11.5 Troubleshooting GoldenGate Targets Status Issues

This topic lists the Oracle GoldenGate Home Targets Status issues and troubleshooting methods.

11.5.1 Oracle GoldenGate Target Shows Pending Status

If the Oracle GoldenGate target status is shown as pending, then follow the steps here https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_afrLoop=9984364293756&parent=EXTERNAL_SEARCH&sourceId=TROUBLESHOOTING&id=1546576.1&_afrWindowMode=0&_adf.ctrl-state=1cpdgtojud_4 and make the required changes to the target.

11.5.2 Oracle GoldenGate Classic Target Status is Shown as Down when all its Processes are Up

  • The Oracle GoldenGate target shows down when any of the process under this is down. You can check whether or not the process is up using the GoldenGate Software Command Interface (GGSCI).
  • Ensure that you have upgraded to the latest Monitoring Agent version that has fixes relating to this issue.

11.5.3 Availability Evaluation Error

For the Oracle GoldenGate targets (Classic as well as Microservices targets), you need to set the credentials correctly for getting the target status and other metrics.

The Preferred credentials are only required to get logs and the Configuration tab. If the monitoring credentials are not set, then you need to first set them. If the credentials are set, then you need to check whether the Enterprise Manager agent is up and running. If it is running, then you need to reset the credentials.

To change the credentials:
  1. Change the username.
  2. Save the new username details.
  3. Use the same username and password. Availability Evaluation Error when Monitoring Credentials are Updated in Oracle GoldenGate Core

When the Monitoring Agent and the Service Manager Credentials are updated in the Oracle GoldenGate Core side, then do the following in the Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-in UI:
  • For a Classic instance: Update the OGG Admin credential as Preferred credential and Monitoring credential for the Oracle GoldenGate target.
  • For a Microservices instance: Update the Service Manager (Deployment credential in case of OCI GoldenGate Service) as Monitoring credentials .