3 Removing the Connector

This chapter describes the procedure to remove the connector installation for release and 9.1.1.x.

3.1 Removing an Existing Installation of Release

To remove an existing installation of the release connector:

  1. Delete the connector-related registry keys by performing the following steps:

    1. Run regedit.exe. This file is usually located in the Microsoft Windows registry.

    2. Navigate to the following key:

    3. Double-click the Notification Packages key.

    4. In the Edit Binary Value dialog box, delete adsync from the list of values, and then click OK.

      For example, suppose the original data string displayed in the Data column on the right pane of the Registry Editor application window is as follows:

      FPNWCLNT RASSFM KDCSVC scecli adsync

      After you delete adsync from the list of values, the data string would appear as follows:

    5. Navigate to the following key:

    6. Delete this key along with all of its properties.

  2. Delete the Adsync.dll file from the Windows\system32 directory.

  3. If you have installed the connector on a 64-bit Microsoft Windows operating system, then delete the Adsync.dll file from the Windows\SysWOW64 directory.

  4. Delete the ADSYNC_HOME directory.

  5. Restart the computer.

3.2 Removing an Existing Installation of Release 9.1.1.x

To remove an existing installation of the release 9.1.1.x connector:

  1. Delete the persistent queue container from Active Directory. You can find the location of the persistent queue container in the prepAD.ldif file as a value of the dn entry.


    see PrepAD.ldif for more information about the prepAD.ldif file.

    The prepAD.ldif file is located in the connector installation directory.

  2. From the Start menu, select Settings, and then click Control Panel.
  3. From Control Panel window, click Uninstall a program listed under Programs.
  4. In the Programs and Features window, select Oracle Identity Manager Connector for Microsoft Active Directory Password Synchronization from the list of currently installed programs, right click it, and then click Uninstall.
  5. On the Welcome page, click Next.
  6. On the Summary page, verify that the location from where the connector will be removed is displayed correctly and then click Next to remove the connector.


    If you want to cancel the process of removing the connector, then click Cancel.

    Summary Page for Removing the Connector shows the Summary page for removing the connectors.

    Description of uninstall_summary_page.gif follows
    Description of the illustration uninstall_summary_page.gif
  7. On the next page, click Next.
  8. On the subsequent page, click Next. This will restart your computer.
  9. you have installed the connector on a 64-bit Microsoft Windows operating system, then delete the oimadpwdsync10.dll and orclmessages.dll files from the Windows\system32 directory.

3.3 Uninstalling Release of the Connector

If you want to to cancel an ongoing installation or if you want to manually remove an existing installation of the connector, then perform the following steps before restarting the domain controller:

  1. Delete the connector-related registry keys as follows:

    1. Run regedit.exe. This file is usually located in the Microsoft Windows registry.

    2. Navigate to the following key:

    3. Double-click the Notification Packages key.

    4. Remove oimadpwdsync10 from the list of values, and click OK.


    Do not remove other existing values in the "Notification Packages" key data.

  2. Remove oimadpwdsync10 from the list of values in "Notification Packages" key under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa" .

  3. Move the oimadpwdsync10.dll and orclmessages.dll from the C:\WINDOWS\system32 directory to a different location (C:\SomeOtherLocation).

  4. Reboot Windows Server by running the following command:

    %WINDIR%\System32\shutdown.exe /r /t 0
  5. Remove the following registry key including its sub entries under it:

  6. Delete the oimadpwdsync10.dll, orclmessages.dll files, and logs directory.