35 Monitoring Oracle Unified Directory

Oracle Unified Directory provides an extensible monitoring framework to view the statistics on a server instance or on a replicated topology.


35.1 Overview of Monitoring Information

You can use logs and alerts for monitoring information and performance data. You can also monitor the server using LDAP and SNMP.

To access the monitoring information, ensure that you have the required protocol:

  • For logs you need a file system.

  • For alerts you need JMX:RMI or SMTP.

  • For cn=monitor you need LDAP or JMX:RMI (for example jconsole).


35.2 Configuring Monitor Providers

Monitor providers are enabled by default and provide information about the server that can be useful for monitoring or troubleshooting purposes. The cn=monitor entry contains the monitoring information that is published by the monitor providers.

When the monitor provider is disabled, the provided information is no longer available under cn=monitor.

You can configure monitor providers using the dsconfig command. For more information, see Managing the Server Configuration Using dsconfig.

This section includes the following topics:

35.2.1 Viewing Monitor Providers

Use the dsconfig command to view the list of existing monitor providers.

Run the dsconfig command with the list-monitor-providers subcommand, as follows:

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \

Monitor Provider   : Type              : enabled
Client Connections : client-connection : true
Entry Caches       : entry-cache       : true
JVM Memory Usage   : memory-usage      : true
JVM Stack Trace    : stack-trace       : true
System Info        : system-info       : true
Version            : version           : true

35.2.2 Disabling Monitor Providers

Use the dsconfig command with set-monitor-provider-prop to disable a monitor provider.

For example, to set the JVM Stack Trace monitor provider to false, use the following command:

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
  set-monitor-provider-prop --provider-name "JVM Stack Trace" \
  --set enabled:false

Running the dsconfig command with the list-monitor-providers subcommand now shows the JVM Stack Trace monitor provider as false:

Monitor Provider   : Type             : enabled
Client Connections : client-connection : true
Entry Caches       : entry-cache       : true
JVM Memory Usage   : memory-usage      : true
JVM Stack Trace    : stack-trace       : false
System Info        : system-info       : true
Version            : version           : true

35.3 Configuring Logs

Oracle Unified Directory provides several types of logs: access logs, audit logs, error logs, debug logs, and a replication repair log. The replication repair log is read-only and its use is restricted to enabling replication conflict resolution.

The following topics describe how to configure access, audit, error, and debug logs by using the dsconfig command-line interface or Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager:

In addition, the section describes how to log admin operations.

For a breakdown of the result codes found in the logs, see result code.

35.3.1 Configuring Logs Using dsconfig

The easiest way to configure logging with dsconfig is to use the command in interactive mode, which walks you through the configuration.

This section provides the required commands in non-interactive mode, so that you can see the specific parameters that are set. For more information about dsconfig, see Managing the Server Configuration Using dsconfig.

Log configuration includes the definition of three configuration objects: Configuring Log Publishers

Oracle Unified Directory provides several log publishers by default.

Any number of log publishers of any type can be defined and active at any time. This means that you can log to different locations or different types of repositories and that you can specify various sets of criteria for what to include in the logs.

For more information about the configuration properties associated with log publishers, see Configuration Reference for Oracle Unified Directory.

This section includes the following topics: Viewing Existing Log Publishers

To view the existing log publishers using the dsconfig command:

  1. To view the existing log publishers run the following dsconfig command:
    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \

    OUD Bundle Patch and Later Releases. This content applies only to OUD Bundle Patch and later releases.

    The default output will be similar to the following:

    Log Publisher                         Type                          enabled
    File-Based Access Control Logger    : file-based-access-control    : false
    File-Based Access Logger            : file-based-access            : false
    File-Based Admin Logger             : file-based-access            : false
    File-Based Audit Logger             : file-based-audit             : false
    File-Based Debug Logger             : file-based-debug             : false
    File-Based Error Logger             : file-based-error             : true
    File-Based High eTime Access Logger : high-etime-file-based-access : false
    File-Based HTTP Admin Logger        : file-based-http-access       : false
    File-Based HTTP NSCA Access Logger  : file-based-http-access       : false
    File-Based HTTP W3C Access Logger   : file-based-http-access       : false
    High eTime Oracle Access Logger     : high-etime-file-based-access : false
    Oracle Access Logger                : file-based-access            : false
    Oracle Admin Access Logger          : file-based-access            : false
    Oracle Error Logger                 : file-based-error             : false
    Replication Repair Logger           : file-based-error             : true
  2. To display the properties of a log publisher run the following dsconfig command:
    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
      get-log-publisher-prop --publisher-name "File-Based Error Logger" Enabling a Log Publisher

Not all of the log publishers are enabled by default. If a log publisher is disabled, messages of that type are not logged.

To enable a log publisher, set its enabled property to true. For example, to enable the audit logger, run the following command:

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \ 
  set-log-publisher-prop --publisher-name "File-Based Audit Logger" \
  --set enabled:true

When a log publisher is enabled, the server immediately starts logging messages to the appropriate publisher. You do not need to restart the server for this change to take effect. Deleting a Log Publisher

You use the dsconfig command to delete an existing log publisher.

To delete a log publisher, for example the File-Based Audit Logger run the following command:

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \  
delete-log-publisher --publisher-name "File-Based Audit Logger" 

The logger is deleted successfully.


The audit logger is a File-Based Access Log. Therefore, to create a File-Based Audit Logger, you must run the following dsconfig command using the advanced option in the interactive mode to set the Java class as org.opends.server.loggers.TextAuditLogPublisher.

$ dsconfig -X -j pwd-file --advanced  

Alternatively, you can also create an audit logger using the non-interactive mode of the dsconfig command as follows:

dsconfig create-log-publisher \
          --set enabled:false \
          --set log-file:log/myauditlog \
          --set java-class:org.opends.server.loggers.TextAuditLogPublisher \ 
          --type file-based-access \
          --publisher-name myauditlog \
          --hostname localhost \
          --port 4444 \
          --trustAll \
          --bindDN cn=Directory Manager \
          --bindPasswordFile /tmp/password.txt \
          --no-prompt Logging in ODL Format

Oracle Unified Directory also writes diagnostic log files in the Oracle Diagnostic Logging (ODL) format.

ODL is disabled by default. To enable ODL, set the enabled property of the ODL Access Log publisher or the ODL Error Log publisher to true. The following example enables the access logger:

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \ 
  set-log-publisher-prop --publisher-name "Oracle Access Logger" \
  --set enabled:true

To enable the error logger, use --publisher-name "Oracle Error Logger".

ODL access logs are stored in the following file:


ODL error logs are stored in the following directory:


OUD Bundle Patch and Later Releases. This content applies only to OUD Bundle Patch and later releases.


After enabling the ODL loggers, you should disable the standard file-based loggers unless you specifically want to maintain logs in both formats. Any write to a file is a costly operation and affects performance.

For more information about ODL, including an explanation of the log file format, see Managing Log Files and Diagnostic Data in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide. Logging Internal Operations

You can log internal operations in versions and above by setting add operations-to-log property to internal.

In versions and below, you could log internal operations by setting the value of suppress-internal-logging property for log publishers to false. From version onwards, suppress-internal-logging property has been deprecated. You can now use add operations-to-log property to log internal operations (such as operations performed by the LDIF connection handler and certain plug-ins). By default, this property is set to internal. When the value of the add operations-to-log property is internal, it will automatically log the internal operations.

The following example sets the add operations-to-log property to internal for the file-based access logger:

dsconfig set-log-publisher-prop \
--publisher-name File-Based\ Access\ Logger \
--add operations-to-log:internal \
--hostname localhost \
--port 4444 \
-X \
--bindDN cn=directory\ manager \
--bindPasswordFile /tmp/password \
--no-prompt Logging Additional Connection Details

When the log-connection-details flag is set to true, log messages for LDAP operations will have additional details such as bindDN, protocol, and client and server IP addresses.

If the connection is made over a secure channel, the TLS version and the negotiated cipher suite will also get logged.


You can now log SSL connection information, which provides you the flexibility to effectively analyze and debug SSL issues.

The following command describes how to set the log-connection-details flag to true for file-based access logger.

dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
set-log-publisher-prop --publisher-name "File-Based Access Logger" \
--set log-connection-details:true Configuring the Name of Rotated Log Files Using Local Time Stamp

By default, Oracle Unified Directory automatically renames (rotates) its local server log file using date stamp in GMT format.

You can change these default settings for log file rotation. You can configure a server instance to include a local time stamp in the file name of rotated log files.

To configure the log file names using local time stamp, you must set the log-file-use-local-time property of the appropriate log publisher to true. The following example describes how to set up the local time stamp in the file name of access rotated log files:

dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
set-log-publisher-prop --publisher-name "File-Based Access Logger" \
--set log-file-use-local-time:true 


The rotated log file name using local time stamp follows the format used by Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition to ensure compatibility. Configuring Log Retention Policies

Log retention policies dictate size and space limits for log files.Oracle Unified Directory provides the following three log retention policies:

  • File count retention (file-count). By default, this policy sets the maximum number of log files to 10, for a specified type of log file.

  • Free disk space retention (free-disk-space). By default, this policy sets a minimum remaining free disk space limit to 500 Mb, for a specified type of log file.

  • Size limit retention (size-limit). By default, this policy sets the disk spaced used to a maximum of 500 Mb, for a specified type of log file.

By default, the log retention policy that is enabled is File count retention.

You can also create your own custom log retention policies. For more information, see Creating a Log Retention Policy.

This section contains the following topics: Viewing the Log Retention Policies

You use the dsconfig command to view the existing log retention policies.

Run the command as follows:

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \

The default output will be similar to the following:

Log Retention Policy             : Type            : disk-space-used : free-disk-space : number-of-files
File Count Retention Policy      : file-count      : -               : -               : 10
Free Disk Space Retention Policy : free-disk-space : -               : 500 mb          : -
Size Limit Retention Policy      : size-limit      : 500 mb          : -               : - 

To list the log retention policy properties run the following dsconfig command

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
  get-log-retention-policy-prop --policy-name "Free Disk Space Retention Policy" Creating a Log Retention Policy

You use the dsconfig command to create a log retention policy.

Run the command as follows to create a log retention policy and to set it as enabled:

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w pwd-file -X -n 
  create-log-retention-policy --policy-name MyMaxDiskSpace \
  --type size-limit --set disk-space-used:100mb Modifying a Log Retention Policy

You use the dsconfig command to modify an existing log retention policy.

Run the command as follows:

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w pwd-file -X -n \
  set-log-retention-policy-prop --policy-name "File Count Retention Policy" \
  --set number-of-files:20

Instead of setting a property value, you can add, reset or remove a property value, using the --add, --reset, or --remove subcommands instead of the --set subcommand. For details, see dsconfig Configuring Log Rotation Policies

Log rotation policies dictate how often the files are rotated; or, how long to keep log files based on various criteria.

This section contains the following topics: Overview of Log Rotation Policies

Oracle Unified Directory provides the following four log rotation policies:

  • 24 Hours time limit rotation policy. By default, this policy sets the rotation interval to one day. You can configure the time of day.

  • 7 Days time limit rotation policy. By default, this policy sets the rotation interval to one week. You can configure the time of day.

  • Fixed time limit rotation policy. By default, this policy sets the time of day that log files are to be rotated, to one minute before midnight.

  • Size time limit rotation policy. By default, this policy sets a maximum size that log files can reach to 100 Mb, before the log file is rotated.


When multiple rotation policies are specified for the same log, the first threshold that is reached triggers the rotation.

The type of log rotation policy enabled by default depends on the log type.

  • For access and audit logs, the following are enabled:

    • 24 Hours time limit rotation policy

    • Size time limit rotation policy

  • For error and replication repair logs, the following are enabled:

    • 7 Days time limit rotation policy

    • Size time limit rotation policy

You can create your own custom log rotation policies. Viewing the Log Rotation Policies

You use the dsconfig command to view an existing log rotation policy.

Run the command as follows:

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \

The default output will be similar to the following:

Log Rotation Policy                 : Type       : file-size-limit : rotation-interval : time-of-day
24 Hours Time Limit Rotation Policy : time-limit : -               : 1 d               : -
7 Days Time Limit Rotation Policy   : time-limit : -               : 1 w               : -
Fixed Time Rotation Policy          : fixed-time : -               : -                 : 2359
Size Limit Rotation Policy          : size-limit : 100 mb          : -                 : - 

To display the log rotation policy properties, run the following command:

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
  get-log-rotation-policy-prop "Fixed Time Rotation Policy" Creating a Log Rotation Policy

You use the dsconfig command to create a log rotation policy.

The policy type can be one of the following:

  • size-limit

  • fixed-time

  • time-limit

Run the command as follows:

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
  create-log-rotation-policy --policy-name my2DayPolicy \
  --type time-limit --set rotation-interval:2d Setting Log Rotation or Retention for a Specific Log File

To set a rotation or retention policy on a specific log file, you must create a log publisher and set the log rotation or log retention policy.

Run the dsconfig command to set log rotation or retention for a specific log file:

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 1444 -D "cn=Directoy manager" -j pwd-file -n -X \
  create-log-publisher --publisher-name myPublisher \
  --type file-based-access --set log-file:logs/myLogs --set enabled:true \
  --set retention-policy:MyMaxDiskSpace --set rotation-policy:my2DayPolicy Configuring Logs for HTTP/HTTPS Operations

The following topics describe the different types of loggers that you can configure for HTTP/HTTPS operations: Overview of Access Logger for SCIM and REST Operations

OUD provides detailed HTTP log publisher in two different log formats, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and Nagios Service Check Acceptor (NSCA) to capture the request and response details for SCIM and REST operations.

The following HTTP Access loggers help you capture SCIM and REST request and response details:


When you set the log-connection-details flag to true, then the TLS version and the negotiated cipher suite are also captured along with appropriate error message for failed scenarios as part of x-additional-details column of logs.
  • HTTP W3C Logger:

    For every HTTP operation, W3C format log contains values for respective fields (separated by space) in the following order:

    date c-ip cs-username s-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query sc-status sc-bytes cs-bytes time-taken cs-version cs(User-Agent) cs(Cookie) cs(Referer) x-additional-details

    The following command describes how to set the log-connection-details flag to true for W3C logger:

    dsconfig -h localhost -p 8081 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \ 
    set-log-publisher-prop --publisher-name "File-Based HTTP W3C Access Logger" \
    --set "log-connection-details:true"
  • HTTP NSCA Logger:

    For every HTTP operation, NSCA format log contains values for respective fields (separated by space) in the following order:

    remote-host user-identifier auth-user request date status bytes referrer user-agent cookie connection-id etime x-additional-details

    The following command describes how to set the log-connection-details flag to true for NSCA logger:

    dsconfig -h localhost -p 8081 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \ 
    set-log-publisher-prop --publisher-name "File-Based HTTP NSCA Access Logger" \
    --set "log-connection-details:true" Overview of Admin Access Logger

For administration operations performed over HTTP, access log message contains information according to the value (w3c or nsca) configured for access-log-format-mode property for file-based HTTP admin logger.


When you set the log-connection-details flag to true, then log messages for admin operations will have additional details such as cipher suite, TLS version, and appropriate error messages.

The following command describes how to set the log-connection-details flag to true for file-based HTTP admin logger:

dsconfig -h localhost -p 8444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
set-log-publisher-prop --publisher-name "File-Based HTTP Admin Logger" \
--set "log-connection-details:true"


The Admin logger supports the same format for W3C and NSCA as defined in Overview of Access Logger for SCIM and REST Operations.

35.3.2 Configuring Logs Using OUDSM

Use Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager (OUDSM) to configure logger properties, log rotation policies and log retention policies.

The following topics describe how to configure logs using OUDSM: Modifying Logger Properties

Oracle Unified Directory provides several log publishers, or loggers, by default. Any number of loggers of any type can be defined and active at any time. This means that you can log to different locations or different types of repositories and that you can specify various sets of criteria for what to include in the logs.

You cannot create a new log publisher with OUDSM, but you can modify the properties of an existing log publisher.

To configure logger properties by using OUDSM:

  1. Connect to the directory server from OUDSM, as described in Connecting to the Server Using OUDSM.
  2. Select the Configuration tab.
  3. Expand the General Configuration element.
  4. Expand the Logging element.
  5. Expand the Loggers element and click the logger whose properties you want to modify.

    The properties of the logger are displayed in the right hand pane. The configurable properties will depend on the type of logger that you have selected. For a comprehensive list of all configurable properties and their allowed values, see the Configuration Reference for Oracle Unified Directory.

    Oracle Unified Directory provides the following general configuration policies depending on the type of logger you have selected:

    • Enabled. It indicates whether the Log Publisher is enabled for use.

    • Log Publisher File Location. It specifies the file name to use for the log files generated by the File-Based Access Log Publisher. The path to the file is relative to the server root.

    • Log Publisher Permissions. It indicates the UNIX permissions of the log files created by this File-Based Access Log Publisher.

    • Operations to Log. It indicates which operations must be logged.

      This property is only available for the access and audit log publishers.

    • Log Request and Response Controls. It indicates whether the request controls and response controls should be logged along with the operations that are requested by the client applications.

      This property is only available for the access and audit log publishers.

    • Time Zone in Rotated Log File Names. It indicates whether the local time of the server or Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) should be used in the rotated log file names.

    • Default Severity. It specifies the default severity levels for the logger.

      This property is only available for the error log publishers.

    • Default Debug Level. It specifies the lowest severity level of debug messages to log when none of the defined targets match the message.

      This property is only available for the debug log publishers.

    For a comprehensive list of all configurable properties and their allowed values for each logger, see the Configuration Reference for Oracle Unified Directory.


    You can configure the log rotation and log retention policies for the logger that you select in Step 5. For more information about configuring log rotation and log retention policies, see Modifying Log Rotation Policies and Modifying Log Retention Policies. Modifying Log Rotation Policies

Log rotation policies dictate how often log files are rotated, that is to say, how long log files are kept based on various criteria.

Oracle Unified Directory provides the following four log rotation policies:

  • 24 Hours time limit rotation policy. By default, this policy sets the rotation interval to one day. You can configure the time of day.

  • 7 Days time limit rotation policy. By default, this policy sets the rotation interval to one week. You can configure the time of day.

  • Fixed time limit rotation policy. By default, this policy sets the time of day that log files are to be rotated, to one minute before midnight.

  • Size time limit rotation policy. By default, this policy sets a maximum size that log files can reach to 100 Mb, before the log file is rotated.

The type of log rotation policy that is enabled by default depends on the logger type.

To configure log rotation policies by using OUDSM:

  1. Connect to the directory server from OUDSM, as described in Connecting to the Server Using OUDSM.
  2. Select the Configuration tab.
  3. Expand the General Configuration element.
  4. Expand the Logging element.
  5. Select the Rotation Policies element and modify the required properties.

You can also add a new rotation policy or delete an existing rotation policy by clicking the Add or Delete icons on this page, and completing the required information. Modifying Log Retention Policies

Log retention policies dictate size and space limits for log files.Oracle Unified Directory provides the following three log retention policies by default:

  • File count retention (file-count). By default, this policy sets the maximum number of log files to 10, for a specified type of log file.

  • Free disk space retention (free-disk-space). By default, this policy sets a minimum remaining free disk space limit to 500 Mb, for a specified type of log file.

  • Size limit retention (size-limit). By default, this policy sets the disk spaced used to a maximum of 500 Mb, for a specified type of log file. By default, the log retention policy enabled is File count retention.

To configure log retention policies by using OUDSM:

  1. Connect to the directory server from OUDSM, as described in Connecting to the Server Using OUDSM.
  2. Select the Configuration tab.
  3. Expand the General Configuration element.
  4. Expand the Logging element.
  5. Select the Retention Policies element and modify the required properties.

You can also add a new retention policy or delete an existing retention policy by clicking the Add or Delete icons on this page, and completing the required information.

35.3.3 Logging Operations to Access Log Publishers

Oracle Unified Directory provides a new parameter, admin logger, to specify the operations to log and how to configure logged operations in access log publishers. Overview of the Admin Logger

Oracle Unified Directory provides a mechanism for separating admin logs from user logs by means of Admin connector. Administration operations are now logged into a separate file that provides logging information associated with the administration traffic.


By default, Oracle Unified Directory supports a dedicated access logger, named the File-Based Admin Access Logger, which contains only operations of the administrator connector. Therefore, you do not have to perform any action specific action to log administration operations into a separate file.

You can configure the access logs to specify the type of operation to log using operations-to-log property. This property is optional, and has the following configurable values:




  • USER


  • ALL

In that sense,Oracle Unified Directory supports the following operation types:

  • Synchronization Operations

    Synchronization operations, such as locks, process synchronization, attribute mapping and transformation.

  • Internal Operations

    Internal operations are internal, because they are initiated not by external requests from clients, but instead internally by plug-ins. You must use internal operation calls when the plug-in needs Directory Server to perform an operation for which no client request exists.

  • Administration Operations

    Administration operations are performed on the admin network group, excluding operations associated with network group selection control.

  • User Operations

    User operations are performed on any user network group, excluding operations associated with network group selection control.

  • Admin Browsing Operations

    Admin browsing operations are associated with the network group selection control. This excludes operations associated with network group dependency.


Operations handled by network group that are created by a user and accessing admin suffixes is considered as User operations. Configuring Logged Operations in Access Log Publishers Using OUDSM

Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager (OUDSM) groups the log publisher properties into the three different headers, based on the nature and behavior of the property:

  • Logger General Properties

  • Rotation and Retention Properties

  • Advanced Properties

The Logger General Properties region is visible by default for all loggers and allows you to configure operations to log for file-based access loggers.

To configure operations to log in Access Log Publishers:

  1. Connect to the directory server or directory proxy server from OUDSM, as described in Connecting to the Server Using OUDSM.
  2. Select the Configuration tab.
  3. Expand the General Configuration element.
  4. Expand the Logging element.
  5. Expand the Loggers element.
  6. Click the file-based access logger that you want to modify, for instance File-Based Admin Access Logger.
  7. In the Logger General Properties region, perform the following step:

    From the Operation to Log list, select the operations to log.

  8. Click Apply.

35.3.4 Masking Attributes in the Audit Log

Oracle Unified Directory allows you to mask certain attributes in the audit log.

This section describes the following topics: Overview of Masking Attributes in the Audit Log

Oracle Unified Directory enables you to control how certain attributes, such as userpassword, are displayed in the audit log.

By default,Oracle Unified Directorymasks the following attributes in the audit log using a five-asterisk string (*****) so there are no discernible values. Unmasked attributes are displayed in the clear — unless they are an encrypted attribute or a password.

  • Password attributes defined in the server

  • Attributes defined as encrypted

  • User-specified list of attributes to be masked in the audit log


Attribute masking is relevant only when the audit log is enabled. The audit log file is located at:


Table 35-1 describes the parameters that control how password, encrypted, and user-specified attributes are displayed in the audit log.

Table 35-1 Audit Log Masking Configuration Parameters

Name Format Default Value Single/ Multi- Valued Optional Description


String representing a boolean (true/false).




Enables or disables password masking.

  • true (default): Mask all passwords in the audit log.

  • false: Display passwords using their hashed value.

masking-uses- encryption-config

String representing a boolean (true/false).




Enables or disables the data encryption configuration that determines which attribute and suffix values are masked in the audit log.

  • true (default): Use attribute-encryption-include and encrypted-suffix to determine which attributes to mask, if the attributes are in the defined suffix list.

  • false: Do not use data encryption configuration.

Note: For information about the attribute-encryption-include and encrypted-suffix parameters, see Attribute Encryption Configuration Parameters.

Whether this parameter is true or false, masked-attribute and masked-suffix are always operational.


String representing a single attribute name or OID.




Use to define a list of attributes to mask.

  • Mask every attribute defined in this list.

  • Mask all attributes in all suffixes or, if you defined a list of suffixes using masked-suffix, then only mask the suffixes in that list.

This parameter always uses the attributes defined in this list, regardless of the masking-uses-encryption-config value.


String representing a single suffix




Use to define a list of suffixes to mask.

  • If you defined a list of suffixes using masked-suffix, then mask the entry attributes in the defined list of suffixes.

  • If the suffix list is empty, then mask the defined attributes in all suffixes.

This parameter always uses the attributes defined in this list, regardless of the masking-uses-encryption-config value.

You can use standard dsconfig commands or dsconfig in interactive mode to read and modify these parameters. The easiest method to use is dsconfig in interactive mode, which functions like a wizard. Because interactive mode is self-explanatory, this section does not provide instructions for modifying the audit log configuration using interactive mode, but instead provides the equivalent dsconfig commands.


For more information about using dsconfig, see Using the dsconfig Command and Using dsconfig in Interactive Mode. Configuring Audit Log Masking

You use dsconfig command to configure the audit log masking.

Run the command as follows:

./dsconfig -n -X -h localhost -p 1444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" 
    -j /security/password set-log-publisher-prop --publisher-name 
    "File-Based Audit Logger" --set "maskpasswords:true"
./dsconfig -n -X -h localhost -p 1444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" 
    -j /security/password get-log-publisher-prop --publisher-name 
    "File-Based Audit Logger"

Property                : Value(s)
append                  : true
enabled                 : false
log-file                : logs/audit
log-file-permissions    : 640
log-file-use-local-time : false
mask-passwords          : true
masked-attribute        : -
masked-suffix           : -
masking-uses-encryption-config : true
operations-to-log       : adminbrowsing, administration,
                        : synchronization, user
retention-policy        : File Count Retention Policy
rotation-policy         : 24 Hours Time Limit Rotation Policy, Size
                        : Limit Rotation Policy


Configuration changes immediately take effect, but they are not retroactive. Updating the audit log configuration entry only affects future logs in the audit log file.

35.4 Configuring Alerts and Account Status Notification Handlers

Oracle Unified Directory provides mechanisms for transmitting alert and account status notifications by means of JMX extensions or SMTP extensions. You can configure the directory server to send alert notifications when an event occurs during processing.

Typical server events include server starts and shut downs, or problems that are detected by the server, such as an attempt to write to the configuration file.

You can also receive account status notifications when an event occurs during password policy processing, such as when accounts are locked out, accounts expire, passwords expire, and so on.

Alerts and account status notification handlers are configured by using the dsconfig command. For more information, see Managing the Server Configuration Using dsconfig.

For additional information about the topics in this section, see Managing Password Policies and "The Alert Handler Configuration" in the Configuration Reference for Oracle Unified Directory.

This section contains the following topics:

35.4.1 Managing Alert Handlers

Oracle Unified Directory provides mechanisms for transmitting alert and account status notifications by means of JMX extensions or SMTP extensions.

You can configureOracle Unified Directory to send alert notifications when an event occurs during processing. Typical server events include server starts and shut downs, or problems that are detected by the server, such as an attempt to write to the configuration file. You can also receive account status notifications when an event occurs during password policy processing, such as when accounts are locked out, accounts expire, passwords expire, and so on.

Oracle Unified Directory supports the following alert handlers:

  • JMX alert handler for JMX notifications

  • SMTP alert handler for email notifications.

The following topics describe how to manage the alert handler configuration: Managing Alert Handlers Using dsconfig

You use the dsconfig command to manage the alert handler configuration. For information about configuring alerts by using the OUDSM interface, see Managing Alert Handlers Using OUDSM.

This section contains the following topics: Viewing the Configured Alert Handlers

Oracle Unified Directory stores alert handlers information in the configuration file under the cn=Alert Handlers,cn=config subtree. You can access the information using the dsconfig command.

To display a list of alert handlers, run the following dsconfig command:

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \

Alert Handler     : Type : enabled
JMX Alert Handler : jmx  : false Enabling an Alert Handler

The JMX alert handler is disabled by default. Before you begin, you must configure JMX on the server. For more information, see Monitoring the Server Using JConsole.

  1. To list the alert handler's properties, use the dsconfig command as follows.
    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
      get-alert-handler-prop --handler-name "JMX Alert Handler"
    Property            : Value(s)
    disabled-alert-type : -
    enabled             : false
    enabled-alert-type  : -
  2. To enable the alert handler, use dsconfig as follows.
    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
      set-alert-handler-prop --handler-name "JMX Alert Handler" --set enabled:true
  3. Verify the change by using dsconfig.
    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
      get-alert-handler-prop --handler-name "JMX Alert Handler"
    Property            : Value(s)
    disabled-alert-type : -
    enabled             : true
    enabled-alert-type  : - Creating a New Alert Handler

The example in this section configures a new SMTP handler. Before starting this procedure, you must have configured an SMTP server for Oracle Unified Directory.

  1. Specify an SMTP server by setting the smtp-server global configuration property. For more information, see Configuring Task Notification.
  2. To create an alert handler run dsconfig with the create-alert-handler subcommand.
    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
      create-alert-handler --handler-name "my SMTP Handler" --type smtp \
      --set enabled:true --set message-body:"Alert Type: %%alert-type%%
      \n\nAlert ID: %%alert-id%%\n\nAlert Message: %%alert-message%%" \
      --set message-subject:"Alert Message" \
      --set recipient-address:directorymanager@example.com \
      --set sender-address:OUD-Alerts@directory.example.com
  3. View the list of alert handlers as follows.
    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
      list-alert-handlers Deleting an Alert Handler

You use the dsconfig delete-alert-handler command to delete an alert handler. The following example removes the JMX alert handler.

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
  delete-alert-handler --handler-name "JMX Alert Handler"

You can simply disable an alert handler instead of deleting it. In this case, the alert handler is available if you want to enable it again in the future. For more information, see Controlling the Allowed Alert Types. Controlling the Allowed Alert Types

Oracle Unified Directory, by default supports alert types are allowed. If you specify a value for the enabled-alert-type property, only alerts with one of those types are allowed. If you specify a value for the disabled-alert-type property, all alert types except for the values in that property are allowed. Alert types are specified by their Java class, as shown in this example.

For a list of all supported alert types, see Supported Alert Types.

To disable an alert type, specify its Java class as a value of the disabled-alert-type property.

This command disables the startup alert from the JMX Alert Handler.

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
  set-alert-handler-prop --handler-name "JMX Alert Handler" \
  --set disabled-alert-type:org.opends.server.DirectoryServerStarted Managing Alert Handlers Using OUDSM

You use OUDSM to manage the alert handler configuration. For information about configuring alert handlers by using dsconfig, see Managing Alert Handlers Using dsconfig.

This section contains the following topics: Creating an Alert Handler

To create an alert handler using OUDSM:

  1. Connect to the directory server from OUDSM, as described in Connecting to the Server Using OUDSM.
  2. Select the Configuration tab.
  3. From the Create menu, select Alert Handler.
  4. Select the type of alert handler that you want to create:
    • JMX. This alert handler is used to generate JMX notifications to alert administrators of significant events that occur within the server.

    • SMTP. This alert handler is used to send e-mail messages to notify administrators of significant events that occur within the server.

  5. Enter the properties to configure the connection handler in the right hand pane.

    The configurable properties will depend on the type of alert handler that you have selected. For a comprehensive list of all configurable properties, and their allowed values, see "The Alert Handler Configuration" in the Configuration Reference for Oracle Unified Directory.


    By default, all alert types are allowed. If you specify one or more values in the Enabled Alert Type field, only alerts with one of those types are allowed. If you specify one or more values in the Disabled Alert Type field, all alert types except for the values in that field are allowed.

    For a list of all supported alert types, see Supported Alert Types.

  6. When you have configured the required properties for your specific alert handler type, click Create. Modifying an Alert Handler

To modify an existing alert handler using OUDSM:

  1. Connect to the directory server from OUDSM, as described in Connecting to the Server Using OUDSM.
  2. Select the Configuration tab.
  3. Expand the General Configuration element.
  4. Expand the Alert Handlers element.
  5. Select the alert handler whose properties you want to modify.
  6. The properties are display in the right hand pane.
  7. When you have modified the required properties, click Apply. Deleting an Alert Handler

To delete an existing alert handler using OUDSM:

  1. Connect to the directory server from OUDSM, as described in Connecting to the Server Using OUDSM.
  2. Select the Configuration tab.
  3. Expand the General Configuration element.
  4. Expand the Alert Handlers element.
  5. Select the alert handler that you want to delete and click the Delete configuration icon.
  6. You are prompted to confirm the deletion. Click Yes. Supported Alert Types

The server sends out message alerts when an alert type event occurs in the system. The supported alert types are defined in the following table.

Alert Type Description

Access Control Disabled

Java Class: org.opends.server.AccessControlDisabled

Notify administrator that the access control handler has been disabled.

Access Control Enabled

Java Class: org.opends.server.AccessControlEnabled

Notify administrator that the access control handler has been enabled.

Access Control Parse Failed

Java Class: org.opends.server.authorization.dseecompat.ACIParseFailed

Notify administrator if the Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition compatible access control subsystem failed to correctly parse one or more ACI rules when the server is first started.

Access Control Modified

Java Class: org.opends.server.authorization.dseecompat.AciModified

Notify administrator if the Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition compatible access control subsystem detected that one or more ACI rules have been modified.

Backend Environment Unusable

Java Class: org.opends.server.BackendRunRecovery

Notify administrator that the JE back end throws a RunRecoveryException and the directory server must be restarted.

Cannot Copy Schema Files

Java Class: org.opends.server.CannotCopySchemaFiles

Notify administrator if a problem occurs while attempting to create copies of the existing schema configuration before making a schema update, and the schema configuration is left in a potentially inconsistent state.

Cannot Find Recurring Task

Java Class: org.opends.server.CannotFindRecurringTask

Notify administrator if the directory server cannot locate a recurring task definition to schedule the next iteration once the previous iteration has completed.

Cannot Rename Current Task File

Java Class: org.opends.server.CannotRenameCurrentTaskFile

Notify administrator if the directory server cannot rename the current tasks backing file in the process of trying to write an updated version.

Cannot Rename New Task File

Java Class: org.opends.server.CannotRenameNewTaskFile

Notify administrator if the directory server cannot rename the new tasks backing file into place.

Cannot Schedule Recurring Iteration

Java Class: org.opends.server.CannotScheduleRecurringIteration

Notify administrator if the directory server cannot schedule an iteration of a recurring task.

Cannot Write Configuration

Java Class: org.opends.server.CannotWriteConfig

Notify administrator if the directory server cannot write its updated configuration for some reason and so the server cannot exhibit the new configuration if it is restarted.

Cannot Write New Schema Files

Java Class: org.opends.server.CannotWriteNewSchemaFiles

Notify administrator if a problem occurs while attempting to write new versions of the server schema configuration files, and the schema configuration is left in a potentially inconsistent state.

Cannot Write Task File

Java Class: org.opends.server.CannotWriteTaskFile

Notify administrator if the directory server cannot write an updated tasks backing file for some reason.

Distribution Backend Does Not Support PreRead Control

Java Class: com.sun.dps.server.distribution.globalindex.UnsupportedDirectoryBackend

Notify administrators if the distribution cannot maintain the content of the global index catalog. This will happen \ if one or more servers do not support the Pre-Read Entry Control (RFC 4527)

Entering Lockdown Mode

Java Class: org.opends.server.EnteringLockdownMode

Notify administrator that the directory server is entering lockdown mode, in which only root users will be allowed to perform operations and only over the loopback address.

LDAP Connection Handler Consecutive Failures

Java Class: org.opends.server.LDAPHandlerDisabledByConsecutiveFailures

Notify administrator of consecutive failures that have occurred in the LDAP connection handler that have caused it to become disabled.

LDAP Connection Handler Uncaught Error

Java Class: org.opends.server.LDAPHandlerUncaughtError

Notify administrator of uncaught errors in the LDAP connection handler that have caused it to become disabled.

LDAP Server Extension Failed

Java Class: com.sun.dps.server.workflowelement.proxyldap.LDAPServerExtension.LDAPServerExtensionDown

Notify administrator that the LDAP Server Extension has been detected as Down.

LDAP Server Extension is Up

Java Class: com.sun.dps.server.workflowelement.proxyldap.LDAPServerExtension.LDAPServerExtensionUp

Notify administrator that the LDAP Server Extension has been detected as UP.

LDIF Backend Cannot Write Update

Java Class: org.opends.server.LDIFBackendCannotWriteUpdate

Notify administrator that an LDIF back end was unable to store an updated copy of the LDIF file after processing a write operation.

LDIF ConnHandler Parse Error

Java Class: org.opends.server.LDIFConnectionHandlerParseError

Notify administrator that the LDIF connection handler encountered an unrecoverable error while attempting to parse an LDIF file.

LDIF ConnHandler IO Error

Java Class: org.opends.server.LDIFConnectionHandlerIOError

Notify administrator that the LDIF connection handler encountered an I/O error that prevented it from completing its processing.

Leaving Lockdown Mode

Java Class: org.opends.server.LeavingLockdownMode

Notify administrator that the directory server is leaving lockdown mode.

Manual Config Edit Handled

Java Class: org.opends.server.ManualConfigEditHandled

Notify administrator if the directory server detects that its configuration has been manually edited with the server online and those changes were overwritten by another change made through the server. The manually-edited configuration will be copied off to another location.

Manual Config Edit Lost

Java Class: org.opends.server.ManualConfigEditLost

Notify administrator if the directory server detects that its configuration has been manually edited with the server online and those changes were overwritten by another change made through the server. The manually-edited configuration could not be preserved due to an unexpected error.

New route elected by the SaturationLoadBalancingAlgorithm

Java Class: com.sun.dps.server.SaturationLoadBalancer

Notify administrator that a new route has been elected as active route by the saturation load balancing algorithm.

New route elected by the FailoverLoadBalancingAlgorithm

Java Class: com.sun.dps.server.FailoverLoadBalancer

Notify administrator that a new route has been elected as the active route by the failover load balancing algorithm.

Replication Unresolved Conflict

Java Class: org.opends.server.replication.UnresolvedConflict

Notify administrator if the multimaster replication cannot automatically resolve a conflict.

Server Started

Java Class: org.opends.server.DirectoryServerStarted

Notify administrator that the directory server has completed its startup process.

Server Shutdown

Java Class: org.opends.server.DirectoryServerShutdown

Notify administrator that the directory server has begun the process of shutting down.

State change for a Saturation Load Balancing Route

Java Class: com.sun.dps.server.SaturationLoadBalancer

Notify administrator that the saturation load balancing route state has changed (either from saturated to not saturated or from not saturated to saturated).

Uncaught Exception

Java Class: org.opends.server.UncaughtException

Notify administrator if a directory server thread has encountered an uncaught exception that caused the thread to terminate abnormally. The impact that this problem has on the directory server depends on which thread was impacted and the nature of the exception.

Unique Attr Sync Conflict

Java Class: org.opends.server.UniqueAttributeSynchronizationConflict

Notify administrator that a unique attribute conflict has been detected during synchronization processing.

Unique Attr Sync Error

Java Class: org.opends.server.UniqueAttributeSynchronizationError

Notify administrator that an error occurred while attempting to perform unique attribute conflict detection during synchronization processing.

Unsupported Directory Backend

Java Class: com.sun.dps.server.distribution.globalindex.UnsupportedDirectoryBackend

Notify administrator that the distribution cannot maintain the content of the global index catalog. This will happen if one or more servers do not support the Pre-Read Entry Control (RFC 4527).

35.4.2 Managing Account Status Notification Handlers

Account status notification handlers provide alerts on events during password policy processing. By default, the Error Log Account Status Notification handler is set to enabled upon initial configuration.

The server writes a message to the server error log when one of the following events has been configured in the password policy and occurs during password policy processing:

  • account-temporarily-locked

  • account-permanently-locked

  • account-unlocked

  • account-idle-locked

  • account-reset-locked

  • account-disabled

  • account-expired

  • password-expired

  • password expiring

  • password-reset

  • password-changed

The error log is located at instance-dir/OUD/logs/errors.

This section contains the following topics: Viewing the Configured Account Status Notification Handlers

You use the list-account-status-notification-handlers subcommand of dsconfig command to view the status of the notification handler.

Run the command as follows:

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \

Account Status Notification Handler : Type      : enabled
Error Log Handler                   : error-log : true
SMTP Handler                        : smtp      : false Enabling Account Status Notification Handlers

You enable an existing account status notification handler using the dsconfig command. By default, the directory server enables the Error Log Handler when the server is initially configured. This example enables the SMTP notification handler.

  1. To view the enabled property use dsconfig with the get-account-status-notification-handler-prop subcommand.
    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
      get-account-status-notification-handler-prop --handler-name "SMTP Handler" \
      --property enabled
    Property : Value(s)
    enabled  : false
  2. To enable the notification handler use dsconfig with the set-account-status-notification-handler-prop subcommand.
    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
      set-account-status-notification-handler-prop --handler-name "SMTP Handler" \
      --set property:enabled Creating a New Account Status Notification Handler

To create an account status notification handler using the dsconfig command:

  1. Use dsconfig with the create-account-status-notification-handler subcommand to create the handler.

    When you specify the type, you can use either error-log or generic (default).

    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
      create-account-status-notification-handler \
      --handler-name "My Password Reset Logger" --type error-log \
      --set enabled:true --set account-status-notification-type:password-reset
  2. Use dsconfig to view the list of account status notification handlers.
    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
    Account Status Notification Handler : Type      : enabled
    Error Log Handler                   : error-log : true
    my Password Reset Logger            : error-log : true
    SMTP Handler                        : smtp      : false Deleting an Account Status Notification Handler

You can disable an account status notification handler instead of deleting it. In this case, the alert handler is available if you want to enable it again in the future.

You can remove an account status notification handler entirely by using dsconfig.

Use dsconfig with the delete-account-status-notification-handler subcommand.

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
  delete-account-status-notification-handler \
  --handler-name "My Password Reset Logger" Customizing Message Template Files for SMTP Account Status Notification Handlers

You can customize the message template files, which contain the message templates used to generate email notification messages.

Run the dsconfig command to view the available message template files for the SMTP account status notification handler, as follows:
$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444  -D "cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file --trustALL \
get-account-status-notification-handler-prop --handler-name "SMTP Handler" --property message-template-file

The following output appears:

Property                : Value(s)
message-template-file   : account-disabled:config/messages/account-disabled.template,
                        : account-enabled:config/messages/account-enabled.template,
                        : account-expired:config/messages/account-expired.template,
                        : account-idle-locked:config/messages/account-idle-locked.template,
                        : account-permanently-locked:config/messages/account-permanently-locked.template,
                        : account-reset-locked:config/messages/account-reset-locked.template,
                        : account-temporarily-locked:config/messages/account-temporarily-locked.template,
                        : account-unlocked:config/messages/account-unlocked.template,
                        : password-changed:config/messages/password-changed.template,
                        : password-expired:config/messages/password-expired.template,
                        : password-expiring:config/messages/password-expiring.template
                        : password-reset:config/messages/password-reset.template

The message-template-file option can be configured using the preceding template files. The files are located at OUD_INSTANCE/OUD/config/messages. These template files already have the default email body text for all account activities.

Using placeholders, you can customize message templates to include dynamic parameters such as the user's DN or other attributes, notification type, and so on. The supported list of placeholders is provided as follows.

Placeholder Description
%%notification-type%% Specifies the type of the notification.
%%notification-message%% Specifies the subject of the email.
%%notification-user-dn%% Specifies the dn of the user.
%%notification-user-attr:sn%% Specifies the sn of the user.
%%notification-user-attr:uid%% Specifies the uid of the user.
%%notification-property:old-password%% This is applicable for the password-changed notification type.
%%notification-property:new-password%% This is applicable for the password-changed notification type.
%%notification-user-attr:<attribute_name>%% Specifies any other valid <attribute_name> for the directory entry. For example, %%notification-user-attr:mail%%, %%notification-user-attr:phone%%, and so on.

35.5 Monitoring the Server with LDAP

Oracle Unified Directory provides a variety of methods to monitor the current state of the server for debugging or troubleshooting purposes.

The topics in this section assume that you have configured monitoring providers on the server. For more information, see Configuring Monitor Providers.

You can monitor the server over LDAP in several ways. These are described in the following sections:

35.5.1 Viewing Monitoring Information Using the cn=monitor Entry

The directory server records system, performance, and version information as an entry with the base DN of cn=monitor. This entry provides useful performance metrics and server state information that you can use to monitor and debug a directory server instance.

You can access the cn=monitor suffix over the administration port only. There are advantages to using the administration port to access monitoring information. The main advantage of the administration connector is the separation of user traffic and administration traffic.

For example, if you monitor the number of connections on the LDAP Connection Handler ("cn=Client Connections,cn=LDAP Connection Handler port port-number,cn=monitor") over the regular LDAP port, your monitoring data are "polluted" by the monitoring request itself. All of the examples in this section use the administration port, over SSL. For more information, see Managing Administration Traffic to the Server.

This section includes the following topics: Overview of Monitored Attributes in the Proxy

Monitoring information related to the proxy can be collected at the level under cn=Monitor for dozens of attributes, including those relating to the following:

  • Workflows: cn=workflow,cn=monitor

  • Network Groups: cn=Network Groups,cn=monitor

  • Load balancers: cn=load balancing,cn=monitor

  • Distributions: cn=distribution,cn=monitor

  • Global Index Catalogs: cn=Global Index Catalogs,cn=monitor

  • Client Connections: cn=Client Connections,cn=monitor or under cn=Client Connections,cn=LDAP Connection Handler port port number,cn=monitor

  • LDAP Connection Handler: cn=LDAP Connection Handler port port number,cn=monitor

  • LDAP Connection Handler Statistics: cn=LDAP Connection Handler portport number statistics,cn=monitor

  • SNMP Connection Handler: cn=SNMP Connection Handler,cn=Monitor

  • JMX Connection Handler: cn=JMX Connection Handler port number,cn=monitor

  • Administration Connector: cn=Administration Connector port port number,cn=monitor

  • System Information: cn=System Information,cn=monitor

  • Version: cn=Version,cn=monitor

  • Back-end LDAP servers: cn=LDAP Servers,cn=monitor

  • JVM stack traces: cn=JVM Stack Trace,cn=monitor

  • JVM memory usage: cn=JVM Memory Usage,cn=Monitor

  • SNMP: cn=SNMP,cn=Monitor

  • Backend Backup: cn=backup Backend,cn=monitor

  • Monitoring of back-end data: cn=monitor Backend,cn=monitor

  • Tasks on the Backend Backup: cn=backup Backend,cn=monitor

  • Entry caches: cn=Entry Caches,cn=monitor

  • Work queues: cn=Work Queue,cn=monitor

Other attributes are monitored under each of the above in the dn tree. For example, client connections are monitored under both cn=Client Connections, port port number,cn=monitor and under cn=Client Connections,cn=Administration Connector port port number, cn=monitor.

A workflow element is monitored under the part of the tree to which that workflow element relates. For example, a load balancing workflow element can be monitored as cn=load-bal-route1,cn=load balancing,cn=monitor

Hundreds of statistics are collected by the proxy for monitoring. For example, for the persistent search function, psearchCount lists the number of persistent search operations and psearchTotalCount lists the number of persistent search operations since the last server restart.

You can list all of these statistics by using the ldapsearch command on the cn=monitor entry, as described in Viewing the Available Monitoring Information. Access to the cn=monitor entry is restricted to users who have the bypass ACI privilege.

The following procedures use the ldapsearch command at the command line interface.

To view status information on the replication of global indexes, you can use the gicadm status-replication command. For more information, see Viewing the Status of a Replicated Global Index Catalog Configuration Viewing the Available Monitoring Information

Use the ldapsearch command to inspect the attributes of cn=monitor. This example lists the base DNs of each monitor entry.

Run the ldapsearch command with a search scope of sub and the search attribute 1.1.

This search attribute indicates that no attributes should be included in the matching entries.

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file --useSSL \
  --trustAll -s sub -b "cn=monitor" "(objectclass=*)" "1.1"
dn: cn=monitor
dn: cn=Client Connections,cn=monitor
dn: cn=ads-truststore Backend,cn=monitor
dn: cn=Network Groups,cn=monitor
dn: cn=internal,cn=Network Groups,cn=monitor
dn: cn=default,cn=Network Groups,cn=monitor
dn: cn=LDAP Connection Handler port 1389 Statistics,cn=monitor
dn: cn=Administration Connector port 4444,cn=monitor
dn: cn=Client Connections,cn=Administration Connector port 4444,cn=monitor
dn: cn=backup Backend,cn=monitor
dn: cn=Version,cn=monitor
dn: cn=Work Queue,cn=monitor
dn: cn=System Information,cn=monitor
dn: cn=userRoot Database Environment,cn=monitor
dn: cn=tasks Backend,cn=monitor
dn: cn=adminRoot Backend,cn=monitor
dn: cn=userRoot Backend,cn=monitor
dn: cn=schema Backend,cn=monitor
dn: cn=LDAP Connection Handler port 1389,cn=monitor
dn: cn=admin,cn=Network Groups,cn=monitor
dn: cn=Client Connections,cn=LDAP Connection Handler port 1389,cn=monitor
dn: cn=JVM Memory Usage,cn=monitor
dn: cn=Administration Connector port 4444 Statistics,cn=monitor
dn: cn=JVM Stack Trace,cn=monitor
dn: cn=Entry Caches,cn=monitor
dn: cn=monitor Backend,cn=monitor Monitoring General-Purpose Server Information

Use the ldapsearch command with a base DN of "cn=monitor" to monitor general-purpose information for a server.

Run the command as follows:

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file --useSSL \
  --trustAll -s base -b "cn=monitor" "(objectclass=*)"

Output will be similar to the following:

dn: cn=monitor
currentTime: 20240111082026Z
totalConnections: 7
vendorName: Oracle Corporation
cn: monitor
vendorVersion: Oracle Unified Directory
version: Oracle Unified Directory
currentConnections: 1
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: extensibleObject
upTime: 57 days 21 hours 18 minutes 30 seconds
startTime: 20240110110156Z
maxConnections: 1
productName: Oracle Unified Directory Monitoring System Information

You use the ldapsearch command to monitor the system information.

Run the ldapsearch command with the base DN "cn=System Information,cn=monitor" as follows:

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file --useSSL \
  --trustAll -s base -b "cn=System Information,cn=monitor" "(objectclass=*)"

Depending on your configuration, output will be similar to the following:

dn: cn=System Information,cn=monitor
instancePath: /export/home/oracle/OUD/asinst_1/OUD
javaVersion: 1.8.0_211-b12
jvmArchitecture: 64-bit
jvmArguments: "-Dorg.opends.server.scriptName=start-ds"
jvmVersion: 24.65-b04
classPath: /export/home/oracle/OUD/asinst_1/OUD/classes:/export/home/oracle/OUD/
usedMemory: 69402624
freeUsedMemory: 23084640
objectClass: extensibleObject
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
javaVendor: Oracle Corporation
operatingSystem: Linux 2.6.32-200.13.1.el5uek amd64
cn: System Information
systemName: sboy
installPath: /export/home/oracle/OUD/OracleUnifiedDirectory
workingDirectory: /export/home/oracle/OUD/asinst_1/OUD/bin
availableCPUs: 2
maxMemory: 922746880
javaHome: /usr/lib/jvm/jdk8/jre
jvmVendor: Oracle Corporation Monitoring Version Information

Use the ldapsearch command to monitor the version information.

Run the ldapsearch command with base DN "cn=Version,cn=monitor" as follows:

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file --useSSL \
  --trustAll -b "cn=Version,cn=Monitor" "(objectclass=*)"

The output will be similar to the following:

dn: cn=version,cn=monitor
componentVersion: 4
fullVersion: Oracle Unified Directory
buildID: 20240215065722Z
shortName: OUD
compactVersion: OUD-
cn: Version
version: Oracle Unified Directory
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: extensibleObject
labelIdentifier: 2402130001
maintenanceVersion: 2
majorVersion: 12
releaseVersion: 1
platformVersion: 240213
productName: Oracle Unified Directory Monitoring the User Root Back End

The userRoot back end is the back-end database (the JE environment) for your data. The monitor displays the back end's general properties, such as writability mode, base DN, back-end IDs, entry count, and other properties.

Run the ldapsearch command with base DN "cn=userRoot Backend,cn=monitor" as follows:

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file \
--useSSL --trustAll -s base -b "cn=userRoot Backend,cn=monitor" "(objectclass=*)"

Depending on your configuration, output will be similar to the following:

dn: cn=userRoot Backend,cn=monitor
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: ds-backend-monitor-entry
ds-backend-is-private: FALSE
cn: userRoot Backend
ds-backend-writability-mode: enabled
ds-backend-entry-count: 2002
ds-backend-id: userRoot
ds-base-dn-entry-count: 2002 dc=example,dc=com
ds-backend-base-dn: dc=example,dc=com Monitoring the Backup Back End

You use the ldapsearch command to monitor the backup back end.

Run the ldapsearch command with base DN "cn=backup Backend,cn=monitor" as follows:

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file 
--useSSL --trustAll -s base -b "cn=backup Backend,cn=monitor" "(objectclass=*)" \

Depending on your configuration, output will be similar to the following:

dn: cn=backup Backend,cn=monitor
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: ds-backend-monitor-entry
ds-backend-is-private: TRUE
cn: backup Backend
ds-backend-writability-mode: disabled
ds-backend-entry-count: 1
ds-backend-id: backup
ds-base-dn-entry-count: 1 cn=backups
ds-backend-base-dn: cn=backups Monitoring the Tasks Back End

Tasks are administrative functions (such as import-ldif, export-ldif, backup, and restore) that can be scheduled for processing at some future date or on a recurring basis. The monitor displays the tasks back end's general properties, such as writability mode, base DN, back-end IDs, entry count, and other properties.

Run the ldapsearch command with base DN "cn=Tasks Backend,cn=monitor" as follows:

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file --useSSL \
  --trustAll -s base -b "cn=Tasks Backend,cn=monitor" "(objectclass=*)"

Depending on your configuration, output will be similar to the following:

dn: cn=tasks Backend,cn=monitor
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: ds-backend-monitor-entry
ds-backend-is-private: TRUE
cn: tasks Backend
ds-backend-writability-mode: enabled
ds-backend-entry-count: 3
ds-backend-id: tasks
ds-base-dn-entry-count: 3 cn=tasks
ds-backend-base-dn: cn=tasks Monitoring the monitor Back End

The monitor displays the back end's general properties, such as writability mode, base DN, back-end IDs, entry count, and other properties.

Run the ldapsearch command with base DN "cn=monitor Backend,cn=monitor" as follows:

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file --useSSL \
  --trustAll -s base -b "cn=monitor Backend,cn=monitor" "(objectclass=*)"

Depending on your configuration, output will be similar to the following:

dn: cn=monitor Backend,cn=monitor
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: ds-backend-monitor-entry
ds-backend-is-private: TRUE
cn: monitor Backend
ds-backend-writability-mode: disabled
ds-backend-entry-count: 25
ds-backend-id: monitor
ds-base-dn-entry-count: 25 cn=monitor
ds-backend-base-dn: cn=monitor Monitoring the Schema Back End

This monitor displays the schema back end's general properties, such as writability mode, base DN, back-end IDs, entry count, and other properties.

Run the ldapsearch command with base DN "cn=schema Backend,cn=monitor" as follows:

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file --useSSL \
  --trustAll -s base -b "cn=schema Backend,cn=monitor" "(objectclass=*)"

Depending on your configuration, output will be similar to the following:

dn: cn=schema Backend,cn=monitor
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: ds-backend-monitor-entry
ds-backend-is-private: TRUE
cn: schema Backend
ds-backend-writability-mode: enabled
ds-backend-entry-count: 1
ds-backend-id: schema
ds-base-dn-entry-count: 1 cn=schema
ds-backend-base-dn: cn=schema Monitoring the adminRoot Back End

This monitor displays the adminRoot back end's general properties, such as writability mode, base DN, back-end IDs, entry count, and other properties.

Use the ldapsearch command with base DN "cn=adminRoot Backend,cn=monitor" as follows:

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file --useSSL \
  --trustAll -s base -b "cn=adminRoot Backend,cn=monitor" "(objectclass=*)"

Depending on your configuration, output will be similar to the following:

dn: cn=adminRoot Backend,cn=monitor
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: ds-backend-monitor-entry
ds-backend-is-private: TRUE
cn: adminRoot Backend
ds-backend-writability-mode: enabled
ds-backend-entry-count: 7
ds-backend-id: adminRoot
ds-base-dn-entry-count: 7 cn=admin data
ds-backend-base-dn: cn=admin data Monitoring the ads-truststore Back End

The ads-truststore holds a mirror, or copy, of the remote Administrative Directory Service (ADS) host's ADS key entry, so that the new instance can establish trust with existing servers in the ADS domain. The monitor displays the back end's general properties, such as writability mode, base DN, back-end IDs, entry count, and other properties.

Run the ldapsearch command with base DN "cn=ads-truststore Backend,cn=monitor" as follows:

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file --useSSL \
  --trustAll -s base -b "cn=ads-truststore Backend,cn=monitor" "(objectclass=*)"

Depending on your configuration, output will be similar to the following:

dn: cn=ads-truststore Backend,cn=monitor
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: ds-backend-monitor-entry
ds-backend-is-private: TRUE
cn: ads-truststore Backend
ds-backend-writability-mode: enabled
ds-backend-entry-count: 3
ds-backend-id: ads-truststore
ds-base-dn-entry-count: 3 cn=ads-truststore
ds-backend-base-dn: cn=ads-truststore Monitoring Client Connections

This monitor represents all of the open client connections. Its contents are different to those of the DN "cn=Client Connections,cn=LDAP Connection Handler port 1389,cn=monitor", which describes the open client connections on the LDAP connection handler only.

Run the ldapsearch command with base DN "cn=Client Connections,cn=monitor" as follows:

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file --useSSL \
  --trustAll -s base -b "cn=Client Connections,cn=monitor" "(objectclass=*)"

Depending on your configuration, output will be similar to the following:

dn: cn=Client Connections,cn=monitor
connection: connID="11" connectTime="20090702125632Z" source="" 
destination="" ldapVersion="3" authDN="cn=Directory Manager,cn=Root DNs,
cn=config" security="none" opsInProgress="1"
cn: Client Connections
objectClass: extensibleObject
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry Monitoring the LDAP Connection Handler

The LDAP connection handler is used to interact with clients over LDAP.

Run the ldapsearch command with base DN "cn=LDAP Connection Handler port port-number,cn=monitor" as follows:

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file --useSSL \
  --trustAll -s base \
  -b "cn=LDAP Connection Handler port 1389,cn=monitor" \

Depending on your configuration, output will be similar to the following:

dn: cn=LDAP Connection Handler port 1389,cn=monitor
ds-connectionhandler-num-connections: 1
ds-connectionhandler-protocol: LDAP
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: ds-connectionhandler-monitor-entry
ds-mon-config-dn: cn=ldap connection handler,cn=connection handlers,cn=config
cn: LDAP Connection Handler port 1389
ds-connectionhandler-connection: connID="22" connectTime="20120302133936Z" 
source="" destination="" ldapVersion="3" 
authDN="cn=Directory Manager,cn=Root DNs,cn=config" security="none" opsInProgress="1" Monitoring LDAP Connection Handler Statistics

You use the ldapsearch command to monitor LDAP connection handler statistics.

Run the ldapsearch command with base DN "cn=LDAP Connection Handler port port-number Statistics,cn=monitor" as follows:

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file --useSSL \
  --trustAll -s base \
  -b "cn=LDAP Connection Handler port 1389 Statistics,cn=monitor" \

Depending on your configuration, output will be similar to the following:

dn: cn=LDAP Connection Handler port 1389 Statistics,cn=monitor
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: top
objectClass: extensibleObject
operationsCompleted: 37
compareRequests: 0
bytesWritten: 99488
extendedRequests: 0
addRequests: 0
bindRequests: 19
...(more output) Monitoring Connections on the LDAP Connection Handler

This monitor represents the open client connections on the LDAP connection handler.

Run the ldapsearch command with base DN "cn=Client Connections,cn=LDAP Connection Handler port port-number,cn=monitor" as follows:

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file \
--useSSL --trustAll \
-b "cn=Client Connections,cn=LDAP Connection Handler port 1389 \
cn=monitor" \

Depending on your configuration, output will be similar to the following:

dn: cn=Client Connections,cn=LDAP Connection Handler port 1389,cn=monitor
connection: connID="0" connectTime="20090706084747Z" source=""
 destination="" ldapVersion="3" authDN="" security="none"
connection: connID="1" connectTime="20090706084747Z" source=""
 destination="" ldapVersion="3" authDN="" security="none"
connection: connID="2" connectTime="20090706084747Z" source=""
 destination="" ldapVersion="3" authDN="" security="none"
connection: connID="3" connectTime="20090706084747Z" source=""
 destination="" ldapVersion="3" authDN="" security="none"
connection: connID="4" connectTime="20090706084747Z" source=""
 destination="" ldapVersion="3" authDN="" security="none"
 opsInProgress="0" Monitoring the Administration Connector

This monitor provides basic information about the administration connector. For more information, see Managing Administration Traffic to the Server.

Run the ldapsearch command with base DN "cn=LDAP Administration Connector port 4444,cn=monitor" as follows:

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file --useSSL \
  --trustAll -b "cn=LDAP Administration Connector port 4444,cn=monitor" \

Depending on your configuration, output will be similar to the following:

objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: ds-connectionhandler-monitor-entry
dn: cn=LDAP Administration Connector port 4444,cn=monitor
ds-connectionhandler-num-connections: 0
ds-connectionhandler-protocol: LDAPS
cn: Administration Connector port 4444
ds-mon-config-dn: cn=administration connector,cn=config Monitoring Administration Connector Statistics

This monitor provides extensive statistical information about operations that are performed through the administration connector. For more information, see Managing Administration Traffic to the Server.

Run the ldapsearch command with base DN "cn=LDAP Administration Connector port 4444,cn=monitor" as follows:

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file --useSSL \
  --trustAll \
  -b "cn=LDAP Administration Connector port 4444,cn=monitor" \

Depending on your configuration, output will be similar to the following:

dn: cn=LDAP Administration Connector port 4444 Statistics,cn=monitor
compareResponses: 0
connectionsClosed: 1
searchResultsDone: 4
ds-mon-resident-time-mod-operations-total-time: 92257568
extendedResponses: 0
bindRequests: 2
operationsAbandoned: 0
bytesWritten: 45056
addResponses: 0
addRequests: 0
ds-mon-resident-time-moddn-operations-total-time: 0
ds-mon-extended-operations-total-count: 0
ds-mon-moddn-operations-total-count: 0
modifyResponses: 1
operationsCompleted: 7
...(more output)... Monitoring Connections on the Administration Connector

This monitor represents the open client connections on the Administration Connector.

Run the ldapsearch command with base DN "cn=Client Connections,cn=LDAP Administration Connector port port-number,cn=monitor" as follows:

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file \
--useSSL --trustAll \
-b "cn=Client Connections,cn=LDAP Administration Connector \
port 4444,cn=monitor" \

Depending on your configuration, output will be similar to the following:

objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: extensibleObject
dn: cn=Client Connections,cn=LDAP Administration Connector port 4444,cn=monitor
connection: connID="339" connectTime="20120307075218Z" source="" 
destination="" ldapVersion="3" authDN="" security="TLS"
cn: Client Connections Monitoring the LDIF Connection Handler

The LDIF connection handler is used to process changes that are read from an LDIF file, using internal operations. Monitoring information for the LDIF connection handler is only available if the connection handler is enabled.

Run the ldapsearch command with base DN "cn=LDIF Connection Handler,cn=monitor" as follows:

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file --useSSL \
  --trustAll -s base -b "cn=LDIF Connection Handler,cn=monitor" "(objectclass=*)"

Depending on your configuration, output will be similar to the following:

objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: ds-connectionhandler-monitor-entry
dn: cn=LDIF Connection Handler,cn=monitor
ds-connectionhandler-num-connections: 0
ds-connectionhandler-protocol: LDIF
ds-mon-config-dn: cn=ldif connection handler,cn=connection handlers,cn=config
cn: LDIF Connection Handler Monitoring the Work Queue

The work queue keeps track of outstanding client requests and ensures that they are processed.

Run the ldapsearch command with base DN "cn=Work Queue,cn=monitor" as follows:

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file --useSSL \
  --trustAll -s base -b "cn=Work Queue,cn=monitor" "(objectclass=*)"

Depending on your configuration, output will be similar to the following:

dn: cn=Work Queue,cn=monitor
currentRequestBacklog: 0
objectClass: extensibleObject
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
requestsSubmitted: 25
cn: Work Queue
maxRequestBacklog: 0
averageRequestBacklog: 0
requestsRejectedDueToQueueFull: 0 Monitoring JVM Stack Trace Information

You can access JVM Stack Trace information for your directory server instance. This resource monitor is implemented in the org.opends.server.monitors.StackTraceMonitorProvider class and requires no custom configuration.

Run the ldapsearch command with the base DN "cn=JVM Stack Trace,cn=monitor" as follows:

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file --useSSL \
  --trustAll -s base -b "cn=JVM Stack Trace,cn=monitor" "(objectclass=*)"

Depending on your configuration, the beginning of the output will be similar to the following:

dn: cn=JVM Stack Trace,cn=monitor
cn: JVM Stack Trace
jvmThread: id=2 ---------- Reference Handler ----------
jvmThread: id=2 frame[0]=java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:native)
jvmThread: id=2 frame[1]=java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:485)
jvmThread: id=2 frame[2]=java.lang.ref.Reference$ReferenceHandler.run(Reference.
jvmThread: id=3 ---------- Finalizer ----------
jvmThread: id=3 frame[0]=java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:native)
jvmThread: id=3 frame[1]=java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java
jvmThread: id=3 frame[2]=java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java
jvmThread: id=3 frame[3]=java.lang.ref.Finalizer$FinalizerThread.run(Finalizer.j
jvmThread: id=4 ---------- Signal Dispatcher ----------
jvmThread: id=10 ---------- Time Thread ----------
jvmThread: id=10 frame[0]=sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Unsafe.java:native)
jvmThread: id=10 frame[1]=java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos(LockS
...(more output)... Monitoring the JVM Memory Usage

You use the ldapsearch command to configure the JVM memory.

Run the ldapsearch command with base DN "cn=JVM Memory Usage,cn=monitor" as follows:

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file --useSSL \
  --trustAll -s base -b "cn=JVM Memory Usage,cn=monitor" "(objectclass=*)"

Depending on your configuration, output will be similar to the following:

dn: cn=JVM Memory Usage,cn=monitor
ps-eden-space-bytes-used-after-last-collection: 0
ps-mark-sweep-total-collection-count: 0
code-cache-bytes-used-after-last-collection: 0
ps-old-gen-current-bytes-used: 25260472
ps-perm-gen-bytes-used-after-last-collection: 0
ps-scavenge-recent-collection-duration: 3
ps-scavenge-total-collection-count: 17
ps-eden-space-current-bytes-used: 32001992
ps-perm-gen-current-bytes-used: 21179960
ps-old-gen-bytes-used-after-last-collection: 0
ps-mark-sweep-total-collection-duration: 0
ps-mark-sweep-average-collection-duration: 0
ps-scavenge-average-collection-duration: 26
ps-scavenge-total-collection-duration: 443
objectClass: extensibleObject
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
ps-mark-sweep-recent-collection-duration: 0
ps-survivor-space-bytes-used-after-last-collection: 622592
cn: JVM Memory Usage
code-cache-current-bytes-used: 2143680
ps-survivor-space-current-bytes-used: 622592 Monitoring the userRoot Database Environment

The userRoot database environment utilizes the Berkeley DB Java Edition back end. JE monitoring data (data under cn=*Database Environment,cn=monitor) is reliable only in the short term. During high server activity (for example, anywhere from an hour to several days depending on the counter), this data can overflow. In such cases, the JE monitoring data can reflect negative values or positive but incorrect values. This is a known issue and is expected to be fixed in the next major release of the Berkeley DB Java Edition. Oracle SR numbers 15979 and 15985 correspond to this issue.

Run the ldapsearch command with base DN "cn=userRoot Database Environment,cn=monitor" as follows:

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file --useSSL \
  --trustAll -s base -b "cn=userRoot Database Environment,cn=monitor" \
dn: cn=userRoot Database Environment,cn=monitor

Depending on your configuration, output will be similar to the following:

EnvironmentNTempBufferWrites: 0
EnvironmentNNodesExplicitlyEvicted: 0
EnvironmentCleanerBacklog: 0
EnvironmentTotalLogSize: 5386067
EnvironmentLockBytes: 2000
EnvironmentNFullBINFlush: 2
EnvironmentNBINsStripped: 0
EnvironmentLastCheckpointEnd: 5385359
TransactionNCommits: 24
EnvironmentNCleanerEntriesRead: 0
EnvironmentNRepeatFaultReads: 2
TransactionNXACommits: 0
EnvironmentNClusterLNsProcessed: 0
TransactionNBegins: 24
LockNOwners: 25
...(more output)... Managing the Database Cache

The following topics describe the database cache and how to monitor the same: Overview of Database Cache

The database (DB) cache is used to store Java Edition nodes. The DB cache is the critical component of your directory server's overall performance. Ensure that you tune and monitor the DB cache carefully. The DB cache includes the following nodes:

  • Upper node

  • Inner node

  • Leaf node

The upper and inner nodes represents the internal B-tree structure and the leaf node represent the user entries. For best possible performance, it is recommended to have all the DB cache nodes in the DB cache. It is recommend to size the dbcache such that it contains at minimum the B-tree internal structure (the upper and inner nodes). If the dbcache is too short this can result in having lots of misses and frequent evictions which will badly affect directory server performance.

Tuning the size of the cache is done by:

  • Setting the dbcache-percent

  • Sizing appropriately the Oracle Unified Directory JVM heap and especially the old generation.

The following DB cache hits and miss counters are described below:

Counters Description


Accumulated number of upper inner nodes fetched from the cache.


Accumulated number of upper inner nodes miss.


Accumulated number of bottom inner nodes fetched from the cache.


Accumulated number of upper inner nodes miss.


Accumulated number of leaf nodes fetched from the cache.


Accumulated number of leaf nodes miss.

For Oracle Unified Directory to perform well, Oracle recommends having all the nodes in the dbcache, or at least having all the inner nodes in the dbcache.

As the values in cn=monitor are accumulations, it is important to compute deltas at regular interval (1mn for instance) and monitor the evolution of deltas over time. You must update the following:

DeltaNUpperINsMiss=EnvironmentNUpperINsFetchMiss - EnvironmentNUpperINsFetchMissPrev
DeltaNUpperINsFetch=EnvironmentNUpperINsFetch - EnvironmentNUpperINsFetchPrev
DeltaBINsMiss=EnvironmentNBINsFetchMiss - EnvironmentNBINsFetchMissPrev
DeltaBINsFetch=EnvironmentNBINsFetch - EnvironmentNBINsFetchPrev
DeltaNLNsMiss=EnvironmentNLNsFetchMiss - EnvironmentNLNsFetchMissPrev
DeltaNLNsFetch=EnvironmentNLNsFetch - EnvironmentNLNsFetchPrev

You can run the Oracle Unified Directory with a minimal level of performance. It is recommend to have the B-Tree structure in the dbcache, as described below:

((DeltaNUpperINsMiss/DeltaNUpperINsFetch)*100) as close to 0 as possible
((DeltaNBINsMiss/DeltaNBINsFetch)*100) as close to 0 as possible (< 5% remains acceptable)

To have the best possible performance, Oracle recommends that Oracle Unified Directory also have user entries in the dbcache, i-e:

((DeltaNLNsMiss/DeltaNLNsFetch)*100) as close to 0 as possible.

Start with Deltas ratio close to 0 after the import is complete (and data primed) and with time the Deltas ratio grows due to the database growth (because of replication metadata, clean-min-utilizat° impact, growth of the entry (new apps) as well as the nb of entries). Consequently, it is recommended that you monitor the dbcache (by using custom scripts or UI) and take appropriate actions such as increasing the dbcache-percent or the Oracle Unified Directory JVM heap. Monitoring the Database Cache

You use the ldapsearch command with base DN cn=userRoot Database Environment,cn=monitor to monitor the DB cache.

Run the command as follows:

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file --useSSL \
  --trustAll -s base -b "cn=userRoot Database Environment,cn=monitor" \
dn: cn=userRoot Database Environment,cn=monitor

Depending on your configuration, output will be similar to the following:

EnvironmentNTempBufferWrites: 0
EnvironmentNNodesExplicitlyEvicted: 0
EnvironmentCleanerBacklog: 0
EnvironmentTotalLogSize: 5386067
EnvironmentLockBytes: 2000
EnvironmentNFullBINFlush: 2
EnvironmentNBINsStripped: 0
EnvironmentLastCheckpointEnd: 5385359
TransactionNCommits: 24
EnvironmentNCleanerEntriesRead: 0
EnvironmentNRepeatFaultReads: 2
TransactionNXACommits: 0
EnvironmentNClusterLNsProcessed: 0
TransactionNBegins: 24
LockNOwners: 25
...(more output)... Monitoring the Entry Cache

You can access the aggregated state of all active entry caches for your directory server instance by accessing the cn=Entry Caches,cn=Monitor entry. The server can also request the "per cache" monitor data for a given instance if the entry cache instances are enabled in the directory server configuration:

  • cn=FIFO Entry Cache,cn=Monitor

  • cn=Soft Reference Entry Cache,cn=Monitor

  • cn=File System Entry Cache,cn=Monitor

Additionally, any arbitrarily named active entry cache instance should provide a monitor, which can be accessed by that instance name, for example cn=Any Arbitrary Name Entry Cache,cn=Monitor.

Use the ldapsearch command with base DN "cn=Entry Caches,cn=monitor".

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file --useSSL \
  --trustAll -s base -b "cn=Entry Caches,cn=monitor" "(objectclass=*)"

Depending on your configuration, output will be similar to the following:

dn: cn=Entry Caches,cn=monitor
entryCacheHits: 0
entryCacheTries: 0
currentEntryCacheCount: 0
objectClass: extensibleObject
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
entryCacheHitRatio: 0
cn: Entry Caches
... Monitoring Network Groups

You use the ldapsearch command with the base DN "cn=Network Groups,cn=monitor" to monitor network groups.

Run the command as follows:

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file \
--useSSL --trustAll -b "cn=Network Groups,cn=monitor" "(objectclass=*)"

Depending on your configuration, output will be similar to the following:

objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: ds-mon-branch
dn: cn=Network Groups,cn=monitor
dn: cn=admin,cn=Network Groups,cn=monitor
ds-mon-compare-operations-total-count: 0
ds-mon-failed-referrals-total-count: 15
ds-mon-unbind-operations-total-count: 13
ds-mon-followed-referrals-total-count: 34
ds-mon-violations-schema-total-count: Not implemented
ds-mon-bind-operations-total-count: 98
ds-mon-persistent-searchs-count: Not implemented
ds-mon-add-operations-total-count: 37
ds-mon-abandon-operations-total-count: 0
ds-mon-moddn-operations-total-count: 0
ds-mon-extended-operations-total-count: 0
ds-mon-searchsubtree-operations-total-count: 310
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: extensibleObject
ds-mon-discarded-referrals-total-count: Not implemented
ds-mon-mod-operations-total-count: 1
ds-mon-forwarded-referrals-total-count: Not implemented
cn: admin
ds-mon-searchonelevel-operations-total-count: 92966
ds-mon-delete-operations-total-count: 0

dn: cn=default,cn=Network Groups,cn=monitor
... Monitoring Distribution

You can use the ldapsearch command with the base DN "cn=Distribution,cn=monitor" to monitor distribution.

Run the command as follows:

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file \
  --useSSL --trustAll -b "cn=Distribution,cn=monitor" "(objectclass=*)"

Depending on your configuration, output will be similar to the following:

objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: ds-mon-branch
dn: cn=distribution,cn=monitor

cn: distrib-we
ds-mon-searchonelevel-operations-total-count: 0
ds-mon-residenttime-bind-operations-max-time: 0

ds-mon-delete-operations-total-count: 0

dn: cn=algorithm,cn=distrib-we,cn=distribution,cn=monitor
ds-mon-residenttime-total-time: 0
ds-mon-residenttime-max-time: 0
cn: algorithm
ds-mon-runs-total-count: 0
ds-mon-residenttime-min-time: 0
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: extensibleObject

dn: cn=partitions,cn=algorithm,cn=distrib-we,cn=distribution,cn=monitor
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: ds-mon-branch

dn: cn=distrib-part1,cn=partitions,cn=algorithm,cn=distrib-we,cn=distribution,cn
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: extensibleObject
ds-mon-modify-operations-total-count: 0
cn: distrib-part1
ds-mon-searchonelevel-operations-total-count: 0
ds-mon-delete-operations-total-count: 0

dn: cn=distrib-part2,cn=partitions,cn=algorithm,cn=distrib-we,cn=distribution,cn

... Monitoring Load Balancing

You use the ldapsearch command with the base DN "cn=load balancing,cn=monitor" to monitor load balancing.

Run the command as follows:

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file \
  --useSSL --trustAll -b "cn=load balancing,cn=monitor" "(objectclass=*)"

Depending on your configuration, output will be similar to the following:

objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: ds-mon-branch
dn: cn=load balancing,cn=monitor
dn: cn=load-bal-we1,cn=load balancing,cn=monitor
ds-mon-aborted-add-operations-total-count: 0
dn: cn=algorithm,cn=load-bal-we1,cn=load balancing,cn=monitor

dn: cn=routes,cn=algorithm,cn=load-bal-we1,cn=load balancing,cn=monitor
dn: cn=load-bal-route1,cn=routes,cn=algorithm,cn=load-bal-we1,cn=load balancing,cn=monitor
dn: cn=load-bal-we2,cn=load balancing,cn=monitor
dn: cn=algorithm,cn=load-bal-we2,cn=load balancing,cn=monitor
dn: cn=routes,cn=algorithm,cn=load-bal-we2,cn=load balancing,cn=monitor

dn: cn=load-bal-route1,cn=routes,cn=algorithm,cn=load-bal-we2,cn=load balancing,cn=monitor
cn: load-bal-route1

dn: cn=load-bal-route2,cn=routes,cn=algorithm,cn=load-bal-we1,cn=load balancing,cn=monitor
cn: load-bal-route2

dn: cn=load-bal-route2,cn=routes,cn=algorithm,cn=load-bal-we2,cn=load balancing,cn=monitor

cn: load-bal-route2
ds-mon-searchonelevel-operations-total-count: 9
ds-mon-delete-operations-total-count: 0 Monitoring Remote LDAP Servers

You use the ldapsearch command with the base DN "cn=LDAP Servers,cn=monitor" to monitor remote LDAP servers.

Run the command as follows:

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file \
  --useSSL --trustAll -b "cn=LDAP Servers,cn=monitor" "(objectclass=*)"

Depending on your configuration, output will be similar to the following:

objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: ds-mon-branch
dn: cn=LDAP Servers,cn=monitor

dn: cn=proxy1,cn=LDAP Servers,cn=monitor
ds-mon-aborted-add-operations-total-count: 0
cn: proxy1
ds-mon-searchonelevel-operations-total-count: 0
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: extensibleObject

dn: cn=proxy2,cn=LDAP Servers,cn=monitor
ds-mon-aborted-add-operations-total-count: 0
cn: proxy2
ds-mon-searchonelevel-operations-total-count: 0
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: extensibleObject
dn: cn=proxy3,cn=LDAP Servers,cn=monitor
cn: proxy3
ds-mon-searchonelevel-operations-total-count: 0
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: extensibleObject
dn: cn=proxy4,cn=LDAP Servers,cn=monitor
cn: proxy4
objectClass: top
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: extensibleObject Monitoring a Global Index

You use the ldapsearch command with the base DN "cn=givenname,cn=gi-catalog,cn=Global Index Catalogs,cn=monitor" to monitor the global index.

Ensure that givenname corresponds to the name of the indexed attribute (for example cn, if you indexed cn), and that gi-catalog corresponds to the name of the global index catalog.

Run the command as follows:

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file --useSSL \
  --trustAll -b "cn=givenname,cn=gi-catalog,cn=Global Index Catalogs,cn=monitor" 

Depending on your configuration, output will be similar to the following:

dn: cn=givenname,cn=gi-catalog,cn=Global Index Catalogs,cn=monitor
ds-mon-add-operations-min-time: 0
ds-mon-add-operations-aborted-count: 0
ds-mon-lookup-operations-min-time: 0
ds-mon-getpartitions-operations-total-count: 0
ds-mon-add-operations-max-time: 0
ds-mon-lookup-operations-total-count: 0
ds-mon-memorized-remove-operations-count: 0
ds-mon-remove-operations-aborted-count: 0
ds-mon-add-operations-total-time: 0
ds-mon-getpartitions-operations-aborted-count: 0
ds-mon-lookup-operations-total-time: 0
ds-mon-index-entries: 0
ds-mon-remove-operations-failed-count: 0
ds-mon-getpartitions-operations-min-time: 0
ds-mon-lookup-operations-max-time: 0
ds-mon-getpartitions-operations-average-time: 0
ds-mon-index-creation-date: 1252483187019
ds-mon-getpartitions-operations-last-access-date: 0
ds-mon-remove-operations-total-count: 0
ds-mon-lookup-operations-failed-count: 0
ds-mon-add-operations-failed-count: 0
ds-mon-remove-operations-min-time: 0
ds-mon-add-operations-average-time: 0
ds-mon-lookup-operations-aborted-count: 0
ds-mon-getpartitions-operations-total-time: 0
ds-mon-remove-operations-max-time: 0
ds-mon-getpartitions-operations-max-time: 0
ds-mon-lookup-operations-last-access-date: 0
ds-mon-add-operations-total-count: 0
ds-mon-remove-operations-total-time: 0
ds-mon-remove-operations-average-time: 0
ds-mon-getpartitions-operations-failed-count: 0
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: top
objectClass: extensibleObject
ds-mon-lookup-operations-average-time: 0
ds-mon-remove-operations-last-access-date: 0
cn: givenname
ds-mon-add-operations-last-access-date: 0 Monitoring a Global Index Catalog

You can use the ldapsearch command with the base DN "cn=gi-catalog,cn=Global Index Catalogs,cn=monitor" to monitor the global index catalogue.

Ensure that givenname corresponds to the name of the indexed attribute (for example cn, if you indexed cn), and that gi-catalog corresponds to the name of the global index catalog.

Run the command as follows:

$ ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file --useSSL \
  --trustAll -b "cn=gi-catalog,cn=Global Index Catalogs,cn=monitor" \

Depending on your configuration, output will be similar to the following:

dn: cn=gi-catalog,cn=Global Index Catalogs,cn=monitor
ds-mon-replication-received-update-message-errors: 0
ds-mon-configured-index-number: 1
ds-mon-replication-full-update-status: NONE
ds-mon-replication-published-update-message-number: 0
ds-mon-replication-active: false
ds-mon-replication-auto-sync-retries: 0
ds-mon-replication-published-update-message-errors: 0
ds-mon-replication-full-update-errors: 0
ds-mon-replication-received-update-message-number: 0
ds-mon-replication-auto-sync-is-running: false
objectClass: ds-monitor-entry
objectClass: top
objectClass: extensibleObject
ds-mon-replication-configured: false
cn: gi-catalog

35.5.2 Monitoring Using the manage-tasks Command

Oracle Unified Directory provides a tasks back end that provides a mechanism for scheduling and processing certain tasks, such as import-ldif, export-ldif, backup, and restore. You can schedule a task to run at specific times and at recurring periods.

To monitor scheduled tasks, use the manage-tasks command. For more information, see Configuring Commands As Tasks.

35.5.3 Monitoring the Server Using JConsole

The JConsole (jconsole) Java utility is a JMX-compliant, graphical tool that connects to a running Java Virtual Machine that has been started with the management agent. This generic tool can be used to access server monitoring information.

This section contains the following topics: Configuring JMX on a Server Instance

To configure JMX on a server instance:

  1. Start the server.
  2. Enable the JMX Connection Handler and set the port number to be used with JMX.

    Choose a port that is not in use and to which the user that is running the server has access rights.

    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
      set-connection-handler-prop --handler-name "JMX Connection Handler" \
      --set enabled:true --set listen-port:1689
  3. Add the JMX read, write, and notify privileges to the root DN.
    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file -X -n \
      set-root-dn-prop \
      --add default-root-privilege-name:jmx-read \
      --add default-root-privilege-name:jmx-write \
      --add default-root-privilege-name:jmx-notify
  4. Restart the server. Starting JConsole

You must start the console by typing jconsole in a terminal window.

To run jconsole from the command line, you might have to add JAVA_HOME/bin to your path, where JAVA_HOME is the directory containing the JDK. Alternatively, you can enter the full path when you type the command. Understanding How to Access a Server Instance From JConsole

To connect JConsole to a server instance, use the Remote Process fields. The following fields are required:

  • JMX URL:


    The default JMX URL is:


  • User Name. A valid LDAP user name.

    The default Directory Manager user name is cn=Directory Manager.

  • Password. The user's LDAP password. Viewing Monitoring Information Using JConsole

When JConsole is connected to a server instance, it displays management objects (MBeans). The tree on the left pane shows all MBeans currently available. You can access server monitoring information in the right hand pane by selecting the associated MBean.

The following figure shows the attribute list for a server cn=LDAP Connection Handler port 1389 Statistics,cn=monitor.

Figure 35-1 Java Monitoring and Management Console

35.5.4 Accessing Logs

The server provides logging mechanisms to record access, error, or debugging information for the server instance. Multiple loggers of a given type can be active at any time, which makes it possible to create logs for specific subtrees or different repositories. The server does not currently provide logging filters to restrict the type of information in the logs.

This section contains the following topics: Understanding the Different Log Types

Oracle Unified Directory supports the following logs:

  • Access logs. Access logs record information about the types of operations processed by the directory server. Access logs are provided by default.

  • Audit logs. Audit logs are a type of access log and record all activity on the directory server. Audit logs are not enabled by default.

  • Debug logs. Debug logs record information that can be used for troubleshooting directory server problems or for providing detailed information about the directory server's processing. Debug logs are not enabled by default.

  • Error logs. Error logs record all warnings, errors, or significant events that occur during directory server processing.

  • Replication repair logs. Replication repair logs record inconsistencies on a single directory server in a topology.

    The replication repair log is read-only and its use is restricted to enabling replication conflict resolution.

  • oud-setup logs. Setup logs record the equivalent command line arguments executed during the installation of an Oracle Unified Directory proxy server instance or replication gateway instance. This log enables you to perform a "silent install" of the proxy server or gateway server, based on a previous installation.

    This file is not output for directory server instances.

  • server.out logs. Server.out logs record the bootstrapping configuration process, list extensions loaded from jar files, and indicate connection and alert notification activity. Currently, it is not possible to change the location where the server.out logs are written. Viewing the Access Logs

To access the logs using the UNIX cat command:

  1. Change to the logs directory of the server instance.
    $ cd INSTANCE_DIR/OUD/logs
  2. Open the access file by using a text editor or the UNIX cat command.
    $ cat access | more
    [10/Jan/2012:12:02:11 +0100] CONNECT conn=0 from= to= protocol=LDAPS
    [10/Jan/2012:12:02:12 +0100] BIND REQ conn=0 op=0 msgID=1 type=SIMPLE dn="cn=Directory Manager"
    [10/Jan/2012:12:02:12 +0100] BIND RES conn=0 op=0 msgID=1 result=0 authDN="cn=Directory Manager,cn=Root
     DNs,cn=config" etime=36
    [10/Jan/2012:12:02:12 +0100] UNBIND REQ conn=0 op=1 msgID=2
    [10/Jan/2012:12:02:12 +0100] DISCONNECT conn=0 reason="Client Disconnect"
    ...(more output)... Viewing the Audit Logs

To view the audit logs using the UNIX cat command:

  1. If the audit log publisher is not already enabled, enable it as described in Enabling a Log Publisher.
  2. Change to the logs directory of the server instance.
    $ cd INSTANCE_DIR/OUD/logs
  3. Open the audit file by using a text editor or the UNIX cat command.
    $ cat audit | more
    # 11/Jan/2012:11:20:00 +0100; conn=10; op=18
    dn: cn=File-Based Audit Logger,cn=Loggers,cn=config
    changetype: modify
    replace: ds-cfg-enabled
    ds-cfg-enabled: true
    replace: modifiersName
    modifiersName: cn=directory manager
    replace: modifyTimestamp
    modifyTimestamp: 20120111102000Z
    # 11/Jan/2012:11:20:20 +0100; conn=11; op=6
    dn: cn=File-Based Debug Logger,cn=Loggers,cn=config
    changetype: modify
    replace: ds-cfg-enabled
    ds-cfg-enabled: true
    replace: modifiersName
    modifiersName: cn=directory manager
    replace: modifyTimestamp
    modifyTimestamp: 20120111102020Z
    ...(more output)... Viewing the Debug Logs

To access the debug logs using the UNIX cat command:

  1. If the debug log publisher is not already enabled, enable it as described in Enabling a Log Publisher.
  2. Change to the logs directory of the server instance.
    $ cd INSTANCE_DIR/OUD/logs
  3. Open the debug file by using a text editor or the UNIX cat command.
    $ cat debug | more
    [11/Jan/2012:11:39:48 +0100] 0 caught error thread={Worker Thread 43(118)}
    threadDetail={parentThread=main(1) isDaemon=false 
    clientConnection=LDAP client connection from 
    to operation=SearchOperation(connID=13, opID=1,
    baseDN=dc=example,dc=com, scope=wholeSubtree, filter=(objectclass=*)) }
    method={run(SearchOperationBasis.java:1513)} caught={org.opends.server.types.CanceledOperationException: Client Disconnect}
    ...(more output)... Viewing the Error Logs

To view the error logs using the UNIX cat command:

  1. Change to the logs directory of the server instance.
    $ cd INSTANCE_DIR/OUD/logs
  2. Open the errors file by using a text editor or the UNIX cat command.
    #cat errors
    [22/Jan/2015:05:54:16 -0800] category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION severity=NOTICE
     msgID=20381717 msg=Installation Directory:  
    [22/Jan/2015:05:54:16 -0800] category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION 
    severity=NOTICE msgID=20381719 msg=Instance Directory:      
    [22/Jan/2015:05:54:16 -0800] category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION 
    severity=NOTICE msgID=20381713 msg=JVM Information: 1.7.0_67-b01 by 
    Oracle Corporation, 64-bit architecture, 1351614464 bytes heap size
    [22/Jan/2015:05:54:16 -0800] category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION severity=NOTICE
     msgID=20381714 msg=JVM Host: host1, running 
    Linux 2.6.18- amd64, 6081740800 bytes physical memory size,
     number of processors available 2
    [22/Jan/2015:05:54:16 -0800] category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION severity=NOTICE
     msgID=20381715 msg=JVM Arguments: "-Dorg.opends.server.scriptName=start-ds"
    [22/Jan/2015:05:54:17 -0800] category=JEB severity=NOTICE msgID=8847402 
    msg=The database backend cn=virtualAcis,cn=Workflow Elements,cn=config
     containing 0 entries has started
    [22/Jan/2015:05:54:17 -0800] category=JEB severity=NOTICE msgID=8847402 
    msg=The database backend cn=userRoot,cn=Workflow Elements,
    cn=config containing 20002 entries has started
    [22/Jan/2015:05:54:18 -0800] category=PROTOCOL severity=NOTICE msgID=2556180
     msg=Started listening for new connections on Administration Connector
     port 4444
    [22/Jan/2015:05:54:18 -0800] category=PROTOCOL severity=NOTICE msgID=2556180
     msg=Started listening for new connections on LDAP Connection Handler
     port 1389
    [22/Jan/2015:05:54:18 -0800] category=PROTOCOL severity=NOTICE msgID=2556180
     msg=Started listening for new connections on LDAP Connection Handler
     port 1636
    [22/Jan/2015:05:54:18 -0800] category=CORE severity=NOTICE msgID=458887 
    msg=The Directory Server has started successfully
    [22/Jan/2015:05:54:18 -0800] category=CORE severity=NOTICE msgID=458891 
    msg=The Directory Server has sent an alert notification generated by class
     org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer (alert type org.opends.server.DirectoryServerStarted, alert ID 458887):  
    The Directory Server has started successfully Viewing the Replication Repair Logs

To view the replication repair logs using the UNIX cat command:

  1. Change to the logs directory of the server instance.
    $ cd INSTANCE_DIR/OUD/logs
  2. Open the replication file by using a text editor or the UNIX cat command.
    $ cat replication | more
    [13/Jan/2012:15:00:50 +0100] category=SYNC severity=NOTICE msgID=15139035
     msg=The replication server database has version 2 format
    [13/Jan/2012:15:00:50 +0100] category=SYNC severity=NOTICE msgID=15138878
     msg=Replication is up and running for domain cn=admin data with replication
     server id 18049 host1/ - local server id is 9338 - data
     generation is 93408 [13/Jan/2012:15:00:52 +0100] category=SYNC severity=NOTICE
     msgID=15138878 msg=Replication is up and running for domain dc=example,dc=com
     with replication server id 18049 host1/ - local server id is
     25340 - data generation is 19449577 [13/Jan/2012:15:00:53 +0100] category=SYNC
     severity=NOTICE msgID=15138878 msg=Replication is up and running for domain
     cn=schema with replication server id 18049 host1/ - local 
     server id is 13881 - data generation is 8408 [13/Jan/2012:15:08:28 +0100]
     category=SYNC severity=NOTICE msgID=15138893 msg=On suffix cn=admin data,
     replication server 3844 presented generation ID=-1 when expected generation
     ID=93408 [13/Jan/2012:15:08:28 +0100] category=SYNC severity=MILD_ERROR
     msgID=14876753 msg=In RS 18049 for dn cn=admin data, update
     00000134d765d4b1247a00000001 will not be sent to RS 3844 with generation id 
     -1 different from local generation id 93408 [13/Jan/2012:15:08:28 +0100]
     category=SYNC severity=MILD_ERROR msgID=14876753 msg=In RS 18049 for 
     dn cn=admin data, update 00000134d765d4b1247a00000002 will not be sent to 
     RS 3844 with generation id -1 different from local generation id 93408
    ...(more output)... Viewing the server.out Logs

You can view the server.out logs.

Use the UNIX cat command to view the server.out logs:

  1. Change to the logs directory of the server instance.
    $ cd INSTANCE_DIR/OUD/logs
  2. Open the server.out file by using a text editor or the UNIX cat command.
    $ cat server.out | more
    [23/May/2011:02:27:59 -0700] category=CORE severity=INFORMATION msgID=132 
      msg=The Directory Server is beginning the configuration bootstrapping process
    [23/May/2011:02:28:00 -0700] category=EXTENSIONS severity=INFORMATION msgID=1049147 
      msg=Loaded extension from file '/OUD_BASE/ORACLE_HOME/lib/extensions/globalindex.jar' 
      (build 1.0.0)
    [23/May/2011:02:28:00 -0700] category=EXTENSIONS severity=INFORMATION msgID=1049147 
      msg=Loaded extension from file '/OUD_BASE/ORACLE_HOME/lib/extensions/replication-gateway.jar'
      (build 1.0.0)
    [23/May/2011:02:28:00 -0700] category=EXTENSIONS severity=INFORMATION msgID=1049147 
      msg=Loaded extension from file '/OUD_BASE/ORACLE_HOME/lib/extensions/loadbalancing.jar' 
      (build 1.0.0)
    [23/May/2011:02:28:00 -0700] category=EXTENSIONS severity=INFORMATION msgID=1049147 
      msg=Loaded extension from file '/OUD_BASE/ORACLE_HOME/lib/extensions/virtualization.jar' 
      (build 1.0.0)
    [23/May/2011:02:28:00 -0700] category=EXTENSIONS severity=INFORMATION msgID=1049147 
      msg=Loaded extension from file '/OUD_BASE/ORACLE_HOME/lib/extensions/distribution.jar' 
      (build 1.0.0)
    more output
    ... Logging OUD Instance Name in server.out Logs

The OUD instance name is captured by default as part of the header of each log message generated by OUD.

OUD Bundle Patch and Later Releases. This content applies only to OUD Bundle Patch and later releases.

You can view the content of the server.out log file using the cat command:

cat ../logs/server.out
[12/Feb/2024:08:38:05 +0000][asinst_1] category=CORE severity=INFORMATION msgID=132 msg=The Directory Server is beginning the configuration bootstrapping process
[12/Feb/2024:08:38:06 +0000][asinst_1] category=CORE severity=NOTICE msgID=458886 msg=Oracle Unified Directory (build 20240211082854Z, R2402091051) starting up
[12/Feb/2024:08:38:08 +0000][asinst_1] category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION severity=NOTICE msgID=20381717 msg=Installation Directory:  /scratch/OUD_BASE/OUD/MAIN/OracleUnifiedDirectory
[12/Feb/2024:08:38:08 +0000][asinst_1] category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION severity=NOTICE msgID=20381719 msg=Instance Directory:      /scratch/OUD_BASE/OUD/MAIN/asinst_1/OUD
[12/Feb/2024:08:38:08 +0000][asinst_1] category=RUNTIME_INFORMATION severity=NOTICE msgID=20381713 msg=JVM Information: 1.8.0_211-b12 by Oracle Corporation, 64-bit architecture, 6484000768 bytes heap size

You can disable logging the instance name in server.out by modifying the start-ds.java-args property in the config/java.properties.

To disable logging the instance name in server.out, perform following steps:

  1. Set the -Dlog.instance.details parameter to false in the config/java.properties file as follows:
    start-ds.java-args=-Xms6285m -Xmx6285m -d64 -XX:+UseCompressedOops -server -Xmn1g -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=1 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=60 -Dlog.instance.details=false
  2. Run the dsjavaproperties command to apply the new settings.

The instance name will no longer be logged when the server restarts.


The instance name will only be logged for logs generated by OUD. Messages from the JDK or other underlying libraries may not have the instance name logged. Viewing the Setup Logs

Setup log files can be generated by oud-proxy-setup, oud-setup, or oud-replication-gateway-setup. You can view a setup log file for any kind of instance, but the output differs slightly, depending on the instance type. For example:

  • Output for a Directory Server Instance

    Jan 27, 2015 4:40:04 PM org.opends.quicksetup.QuickSetupLog initLogFileHandler
    INFO: QuickSetup application January 27, 2015 4:40:04 PM MET
  • Output for a Replication Gateway Instance

    Jan 27, 2015 2:53:21 PM org.opends.guitools.util.ControlPanelLog initLogFileHandler
    INFO: Application launched January 27, 2015 2:53:21 PM MET
  • Output for a Proxy Server Instance

    Jan 27, 2015 2:40:13 PM com.sun.dps.ui.deploy.SetupLog initLogFileHandler
    INFO: oudproxy-setup application launched January 27, 2015 2:40:13 PM MET

To view a setup log:

  1. Change to the logs directory of the server instance.
    $ cd INSTANCE_DIR/OUD/logs
  2. Open the oud-proxy-setup, oud-setup, or oud-replication-gateway-setup file by using a text editor or the UNIX cat command. For example, open the oud-setup file by typing
    $ cat oud-setup | more

35.6 Monitoring the Server With SNMP

Oracle Unified Directory provides a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) connection handler for Management Information Base (MIB) 2605 support. The MIB 2605 allows an SNMP manager to access the server monitoring information. The MIB contains the SNMP connection handler, the required classes to support MIB 2605 objects and SNMP requests, and the SNMP adapter that allows an SNMP manager to access the server monitoring information. The SNMP MIB 2605 description is stored in a file located in install-dir/snmp/mib/rfc2605.txt.

Oracle Unified Directory allows you to enable and configure the SNMP connection handler.

Before you start on the procedures in this section, ensure that you have set up an SNMP-managed network for your particular system.

This section contains the following topics:

35.6.1 Configuring SNMP in the Server

You can configure Oracle Unified Directory for monitoring through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). The server uses the Java Dynamic Management Kit (JDMK) to create smart agents for the SNMP connection handler.

  1. Verify that the SNMP connection handler is displayed under the list of current connection handlers by using dsconfig as follows.
    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file -n \
    Connection Handler       : Type : enabled : listen-port : use-ssl
    JMX Connection Handler   : jmx  : false   : 1689        : false
    LDAP Connection Handler  : ldap : true    : 1389        : false
    LDAPS Connection Handler : ldap : false   : 636         : true
    LDIF Connection Handler  : ldif : true    : -           : -
    SNMP Connection Handler  : snmp : false   : 161         : -  
  2. Use the dsconfig command to enable SNMP for the server and to set the listen port.
    $ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -j pwd-file -n -X \
      set-connection-handler-prop --handler-name "SNMP Connection Handler" \
      --set enabled:true --set listen-port:8085

35.6.2 Viewing the SNMP Connection Handler Properties

You use the dsconfig command to view the properties of an existing SNMP connection handler.

Run the command as follows:

$ dsconfig -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=directory manager" -j pwd-file -n \
  get-connection-handler-prop --handler-name "SNMP Connection Handler"

The connection handler properties are listed with their values, as follows.

Property            : Value(s)
allowed-client      : -
allowed-manager     : *
allowed-user        : *
community           : OUD
denied-client       : -
enabled             : false
listen-port         : 161
opendmk-jarfile     : -
registered-mbean    : false
security-agent-file : config/snmp/security/oud-snmp.security
security-level      : authnopriv
trap-port           : 162
traps-community     : OUD
traps-destination   : -

35.6.3 Accessing SNMP on a Server Instance

You can check the status of the SNMP Connection Handler on a server instance.

To access SNMP on a server instance:

  1. Restart the server by using stop-ds and start-ds.

    If the server was started and no modifications were made to the configuration, the restart operation is not required.

  2. Check that the SNMP Connection Handler is running.
    $ snmpwalk -v 2c -c OUD@OUD localhost:161 mib-2.66
    SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = STRING: "Oracle Unified Directory Server - 20131010000044Z" 
    SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = STRING: "INSTANCE_DIR/bin"
    SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = Gauge32: 35
    SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = Gauge32: 1
    SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = Gauge32: 0
    SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = Counter32: 0
    SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = Counter32: 1
    SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = INTEGER: 1
    SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = INTEGER: 2
    SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = INTEGER: 3
    SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = OID: SNMPv2-SMI::internet.27.3.8085
    SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = OID: SNMPv2-SMI::internet.27.3.1389
    SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = OID: SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.42
    SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = Counter32: 1
    SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = Counter32: 1
    SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = Counter32: 1
    SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = Counter32: 1
    SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = Counter32: 1
    SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = Counter32: 1
    SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = Counter32: 1
    SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = Counter32: 1

    The managed objects included in the MIB 2605 are divided into three tables: dsTable, dsAppliIfOpsTable, and dsIntTable. Currently, the dsIntTable table is not implemented.

35.6.4 Understanding SNMP Security Configuration

The security configuration of Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) depends on the version of SNMP you are using.

The following topics describe the security configuration for SNMP V1 and V2c, and V3: About SNMP Security Configuration: V1 and V2c

Under SNMP v1 and SNMP v2c, agents act as information servers, and the IP-based access control protects this information from unauthorized access. By default, the MIB 2605 is accessible in v1 and v2c by using the community string OUD@OUD. All managers are allowed to read the monitoring information exposed by the MIB 2605.


Only read access is authorized on the MIB 2605.

You can configure SNMP v1 and SNMP v2c by setting the SNMP connection handler properties with the dsconfig command. Properties related to the SNMP v1 and SNMP v2c security configuration include:

  • allowed-manager

  • community

SNMP v1 traps are sent on server startup and server shutdown. By default, these traps are sent to localhost and use the trap community string "OUD".


The default trap port might have to be changed to a value that is allowed by the system.

SNMP traps are also configured by setting the SNMP connection properties with the dsconfig command. Properties related to SNMP traps include:

  • trap-port

  • traps-community

  • traps-destination

The ACL file that corresponds to the default values of the SNMP connection handler would be represented as follows:

acl = {
communities = OUD
access = read-only
managers = all
trap = {
traps-community = OUD
hosts = localhost
} About SNMP Security Configuration: V3

The SNMP v3 protocol provides more sophisticated security mechanisms than SNMP v1 and SNMP v2c. SNMP v3 implements a user-based security model (USM) that authenticates and encrypts the requests sent between agents and their managers, and provides user-based access control. A defaultUser template is provided for adding authorized users in the agent engine using the SNMP cloning mechanism.

Under SNMP v3, the community string described in the previous section is used as the "context" from which the MIB 2605 is registered. By default, the MIB2605 is accessible in v3 by using the context "OUD". All users have access to it.

The SNMP v3 UACL is configured by setting the SNMP connection handler properties with the dsconfig command-line utility. The properties related to SNMP v3 UACL configuration include:

  • community

  • allowed-user

  • security-level

The UACL file corresponding to the default values of the SNMP connection handler would be represented as follows:

uacl = {
context-names = OUD
access = read-only
security-level = authNoPriv
users = *
} About SNMP USM Configuration: V3

The USM MIB (that is, the MIB that defines allowed users) is registered in the null context and only a snmpAdmin user with a security level authNoPriv has read-write access to it. This snmpAdmin user can add additional users who can access the MIB 2605 information.

The SNMP v3 USM configuration is read from a template file that is located at INSTANCE_DIR/OUD/config/snmp/security/oud-snmp.security. The template file is not encrypted.

To access the MIB 2605 in the server agent, use the SNMP clone mechanism to add a user in the security file. Use snmpAdmin to send the SNMP request for the clone mechanism as shown here. The user to clone is defaultUser. The snmpAdmin and defaultUser users cannot access the MIB 2605 information.

  • Admin User to add and configure other users.

  • Template user to be cloned with no read or write access.



The security file is also used to make the users persistent.

35.6.5 Configuring SNMP Traps

You can configure SNMP traps for monitoring.

Existing OUD alerts are available as SNMP V1 traps. If SNMP handler is enabled, it will send the appropriate SNMP trap whenever the OUD server generates an alert. The underlying alert type and its associated message are both contained in the SNMP trap.

You can configure the following SNMP trap settings based on your requirement:


Specifies the names of the server alert types that are enabled to be sent as traps. Only those server alerts are sent as traps, if this attribute has any values (unless they are also included in the disabled traps). Any server alert type that is not on the list of disabled traps will be sent as a trap if this attribute has no values.

dsconfig set-connection-handler-prop --handler-name "SNMP Connection Handler" --set


You can use the --add option for subsequent additional values. See dsconfig.


Specifies the names of the server alert types that will not be sent as traps. If this attribute has any values, no traps will be sent for those server alert types. If this attribute has no values, only traps based on the enabled-traps configuration will be sent.

dsconfig set-connection-handler-prop --handler-name "SNMP Connection Handler" --set


You can use the --add option for subsequent additional values. See dsconfig.


When this is set to true, the server will not send any traps.

dsconfig set-connection-handler-prop --handler-name "SNMP Connection Handler" --set disable-all-traps:true

35.6.6 Supported SNMP Traps OID Mapping

When an alert type event occurs in the system, the OUD server sends an alert message, and the SNMP handler, if enabled, sends an associated SNMP trap.

The supported SNMP traps are listed in the following table, along with their OID mapping.

SNMP Trap Description OID Mapping
DirectoryServerStarted SNMP trap for org.opends.server.DirectoryServerStarted alert.
DirectoryServerShutdown SNMP trap for org.opends.server.DirectoryServerShutdown alert.
UncaughtException SNMP trap for org.opends.server.UncaughtException alert.
CannotCopySchemaFiles SNMP trap for org.opends.server.CannotCopySchemaFiles alert.
CannotWriteNewSchemaFiles SNMP trap for org.opends.server.CannotWriteNewSchemaFiles alert.
AciModified SNMP trap for org.opends.server.authorization.dseecompat.AciModified alert.
ACIParseFailed SNMP trap for org.opends.server.authorization.dseecompat.ACIParseFailed alert.
BackendRunRecovery SNMP trap for org.opends.server.BackendRunRecovery alert.
LDIFBackendCannotWriteUpdate SNMP trap for org.opends.server.LDIFBackendCannotWriteUpdate alert.
LDIFConnectionHandlerParseError SNMP trap for org.opends.server.LDIFConnectionHandlerParseError alert.
LDIFConnectionHandlerIOError SNMP trap for org.opends.server.LDIFConnectionHandlerIOError alert.
UniqueAttributeSynchronizationConflict SNMP trap for org.opends.server.UniqueAttributeSynchronizationConflict alert.
UniqueAttributeSynchronizationError SNMP trap for org.opends.server.UniqueAttributeSynchronizationError alert.
Replication Server UnresolvedConflict SNMP trap for org.opends.server.replication.UnresolvedConflict alert.
AccessControlDisabled SNMP trap for org.opends.server.AccessControlDisabled alert.
AccessControlEnabled SNMP trap for org.opends.server.AccessControlEnabled alert.
CannotRenameCurrentTaskFile SNMP trap for org.opends.server.CannotRenameCurrentTaskFile alert.
CannotRenameNewTaskFile SNMP trap for org.opends.server.CannotRenameNewTaskFile alert.
CannotScheduleRecurringIteration SNMP trap for org.opends.server.CannotScheduleRecurringIteration alert.
CannotWriteConfig SNMP trap for org.opends.server.CannotWriteConfig alert.
EnteringLockdownMode SNMP trap for org.opends.server.EnteringLockdownMode alert.
LeavingLockdownMode SNMP trap for org.opends.server.LeavingLockdownMode alert.
ManualConfigEditHandled SNMP trap for org.opends.server.ManualConfigEditHandled alert.
ManualConfigEditLost SNMP trap for org.opends.server.ManualConfigEditLost alert.
CannotWriteTaskFile SNMP trap for org.opends.server.CannotWriteTaskFile alert.
LDAPHandlerDisabledByConsecutiveFailures SNMP trap for org.opends.server.LDAPHandlerDisabledByConsecutiveFailures alert.
LDAPHandlerUncaughtError SNMP trap for org.opends.server.LDAPHandlerUncaughtError alert.
HTTPHandlerDisabledByConsecutiveFailures SNMP trap for org.opends.server.HTTPHandlerDisabledByConsecutiveFailures alert.
HTTPHandlerUncaughtError SNMP trap for org.opends.server.HTTPHandlerUncaughtError alert.
SaturationLoadBalancer SNMP trap for com.sun.dps.server.SaturationLoadBalancer alert.
UnsupportedDirectoryBackend SNMP trap for com.sun.dps.server.distribution.globalindex.UnsupportedDirectoryBackend alert.
LDAPServerExtensionUp SNMP trap for com.sun.dps.server.workflowelement.proxyldap.LDAPServerExtension.LDAPServerExtensionUp alert.
LDAPServerExtensionDown SNMP trap for com.sun.dps.server.workflowelement.proxyldap.LDAPServerExtension.LDAPServerExtensionDown alert.
FailoverLoadBalancer SNMP trap for com.sun.dps.server.FailoverLoadBalancer alert.

35.7 Monitoring a Replicated Topology

When directory server replication is enabled, changes made on one directory server are immediately propagated, or replicated, to multiple different directories in the topology. You can monitor Oracle Unified Directory replication status by using the dsreplication status command to obtain replication status information.

If you enable a replication gateway server, you can monitor replication status for both Oracle Unified Directory and ODSEE directory servers in the topology.

For general information about how directory server replication works, see Understanding the Oracle Unified Directory Replication Model. For general information about using a replication gateway, see Overview of the Replication Gateway.

This section contains the following subsections:

35.7.1 Monitoring Basic Oracle Unified Directory Replication Status Using dsreplication

The simplest way to monitor replication on Oracle Unified Directory is to use the dsreplication status command.

This command provides a tabular view of the replication status, including the following information:

  • The topology and its connections

  • The latency between replicated servers

  • The data consistency across replicated servers

  • The security configuration between replicated servers

  • The replication protocol peer to peer

The examples in the remainder of this section assume the following simple replication topology.

Figure 35-2 Simple Replication Topology

The following subsections describe how to retrieve the basic replication status information:

For information about retrieving more in-depth information, see Monitoring Advanced Oracle Unified Directory Replication Status Using dsreplication. Viewing Minimal Basic Replication Status Information

You use the dsreplication command to view the minimal basic replication status information.

Run the command as follows:

$ dsreplication status --adminUID admin --adminPasswordFile pwd.txt -X \
 --hostname host1 --port 4444

The following information is displayed:

  • Server. Lists the LDAP servers in the topology and the port on which they are listening for LDAP connections.

  • Entries. Indicates the number of entries on each server for the specified base DN. If the information in this column is different across all the servers, the replication topology is not synchronized.

  • M.C. Indicates the number of updates already pushed by the other LDAP servers in the topology, but not yet replayed on the specified LDAP server. If this number is high on a particular server, investigate the latency of that server.

  • A.O.M.C. Specifies the approximate date of the oldest update pushed by the other directory servers in the topology, but not yet processed on the specified LDAP server.

  • Port. Indicates the port of the replication server (if any) that is configured in the instance. Usually the LDAP servers in the instance are connected to it.

  • Status. Indicates the status of the replication domain on this directory server.

    For directory servers that contain data (replication domains), the status can be one of the following:

    • Normal. The connection to a replication server is established with the correct data set. Replication is working. If assured mode is used, then acknowledgments from this directory server are sent.

    • Late. The connection to a replication server is established with the correct data set. Replication is marked Late when the number of missing changes in the directory server exceeds the threshold defined in the replication server configuration. When the number of changes goes below this threshold, the status will go back to Normal.

    • Full Update. The connection to a replication server is established and a new data set is received from this connection (online import), to initialize the local back end.

    • Bad Data Set. The connection to a replication server is established with a data set that is different from the rest of the topology. Replication is not working. Either the other directory servers of the topology should be initialized with a compatible data set, or this server should be initialized with another data set that is compatible with the other servers.

    • Not Connected. The directory server is not connected to any replication server.

    • Unknown. The status cannot be determined. This occurs mainly when the server is down or unreachable but it is referenced in the monitoring of another server.

    • Invalid. This is for internal use. If the directory server changes its state and the transition is impossible according to state machine, the INVALID_STATUS is returned.

    When a directory server such as a replication server does not contain replicated data, or when you specify the --expanded option, the replication server status can have the following values:

    • Up. The replication server is up and running and is connected properly to the other servers.

    • Down. The replication server is not connected to other servers and is not running properly.

    • Unknown. The status cannot be determined. This occurs mainly when the Oracle Unified Directory instance where the replication server is down or unreachable but the replication server is referenced in the configuration of another server. Viewing Additional Basic Replication Status Information

You use the dsreplication command to view the additional basic replication status information.

Run the command as follows:

$ dsreplication status --adminUID admin --adminPasswordFile pwd.txt -X \
 --hostname host1 --port 4444 --dataToDisplay compat-view

The resulting compat-view is the same view that was displayed in previous versions of Oracle Unified Directory. In addition to the information described in Viewing Minimal Basic Replication Status Information, the following information is also displayed:

  • Encryption. Indicates whether SSL encryption is enabled between the LDAP server and its replication server.

  • Trust. Indicates whether this server is configured as a trusted or untrusted server. For more information, see Understanding Isolated Replicas.

  • U.C. Specifies the number of changes that have been made on an untrusted server, and not yet replicated to the topology. For more information, see Understanding Isolated Replicas.

  • Change Log. Indicates whether the external change log is enabled for the base DN on this server. For more information, see Using the External Change Log.

  • Group ID. The ID of the replication group to which the server belongs. For more information, see About Replication Groups.

  • Connected To. Displays the name, IP address and replication port of the replication server to which this directory server is connected.

35.7.2 Monitoring Advanced Oracle Unified Directory Replication Status Using dsreplication

You can use the dsreplication enable command and its dataToDisplay option to track specific monitoring attributes. This provides you a more in-depth and comprehensive view of the replication status than the basic replication status information.

Monitoring information is consolidated by replication servers. Therefore, monitoring information can only be retrieved by searching a directory server that hosts a running replication server.

The examples in the remainder of this section assume the following simple replication topology.

Figure 35-3 Simple Replication Topology

Description of Figure 35-3 follows
Description of "Figure 35-3 Simple Replication Topology"

This section covers the following monitoring topics: Viewing a Comprehensive List of Available Replication Status Information

You use the dsreplication command to view a list of all replication status attributes that can be displayed, including a short description for attribute.

Run the command as follows:

dsreplication status --advanced --listDataToDisplay Monitoring the Topology and Its Connections

Each directory server contains a list of candidate replication servers for each replicated base DN. However, a directory server is connected to only one replication server at a time.

To obtain an overview of the replication topology and its connections, run the following command on any directory server in the topology that hosts a replication server:

bin/dsreplication status -X -p 4444 --adminPasswordFile /tmp/password.txt 
-n --dataToDisplay connected-to --dataToDisplay lost-connections
Establishing connections ...... Done.
dc=example,dc=com - Replication Enabled
Server             : Port [1] : Connected To [2]   : L.C. [3]
host1:4444         : 8989     : host1:8989 (GID=1) : 0
host2:5444         : 9989     : host2:9989 (GID=1) : 0
[1] The replication port used to communicate between the servers whose 
contents are being replicated.
[2] The replication server this element is connected to with its group 
ID between brackets.
[3] Lost Connections. 

The Connected To column indicates the replication server to which each directory server is currently connected for a particular base DN. Because all replication servers are permanently connected to all other replication servers, the Connected To column does not list replication servers.

The Lost Connections (L.C.) column indicates the number of connection breaks between directory servers and replication servers. The value indicated for each directory server should be close to the number of times that replication has been stopped on that server. If the value of this attribute is much higher, there are unexpected connection losses that must be investigated. Monitoring Replication Latency

Monitoring replication latency enables you to establish whether a specific replication server is lagging behind other servers in the topology. This provides a complete view of any replication delays and the current quality of service.

To monitor replication latency, run the following search on any server in the topology that hosts a replication server:

bin/dsreplication status -X -p 4444 --adminPasswordFile /tmp/password.txt -n --dataToDisplay missing-changes --dataToDisplay aoomc
Establishing connections ..... Done.
dc=example,dc=com - Replication Enabled
Server             : M.C. [1] : A.O.M.C. [2] : Port [3]
host1:4444         : 0        : N/A          : 8989
host2:5444         : 0        : N/A          : 9989
[1] The number of changes that are still missing on this element (and that have been applied to at least one other server).
[2] Age of oldest missing change: the age (in seconds) of the oldest change that has not yet arrived on this element.
[3] The replication port used to communicate between the servers whose contents are being replicated.

In this example, the age of oldest missing change (A.O.M.C.) is expressed as the number of seconds since the command was run and the oldest update was pushed by the other directory servers in the topology. The oldest update may not yet be processed on the specified directory server.

The Missing Changes (M.C.) column specifies the number of updates already pushed by the other directory servers in the topology, but not yet replayed on the specified directory server.


If the replication latency, as defined by these attributes, is high, look at the number of updates sent and received to identify the servers in the topology that are causing the latency. These attributes are described later in this document. Monitoring Data Consistency

Monitoring data consistency enables you to establish whether each replication server in the topology is synchronized and up-to-date with the latest changes that have occurred in the topology.

If data is not consistent, Bad Data Set is indicated in the Status column. To see the generation IDs, run the following command:

bin/dsreplication status -X -p 4444 --adminPasswordFile /tmp/password.txt -n --dataToDisplay status --dataToDisplay generation-id
Establishing connections ......... Done.
dc=example,dc=com - Replication Enabled
Server             : Port [1] : Status [2]   : Gen. ID [3]
host1:4444         : 8989     : Bad Data Set : 19399981
host2:5444         : 9989     : Normal       : 19399981
[1] The replication port used to communicate between the servers whose contents are being replicated.
[2] The status of the replication on this element.
[3] The generation ID: the version of the data in each replicated base DN, for each directory server.

The Generation ID (Gen. ID) column indicates the version of the data in each replicated base DN, for each directory server. Notice that the generation ID on all servers for the base DN dc=example,dc=com is 19399981. The consistency of the Generation IDs means that the data on those servers is the same for that base DN.

Each directory server is also aware of the Generation ID of the replication server to which it is connected. The Generation ID of a replication server relates to the updates that are stored in its change log database for that base DN.

Replication is considered to be working correctly between two directory servers, for a specified base DN, when those servers and their replication server all have the same generation ID. Monitoring Replication Security

A secure replication topology has SSL encryption enabled between servers, for a particular base DN.

To monitor replication security, run the following command on any server in the topology that hosts a replication server:

bin/dsreplication status -X -p 4444 --adminPasswordFile /tmp/password.txt -n --dataToDisplay secure-conf
Establishing connections ......... Done.
dc=example,dc=com - Replication Enabled
Server             : Port [1] : Encryption [2]
host1:4444         : 8989     : Disabled
host2:5444         : 9989     : Disabled
[1] The replication port used to communicate between the servers whose contents are being replicated.
[2] Whether the replication communication initiated by this element is encrypted or not.

The Encryption column indicates whether the SSL protocol is enabled or disabled between two servers for a specified base DN. This information is available for each directory server or replication server. Authentication of replication sessions is not monitored.

You can configure the servers to use an encrypted communication using dsreplication enable interactively, or using the following two arguments:


Specifies whether the replication communication established from the first server is encrypted or not. This option will only be taken into account the first time replication is configured on the first server


Specifies whether the replication communication established from the second server is encrypted or not. This option will only be taken into account the first time replication is configured on the second server. Monitoring Replicated Updates

Monitoring the number of updates that have been sent and received by the servers in a topology provides an indication of how well replication is working.

To monitor sent and received updates, run the following command:

bin/dsreplication status -X -p 4444 --adminPasswordFile /tmp/password.txt 
-n --dataToDisplay sent-updates --dataToDisplay received-updates 
--dataToDisplay send-window
Establishing connections ......... Done.
dc=example,dc=com - Replication Enabled
Server             : Port [1] : R.U. [2] : S.U. [3] : S.W. [4]
host1:4444         : 8989     : 0        : 0        : 100
host2:5444         : 9989     : 0        : 0        : 100
[1] The replication port used to communicate between the servers whose contents are being replicated.
[2] Received updates.
[3] Sent updates.
[4] Send window between this element and the replication server it is connected to.

The Send Updated (S.U.) column indicates the number of updates that have been sent by this directory server or replication server.

The Received Updates (R.U.) column indicates the number of updates that have been received by this directory server or replication server.

The values of these attributes assist in determining the flow of updates within a topology. When replication appears to be very slow, it is helpful to monitor these attributes. If the number of updates sent by one server is consistently much higher than the number of updates received by another server, it is likely that the second server is a bottleneck in the topology.

The replication protocol controls the flow of updates between two servers. This ensures that when a high number of updates is exchanged between two servers, the servers are not prevented from processing operations with a higher priority. This functionality relies on a window mechanism where the recipient server periodically provides the sending server with the number of updates that the sending server can send.

You can specify the size of the send and receive windows, by setting the max-send-window and max-rcv-window configuration attributes. For more information, see Modifying the Replication Configuration With dsconfig. Monitoring Replication Conflicts

When multiple operations are performed on the same entry at the same time, replication conflicts can occur. In some cases, the replication mechanism can resolve these conflicts. In other cases, manual conflict resolution is required.

Three types of conflict attributes can be monitored:

  • unresolved-naming-conflicts. Indicates the number of naming conflicts that could not be resolved by the replication mechanism.

  • resolved-naming-conflicts. Indicates the number of naming conflicts that have been resolved.

  • resolved-modify-conflicts. Indicates the number of modify conflicts that have been resolved.

To monitor resolved and unresolved replication conflicts, run the following command:

bin/dsreplication status -X -p 4444 --adminPasswordFile /tmp/password.txt -n
 --dataToDisplay resolved-naming-conflicts --dataToDisplay
 unresolved-naming-conflicts --dataToDisplay resolved-modify-conflicts
Establishing connections ...... Done.
dc=example,dc=com - Replication Enabled
Server             : Port [1] : R.N.C. [2] : U.N.C. [3] : R.M.C. [4]
host1:4444         : 8989     : 0          : 0          : 0
host2:5444         : 9989     : 0          : 0          : 0
[1] The replication port used to communicate between the servers whose contents are being replicated.
[2] Resolved Naming Conflicts.
[3] Unresolved Naming Conflicts.
[4] Resolved Modify Conflicts.

35.7.3 Monitoring Oracle Unified Directory and ODSEE Replication Status in Deployments Using Replication Gateways

Areplication gateway is a server that translates and propagates replication information among Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition servers and Oracle Unified Directory servers in a replicated topology.

Translations are managed as needed, without storing any data on disk. When a replication gateway is deployed, you can use the Oracle Unified Directory dsreplication command or the ODSEE console to monitor replication status information.

For general information about using a replication gateway, see Overview of the Replication Gateway.

This section contains the following topics: Using dsreplication to Monitor Changes Made on the Oracle Unified Directory Topology

You can use dsreplication to monitor how changes made on the Oracle Unified Directory topology are propagated through the replication gateway to the ODSEE topology.

The following example illustrates how to monitor sent and received updates on the Oracle Unified Directory topology. Figure 35-4 shows the results returned when the following command is run:

# dsreplication status -d compat-view

Figure 35-4 Results for dsreplication status with a Replication Gateway Deployed

Description of Figure 35-4 follows
Description of "Figure 35-4 Results for dsreplication status with a Replication Gateway Deployed"

These results are explained in the additional information also returned by the command:

[1] The number of changes that are still missing on this element (and that have been applied to at least one other server).
[2] Age of oldest missing change: the age (in seconds) of the oldest change that has not yet arrived on this element.
[3] The replication port used to communicate between the servers whose contents are being replicated.
[4] Whether the replication communication initiated by this element is encrypted or not.
[5] Whether the directory server is trusted or not. Updates coming from an untrusted server are discarded and not propagated.
[6] The number of untrusted changes. These are changes generated on this server while it is untrusted.
    Those changes are not propagated to the rest of the topology but are effective on the untrusted server.
[7] The status of the replication on this element.
[8] Whether the external change log is enabled for the base DN on this server or not.
[9] The ID of the replication group to which the server belongs.
[10] The replication server this element is connected to with its group ID between brackets.
[11] The protocol used by the replication gateway to connect to the DSEE server.
[12] Replicate OUD Changes to DSEE Understanding How to Use DSCC to Monitor a Replication Gateway

DSEE 6.x and ODSEE 11g directory servers provide a monitoring tool within Directory Service Control Center (DSCC). You can configure an Oracle Unified Directory replication gateway server to work with the DSCC and its related tool dsccmon, which enables you to monitor changes that have been made on the ODSEE servers and replicated to the Oracle Unified Directory topology.

Once you have installed and configured the replication gateway, the DSCC displays the following information in the Directory Servers panel:

  • In the Servers tab, the replication gateway is displayed as an ODSEE server. The Description field indicates that the ODSEE server is theOracle Unified Directory replication gateway, and provides the real version of the replication gateway server. The port number, the instance path, and status of the server are also displayed.

  • In the Suffixes tab, the replication gateway is displayed with no entries and no replication agreement. This indicates the Oracle Unified Directory topology access point. Here you can monitor the state of the Oracle Unified Directory topology and the changes done on the ODSEE servers.

  • In the Replication Agreements tab, the replication gateway is one of the destination servers. After the replication gateway has been set up, replication monitoring begins when at least one change has been done on the ODSEE topology.

  • The replication gateway is also displayed in the View Topology drawing.

Important: While DSCC enables you to view the Oracle Unified Directory replication gateway, it does not enable you to perform administrative operations such as starting stopping, or configuring the Oracle Unified Directory replicating gateway server.

For information about setting up the Replication Gateway, see the Installation Guide.

35.8 Monitoring the Proxy LDAP Connector

The Oracle Unified Directory proxy server uses LDAP connectors (also known as the LDAPServerExtension configuration object) to communicate with remote LDAP servers. Each LDAP connector manages a connection pool that can be monitored with a real-time monitoring panel.

This monitoring panel reports the following information:

  • Server status

  • Current throughput for each operation type

  • Connection pool status

This section contains the following topics:

35.8.1 Displaying the Monitoring Panel

You must set the MONITOR_LDAP_SERVER_EXTENSION environment variable before starting the server to display the monitoring panel.

Run the export command as follows:

$ start-ds

One monitoring panel displays information for one LDAP connector, similar to Figure 35-5.

Figure 35-5 Example LDAP Connector Monitoring Panel

Example monitor panel showing connection pool information

35.8.2 Understanding How to Read the LDAP Connector Monitoring Panel

The LDAP Connector Monitoring Panel displays the throughput of each operation type, the status and saturation index of the server, the number of connections and so on.

You read the LDAP Connector Monitoring Panel's display as follows:

  • The bar graph on the left indicates the throughput for each operation type, including Bind, Search, Add, Delete, and Modify operations.


    Each bar-graph is limited to 20,000 operations/second, and each bar represents a throughput of 1000 operations/second. You can increase the limit from 20,000 to 100,000 by setting MONITOR_LDAP_SERVER_EXTENSION_MAX_THROUGHPUT=100000 and restarting the server.

  • The topmost entry on the right is the server status and indicates whether the remote LDAP server is UP or DOWN. For example, in Figure 35-5, server ldap-01 is UP.

  • The Sat. 0% (0%) field indicates the saturation index of the server.

    • A saturation index value of 0% indicates that the server is fully operational.

    • A saturation index value of 100% indicates that the server is saturated.

    • The value in parenthesis, (0%), is the maximum value the saturation index has ever reached (peak value). Restarting the server resets the peak value to 0%.

  • The remaining entries on the right indicate the current size of the connection pool and the number of connections. These entries include:

    • pool x/y [full z]


      • x is the current size of the connection pool (equal to the number of created connections)

      • y is the maximum pool size

      • z is the occurrence of "pool full" (always 0 in the current implementation)

    • free cnx is the number of free connections

    • cc-cache is the number of connections in the client-bound connection cache

    • pr-cache is the number of connections in the proxy-bound connection cache

    • cnx in use is the number of connections in use

    • stolen cnx is the number of connections being stolen in either cache

    • silent binds is the number of binds that the server is silently performing before using a connection.Oracle Unified Directory requests a silent bind on a connection when the connection is not bound yet or if the connection is bound with a non-relevant set of credentials.

    • invalid cnx is the number of connections being released as invalid

    • client cnx is the number of client connections that are currently connected and using the connector

    • closed cc is the number of closed client connections that have not yet been processed

    At any time, you should have the following invariant:

    pool = free-cnx + cnx in use + cc-cache + pr-cache

    If there is no on-going operation, then you should see the following count values set to 0 (any nonzero count reflects a connection management issue):

    cnx in use = 0
    client-cnx = 0
    closed-cnx = 0


A stolen connection is a connection fetched from the cc-cache or pr-cache because there are no more free connections and the pool cannot extend anymore. A high number of stolen connections impacts the server performance because it implies many silent rebinds. To avoid stolen connections, increase the pool size.

35.9 Understanding the General Purpose Enterprise Monitoring Solutions

You can use a variety of general UNIX tools to monitor your server environment. For information about these tools, see the man pages on your UNIX system.

General purpose enterprise monitoring solutions is described in the following sections:

35.9.1 About General UNIX Monitoring Tools

Review this topic for the general purpose UNIX monitoring tools can be used with Oracle Unified Directory.

The following table lists the general UNIX monitoring tools used with Oracle Unified Directory:

Tool Description


Provides information about disk I/O and CPU usage.


Provides information about open file descriptors.


Provides information about file system locks.


Provides statistics about network functions.


Allows you to query DNS servers for information about hosts and domains.


Allows you to query the status of a remote host or network gateway.


UNIX System V performance monitoring tool.


Allows you to debug and monitor network traffic.


Provides quick, easy monitoring of processes and CPU activities.


Provides information about which system calls a process makes.


Provides the path a packet takes throughout the Internet to reach its final destination.


Provides statistics about process, virtual memory, disk, trap, and CPU activity.

35.9.2 About Solaris Monitoring Tools

Review this topic for the several Solaris monitoring tools can be used with Oracle Unified Directory.

The following table lists the Solaris monitoring tools used with Oracle Unified Directory:

Tool Description


Provides information about OS and application locking. Requires DTrace privileges.


Provides statistics about each processor on the system.


Provides a breakdown of how much memory a process is using.


Monitors processes and threads.


Monitors network traffic. Indispensable when debugging low-level packets.


Provides functionality of the above listed tools and more.


Provides information about which system calls a process makes.

35.9.3 About HP-UX Monitoring Tools

Review this topic for the several HP-UX monitoring tools can be used with Oracle Unified Directory.

The following table lists the HP-UX monitoring tools used with Oracle Unified Directory:

Tool Description


Provides detailed system information about open file descriptors, locks, and threads.


GlancePlus is a graphical real-time performance diagnostic tool. Glance is the character-based component.


Provides a system call trapper.


Provides information about kernel parameters.


Monitors network statistics.


Provides a general system administration tool.