid for Extract and Replicat

Shows the count of executed Data Definition Language (DDL) operations that were processed by the selected Oracle GoldenGate process since the last fetched value.

Valid values: Positive integer

Delta Ignores

Valid for Extract

Shows the number of data manipulation language (DML) operations that through an error were configured to be ignored since the last fetched value.

Valid values: Positive integer

Delta Inserts

Valid for Extract and Replicat

Shows the number of data manipulation language (DML) INSERT operations that were processed by the selected Oracle GoldenGate process since the last fetched value.

Valid values: A positive integer

Delta Operation Per Second

Valid for Extract and Replicat

Shows the number of operations (per second) that were processed by the selected Oracle GoldenGate process since the last fetched value.

Valid values: A positive integer

Delta Operations

Valid for Extract and Replicat

Shows the total number of Data Definition Language (DDL) and Data Manipulation Language (DML) INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, AND TRUNCATE operations that were processed by the selected Oracle GoldenGate process since the last fetched value.

Valid values: A positive integer

Delta Row Fetch Attempts

Valid for Extract

Shows the number of row fetch attempts that were processed by the selected Oracle GoldenGate process since the last fetched value.

Valid values: Positive integer

Delta Row Fetch Failures

Valid for Extract

Shows the number of row fetch failures that were processed by the selected Oracle GoldenGate process since the last fetched value.

Valid values: Positive integer

Delta Truncates

Valid for Extract and Replicat

Shows the number of TRUNCATE operations that were processed by the selected Oracle GoldenGate process in its current run session since the last fetched value.

Valid values: A positive integer

Delta Updates

Valid for Extract and Replicat

Shows the number of UPDATE (including primary key updates) operations that were processed by the selected Oracle GoldenGate process in its current run session since the last fetched value.

Valid values: A positive integer

End of File

Valid for Extract and Replicat

Shows whether or not the selected process has reached the end of the input from its data source (transaction log or trail file).

Valid values: TRUE (at end of file) or FALSE.


End of File metrics value 0 means FALSE. For the alert template, ensure to use the stored metric values 0 and 1, where 0 means FALSE and 1 means TRUE.


For the alert template, ensure to use the stored metric value in milliseconds (since Unix Epoch) to all the following metrics: last_checkpoint_ts, last_processed_ts, last_operation_ts, start_time, last_checkpoint_ts, last_processed_ts, last_operation_ts, start_time.

Lag (sec)

Valid for Extract and Replicat

Shows the time difference between the Last Operation Timestamp and the Last Processed Timestamp. This attribute represents the true lag between theOracle GoldenGate process and its data source. This lag value should match the value that is returned from the GGSCI command SEND groupGETLAG .

Valid values: The lag time, in seconds

Last Checkpoint Timestamp

Valid for Extract and Replicat

Shows the time when the last checkpoint was written by the process.

Valid values: Datetime value in the format of MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS {AM | PM}, for example: 01/14/2011 09:36:32 AM.

Last Operation Timestamp

Valid for Extract and Replicat

Shows the time when an operation (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) was committed in the data source, as recorded in the transaction log.

Valid values: Datetime value in the format of MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS {AM | PM}, for example:01/14/2011 09:36:32 AM

Last Processed Timestamp

Valid for Extract and Replicat

Shows the time when a valid record was returned to the selected process. For Extract, this time value is assigned when the record is processed after the container transaction commits (not the time when the record is read from the transaction log). For a Data Pump or Replicat, this time value is returned immediately, because all transactions in the trail are known to be committed.

Valid values: Date time value in the format of MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS {AM | PM}, for example: 01/14/2011 09:36:32 AM


Valid for Extract and Replicat

The message includes the following information:

  • Message code number of an event message from the Oracle GoldenGate error log.

    Valid values: The numerical code of an Oracle GoldenGate event message in the event log, for example, OGG-00651.

  • Message Date: Timestamp of an event message from the Oracle GoldenGate log.

    Valid values: A datetime value in the form of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (in 24-hour clock format)

  • Message Text: Text of an event message from the Oracle GoldenGate error log.

    Valid values: A text string from the message.


Valid for Extract and Replicat

Name of the selected object.

Valid values: Name of the object as displayed in the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor interface.

Seconds Since Last OGG Checkpoint

Valid for Extract and Replicat

Time (in seconds) since the last OGG checkpoint.

Start Time

Valid for Extract and Replicat

Shows the time that an Oracle GoldenGate component received its startup information after it has been created.

Valid values: 64-bit Julian GMT time stamp in microseconds


Valid for Extract and Replicat

Shows the run status of the selected process.


The alert for Metric status is set for numeric value. For more information on setting metric alert, see Setting Metric Alerts and Incidents for Extract and Replicat.

Total Deletes

Valid for Extract and Replicat

Shows the total number of DELETE operations that were processed by the selected Oracle GoldenGate process in its current run session.

Valid values: A positive integer

Total Discards

Valid for Extract and Replicat

Shows the total number of operations that were discarded by the selected Oracle GoldenGate process in its current run session. The records are written to the discard file that is associated with the process.

Valid values: Positive integer.

Total Executed DDLs

Valid for Extract and Replicat

Shows the total number of Data Definition Language (DDL) operations that were processed by the selected Oracle GoldenGate process in its current run session.

Valid values: Positive integer

Total Ignores

Valid for Extract

Shows the total number of Data Manipulation Language (DML) operations that were ignored by the process in its current run session. Errors are included in the Total Ignores metric.

Valid values: Positive integer

Total Inserts

Valid for Extract and Replicat

Shows the total number of Data Manipulation Language (DML) INSERT operations that were processed by the selected Oracle GoldenGate process in its current run session. The statistic reflects the total operations performed on all of the tables that are specified in the parameter file for that process. Note: If any tables are mapped to targets in the Extract configuration, the statistics will reflect the total operations for all of the targets.

Valid values: A positive integer

Total Operations

Valid for Extract and Replicat

Shows the total number of Data Definition Language (DDL) and Data Manipulation Language (DML) INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and TRUNCATE operations that were processed by the selected Oracle GoldenGate process in this current run session.

Valid values: A positive integer

Total Row Fetch Attempts

Valid for Extract

Shows the total number of row fetches that the selected process performed in its current run session. A fetch must be done sometimes to obtain row values when the information is incomplete or absent in the transaction log.

Valid values: Positive integer

Total Row Fetch Failures

Valid for Extract

Shows the total number of row fetches that the selected process was unable to perform in its current run session.

Valid values: Positive integer

Total Truncates

Valid for Extract and Replicat

Shows the total number of TRUNCATE operations that were processed by the selected Oracle GoldenGate process in its current run session. The statistic reflects the total operations performed on all of the tables that are specified in the parameter file for that process. Note: if any tables are mapped to targets in the Extract configuration, the statistics will reflect the total operations for all of the targets.

Valid values: A positive integer

Total Updates

Valid for Extract and Replicat

Shows the total number of UPDATE (including primary key updates) operations that were processed by the selected Oracle GoldenGate process in its current run session. The statistic reflects the total operations performed on all of the tables that are specified in the parameter file for that process. Note: If any tables are mapped to targets in the Extract configuration, the statistics will reflect the total operations for all of the targets.

Valid values: A positive integer Service Manager

The Service Manager page lists all the Oracle GoldenGate Miscroservices Architecture deployments.

The Service Manager page lists the following for each deployment:
  • Service Name: Name of the service, for example: distsrvr:8062
  • Service Type, such as Administration Server, Distribution Server, Performance Metrics Server, or Receiver Server
  • Port - Port number
  • Status - This is the status of the service type. Deployment

Following are the details that you can view for each deployment.

Details Description


Status of target deployment. For example, running.

GoldenGate Home

The Oracle GoldenGate home that is created on a host computer is the directory that you choose to install the product. This read-only directory contains binary, executable, and library files for the product. The default directory path is: /ogg_install_location.

GoldenGate Etc Home

The location in which your deployment configuration files are stored including parameter files. The default directory path is: /ogg_deployment_location/etc.

GoldenGate Conf Home

The location in which each deployment information and configuration artifacts are stored. The default directory path is: /ogg_deployment_location/etc/conf.

GoldenGate SSL Home

The location in which each deployment security artifacts (certificates, wallets) are stored. The default directory path is: /ogg_deployment_location/etc/ssl.
GoldenGate Var Home The location in which each deployment logging and reporting processing artifacts are stored. The default directory path is: /ogg_deployment_location/var.
GoldenGate Data Home The location in which each deployment data artifacts (trail files) are stored. The default directory path is: /ogg_deployment_location/var/lib/data.
Managed by Service Manager Indicates whether the deployment is managed by the Service Manager.

Valid values: true or false. Distribution Server

The Distribution Server displays the distribution path, and the details of each path, such as status, time taken for data movement, source and target path details, and the database name.

Path Details Description

Distribution Server Path Name

Path Name of the Distribution Server


Status of the Distribution Server. Valid values are:
  • Running
  • Stopped

Processing Lag

Time (number of seconds) taken to move the data from source to target.


Complete path name of the Distribution server.


Complete path name of the Receiver server.

DB Name Name of the database from which the Extract target is fetching the data from.
Extract Name of the Extract target (to which the data is fetched into) the Distribution server is connected to. Receiver Server

The Receiver Server displays the receiver path, and the details of each path, such as status, time taken for data movement, source and target path details, and the database name.

Path Details Description

Receiver Server Path Name

Path Name of the Receiver Server


Status of the Receiver Server. Valid values are:
  • Running
  • Stopped

Processing Lag

Time (number of seconds) taken to move the data from source to target.

Complete path name of the Distribution server.


Complete path name of the Receiver server.

DB Name Name of the database from which the Extract target is fetching the data from.
Extract Name of the Extract target (to which the data is fetched into) the Receiver server is connected to.

4.6 Target Metrics Available on OGG Home Page

After the target is promoted, you can view its details on the OGG Home page. For each process in the instance, the Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-In Home page displays the target details:

  • Target name

  • Target types as follows: Manager, Extract, Replicat (in case of Oracle GoldenGate classic instance), or Service Manager, Deployment, Administration Server, Performance Metrics Server, Distribution Server, Receiver Server, Extract, Replicat (in case of Oracle GoldenGate Microservices instance).

  • Status

  • Lag (in seconds)

  • Lag Trend
  • Sparkline graphs that display lag trends

  • Total operations

  • Delta operations

  • Delta operations per second

  • Incidents

  • Time elapsed since last Oracle GoldenGate checkpoint

  • Timestamp of last Oracle GoldenGate checkpoint

  • Viewing summary of all Oracle GoldenGate instances on a single, customizable web page

  • In depth examination into dozens of metric values and metric history.

  • Automated notifications and ticket creation through incidents.

4.7 Elements for Monitoring Targets

Table 4-1 Elements Available for Monitoring Targets

Element Description
All Metrics Display all of the metrics defined for the target.
Metrics and Collections Settings Displays the metric thresholds and collection interval for the target.
Metrics Collection Errors Displays the details about the errors encountered while obtaining target metrics. This helps to get the detail of the metric that do not represent the performance of the target accurately.
Status History Displays information about target outages. This information is essential for troubleshooting target related incidents. For more information, see Viewing Target Status and Availability History in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Middleware Management Guide and Monitoring Oracle GoldenGate Targets.
Incident Manager Displays details about the various events, related to the GoldenGate target, that negatively impact any hardware or software component. These events require user action. The details provided by this section, such as the incident summary, severity, target, or target type, are essential for troubleshooting.
Alert History Displays a complete alert history of the target.
For more information about these various elements, see Monitoring and Managing Targets in the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.