34.3 Key and Certificate Management and Rollover in OIF and OSTS

This chapter describes the following concepts in the key and certificate management and rollover.
  • Generating new keys and certificates.
  • Configuring Oracle Identity Federation (OIF) and Oracle Secure Token Service (OSTS) to use the new keys and certificates.
  • Implementing a key rollover on a per partner basis.
  • Distributing the new certificates to partners.

34.3.1 Introduction to Key and Certificate Management and Rollover

Oracle Identity Federation (OIF)/Oracle Secure Token Service (OSTS) uses Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Keys and Certificates as part of the Federation and WS-Trust protocol interaction for providing non-repudiation and integrity through the use of digital signatures, and confidentiality through digital encryption.

The following occurs during a Federation/WS-Trust exchange:
  • OIF/OSTS uses its own PKI Keys and Certificates to perform signature and decryption operations on the SAML messages:
    • Signing outgoing SAML messages and Assertions is done by using XML Digital signatures or Query String signatures.
    • Decryption of incoming SAML Assertions is done by using XML Digital encryption.
  • OIF/OSTS uses the partner's signing or encryption certificate to:
    • Verify signatures on incoming SAML messages and Assertions (XML Digital encryption)
    • Optionally encrypt outgoing SAML Assertions (XML Digital encryption)
Following is an example of SAML messages with XML Digital signatures.
<samlp:Response ...>
<saml:Assertion ...>
<ds:Signature xmlns:ds="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
<ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-excc14n#"/>
<ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1"/>
<ds:Reference URI="#idhmf9KzAhxleuJ-L3vaVr979Ffa0">
<ds:Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#envelopedsignature"/>
<ds:Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#"/>
<ds:DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1"/>
Following is an example of SAML message with query string signature (typically used by an SP to send the user to the IdP with an AuthnRequest).
SAMLRequest: SAML AuthnRequest message
RelayState: SAML 2.0 Relay State parameter
SigAlg: signature algorithm
Signature: signature bytes covering SAMLRequest, RelayState and SigAlg parameters

The OIF/OSTS PKI keys and certificates are stored in the $DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/.oamkeystore Java Keystore file (This keystore is of type JCEKS, not JKS), and the OIF/OSTS settings reference the key entries in the .oamkeystore, so that they can be used by the components for SAML operations.

34.3.2 Generating Keys and Certificates

During the installation phase of Oracle Access Manager (OAM), a key pair and self signed certificate gets generated and OIF/OSTS is configured to use it for signing and decryption operations. Along with the key pair and the self signed certificate generation the following changes occur.
  • The OAM installer creates the .oamkeystore with a random password. For more information on how to reset the password, see Setting New Key Entries section.
  • A new key entry called stsprivatekeyalias is created.
  • RSA Key Pair is created.
  • Self signed certificate is created.
  • Subject and Issuer is set to: cn=<MACHINE_HOSTNAME>.
  • The following two entries are created in the OIF/OSTS configuration:
    • osts_signing referencing the stsprivatekeyalias key entry in the .oamkeystore.
    • osts_encryption referencing the stsprivatekeyalias key entry in the .oamkeystore.
  • OIF is set up to use osts_signing entry for signature operations and osts_encryption for decryption operations.
  • OSTS is set up to use osts_encryption for decryption operations, and osts_signing for signature operations in the SAML Issuance Templates.

34.3.3 Setting New Key Entries

The process of creating new PKI Keys and Certificates before using them in OIF/OSTS is a two step process.
  1. Create key entry in .oamkeystore
  2. Create entry in OIF/OSTS to refer the key entry in .oamkeystore Creating New Key Entry in .oamkeystore

The password to the .oamkeystore Keystore is unknown to the administrator and must be reset to make modifications. Use the following WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) commands to reset the password.
  1. Enter into the WLST environment by executing:
  2. Connect to the WLS Admin server:
  3. Navigate to the Domain Runtime branch:
  4. Reset the .oamkeystore password:
  5. Exit WLST environment:
One way to create a new key entry in the .oamkeystore is to use the JDK's KeyTool application. In this example, two key entries with self signed certificates will be created, one with the alias samlsigning and the other with the alias samlencryption (replace $JDK_HOME and $DOMAIN_HOME with the correct path; for the keystore password enter the one you selected during the reset operation):
$JDK_HOME/bin/keytool -genkeypair -alias samlsigning -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048
-sigalg sha1withrsa -dname cn="ACME SAML Signing" -validity 1000 -keystore
$DOMAIN_HOME/conEg/fmwconEg/.oamkeystore -storetype JCEKS
$JDK_HOME/bin/keytool -genkeypair -alias samlencryption -keyalg RSA -keysize
2048 -sigalg sha1withrsa -dname cn="ACME SAML Encryption" -validity 1000
-keystore $DOMAIN_HOME/conEg/fmwconEg/.oamkeystore -storetype JCEKS Updating OIF and OSTS Settings

To use the new key entries created in the .oamkeystore during SAML protocol exchanges, you have to create new SAML key entries in the Oracle Identity Federation (OIF)/Oracle Secure Token Service (OSTS).

Following are the steps to create a new SAML key entry in OIF/OSTS.
  1. Login to the OAM Administration Console: http(s)://oam-admin-host:oam-adminport/oamconsole.
  2. Navigate to Configuration , Federation Settings or Security Token Service Settings.
  3. In the Keystore section, click the + button.
  4. Enter a KeyID for the new entry (for example, saml-signing).
  5. Select the alias for the new key entry from the dropdown, which lists the key entries in the .oamkeystore (for example, samlsigning).
  6. Enter the password for the key entry that you set when creating that key.
  7. Repeat the process for other entries, if needed.
  8. click Apply.

    Updating OIF/OSTS Settings


    Different key IDs can be referenced to the same key entry in the OAM Keystore.

34.3.4 Using New Key Entries to Update Global Settings

You must update the following settings to use new keys and certificates to sign and decrypt SAML messages.
  • Global Oracle Identity Federation (OIF) Settings
  • Global Oracle Secure Token Service (OSTS) Settings
  • Oracle Secure Token Service (OSTS) Settings Updating Global OIF Settings

To update global Oracle Identification Federation (OIF) settings perform the following steps:
  1. Login to the OAM Administration console: https://oam-admin-host:oam-adminport/oamconsole
  2. Navigate to Configuration , Federation Settings.
  3. Select the Signing Key from the dropdown list of key entries (these entries are defined in the Keystore section). For example, select saml-signing
  4. Select the Encryption Key from the dropdown list of key entries (these entries are defined in the Keystore section). For example, select saml-encryption
  5. Click Apply.


    After applying the settings, you must Redistribute certificates and/or SAML 2.0 metadata to partners. Updating Global OSTS Settings

To update global Oracle Secure Token Service (OSTS) settings perform the following steps:
  1. Login to the OAM Administration console:https://oam-admin-host:oam-adminport/oamconsole
  2. Navigate to Configuration , Security Token Service Settings.
  3. Select the Default Encryption Template from the dropdown list of key entries (these entries are defined in the Keystore section). For example, select saml-encryption
  4. Click Apply.


    After applying the settings, you must Redistribute certificates to partners. Updating OSTS Settings

To update Oracle Secure Token Service (OSTS) settings perform the following steps:
  1. Login to the OAM Administration console:https://oam-admin-host:oam-adminport/oamconsole
  2. Navigate to Security Token Service , Token Issuance Templates.
  3. Click SAML Issuance Template that you want to update.
  4. Click Security tab.
  5. Select the Signing Keystore Access Template Id from the dropdown list of key entries (these entries are defined in the Keystore section). For example, select saml-signing.
  6. Click Apply.


    After applying the settings, you must redistribute certificates to the partners.

34.3.5 Managing Key Rollover per Partner

When an OIF/OSTS deployment involves a large number of partners, it might be difficult to adjust the global signing/encryption keys/certificates at once, since notifying all of the partners at the same time of the changes and updating their configurations to reflect the new certificates/SAML 2.0 metadata might be difficult.


Once the keys/certificates in OIF/OSTS have been updated, the Federation/WS-Trust flows will not work with the partners until they upload the new certificates into their systems.

With OIF/OSTS, the administrator can perform key rollovers per partner. This allows them to plan when and how to notify specific partners of key and certificate changes.

Perform the following steps to key rollover for OIF IdP or SP partners:
  1. Set up new keys and certificates. For more information on setting up new keys and certificates, see Setting New Key Entries.
  2. Update the IdP or SP partner configuration in OIF to use the new keys and certificates.
  3. Notify the partner with new SAML 2.0 Metadata generated specifically for those new keys/certificates or new certificates corresponding to the new key entries.
Perform the following steps to key rollover for OSTS Relying Party partners:
  1. Set up new keys and certificates. For more information on setting up new keys and certificates, see Setting New Key Entries.
  2. If not already one:
    • Create a new Relying Party Profile, which is a copy of the current Relying Party Profile of the Relying Party partner.
    • Create a new SAML Issuance Template, which is a copy of the SAML Issuance Template referenced by the current relying party Profile used by the relying party partner.
    • Update the new Relying Party Profile to use a new SAML Issuance Template instead of the current one.
    • Update the new SAML Issuance Template to use the new keys/certificates.
    • Assign the Relying Party partner to the new Relying Party Profile.


Partner Profiles in the OIF configuration can be used to rollover OIF keys across a group of partners.

34.3.6 Managing OIF Key Rollover

The following steps are involved in performing Oracle Identity Federation (OIF) key rollover for a specific partner.
  1. Update the Identity Provider (IdP) or Service Provider (SP) partner configuration in OIF via WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) commands.
  2. Use the SAML 2.0 metadata or certificate information.
To update IdP or SP partner configuration in OIF via WLST commands perform the following steps.
  1. Enter the WLST environment: $IAM_ORACLE_HOME/common/bin/wlst.sh
  2. Connect to the WLS Admin server: connect()
  3. Navigate to the Domain Runtime branch: domainRuntime()
  4. Update the partner configuration to set the Signing Key property (referenced by signingkeystoreaccesstemplateid) to the key entry ID defined in the Federation Settings, Keystore section.

    In this example, saml-signing is the key entry ID.

    Replace <PARTNER_NAME> by the name of the partner in OIF.

    Replace <IDP_OR_SP> by IDP or SP, the type of partner.
    updatePartnerProperty("<PARTNER_NAME>", "<IDP_OR_SP>",
     "signingkeystoreaccesstemplateid", "saml-signing", "string")
  5. Update the partner configuration to set the Encryption Key property (referenced by encryptionkeystoreaccesstemplateid) to the key entry ID defined in the Federation Settings, Keystore section.

    In this example, saml-encryption is the key entry ID.

    Replace <PARTNER_NAME> by the name of the partner in OIF.

    Replace <IDP_OR_SP> by IDP or SP, the type of partner.
    updatePartnerProperty("<PARTNER_NAME>", "<IDP_OR_SP>",
     "encryptionkeystoreaccesstemplateid", "saml-encryption", "string")
  6. Exit the WLST environment: exit()


With this release, a secure API is introduced to handle updates to both signing and encryption keys, thereby easing the admin activity during the certificate update without any service disruptions. For more information, see REST API for Federation Management in Oracle Access Manager.

After the partner configuration has been updated, the partner must generate SAML 2.0 metadata or certificate information.

To generate SAML 2.0 metadata for new signing and encryption key perform the following steps.
  1. Open a new browser and use the following URL to generate metadata.

    http://oam-runtime-host:oam-runtime-port/oamfed/idp/metadata?signid= <SIGN_KEYENTRY_ID>&encid=<ENC_KEYENTRY_ID>

    The signid query parameter contains the key entry ID for the signing certificate. Replace <SIGN_KEYENTRY_ID>.

    The encid query parameter contains the key entry ID for the encryption certificate. Replace <SIGN_KEYENTRY_ID>.

    An example would be: http://oam.com/oamfed/idp/metadata?signid=saml-signing&encid=samlencryption

To generate certificate file for the new key perform the following steps.
  1. Open a new browser and use the following URL to generate certificate in PEM format.


    The id query parameter contains the key entry ID for the certificate. Replace <KEYENTRY_ID>.

    An example would be: http://oam.com/oamfed/idp/cert?id=saml-signing


You can first generate the SAML 2.0 Metadata/Certificate and provide it to the partner before updating the partner configuration.

34.3.7 Managing OSTS Key Rollover

To explain OSTS key rollover consider the following example:
  • Three Relying Party Partners: RP1, RP2, and RP3
  • Two Relying Party Profiles: RPprofileA and RPprofileB, with RP1 and RP2 using RPprofileA and RP3 using RPprofileB
  • Two SAML 2.o Issuance Templates: SAMLIssuaneA referenced by RPprofileA and SAMLIssuanceB referenced by RPprofileB

The rollover consists of switching the RP1 first then followed by RP2 and RP3.

To switch RP1 perform the following steps.
  1. Login to the OAM Administration Console: https://oam-admin-host:oam-adminport/oamconsole.
  2. Navigate to Security Token Service, Partner Profiles, Relying Party Profiles.
  3. Create a new Relying Party Profile called NewRPprofileA, a copy of RPprofileA.
  4. Navigate to Security Token Service, Token Issuance Templates.
  5. Create a new SAML Issuance Template called NewSAMLIssuanceA, a copy of SAMLIssuanceA.
  6. Update NewRPprofileA to reference NewSAMLIssuanceA SAML 2.0 Issuance Template.

    Updating NewProfileA

  7. Update NewSAMLIssuanceA SAML 2.0 Issuance Template in the Security tab to use the new key entry.

    Updating NewSAMLIssuanceA

  8. Navigate to Security Token Service, Partners, Relying Parties.

    As a result, OSTS uses the new key entry saml-signing for signing outgoing SAML 2.0 Assertions for the RP1 Relying Party partner.
    RP1Relying Partner

  9. Download the new certificates from OSTS by opening a browser and use the following URL to generate the certificate in PEM format:


    The id query parameter contains the key entry ID for the certificate. Replace <KEYENTRY_ID>.

    An example would be: http://oam.com/sts/servlet/samlcert?id=saml-signing

  10. Provide the certificate to the partner.

The process of switching RP2 to a new certificate will be easier since the new Relying Party profile and SAML Issuance Template already exist.

To switch RP2 perform the following steps.
  1. Login to the OAM Administration Console: https://oam-admin-host:oam-adminport/oamconsole.
  2. Navigate to Security Token Service, Partners, Relying Parties.
  3. Open RP1 and configure it to use the NewRPprofileA Relying Party Profile.

    As a result, OSTS uses the new key entry saml-signing for signing outgoing SAML 2.0 Assertions for the RP1 Relying Party partner.

  4. Provide the certificate to the partner.
Since the new Relying Party profile and SAML Issuance Template for RP3 have not been created yet, switching RP3 to the new certificate requires repeating the previously executed operations for RP1.


You can first provide the new certificate to the partner before updating the OSTS configuration.