11.11.6 About Disabling Question and Category Logic

The KBA functionality enables you to disable questions and categories.

This section describes the logic to handle disabled questions and categories.

Disabling Logic

The disabling logic is as follows for KBA:

  • If you disable the last remaining question in a category, the category is automatically disabled as well.
  • The number of active categories must be equal to or greater than the maximum number of categories in the question menu. An error message results when you try to disable a category and this requirement is not met.


The following table summarizes the disable results.

Disable Question or Category New Customers User with Disabled Question in their Question Set Users with Question Registered
Question The disabled question is not used to generate new users' question sets. At re-registration or when a user changes his preference: Disabled question are replaced with another question from the same category. The disabled question continues to be active.

If the user is re-registering or changing user preference, the disabled question is replaced with another question from the same category.

Category The disabled category is not used to generate new users' question sets. At re-registration or when a user changes his preference: All questions in the disabled category are replaced with questions from a new category that has not been used to generate current question set. Questions from the disabled category continue to be active.

If the user is re-registering or changing user preference, all questions in the disabled category are replaced with questions from a new category that has not been used to generate the current question set.