42 OAuth Just-In-Time (JIT) User Provisioning

This section provides an overview of OAuth Just-in-Time user provisioning and configurations in OAM.

Just-In-Time user provisioning enables user identity to be provisioned dynamically when the user tries to login for the first time using any social identity providers. User account creation is done directly without the need to provision users in the system, in advance.

OAM provides the following ways to configure and use Just-In-Time user provisioning:
  • Using Self-Registration for Just-in-Time User Provisioning

    If you need more control over user provisioning, based on your proprietary flow, you can choose to redirect the user to your own self-registration page.

  • Configuring Just-In-Time User Auto-Provisioning with Password Prompt

    If you need the user provisioning to be done automatically during user authentication through OpenIDConnect protocol, then you can choose to configure for user auto-provisioning. The users are created in the configured identity store and automatically provisioned with the user atttribute values such as userID, user name, first name, last name, e-mail, and so on. These values are retrieved from the IDToken received from the Identity Providers (Google, Facebook).

    You can also choose to have a password prompt for more control over the newly created user account.

  • Configuring Just-In-Time User Auto-Provisioning (No Password Prompt)

    You can choose to have no password prompt during JIT Auto-Provisioning. The user created by this flow cannot be used for any other type of authentication.

42.1 Using Self-Registration for Just-in-Time User Provisioning

OAM enables you to have more control over user provisioning, based on your proprietary user-provisioning flow. Follow the steps in this section to use self-registration for Just-in-Time user provisioning.

42.1.1 Prerequistes for Just-in-Time Provisioning by Self-Registration

Ensure the following steps are followed before proceeding to the configurations for Just-in-Time user provisioning by self-registration.

  1. Add the OAuthUserSelfRegistration plugin to the OAM console.
    The Just-In-Time user provisioning is supported by an out-of-the-box OAuthUserSelfRegistration plugin.

    If the plugin is not available on the console, you must run the configurePluginMetadata WLST command as described in the following steps:

    1. Create an XML properties file in your local directory. For example, propFileName.xml. Add the following plugin metadata content to the XML file you created. You can later change the values from the oam-console, if necessary.
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd">
      	<entry key="implementation">oracle.security.am.plugin.authn.OAuthUserSelfRegistrationPlugin</entry>
      	<entry key="email">donotreply@oracle.com</entry>
      	<entry key="source">System</entry>
      	<entry key="status">ACTIVATED</entry>
      	<entry key="description">User self registration plugin for JIT</entry>
      	<entry key="jarFileName"></entry>
      	<entry key="version">10</entry>
      	<entry key="author">uid=orcladmin</entry>
      	<entry key="name">OAuthUserSelfRegistrationPlugin</entry>
      	<entry key="checksum"></entry>
      	<entry key="interface">oracle.security.am.plugin.authn.AbstractAuthenticationPlugIn</entry>
      	<entry key="type">Authentication</entry>
      	<entry key="initParameters.autoprovision_password_policy_regex">string~300~false</entry>
      	<entry key="initParameters.registration_url">string~300~true</entry>
      	<entry key="initParameters.secret_key">string~300~true</entry>
      	<entry key="initParameters.autoprovisioning">string~300~false</entry>
      	<entry key="initParameters.autoprovision_key_user_record_attribute_list">string~300~true</entry>
      	<entry key="initParameters.autoprovision_idtoken_to_user_attribute_mapping">string~300~true</entry>
      	<entry key="initParameters.autoprovision_useridentitystore">string~300~false</entry>
    2. Run the following WLST command:

      where, OAuthUserSelfRegistrationPlugin is the name of the plugin and /path_to_file/propFileName.xml is the directory, in which, the plugin metadata XML file was created in the previous step.

    3. Restart the Administration servers.
  2. Enable the Identity Federation Service

    Identity Federation service must be enabled for the Just in Time user provisioning to work.

    1. Log in to the Oracle Access Management Console
    2. From the Welcome page, click Configuration and then click Available Services
    3. Under Federation, click Enable Service beside Identity Federation (or confirm that the green status check mark displays).

      A Confirmation window is displayed.

  3. Set the blobdiscovery provider setting to RDBMSBlobDiscoveryProvider, using the following WLST command.

    Verify the settings using the following WLST command:


    For more information about these WLST commands, see setDiscoveryProvider and displayDiscoveryProvider in WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference for Identity and Access Management.

  4. Create a self-registration page and deploy the registration Url on the WebLogic Server. See About Self-Registration Page details.
  5. Create an Oauth Client on your preferred Identity Providers.

    For example:

42.1.2 About Self-Registration Page

This section provides guidelines for creating the self-registration page.

You can have more control over user provisioning, based on your proprietry user-provisioning flow, by redirecting the users to a self-registration page, owned by you.

The self-registration page must be able to perform the following:


Ensure you have completed all the prerequiste steps before creating your self-registration page. See Prerequistes for Just-in-Time Provisioning by Self-Registration for details.
  1. Call the user info endpoint to get the user attributes required to create the user. The user registrationid is received as a query parameter from OAM.

    For example:

    curl -X GET 'http://<ManagedOAMHost>:<ManagedOAMPort>/oamfed/user/regdata?registrationid=<registrationId>
    The response must look similar to the following example:
    idtoken : "{\"iss\":\"https://accounts.google.com\",\"azp\":\"288915398401-etd60uissja597aed1veoc0hlhist1jg.apps.googleusercontent.com\",\"aud\":\"288915398401-etd60uissja597aed1veoc0hlhist1jg.apps.googleusercontent.com\",\"sub\":\"104056721435364290436\",\"email\":\"johndoe@gmail.com\",\"email_verified\":true,\"at_hash\":\"KVrh2eKbxnhN3fy0jESgNQ\",\"iat\":1570075783,\"exp\":1570079383},
    hmac : "<value>"
  2. HMAC Validation. You can calculate the HMAC of the user data received (contents of parameter ‘idtoken’), using the secret_key configured in the OAuthUserSelfRegistrationPlugin and do the base64url encoding of the calculated HMAC. This value must match with the base64url encoding of the HMAC value received in Step 1, confirming the message integrity. You can fail the requests if the HMAC values do not match.
  3. Create a user account in the configured OAM user store.

    In this step, use your proprietary logic for user account creation in your configured user store.

  4. Redirect back to OAM on the following URL with the user registrationid.
For information on how to deploy the self-registration page on OAM server, see JSP/HTML Deployment


The Self-Registration page can reside on an external server.

Example 42-1 Sample Self-Registration Page

Your self-registration page must be similar to the following sample registration provided:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"%>
<%@ page import="java.util.*, java.net.*, java.io.*"%>
<%@ page import="org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject"%>
<%@ page import="javax.crypto.*, javax.crypto.spec.*"%>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
        <h1>Creating User with following Atrributes</h1>
        <%! JSONObject jsonBody=null; %>
        <%! String userdata="text"; %>
        <%! String managedHostName = System.getProperty("managed.host.name"); %>
        <%! String managedPort = System.getProperty("managed.port"); %>
        <%! String managedprotocol = System.getProperty("managed.protocol"); %>
    String statusCode ="RegistrationFailed";

    //Step 1 : Get the userinfo from OAM, using the following endpoint

    //Verify and sanitise query parm to avoid XSS attack
    String regRefId = XSSFilter.sanitizeInput("registrationid",request.getParameter("registrationid"));
    String regDataURLPath = "/oamfed/user/regdata?registrationid=" + regRefId;
    URL regDataURL =    new URL(managedprotocol + "://"+ managedHostName +":" + managedPort + regDataURLPath);
    HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection)regDataURL.openConnection();
    String data=null;
    String hhmac=null;
    if (connection.getResponseCode() == 200) {
     statusCode ="RegistrationSuccess";
      ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
      BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(connection.getInputStream());
      byte[] b = new byte[256];
      int i;
      while ((i = bis.read(b)) != -1)
        bos.write(b, 0, i);
      byte[] body = bos.toByteArray();
    userdata=new String(body);
       jsonBody = new JSONObject(new String(body));
      //Save the userinfo as returned from OAM in parameter idtoken
      data = jsonBody.getString("idtoken");
      //Save the hmac of the data , to be used later.
      hhmac = jsonBody.getString("hmac");
         out.println("got error");

      //End of Step 1

      //Step 2 : (Optional) if you choose to compare the hmac of received data for security purposes
      //Calculate the hmac of the data received in idtoken using your secret_key, as configured in OAuthUserSelfRegistrationPlugin.

      String key= "any_data"; //secret_key value
      String algo ="HmacSHA256";
      SecretKeySpec signingKey = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes(), algo);
        Mac mac;
        byte[] calculatedHmac = null;
        try {
            mac = Mac.getInstance(algo);
            calculatedHmac = mac.doFinal(data.getBytes());
        } catch (Exception e) {
        //handle error
        String base64ofcalculatedHmac = java.util.Base64.getUrlEncoder().encodeToString(calculatedHmac);
        out.println("/n hmac matches");
           out.println("/n hmac verification Failed");
     } catch (Throwable t)

   //End of Step 2

  //Step 3: Add your proprietary logic for user account creation in your configured UserStore, using the userinfo as retrieved in Step 1
   * Add User Account creation Logic here
  //End of Step 3

        //Step 4: In this example the redirect is triggered by button click action

        <button id="myButton" class="float-left submit-button">Create User</button>
        <script type="text/javascript">
          var url_string = window.location.href;
          var managedprotocol1 = "<%= managedprotocol %>";
          var managedHostName1 = "<%= managedHostName %>";
          var managedPort1 = "<%= managedPort %>";
          var redirect = managedprotocol1 + "://" + managedHostName1 + ":" + managedPort1 + "/oam/server/auth_cred_submit";
              document.getElementById("myButton").onclick = function () {
        location.href = redirect;
        //End of Step 4

42.1.3 Configuring UserSelfRegistration Authentication Module and Scheme Just In Time UserSelfRegistration Authentication Module

Create a new Authentication module and configure the following four steps: OpenIDConnectPlugin, UserIdentificationPlugin, OAuthUserSelfRegistrationPlugin, and UserIdentificationPlugin.

To configure the UserSelfRegistration authentication module in the Oracle Access Management Console:
  1. Log into the Oracle Access Management Console as System Administrator.
  2. From the Application Security Launch Pad, click Authentication Modules under Plug-ins.
  3. From the Authentication Modules tab, click Create Authentication Module and then Custom Authentication Module.
  4. Add a name and description for the authentication module under the General tab. For example, UserSelfRegistration.
  5. Add the UserSelfRegistration authentication module steps as follows:
    1. Add OpenIDConnectPlugin and UserIdentificationPlugin steps based on the Identity provider. For details, see Authentication Module and Scheme and Policy Changes
    2. Add the OAuthUserSelfRegistrationPlugin step and set the following parameters:

      Table 42-1 OAuthUserSelfRegistrationPlugin Step

      Step Details Description

      Mandatory. The absolute url of the customer owned self-registration page.

      secret_key Mandatory. This secret key is used to create hmac of the request payload to be sent to userInformation RestAPI (the custom self-registration page must use the same key value for HMAC verify).

      If encrypted key is to be used, add the prefix {AES} to encrypted key value.

  6. Add the UserIdentificationPlugin step and set the parameters as described in Authentication Module and Scheme and Policy Changes. JIT UserSelfRegistration Steps Orchestration

Configure the Orchestration steps for the Authorization flow.

  1. Click the Steps Orchestration subtab
  2. From the InitialStep list, choose the OpenIDConnectPlugin step.
  3. Set On Success, On Failure, and On Error for each of the steps as shown in the following example:

Table 42-2 JIT Step Orchestration

Name Description On Success On Failure On Error
OpenID_Connect OpenIDConnectPlugin Step User_Identification1 Failure Failure
User_Identification1 First UserIdentificationPlugin Step Success OAuth_Self_Registration Failure
OAuth_Self_Registration OauthUserSelfRegistrationPlugin Step User_Identification2 Failure Failure
User_Identification2 Second UserIdentificationPlugin Step Success Failure Failure Just In Time UserSelfRegistration Authentication Scheme

Set the challenge parameter initial_command=NONE in the authentication scheme.

To create a new Authentication Scheme:
  1. From the Application Security Launch Pad, click Authentication Schemes under Access Manager.
  2. From the Authentication Schemes tab, click Create Authentication Scheme.
  3. Set the parameters in the authentication scheme. For example, the following figure shows a Sample Authentication Scheme Page:

    Figure 42-1 Sample Authentication Scheme Page

    Sample Authentication Scheme Page

    For details about the parameters, see Authentication Schemes and Pages

  4. Under Challenge Parameters, add initial_command=NONE.

42.1.4 Protecting Resources with UserSelfRegistrationScheme

Complete the configuration for the Just in Time user provisioning by self-registration, by assigning the UserSelfRegistrationScheme authentication scheme to the protected resource policy.

  1. From the Application Security Launch Pad, select Application Domains under Access Manager.
  2. Search and open the required Application Domain.
  3. Open the Authentication Policies tab and click Protected Resource Policy.
  4. Select the UserSelfRegistrationScheme from the Authentication Scheme dropdown list and click Apply.

42.2 Configuring Just-In-Time User Auto-Provisioning with Password Prompt

Follow the steps in this section to configure Just-in-Time user auto-provisioning with password prompt.

42.2.1 Prerequistes for Just-in-Time User Auto-Provisioning

Ensure the following steps are followed before proceeding to the configurations for auto-provisioning.

  1. Add the OAuthUserSelfRegistration plugin to the OAM console.
    The Just-In-Time user provisioning is supported by an out-of-the-box OAuthUserSelfRegistration plugin.

    If the plugin is not available on the console, you must run the configurePluginMetadata WLST command as described in the following steps:

    1. Create an XML properties file named propFileName.xml in your local directory. Add the following content to the XML file you created. You can later change the values from the oam-console, if necessary
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd">
      	<entry key="implementation">oracle.security.am.plugin.authn.OAuthUserSelfRegistrationPlugin</entry>
      	<entry key="email">donotreply@oracle.com</entry>
      	<entry key="source">System</entry>
      	<entry key="status">ACTIVATED</entry>
      	<entry key="description">User self registration plugin for JIT</entry>
      	<entry key="jarFileName"></entry>
      	<entry key="version">10</entry>
      	<entry key="author">uid=orcladmin</entry>
      	<entry key="name">OAuthUserSelfRegistrationPlugin</entry>
      	<entry key="checksum"></entry>
      	<entry key="interface">oracle.security.am.plugin.authn.AbstractAuthenticationPlugIn</entry>
      	<entry key="type">Authentication</entry>
      	<entry key="initParameters.autoprovision_password_policy_regex">string~300~false</entry>
      	<entry key="initParameters.registration_url">string~300~true</entry>
      	<entry key="initParameters.secret_key">string~300~true</entry>
      	<entry key="initParameters.autoprovisioning">string~300~false</entry>
      	<entry key="initParameters.autoprovision_key_user_record_attribute_list">string~300~true</entry>
      	<entry key="initParameters.autoprovision_idtoken_to_user_attribute_mapping">string~300~true</entry>
      	<entry key="initParameters.autoprovision_useridentitystore">string~300~false</entry>
    2. Run the following WLST command

      where, OAuthUserSelfRegistrationPlugin is the name of the plugin and /path_to_file/propFileName.xml is the directory, in which, the plugin metadata XML file was created in the previous step.

    3. Restart the Administration servers.
  2. Create an OAuth Client on your preferred Identity Providers.

    For Example:

42.2.2 Configuring AutoProvisioning Authentication Module and Scheme Just-In-Time User Auto-Provisioning Authentication Module

Create a new Authentication module and configure the following five steps: OpenIDConnectPlugin, UserIdentificationPlugin, OAuthUserSelfRegistrationPlugin, CredentialCollectorPlugin, and UserIdentificationPlugin.

To configure the Just in Time user Autoprovisioning authentication module in the Oracle Access Management Console:
  1. Log into the Oracle Access Management Console as System Administrator.
  2. From the Application Security Launch Pad, click Authentication Modules under Plug-ins.
  3. From the Authentication Modules tab, click Create Authentication Module and then Custom Authentication Module.
  4. Add a name and description for the authentication module under the General tab. For example, AutoProvisioning_WithPasswd.
  5. Add the AutoProvisioning authentication module steps as follows:
    1. Add the OpenIDConnectPLugin and UserIdentificationPlugin steps for the Identity Providers, such as Google and Facebook. For details, see About the OpenIDConnectPlugin and Authentication Module and Scheme and Policy Changes.


      The username_attr configured in the OpenIDConnect Plugin indicates the attribute to be read from the identity token to get information about the user. This parameter is used as the UserName when creating the new user account
    2. Add the OAuthUserSelfRegistrationPlugin step and set the following parameters:

      Table 42-3 OAuthUserSelfRegistrationPlugin Step for auto-provisioning


      Set this to True (case insensitive) to enable auto-provisioning.

      If the value is not specified, or set to False auto-provisioning is not enabled, and user provisioning by self-registration is enabled.



      Specify a comma-separated list of attributes from the identity token that must be used to create the user record.

      Only the attributes listed here are set in the provisioned user record.



      The attribute names fetched from the idtoken must be consistent with the attribute names specified in the identity store.

      If the attributes names are not consistent, specify a comma-separated list of key:value mapping, where key is the attribute name used in Idtoken and value is the attribute name used in the identity store.

      For example, email:mail, firstName:first-name



      Specify the Identity store name. If not provided, the default value is used.



      Specify a valid regular expression that the password string must follow.

    3. Add the CredentialCollectorPlugin step and set the following parameters:

      Table 42-4 CredentialCollectorPlugin Step for Auto-Provisioning

      actiontype REDIRECT
      CRED_PARAM_1 {ID=USERNAME},{DISPLAY_NAME=USERNAME },{TYPE=text_readonly},{VALUE=constant}
      loginPageURL /CustomReadServlet

      For details about all the remaining parameters in this step, see Table 22-12

    4. Add the UserIdentificationPlugin step and set the parameters as described in Authentication Module and Scheme and Policy Changes. JIT User Auto-provisioning Steps Orchestration

Configure the Orchestration steps for the Authorization flow.

  1. Click the Steps Orchestration subtab
  2. From the InitialStep list, choose the OpenIDConnectPlugin step.
  3. Set On Success, On Failure, and On Error for each of the steps as shown in the following example:

Table 42-5 JIT Step Orchestration

Name Description On Success On Failure On Error
OpenID_Connect OpenIDConnectPlugin Step User_Identification1 Failure Failure
User_Identification1 First UserIdentificationPlugin Step Success Credential_Collector Failure
Credential_Collector CredentialCollectorPlugin Step OAuth_Self_Registration Failure Failure
OAuth_Self_Registration OauthUserSelfRegistrationPlugin Step User_Identification2 Failure Failure
User_Identification2 Second UserIdentificationPlugin Step Success Failure Failure Just-In-Time User AutoProvisioningScheme

Create a custom HTML page and set the context type and context value in the authentication scheme.

To create a new Authentication Scheme:
  1. From the Application Security Launch Pad, click Authentication Schemes under Access Manager.
  2. From the Authentication Schemes tab, click Create Authentication Scheme.
  3. Set the Challenge URL to /CustomReadServlet
  4. Change the Context Type option from default to customHTML.
  5. In Context Value, specify the absolute path to the customHTML page.

    You must create the custom HTML file with code similar to the following sample:

    <h4> Creating User Account with following details </h4>
    <form id="loginData" action="/oam/server/auth_cred_submit" method="post" name="loginData">
    	<div id="oam_credentials" class="input-row">
    		<span class="ctrl"></span>
    	<div class="button-row">
    		<span class="ctrl">
    			<input id="login_button" type="submit" value="Login" class="formButton"
    				onclick="this.disabled=true;document.body.style.cursor = 'wait';
    				this.className='formButton-disabled';form.submit();return false;"/>
    	<div id="ignore_oam_error_codes"></div>
    For globalization, create a properties file in the same directory as the custom html file. The name of the file must be the same as the custom html file with .properties extension.
    CONFIRM_PASSWORD=Confirm password
  6. Under Challenge Parameters, add initial_command=NONE


    The default number of retries for failed Authentication is 5. You can modify this using OverrideRetryLimit in the challenge parameters. For example, OverrideRetryLimit=1.
  7. Set all the remaining parameters for this scheme. For example, the following figure shows a Sample Authentication Scheme Page:

    Figure 42-2 Sample Authentication Scheme Page

    Sample Authentication Scheme Page

    For details about the parameters, see Authentication Schemes and Pages

42.2.3 Protecting Resources with AutoProvisioningScheme

Complete the configuration for the Just-in-Time Auto-provisioning, by assigning the AutoProvisioningScheme to the protected resource policy.

  1. From the Application Security Launch Pad, select Application Domains under Access Manager.
  2. Search and open the required Application Domain.
  3. Open the Authentication Policies tab and click Protected Resource Policy.
  4. Select the AutoProvisioningScheme from the Authentication Scheme dropdown list and click Apply.

42.3 Configuring Just-In-Time User Auto-Provisioning (No Password Prompt)

Follow the steps in this section to configure Just-in-Time user auto-provisioning with no password prompt.

42.3.1 Prerequistes for JIT User Auto-Provisioning (No Password Prompt)

Ensure the following steps are followed before proceeding with the configurations for auto-provisioning (no password prompt)

  1. Add the OAuthUserSelfRegistration plugin to the OAM console.
    The Just-In-Time user provisioning is supported by an out-of-the-box OAuthUserSelfRegistration plugin.

    If the plugin is not available on the console, you must run the configurePluginMetadata WLST command as described in the following steps:

    1. Create an XML properties file named propFileName.xml in your local directory. Add the following content to the XML file you created. You can later change the values from the oam-console, if necessary
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd">
      	<entry key="implementation">oracle.security.am.plugin.authn.OAuthUserSelfRegistrationPlugin</entry>
      	<entry key="email">donotreply@oracle.com</entry>
      	<entry key="source">System</entry>
      	<entry key="status">ACTIVATED</entry>
      	<entry key="description">User self registration plugin for JIT</entry>
      	<entry key="jarFileName"></entry>
      	<entry key="version">10</entry>
      	<entry key="author">uid=orcladmin</entry>
      	<entry key="name">OAuthUserSelfRegistrationPlugin</entry>
      	<entry key="checksum"></entry>
      	<entry key="interface">oracle.security.am.plugin.authn.AbstractAuthenticationPlugIn</entry>
      	<entry key="type">Authentication</entry>
      	<entry key="initParameters.autoprovision_password_policy_regex">string~300~false</entry>
      	<entry key="initParameters.registration_url">string~300~true</entry>
      	<entry key="initParameters.secret_key">string~300~true</entry>
      	<entry key="initParameters.autoprovisioning">string~300~false</entry>
      	<entry key="initParameters.autoprovision_key_user_record_attribute_list">string~300~true</entry>
      	<entry key="initParameters.autoprovision_idtoken_to_user_attribute_mapping">string~300~true</entry>
      	<entry key="initParameters.autoprovision_useridentitystore">string~300~false</entry>
    2. Run the following WLST command

      where, OAuthUserSelfRegistrationPlugin is the name of the plugin and /path_to_file/propFileName.xml is the directory, in which, the plugin metadata XML file was created in the previous step.

    3. Restart the Administration servers.
  2. Create an OAuth Client on your preferred Identity Providers.

    For Example:

42.3.2 Configuring JIT AutoProvisioning Authentication Module and Scheme (No Password Prompt) Just-In-Time User Auto-Provisioning Authentication Module (No Password Prompt)

Create a new Authentication module and configure the following four steps: OpenIDConnectPlugin, UserIdentificationPlugin, OAuthUserSelfRegistrationPlugin, and UserIdentificationPlugin.

To configure the Just in Time user Autoprovisioning authentication module in the Oracle Access Management Console:
  1. Log into the Oracle Access Management Console as System Administrator.
  2. From the Application Security Launch Pad, click Authentication Modules under Plug-ins.
  3. From the Authentication Modules tab, click Create Authentication Module and then Custom Authentication Module.
  4. Add a name and description for the authentication module under the General tab. For example, AutoProvisioning_NoPasswd.
  5. Add the AutoProvisioning authentication module steps as follows:
    1. Add the OpenIDConnectPLugin and UserIdentificationPlugin steps for the Identity Providers, such as Google and Facebook. For details, see About the OpenIDConnectPlugin and Authentication Module and Scheme and Policy Changes.


      The username_attr configured in the OpenIDConnect Plugin indicates the attribute to be read from the identity token to get information about the user. This parameter is used as the UserName when creating the new user account
    2. Add the OAuthUserSelfRegistrationPlugin step and set the following parameters:

      Table 42-6 OAuthUserSelfRegistrationPlugin Step for auto-provisioning


      Set this to True (case insensitive) to enable auto-provisioning.

      If the value is not specified, or set to False auto-provisioning is not enabled, and user provisioning by self-registration is enabled.



      Specify a comma-separated list of attributes from the identity token that must be used to create the user record.

      Only the attributes listed here are set in the provisioned user record.



      The attribute names fetched from the idtoken must be consistent with the attribute names specified in the identity store.

      If the attributes names are not consistent, specify a comma-separated list of key:value mapping, where key is the attribute name used in Idtoken and value is the attribute name used in the identity store.

      For example, email:mail, firstName:first-name



      Specify the Identity store name. If not provided, the default value is used.


      Not applicable for the JIT User Auto-Provisioning (No Password Prompt) flow. This parameter is ignored.

    3. Add the UserIdentificationPlugin step and set the parameters as described in Authentication Module and Scheme and Policy Changes. JIT User Auto-provisioning Steps Orchestration (No Password Prompt)

Configure the Orchestration steps for the Authorization flow.

  1. Click the Steps Orchestration subtab
  2. From the InitialStep list, choose the OpenIDConnectPlugin step.
  3. Set On Success, On Failure, and On Error for each of the steps as shown in the following example:

Table 42-7 JIT Step Orchestration

Name Description On Success On Failure On Error
OpenID_Connect OpenIDConnectPlugin Step User_Identification1 Failure Failure
User_Identification1 First UserIdentificationPlugin Step Success OAuth_Self_Registration Failure
OAuth_Self_Registration OauthUserSelfRegistrationPlugin Step User_Identification2 Failure Failure
User_Identification2 Second UserIdentificationPlugin Step Success Failure Failure Just-In-Time User AutoProvisioningScheme (No Password Prompt)

Set the challenge parameter initial_command=NONE in the authentication scheme.

To create a new Authentication Scheme:
  1. From the Application Security Launch Pad, click Authentication Schemes under Access Manager.
  2. From the Authentication Schemes tab, click Create Authentication Scheme.
  3. Set the parameters in the authentication scheme. For example, the following figure shows a Sample Authentication Scheme Page:

    Figure 42-3 Sample Authentication Scheme Page

    Sample Authentication Scheme Page

    For details about the parameters, see Authentication Schemes and Pages

  4. Under Challenge Parameters, add initial_command=NONE.

42.3.3 Protecting Resources with AutoProvisioningScheme (No Password Prompt)

Complete the configuration for the Just-in-Time Auto-provisioning (no password prompt), by assigning the AutoProvisioningScheme to the protected resource policy.

  1. From the Application Security Launch Pad, select Application Domains under Access Manager.
  2. Search and open the required Application Domain.
  3. Open the Authentication Policies tab and click Protected Resource Policy.
  4. Select the AutoProvisioningScheme from the Authentication Scheme dropdown list and click Apply.