Class PofReflectionHelper

  • public class PofReflectionHelper
    extends Object
    Collection of helper methods for POF reflection.
    Coherence 3.5.2
    dag 2009.09.14
    • Constructor Detail

      • PofReflectionHelper

        public PofReflectionHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • getClass

        public static Class getClass​(int nType,
                                     PofContext ctx)
        Determine the class associated with the given type identifier.
        nType - the Pof type identifier; includes Pof intrinsics, Pof compact values, and user types
        ctx - the PofContext
        the class associated with the specified type identifier or null for types with no mapping
        IllegalArgumentException - if the specified type is a user type that is unknown to this PofContext
      • ensureType

        public static Object ensureType​(Object o,
                                        int nType,
                                        PofContext ctx)
        Validate that the supplied object is compatible with the specified type.
        o - the object
        nType - the Pof type identifier; includes Pof intrinsics, Pof compact values, and user types
        ctx - the PofContext
        the original object
        IllegalArgumentException - if the specified type is a user type that is unknown to this PofContext or there is no type mapping
        ClassCastException - if the specified object is not assignable to the specified type
      • getPofNavigator

        public static PofNavigator getPofNavigator​(Class clazz,
                                                   String fieldPath)
        Obtain the PofNavigator to use to navigate to the specified field in a class.
        clazz - the Class containing the field to navigate to
        fieldPath - the field(s) making up the path to navigate
        the PofNavigator to navigate to the field path within the specified class