Class ConfigurableQuorumPolicy.PartitionedCacheQuorumPolicy

    • Field Detail


        public static final int MASK_DISTRIBUTION
        Bitmask used to encode a distribution action.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int MASK_RESTORE
        Bitmask used to encode a partition restore action.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • MASK_READ

        public static final int MASK_READ
        Bitmask used to encode a read action.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • MASK_WRITE

        public static final int MASK_WRITE
        Bitmask used to encode a write action.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int MASK_RECOVER
        Bitmask used to encode a recover action.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • MASK_LAST

        protected static final int MASK_LAST
        The highest used bitmask value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • m_apRecovery

        protected AddressProvider m_apRecovery
        The recovery address-provider.
      • m_ldtLastReport

        protected long m_ldtLastReport
        The last time disallowed actions were reported.
      • m_fDynamic

        protected boolean m_fDynamic
        If set to true, indicates a dynamic active recovery strategy.
    • Method Detail

      • getOwnershipMemberSet

        protected Set getOwnershipMemberSet()
        Return the set of ownership-enabled members in the associated PartitionedService.
        the set of ownership-enabled members
      • checkRecoveryMembership

        protected List<ConfigurableQuorumPolicy.PartitionedCacheQuorumPolicy.Notification> checkRecoveryMembership​(PartitionedService.PartitionRecoveryAction action)
        Check if the recovery is allowed for the current membership.
        If the address provider is specified, it means that all the recovery addresses are represented by the ownership-enabled members.
        For dynamic active persistence strategy it means that:
        • Global partition (partition 0) is recoverable.
        • All machines, derived from the global partition, are present.
        • All other partitions are accessible / recoverable across the service members.
        • The number of members is larger than the threshold, which is calculated as a factor of the "last well-formed" member set size
        Note: the implementation *MUST NOT* mutate the action's state (including the resolver's)
        null if the recovery is allowed; otherwise a list of rejection reasons
      • calculateMinThreshold

        protected int calculateMinThreshold​(int cLast,
                                            float flPct)
        Calculate the minimum number of storage enabled nodes necessary to proceed with the service recovery.
        cLast - the "last well-formed" member set size
        flPct - the percentage of "last well-formed" member set size
        the number of nodes necessary for the recovery to commence; the default implementation calculates it as "2/3" of the last "well-formed" member set size.
      • reportLastOwnership

        protected static String reportLastOwnership​(PartitionSet parts,
        Report the machine names in the "last good" membership that owned the specified partitions.
        parts - the partitions to report
        info - the QuorumInfo containing the "last good" membership data
        the human readable string with the machine names
      • calculateMinimumNodeCount

        protected static int calculateMinimumNodeCount​(Set<Member> setMembers)
        Given a set of Member objects, calculate the minimum number of nodes on a single machine.
        setMembers - the member set
        the minimum number of nodes for a machine
      • getStatusDescription

        public String getStatusDescription()
        Return a String that describes the current Quorum state.
        Specified by:
        getStatusDescription in class ConfigurableQuorumPolicy
        a String describing the allowed actions in the current state
      • getPolicyPopulation

        public int getPolicyPopulation()
        Calculate and return the current size of the member set that contributes to the quorum for this policy domain.

        Note: The quorum for PartitionedService is determined by the ownership-enabled members only.

        getPolicyPopulation in class ConfigurableQuorumPolicy.MembershipQuorumPolicy
        the current size
      • isAllowed

        public boolean isAllowed​(Service service,
                                 Action action)
        Evaluate if the specified action is currently allowed by this policy.

        Note: for forward compatibility, implementations should generally return true for actions that are not recognized.

        service - the service that is performing the action
        action - the action that is being performed
        true iff the specified action is currently allowed by this policy
      • reportDisallowedAction

        protected void reportDisallowedAction​(int nMaskDisallowed,
                                              List<ConfigurableQuorumPolicy.PartitionedCacheQuorumPolicy.Notification> listReasons)
        Report all disallowed actions if the quorum rule has changed.
        nMaskDisallowed - a mask of the disallowed action
        listReasons - (optional) a list of rejection reasons
      • getActionName

        protected String getActionName​(int nMask)
        Return the string description of the given rule mask.
        nMask - the bitmask
        the string description of the given rule mask