22.2 Configuring the oim-config.xml File

The oim-config.xml file consists of the Scheduler element, whose child elements define the scheduler settings.

After you install Oracle Identity Manager, you can configure the scheduler settings by editing the child elements of the Scheduler element in the oim-config.xml file located in the MDS. To access the oim-config.xml file by using Oracle Enterprise Manager:

  1. Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager.
  2. Click Application Deployments.
  3. Right-click OIMAppMetadata(, and select System MBean Browser.
  4. In the System MBean Browser, navigate to Application Defined MBeans, oracle.iam, Server: oim server, Application: oim, XMLConfig, Config, XMLConfig.SchedulerConfig, Scheduler.

Table 22-1 lists the default elements that you can configure within the Scheduler element in the oim-config.xml file.


You can add new configurable child elements. For the information about new child elements, refer to the following URL:


Table 22-1 Child Elements of the Scheduler Element

Element Within Scheduler Element Description


This element is used for configuring transactional data source in the application server, which is used by Quartz to establish the connection.

Default value: jdbc/operationsDB


This element is used for configuring non-transactional data source in the application server, which is used by Quartz to establish the connection.

Default value: jdbc/oimJMSStoreDS


Enter true if Oracle Identity Manager has been installed in a clustered environment. Otherwise, enter false.

Default value: true

NOTE: In a clustered environment, the clocks on all nodes of the cluster must be synchronized.


Enter the name of the Java class that implements scheduler.

Default value: oracle.iam.scheduler.impl.quartz.QuartzSchedulerImpl


Enter a unique string value in this element. This value represents a string that uniquely identifies an Oracle Identity Manager scheduler instance.

NOTE: In a clustered environment, each node of the cluster must have a unique InstanceId. This can be achieved by entering a value of AUTO in the instanceId element.


Enter false if you do not want scheduler service to start automatically when Oracle Identity Manager is started. Otherwise, enter true.

Default value: true


Enter an integer value in this element. This value represents the number of threads that must be used for running jobs.

Default Value: 10