10 Understanding ICF Best Practices and FAQs

Understand the best practices and frequently asked questions about developing and using ICF.

This chapter contains the following topics:

10.1 Best Practices for ICF

Best practices for using ICF are related to using common scheduled tasks and ICProvisioningManager, IT resource parameters, ICF connector logging, and Connector Load Balancer.

The following are the best practices that you need to follow while using ICF:

  • Use common Scheduled tasks, and ICProvisioningManager.

  • Keep IT Resource parameters count to minimum, IT Resource should contain connectivity related parameters only, the rest needs to be in the Main Connector Configuration Lookup.

  • Logging in ICF Connectors:

    ICF Integration for Oracle Identity Manager logs all the input/output parameters of all calls to ICF Connector interfaces. You must ensure that the following points are taken care while logging:

    • If required, you can enhance the logging with detailed logging messages.

    • You must not log messages that involves password information or sensitive data.

    • In case you encounter ConnectorException error, then you must wrap the target specific exception, and provide any additional details.

    • Turn on Logging for ICF Common by switching on logging for oracle.iam.connectors.icfcommon.

  • Connector Load Balancer

    • In order to use SSL-encrypted communication between Oracle Identity Manager and connector servers, you need to copy the SSL keystore on all connector server nodes, and maintain its consistency if SSL key changes.

    • Connector server uses a proprietary (non-HTTP) protocol, and SSL encryption.

    • All connector server nodes under the load balancer should contain the same set of bundles.

10.2 FAQs on ICF

Frequently asked questions about ICF are related to ICF connector development, usage, configuration, and troubleshooting.

The following are the FAQs on ICF:

  • Why lookup reconciliation data contains tilda (~)?

    Tilda (~) notation in lookup reconciliation is to separate Lookups for different IT Resources. In the following example, Key will be a programmatic key, whereas Value will be a user-friendly display name:

    Lookup Key: <IT Resource Key>~<Lookup key>

    Lookup Value: <IT Resource Name>~<Lookup value>

  • What is bulk attribute update and how to set it up?

    Bulk attribute update in Oracle Identity Manager means that all the changed attributes will be sent to the connector in one method call, instead of updating each attribute individually (default option).

    In order to enable your connector for bulk attribute update, make sure:

    • all your attributes have their respective process tasks for individual update, typically named as, ATTRIBUTE_NAME updated.

    • you have an extra process task named, UD_FORM_NAME updated. This task will be used for bulk update.

  • Search-based versus sync-based reconciliation: when to use what?

    It is based on the capabilities of connector/target resource. Most connectors support search, some of them (LDAP) support sync operation too. Where available, sync-based reconciliation is preferred due to higher efficiency.

    Sync-based reconciliation is more efficient than search-based reconciliation because, it can process both additions/removals in one run. With search-based reconciliation, you need to run search reconciliation first and then run search delete reconciliation, which is double the effort.

  • How to configure Connector Pooling?

    See Release version of the Connector documentation for information about Connector Pooling and its configuration.

  • How to use Groovy to extend connector functionality?

    In order to have an extendable connector, you need to implement ScriptOnConnector or ScriptOnResource ICF SPIs. Connectors might support various scripting languages, based on target resource capabilities. By default, ICF supports groovy scripts with ScriptOnConnector for all java based connectors. You must always refer the connector documentation to understand the scripting languages for a given connector. See Configuring ICF Connectors for more information about how to customize the connector.

  • What are the basic requirements (such as memory, disk space, CPU, and so on) for Connector Server?

    The connector server can run in any Java 6 environment and above. The requirements are same as of those of Java and Oracle Identity Manager.

    See Release version of the Connector documentation for the supported versions of JDK and Oracle Identity Manager.

  • Does one connector server version support all ICF Connector versions?

    Connector Server version equals ICF version. ICF is backward compatible with previously released connector versions.

  • How to troubleshoot connector server related issues?

    Set up log level to FINEST in logging configuration file of the Connector Server. If the default port 8759 is taken, than set a different port number in the Connector Server configuration.

  • When to deploy connector on Connector Server and when to deploy connector locally into Oracle Identity Manager?

    Only .NET connectors require Connectors Server, others can be deployed directly into Oracle Identity Manager.