BFExtremeCellsElement Struct Reference
[Extraction handler]


Structure recieved by the BFHandlerStartExtremeCells() function. This element identifies a range of spreadsheet cells that are located an extreme distance away from other cells. The extreme cell ranges will be reported for extreme cell areas that contain cell content or an inserted object. This element is only generated if the ExtremeCells scrub target is enabled and will occur near the end of each sheet after analyzing all cell ranges in the sheet. The definition of an extreme cell range can be controlled by the options that define the extreme cell horizontal and vertical gap allowance.

#include <extracthandler.generated.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

int uid
BFINT64 firstRow
BFINT64 firstCol
BFINT64 lastRow
BFINT64 lastCol

Member Data Documentation

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