Extraction handler


Functions and strcutures that provide the developer direct access to to the data extracted from a document.


struct  BFElement
struct  BFRootElement
struct  BFDocumentCollectionElement
struct  BFProcessingInfoElement
struct  BFContentElement
struct  BFCollectionElement
struct  BFEmbeddedContentElement
struct  BFLinkedContentElement
struct  BFSubContentElement
struct  BFContentRefElement
struct  BFRevisionsElement
struct  BFExportDocumentElement
struct  BFFrameElement
struct  BFTextPropertyElement
struct  BFPageInfoElement
struct  BFStringPropertyElement
struct  BFBooleanPropertyElement
struct  BFIntegerPropertyElement
struct  BFFloatPropertyElement
struct  BFDatePropertyElement
struct  BFDurationPropertyElement
struct  BFDataPropertyElement
struct  BFLocalePropertyElement
struct  BFCodepagePropertyElement
struct  BFListPropertyElement
struct  BFStringElement
struct  BFTextElement
struct  BFIntegerElement
struct  BFDateElement
struct  BFBooleanElement
struct  BFSheetElement
struct  BFPageElement
struct  BFBodyElement
struct  BFHyperlinkBeginElement
struct  BFHyperlinkEndElement
struct  BFHiddenElement
struct  BFAddedElement
struct  BFDeletedElement
struct  BFNoteElement
struct  BFAnnotElement
struct  BFNoteRefElement
struct  BFObfuscatedElement
struct  BFHeaderFooterElement
struct  BFHeaderFooterRefElement
struct  BFPElement
struct  BFTextBoxElement
struct  BFTemplateElement
struct  BFChartElement
struct  BFSlideElement
struct  BFSlideTitleElement
struct  BFSlideBodyElement
struct  BFThumbnailElement
struct  BFSectionElement
struct  BFSurveyElement
struct  BFSurveyQuestionElement
struct  BFTableElement
struct  BFRowElement
struct  BFCellElement
struct  BFDatabaseTableElement
struct  BFDatabaseColumnDefinitionsElement
struct  BFDatabaseTableNameElement
struct  BFDatabaseColInfoElement
struct  BFDatabaseFieldNameElement
struct  BFDatabaseRowElement
struct  BFArchiveTableElement
struct  BFArchiveColumnDefinitionsElement
struct  BFArchiveTableNameElement
struct  BFArchiveColInfoElement
struct  BFArchiveRowElement
struct  BFTextFieldElement
struct  BFDataFieldElement
struct  BFDateFieldElement
struct  BFBooleanFieldElement
struct  BFSheetNameElement
struct  BFTextCellElement
struct  BFNumberCellElement
struct  BFDateCellElement
struct  BFDurationCellElement
struct  BFBooleanCellElement
struct  BFAddedCellElement
struct  BFDeletedCellElement
struct  BFRowInfoElement
struct  BFColInfoElement
struct  BFScenarioElement
struct  BFPTElement
struct  BFLElement
struct  BFFingerprintElement
struct  BFDatabaseQueriesElement
struct  BFAuthorHistoryElement
struct  BFMacrosAndCodeElement
struct  BFPrinterInformationElement
struct  BFRoutingSlipElement
struct  BFWeakProtectionsElement
struct  BFVersionsElement
struct  BFFastSaveDataElement
struct  BFExtremeCellsElement
struct  BFLocationInfoElement
struct  BFSecureResultElement
struct  BFExceptionElement
struct  BFOutlineItemElement
struct  BFArticleThreadElement
struct  BFFormFieldElement
struct  BFOfficeXMLPartElement
struct  BFWebCaptureContentSetElement
struct  BFCommentingAuthorElement
struct  BFTraceElement


#define BFContentElementType_Document   1
#define BFContentElementType_Spreadsheet   2
#define BFContentElementType_Presentation   3
#define BFContentElementType_Image   4
#define BFContentElementType_Drawing   5
#define BFContentElementType_Container   6
#define BFContentElementType_Database   7
#define BFContentElementType_Archive   8
#define BFContentElementType_Metadata   9
#define BFContentElementType_ExecutableCode   10
#define BFCollectionElementType_Property   1
#define BFCollectionElementType_SharedText   2
#define BFCollectionElementType_Note   3
#define BFCollectionElementType_OfficeArt   4
#define BFCollectionElementType_Graphic   5
#define BFCollectionElementType_Object   6
#define BFCollectionElementType_InternalProperty   7
#define BFCollectionElementType_SecureResults   8
#define BFCollectionElementType_Revisions   9
#define BFCollectionElementType_Hyperlink   10
#define BFCollectionElementType_Outline   11
#define BFCollectionElementType_ArticleThreads   12
#define BFCollectionElementType_FormFields   13
#define BFCollectionElementType_OfficeXMLPartDisclosureRisks   14
#define BFCollectionElementType_WebCaptureContentSets   15
#define BFCollectionElementType_CommentingAuthors   16
#define BFEmbeddedContentElementType_OLE   1
#define BFEmbeddedContentElementType_Graphic   2
#define BFEmbeddedContentElementType_EmbeddedFile   3
#define BFEmbeddedContentElementType_XMLMetadata   4
#define BFEmbeddedContentElementType_FastSaveData   5
#define BFEmbeddedContentElementType_Audio   6
#define BFEmbeddedContentElementType_Video   7
#define BFEmbeddedContentElementType_OfficePart   8
#define BFEmbeddedContentElementType_ExecutableCode   9
#define BFEmbeddedContentElementType_Media   10
#define BFLinkedContentElementType_OLE   1
#define BFLinkedContentElementType_Include   2
#define BFLinkedContentElementType_Multimedia   3
#define BFLinkedContentElementType_Graphic   4
#define BFLinkedContentElementType_URL   5
#define BFLinkedContentElementType_Audio   6
#define BFLinkedContentElementType_Video   7
#define BFLinkedContentElementType_DataSource   8
#define BFLinkedContentElementType_Media   9
#define BFLinkedContentElementType_LaunchTarget   10
#define BFLinkedContentElementType_DDE   11
#define BFSubContentElementType_SHAPE   1
#define BFContentRefElementType_OLE   1
#define BFContentRefElementType_Graphic   2
#define BFContentRefElementType_EmbeddedFile   3
#define BFContentRefElementType_URL   4
#define BFContentRefElementType_Shape   5
#define BFContentRefElementType_Audio   6
#define BFContentRefElementType_Video   7
#define BFContentRefElementType_DataSource   8
#define BFContentRefElementType_Media   9
#define BFStringElementType_Author   1
#define BFStringElementType_AuthorInitials   2
#define BFStringElementType_Path   3
#define BFStringElementType_Query   4
#define BFStringElementType_Password   5
#define BFStringElementType_Device   6
#define BFStringElementType_Driver   7
#define BFStringElementType_Title   8
#define BFStringElementType_Subject   9
#define BFStringElementType_Message   10
#define BFStringElementType_Status   11
#define BFStringElementType_Protection   12
#define BFStringElementType_Recipient   13
#define BFStringElementType_Comment   14
#define BFStringElementType_Contributor   15
#define BFStringElementType_LastRevisionBy   16
#define BFStringElementType_Keywords   17
#define BFStringElementType_Originator   18
#define BFStringElementType_RouteId   19
#define BFStringElementType_Description   20
#define BFStringElementType_WriteAccess   21
#define BFStringElementType_SharedFileAccess   22
#define BFStringElementType_CommentingAuthor   23
#define BFStringElementType_LastOpenedBy   24
#define BFStringElementType_Connection   25
#define BFStringElementType_ExtraTableStream   26
#define BFStringElementType_TextInFormula   27
#define BFStringElementType_HyperlinkAnchor   28
#define BFStringElementType_CellRef   29
#define BFStringElementType_FieldType   30
#define BFStringElementType_FieldName   31
#define BFStringElementType_FieldAltName   32
#define BFStringElementType_FieldMappingName   33
#define BFStringElementType_Font   34
#define BFStringElementType_XMLComment   35
#define BFStringElementType_XMLPI   36
#define BFStringElementType_XMLCDATA   37
#define BFStringElementType_XMLUnknownNamespace   38
#define BFStringElementType_XMLExternalEntity   39
#define BFStringElementType_XMLBoundedSpace   40
#define BFStringElementType_XMLUnusedNamespaces   41
#define BFStringElementType_XMLRenameNamespacePrefix   42
#define BFTextElementType_AlternativeText   1
#define BFTextElementType_ScreenTip   2
#define BFTextElementType_FieldValue   3
#define BFTextElementType_LegalAttestation   4
#define BFTextElementType_SurveyTitle   5
#define BFTextElementType_SurveyDescription   6
#define BFTextElementType_SurveyQuestion   7
#define BFTextElementType_SurveyQuestionHelpText   8
#define BFIntegerElementType_PasswordHash   1
#define BFIntegerElementType_Version   2
#define BFDateElementType_Creation   1
#define BFBooleanElementType_ProtectForTrackedChanges   1
#define BFBooleanElementType_ProtectForComments   2
#define BFBooleanElementType_ProtectForForms   3
#define BFBooleanElementType_ReadOnly   4
#define BFBooleanElementType_PreVBAMacros   5
#define BFBooleanElementType_PreVBAMacroUserStorage   6
#define BFBooleanElementType_VBAProject   7
#define BFBooleanElementType_Hidden   8
#define BFBooleanElementType_ProtectWorkbook   9
#define BFBooleanElementType_ProtectSharedWorkbook   10
#define BFBooleanElementType_ProtectSheet   11
#define BFBooleanElementType_ContainsTrackedChanges   12
#define BFBooleanElementType_VeryHidden   13
#define BFBooleanElementType_ProtectForFormatting   14
#define BFBooleanElementType_MacroSheet   15
#define BFNoteElementType_Footnote   1
#define BFNoteElementType_Endnote   2
#define BFNoteElementType_Speaker   3
#define BFNoteElementType_Comment   4
#define BFNoteElementType_MeetingMinutes   5
#define BFNoteElementType_FootnoteSeparator   6
#define BFNoteElementType_FootnoteContinuationSeparator   7
#define BFNoteElementType_FootnoteContinuationNotice   8
#define BFNoteElementType_EndnoteSeparator   9
#define BFNoteElementType_EndnoteContinuationSeparator   10
#define BFNoteElementType_EndnoteContinuationNotice   11
#define BFNoteElementType_GlossaryPart   12
#define BFAnnotElementType_Text   1
#define BFAnnotElementType_Link   2
#define BFAnnotElementType_FreeText   3
#define BFAnnotElementType_Line   4
#define BFAnnotElementType_Square   5
#define BFAnnotElementType_Circle   6
#define BFAnnotElementType_Polygon   7
#define BFAnnotElementType_PolyLine   8
#define BFAnnotElementType_Highlight   9
#define BFAnnotElementType_Underline   10
#define BFAnnotElementType_Squiggly   11
#define BFAnnotElementType_Strikeout   12
#define BFAnnotElementType_Stamp   13
#define BFAnnotElementType_Caret   14
#define BFAnnotElementType_Ink   15
#define BFAnnotElementType_Popup   16
#define BFAnnotElementType_FileAttachment   17
#define BFAnnotElementType_Sound   18
#define BFAnnotElementType_Movie   19
#define BFAnnotElementType_Widget   20
#define BFAnnotElementType_Screen   21
#define BFAnnotElementType_PrinterMark   22
#define BFAnnotElementType_TrapNet   23
#define BFAnnotElementType_Watermark   24
#define BFAnnotElementType_A3D   25
#define BFAnnotElementType_Redact   26
#define BFAnnotElementType_RichMedia   27
#define BFObfuscatedElementType_TextColor   1
#define BFObfuscatedElementType_TextSize   2
#define BFObfuscatedElementType_OverlappedObject   3
#define BFObfuscatedElementType_ExtremeObject   4
#define BFObfuscatedElementType_ClippedText   5
#define BFObfuscatedElementType_OverlappedText   6
#define BFHeaderFooterElementType_Header   1
#define BFHeaderFooterElementType_Footer   2
#define BFHeaderFooterElementType_FirstPageHeader   3
#define BFHeaderFooterElementType_FirstPageFooter   4
#define BFHeaderFooterElementType_EvenPageHeader   5
#define BFHeaderFooterElementType_EvenPageFooter   6
#define BFHeaderFooterElementType_OddPageHeader   7
#define BFHeaderFooterElementType_OddPageFooter   8
#define BFHeaderFooterElementType_Unknown   9
#define BFTemplateElementType_SlideMaster   1
#define BFTemplateElementType_HandoutMaster   2
#define BFTemplateElementType_NotesMaster   3
#define BFTemplateElementType_Document   4
#define BFTemplateElementType_LayoutMaster   5
#define BFFingerprintElementType_SlideContent   1
#define BFFingerprintElementType_SlideAppearance   2
#define BFFingerprintElementType_GraphicData   3
#define BFSecureResultElementReaction_None   1
#define BFSecureResultElementReaction_Exists   2
#define BFSecureResultElementReaction_DoesNotExist   3
#define BFSecureResultElementReaction_Scrubbed   4
#define BFSecureResultElementReaction_PartiallyScrubbed   5
#define BFOfficeXMLPartElementRiskCategory_RoguePart   1
#define BFOfficeXMLPartElementRiskCategory_UnexpectedPart   2
#define BFOfficeXMLPartElementRiskCategory_UnanalyzedPart   3
#define BFOfficeXMLPartElementRiskCategory_AlternateContentPart   4


typedef void(* BFHandlerText )(void *handler, void *buffer, BFINT32 count)
typedef void(* BFHandlerClose )(void *handler)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartRoot )(void *handler, BFRootElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndRoot )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDocumentCollection )(void *handler, BFDocumentCollectionElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDocumentCollection )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartProcessingInfo )(void *handler, BFProcessingInfoElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndProcessingInfo )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartContent )(void *handler, BFContentElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndContent )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartCollection )(void *handler, BFCollectionElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndCollection )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartEmbeddedContent )(void *handler, BFEmbeddedContentElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerProcessEmbeddedContent )(void *handler, BFEmbeddedContentElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndEmbeddedContent )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartLinkedContent )(void *handler, BFLinkedContentElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndLinkedContent )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartSubContent )(void *handler, BFSubContentElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndSubContent )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartContentRef )(void *handler, BFContentRefElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndContentRef )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartRevisions )(void *handler, BFRevisionsElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndRevisions )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartExportDocument )(void *handler, BFExportDocumentElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerProcessExportDocument )(void *handler, BFExportDocumentElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndExportDocument )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartFrame )(void *handler, BFFrameElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndFrame )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartTextProperty )(void *handler, BFTextPropertyElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndTextProperty )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartPageInfo )(void *handler, BFPageInfoElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndPageInfo )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartStringProperty )(void *handler, BFStringPropertyElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndStringProperty )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartBooleanProperty )(void *handler, BFBooleanPropertyElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndBooleanProperty )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartIntegerProperty )(void *handler, BFIntegerPropertyElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndIntegerProperty )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartFloatProperty )(void *handler, BFFloatPropertyElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndFloatProperty )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDateProperty )(void *handler, BFDatePropertyElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDateProperty )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDurationProperty )(void *handler, BFDurationPropertyElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDurationProperty )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDataProperty )(void *handler, BFDataPropertyElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDataProperty )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartLocaleProperty )(void *handler, BFLocalePropertyElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndLocaleProperty )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartCodepageProperty )(void *handler, BFCodepagePropertyElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndCodepageProperty )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartListProperty )(void *handler, BFListPropertyElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndListProperty )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartString )(void *handler, BFStringElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndString )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartText )(void *handler, BFTextElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndText )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartInteger )(void *handler, BFIntegerElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndInteger )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDate )(void *handler, BFDateElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDate )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartBoolean )(void *handler, BFBooleanElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndBoolean )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartSheet )(void *handler, BFSheetElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndSheet )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartPage )(void *handler, BFPageElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndPage )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartBody )(void *handler, BFBodyElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndBody )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartHyperlinkBegin )(void *handler, BFHyperlinkBeginElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndHyperlinkBegin )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartHyperlinkEnd )(void *handler, BFHyperlinkEndElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndHyperlinkEnd )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartHidden )(void *handler, BFHiddenElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndHidden )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartAdded )(void *handler, BFAddedElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndAdded )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDeleted )(void *handler, BFDeletedElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDeleted )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartNote )(void *handler, BFNoteElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndNote )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartAnnot )(void *handler, BFAnnotElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndAnnot )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartNoteRef )(void *handler, BFNoteRefElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndNoteRef )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartObfuscated )(void *handler, BFObfuscatedElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndObfuscated )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartHeaderFooter )(void *handler, BFHeaderFooterElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndHeaderFooter )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartHeaderFooterRef )(void *handler, BFHeaderFooterRefElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndHeaderFooterRef )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartP )(void *handler, BFPElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndP )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartTextBox )(void *handler, BFTextBoxElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndTextBox )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartTemplate )(void *handler, BFTemplateElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndTemplate )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartChart )(void *handler, BFChartElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndChart )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartSlide )(void *handler, BFSlideElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndSlide )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartSlideTitle )(void *handler, BFSlideTitleElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndSlideTitle )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartSlideBody )(void *handler, BFSlideBodyElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndSlideBody )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartThumbnail )(void *handler, BFThumbnailElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndThumbnail )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartSection )(void *handler, BFSectionElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndSection )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartSurvey )(void *handler, BFSurveyElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndSurvey )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartSurveyQuestion )(void *handler, BFSurveyQuestionElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndSurveyQuestion )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartTable )(void *handler, BFTableElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndTable )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartRow )(void *handler, BFRowElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndRow )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartCell )(void *handler, BFCellElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndCell )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDatabaseTable )(void *handler, BFDatabaseTableElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDatabaseTable )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDatabaseColumnDefinitions )(void *handler, BFDatabaseColumnDefinitionsElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDatabaseColumnDefinitions )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDatabaseTableName )(void *handler, BFDatabaseTableNameElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDatabaseTableName )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDatabaseColInfo )(void *handler, BFDatabaseColInfoElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDatabaseColInfo )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDatabaseFieldName )(void *handler, BFDatabaseFieldNameElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDatabaseFieldName )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDatabaseRow )(void *handler, BFDatabaseRowElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDatabaseRow )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartArchiveTable )(void *handler, BFArchiveTableElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndArchiveTable )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartArchiveColumnDefinitions )(void *handler, BFArchiveColumnDefinitionsElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndArchiveColumnDefinitions )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartArchiveTableName )(void *handler, BFArchiveTableNameElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndArchiveTableName )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartArchiveColInfo )(void *handler, BFArchiveColInfoElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndArchiveColInfo )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartArchiveRow )(void *handler, BFArchiveRowElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndArchiveRow )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartTextField )(void *handler, BFTextFieldElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndTextField )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDataField )(void *handler, BFDataFieldElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDataField )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDateField )(void *handler, BFDateFieldElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDateField )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartBooleanField )(void *handler, BFBooleanFieldElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndBooleanField )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartSheetName )(void *handler, BFSheetNameElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndSheetName )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartTextCell )(void *handler, BFTextCellElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndTextCell )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartNumberCell )(void *handler, BFNumberCellElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndNumberCell )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDateCell )(void *handler, BFDateCellElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDateCell )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDurationCell )(void *handler, BFDurationCellElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDurationCell )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartBooleanCell )(void *handler, BFBooleanCellElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndBooleanCell )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartAddedCell )(void *handler, BFAddedCellElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndAddedCell )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDeletedCell )(void *handler, BFDeletedCellElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDeletedCell )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartRowInfo )(void *handler, BFRowInfoElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndRowInfo )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartColInfo )(void *handler, BFColInfoElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndColInfo )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartScenario )(void *handler, BFScenarioElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndScenario )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartPT )(void *handler, BFPTElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndPT )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartL )(void *handler, BFLElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndL )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartFingerprint )(void *handler, BFFingerprintElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndFingerprint )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDatabaseQueries )(void *handler, BFDatabaseQueriesElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDatabaseQueries )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartAuthorHistory )(void *handler, BFAuthorHistoryElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndAuthorHistory )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartMacrosAndCode )(void *handler, BFMacrosAndCodeElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndMacrosAndCode )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartPrinterInformation )(void *handler, BFPrinterInformationElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndPrinterInformation )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartRoutingSlip )(void *handler, BFRoutingSlipElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndRoutingSlip )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartWeakProtections )(void *handler, BFWeakProtectionsElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndWeakProtections )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartVersions )(void *handler, BFVersionsElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndVersions )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartFastSaveData )(void *handler, BFFastSaveDataElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndFastSaveData )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartExtremeCells )(void *handler, BFExtremeCellsElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndExtremeCells )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartLocationInfo )(void *handler, BFLocationInfoElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndLocationInfo )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartSecureResult )(void *handler, BFSecureResultElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndSecureResult )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartException )(void *handler, BFExceptionElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndException )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartOutlineItem )(void *handler, BFOutlineItemElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndOutlineItem )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartArticleThread )(void *handler, BFArticleThreadElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndArticleThread )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartFormField )(void *handler, BFFormFieldElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndFormField )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartOfficeXMLPart )(void *handler, BFOfficeXMLPartElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndOfficeXMLPart )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartWebCaptureContentSet )(void *handler, BFWebCaptureContentSetElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndWebCaptureContentSet )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartCommentingAuthor )(void *handler, BFCommentingAuthorElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndCommentingAuthor )(void *handler, BFElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartTrace )(void *handler, BFTraceElement *element)
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndTrace )(void *handler, BFElement *element)



Define Documentation

#define BFContentElementType_Document   1

Possible value for the type field in the BFContentElement strcuture

#define BFContentElementType_Spreadsheet   2

Possible value for the type field in the BFContentElement strcuture

#define BFContentElementType_Presentation   3

Possible value for the type field in the BFContentElement strcuture

#define BFContentElementType_Image   4

Possible value for the type field in the BFContentElement strcuture

#define BFContentElementType_Drawing   5

Possible value for the type field in the BFContentElement strcuture

#define BFContentElementType_Container   6

Possible value for the type field in the BFContentElement strcuture

#define BFContentElementType_Database   7

Possible value for the type field in the BFContentElement strcuture

#define BFContentElementType_Archive   8

Possible value for the type field in the BFContentElement strcuture

#define BFContentElementType_Metadata   9

Possible value for the type field in the BFContentElement strcuture

#define BFContentElementType_ExecutableCode   10

Possible value for the type field in the BFContentElement strcuture

#define BFCollectionElementType_Property   1

Possible value for the type field in the BFCollectionElement strcuture

#define BFCollectionElementType_SharedText   2

Possible value for the type field in the BFCollectionElement strcuture

#define BFCollectionElementType_Note   3

Possible value for the type field in the BFCollectionElement strcuture

#define BFCollectionElementType_OfficeArt   4

Possible value for the type field in the BFCollectionElement strcuture

#define BFCollectionElementType_Graphic   5

Possible value for the type field in the BFCollectionElement strcuture

#define BFCollectionElementType_Object   6

Possible value for the type field in the BFCollectionElement strcuture

#define BFCollectionElementType_InternalProperty   7

Possible value for the type field in the BFCollectionElement strcuture

#define BFCollectionElementType_SecureResults   8

Possible value for the type field in the BFCollectionElement strcuture

#define BFCollectionElementType_Revisions   9

Possible value for the type field in the BFCollectionElement strcuture

#define BFCollectionElementType_Hyperlink   10

Possible value for the type field in the BFCollectionElement strcuture

#define BFCollectionElementType_Outline   11

Possible value for the type field in the BFCollectionElement strcuture

#define BFCollectionElementType_ArticleThreads   12

Possible value for the type field in the BFCollectionElement strcuture

#define BFCollectionElementType_FormFields   13

Possible value for the type field in the BFCollectionElement strcuture

#define BFCollectionElementType_OfficeXMLPartDisclosureRisks   14

Possible value for the type field in the BFCollectionElement strcuture

#define BFCollectionElementType_WebCaptureContentSets   15

Possible value for the type field in the BFCollectionElement strcuture

#define BFCollectionElementType_CommentingAuthors   16

Possible value for the type field in the BFCollectionElement strcuture

#define BFEmbeddedContentElementType_OLE   1

Possible value for the type field in the BFEmbeddedContentElement strcuture

#define BFEmbeddedContentElementType_Graphic   2

Possible value for the type field in the BFEmbeddedContentElement strcuture

#define BFEmbeddedContentElementType_EmbeddedFile   3

Possible value for the type field in the BFEmbeddedContentElement strcuture

#define BFEmbeddedContentElementType_XMLMetadata   4

Possible value for the type field in the BFEmbeddedContentElement strcuture

#define BFEmbeddedContentElementType_FastSaveData   5

Possible value for the type field in the BFEmbeddedContentElement strcuture

#define BFEmbeddedContentElementType_Audio   6

Possible value for the type field in the BFEmbeddedContentElement strcuture

#define BFEmbeddedContentElementType_Video   7

Possible value for the type field in the BFEmbeddedContentElement strcuture

#define BFEmbeddedContentElementType_OfficePart   8

Possible value for the type field in the BFEmbeddedContentElement strcuture

#define BFEmbeddedContentElementType_ExecutableCode   9

Possible value for the type field in the BFEmbeddedContentElement strcuture

#define BFEmbeddedContentElementType_Media   10

Possible value for the type field in the BFEmbeddedContentElement strcuture

#define BFLinkedContentElementType_OLE   1

Possible value for the type field in the BFLinkedContentElement strcuture

#define BFLinkedContentElementType_Include   2

Possible value for the type field in the BFLinkedContentElement strcuture

#define BFLinkedContentElementType_Multimedia   3

Possible value for the type field in the BFLinkedContentElement strcuture

#define BFLinkedContentElementType_Graphic   4

Possible value for the type field in the BFLinkedContentElement strcuture

#define BFLinkedContentElementType_URL   5

Possible value for the type field in the BFLinkedContentElement strcuture

#define BFLinkedContentElementType_Audio   6

Possible value for the type field in the BFLinkedContentElement strcuture

#define BFLinkedContentElementType_Video   7

Possible value for the type field in the BFLinkedContentElement strcuture

#define BFLinkedContentElementType_DataSource   8

Possible value for the type field in the BFLinkedContentElement strcuture

#define BFLinkedContentElementType_Media   9

Possible value for the type field in the BFLinkedContentElement strcuture

#define BFLinkedContentElementType_LaunchTarget   10

Possible value for the type field in the BFLinkedContentElement strcuture

#define BFLinkedContentElementType_DDE   11

Possible value for the type field in the BFLinkedContentElement strcuture

#define BFSubContentElementType_SHAPE   1

Possible value for the type field in the BFSubContentElement strcuture

#define BFContentRefElementType_OLE   1

Possible value for the type field in the BFContentRefElement strcuture

#define BFContentRefElementType_Graphic   2

Possible value for the type field in the BFContentRefElement strcuture

#define BFContentRefElementType_EmbeddedFile   3

Possible value for the type field in the BFContentRefElement strcuture

#define BFContentRefElementType_URL   4

Possible value for the type field in the BFContentRefElement strcuture

#define BFContentRefElementType_Shape   5

Possible value for the type field in the BFContentRefElement strcuture

#define BFContentRefElementType_Audio   6

Possible value for the type field in the BFContentRefElement strcuture

#define BFContentRefElementType_Video   7

Possible value for the type field in the BFContentRefElement strcuture

#define BFContentRefElementType_DataSource   8

Possible value for the type field in the BFContentRefElement strcuture

#define BFContentRefElementType_Media   9

Possible value for the type field in the BFContentRefElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_Author   1

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_AuthorInitials   2

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_Path   3

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_Query   4

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_Password   5

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_Device   6

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_Driver   7

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_Title   8

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_Subject   9

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_Message   10

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_Status   11

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_Protection   12

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_Recipient   13

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_Comment   14

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_Contributor   15

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_LastRevisionBy   16

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_Keywords   17

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_Originator   18

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_RouteId   19

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_Description   20

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_WriteAccess   21

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_SharedFileAccess   22

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_CommentingAuthor   23

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_LastOpenedBy   24

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_Connection   25

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_ExtraTableStream   26

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_TextInFormula   27

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_HyperlinkAnchor   28

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_CellRef   29

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_FieldType   30

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_FieldName   31

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_FieldAltName   32

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_FieldMappingName   33

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_Font   34

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_XMLComment   35

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_XMLPI   36

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_XMLCDATA   37

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_XMLUnknownNamespace   38

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_XMLExternalEntity   39

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_XMLBoundedSpace   40

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_XMLUnusedNamespaces   41

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFStringElementType_XMLRenameNamespacePrefix   42

Possible value for the type field in the BFStringElement strcuture

#define BFTextElementType_AlternativeText   1

Possible value for the type field in the BFTextElement strcuture

#define BFTextElementType_ScreenTip   2

Possible value for the type field in the BFTextElement strcuture

#define BFTextElementType_FieldValue   3

Possible value for the type field in the BFTextElement strcuture

#define BFTextElementType_LegalAttestation   4

Possible value for the type field in the BFTextElement strcuture

#define BFTextElementType_SurveyTitle   5

Possible value for the type field in the BFTextElement strcuture

#define BFTextElementType_SurveyDescription   6

Possible value for the type field in the BFTextElement strcuture

#define BFTextElementType_SurveyQuestion   7

Possible value for the type field in the BFTextElement strcuture

#define BFTextElementType_SurveyQuestionHelpText   8

Possible value for the type field in the BFTextElement strcuture

#define BFIntegerElementType_PasswordHash   1

Possible value for the type field in the BFIntegerElement strcuture

#define BFIntegerElementType_Version   2

Possible value for the type field in the BFIntegerElement strcuture

#define BFDateElementType_Creation   1

Possible value for the type field in the BFDateElement strcuture

#define BFBooleanElementType_ProtectForTrackedChanges   1

Possible value for the type field in the BFBooleanElement strcuture

#define BFBooleanElementType_ProtectForComments   2

Possible value for the type field in the BFBooleanElement strcuture

#define BFBooleanElementType_ProtectForForms   3

Possible value for the type field in the BFBooleanElement strcuture

#define BFBooleanElementType_ReadOnly   4

Possible value for the type field in the BFBooleanElement strcuture

#define BFBooleanElementType_PreVBAMacros   5

Possible value for the type field in the BFBooleanElement strcuture

#define BFBooleanElementType_PreVBAMacroUserStorage   6

Possible value for the type field in the BFBooleanElement strcuture

#define BFBooleanElementType_VBAProject   7

Possible value for the type field in the BFBooleanElement strcuture

#define BFBooleanElementType_Hidden   8

Possible value for the type field in the BFBooleanElement strcuture

#define BFBooleanElementType_ProtectWorkbook   9

Possible value for the type field in the BFBooleanElement strcuture

#define BFBooleanElementType_ProtectSharedWorkbook   10

Possible value for the type field in the BFBooleanElement strcuture

#define BFBooleanElementType_ProtectSheet   11

Possible value for the type field in the BFBooleanElement strcuture

#define BFBooleanElementType_ContainsTrackedChanges   12

Possible value for the type field in the BFBooleanElement strcuture

#define BFBooleanElementType_VeryHidden   13

Possible value for the type field in the BFBooleanElement strcuture

#define BFBooleanElementType_ProtectForFormatting   14

Possible value for the type field in the BFBooleanElement strcuture

#define BFBooleanElementType_MacroSheet   15

Possible value for the type field in the BFBooleanElement strcuture

#define BFNoteElementType_Footnote   1

Possible value for the type field in the BFNoteElement strcuture

#define BFNoteElementType_Endnote   2

Possible value for the type field in the BFNoteElement strcuture

#define BFNoteElementType_Speaker   3

Possible value for the type field in the BFNoteElement strcuture

#define BFNoteElementType_Comment   4

Possible value for the type field in the BFNoteElement strcuture

#define BFNoteElementType_MeetingMinutes   5

Possible value for the type field in the BFNoteElement strcuture

#define BFNoteElementType_FootnoteSeparator   6

Possible value for the type field in the BFNoteElement strcuture

#define BFNoteElementType_FootnoteContinuationSeparator   7

Possible value for the type field in the BFNoteElement strcuture

#define BFNoteElementType_FootnoteContinuationNotice   8

Possible value for the type field in the BFNoteElement strcuture

#define BFNoteElementType_EndnoteSeparator   9

Possible value for the type field in the BFNoteElement strcuture

#define BFNoteElementType_EndnoteContinuationSeparator   10

Possible value for the type field in the BFNoteElement strcuture

#define BFNoteElementType_EndnoteContinuationNotice   11

Possible value for the type field in the BFNoteElement strcuture

#define BFNoteElementType_GlossaryPart   12

Possible value for the type field in the BFNoteElement strcuture

#define BFAnnotElementType_Text   1

Possible value for the type field in the BFAnnotElement strcuture

#define BFAnnotElementType_Link   2

Possible value for the type field in the BFAnnotElement strcuture

#define BFAnnotElementType_FreeText   3

Possible value for the type field in the BFAnnotElement strcuture

#define BFAnnotElementType_Line   4

Possible value for the type field in the BFAnnotElement strcuture

#define BFAnnotElementType_Square   5

Possible value for the type field in the BFAnnotElement strcuture

#define BFAnnotElementType_Circle   6

Possible value for the type field in the BFAnnotElement strcuture

#define BFAnnotElementType_Polygon   7

Possible value for the type field in the BFAnnotElement strcuture

#define BFAnnotElementType_PolyLine   8

Possible value for the type field in the BFAnnotElement strcuture

#define BFAnnotElementType_Highlight   9

Possible value for the type field in the BFAnnotElement strcuture

#define BFAnnotElementType_Underline   10

Possible value for the type field in the BFAnnotElement strcuture

#define BFAnnotElementType_Squiggly   11

Possible value for the type field in the BFAnnotElement strcuture

#define BFAnnotElementType_Strikeout   12

Possible value for the type field in the BFAnnotElement strcuture

#define BFAnnotElementType_Stamp   13

Possible value for the type field in the BFAnnotElement strcuture

#define BFAnnotElementType_Caret   14

Possible value for the type field in the BFAnnotElement strcuture

#define BFAnnotElementType_Ink   15

Possible value for the type field in the BFAnnotElement strcuture

#define BFAnnotElementType_Popup   16

Possible value for the type field in the BFAnnotElement strcuture

#define BFAnnotElementType_FileAttachment   17

Possible value for the type field in the BFAnnotElement strcuture

#define BFAnnotElementType_Sound   18

Possible value for the type field in the BFAnnotElement strcuture

#define BFAnnotElementType_Movie   19

Possible value for the type field in the BFAnnotElement strcuture

#define BFAnnotElementType_Widget   20

Possible value for the type field in the BFAnnotElement strcuture

#define BFAnnotElementType_Screen   21

Possible value for the type field in the BFAnnotElement strcuture

#define BFAnnotElementType_PrinterMark   22

Possible value for the type field in the BFAnnotElement strcuture

#define BFAnnotElementType_TrapNet   23

Possible value for the type field in the BFAnnotElement strcuture

#define BFAnnotElementType_Watermark   24

Possible value for the type field in the BFAnnotElement strcuture

#define BFAnnotElementType_A3D   25

Possible value for the type field in the BFAnnotElement strcuture

#define BFAnnotElementType_Redact   26

Possible value for the type field in the BFAnnotElement strcuture

#define BFAnnotElementType_RichMedia   27

Possible value for the type field in the BFAnnotElement strcuture

#define BFObfuscatedElementType_TextColor   1

Possible value for the type field in the BFObfuscatedElement strcuture

#define BFObfuscatedElementType_TextSize   2

Possible value for the type field in the BFObfuscatedElement strcuture

#define BFObfuscatedElementType_OverlappedObject   3

Possible value for the type field in the BFObfuscatedElement strcuture

#define BFObfuscatedElementType_ExtremeObject   4

Possible value for the type field in the BFObfuscatedElement strcuture

#define BFObfuscatedElementType_ClippedText   5

Possible value for the type field in the BFObfuscatedElement strcuture

#define BFObfuscatedElementType_OverlappedText   6

Possible value for the type field in the BFObfuscatedElement strcuture

#define BFHeaderFooterElementType_Header   1

Possible value for the type field in the BFHeaderFooterElement strcuture

#define BFHeaderFooterElementType_Footer   2

Possible value for the type field in the BFHeaderFooterElement strcuture

#define BFHeaderFooterElementType_FirstPageHeader   3

Possible value for the type field in the BFHeaderFooterElement strcuture

#define BFHeaderFooterElementType_FirstPageFooter   4

Possible value for the type field in the BFHeaderFooterElement strcuture

#define BFHeaderFooterElementType_EvenPageHeader   5

Possible value for the type field in the BFHeaderFooterElement strcuture

#define BFHeaderFooterElementType_EvenPageFooter   6

Possible value for the type field in the BFHeaderFooterElement strcuture

#define BFHeaderFooterElementType_OddPageHeader   7

Possible value for the type field in the BFHeaderFooterElement strcuture

#define BFHeaderFooterElementType_OddPageFooter   8

Possible value for the type field in the BFHeaderFooterElement strcuture

#define BFHeaderFooterElementType_Unknown   9

Possible value for the type field in the BFHeaderFooterElement strcuture

#define BFTemplateElementType_SlideMaster   1

Possible value for the type field in the BFTemplateElement strcuture

#define BFTemplateElementType_HandoutMaster   2

Possible value for the type field in the BFTemplateElement strcuture

#define BFTemplateElementType_NotesMaster   3

Possible value for the type field in the BFTemplateElement strcuture

#define BFTemplateElementType_Document   4

Possible value for the type field in the BFTemplateElement strcuture

#define BFTemplateElementType_LayoutMaster   5

Possible value for the type field in the BFTemplateElement strcuture

#define BFFingerprintElementType_SlideContent   1

Possible value for the type field in the BFFingerprintElement strcuture

#define BFFingerprintElementType_SlideAppearance   2

Possible value for the type field in the BFFingerprintElement strcuture

#define BFFingerprintElementType_GraphicData   3

Possible value for the type field in the BFFingerprintElement strcuture

#define BFSecureResultElementReaction_None   1

Possible value for the reaction field in the BFSecureResultElement strcuture

#define BFSecureResultElementReaction_Exists   2

Possible value for the reaction field in the BFSecureResultElement strcuture

#define BFSecureResultElementReaction_DoesNotExist   3

Possible value for the reaction field in the BFSecureResultElement strcuture

#define BFSecureResultElementReaction_Scrubbed   4

Possible value for the reaction field in the BFSecureResultElement strcuture

#define BFSecureResultElementReaction_PartiallyScrubbed   5

Possible value for the reaction field in the BFSecureResultElement strcuture

#define BFOfficeXMLPartElementRiskCategory_RoguePart   1

Possible value for the riskCategory field in the BFOfficeXMLPartElement strcuture

#define BFOfficeXMLPartElementRiskCategory_UnexpectedPart   2

Possible value for the riskCategory field in the BFOfficeXMLPartElement strcuture

#define BFOfficeXMLPartElementRiskCategory_UnanalyzedPart   3

Possible value for the riskCategory field in the BFOfficeXMLPartElement strcuture

#define BFOfficeXMLPartElementRiskCategory_AlternateContentPart   4

Possible value for the riskCategory field in the BFOfficeXMLPartElement strcuture

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* BFHandlerText)(void *handler, void *buffer, BFINT32 count)

Function that receives the text of the document.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
buffer Buffer containing 2 byte UNICODE characters. Please note that these characters are always 2 bytes even on systems where wchar_t is 4 bytes long.
count The count of characters (not bytes) in the buffer.
typedef void(* BFHandlerClose)(void *handler)

Function called when the current document is finished

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartRoot)(void *handler, BFRootElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Root element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndRoot)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Root element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDocumentCollection)(void *handler, BFDocumentCollectionElement *element)

Function called at the start of a DocumentCollection element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDocumentCollection)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an DocumentCollection element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartProcessingInfo)(void *handler, BFProcessingInfoElement *element)

Function called at the start of a ProcessingInfo element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndProcessingInfo)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an ProcessingInfo element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartContent)(void *handler, BFContentElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Content element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndContent)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Content element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartCollection)(void *handler, BFCollectionElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Collection element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndCollection)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Collection element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartEmbeddedContent)(void *handler, BFEmbeddedContentElement *element)

Function called at the start of a EmbeddedContent element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerProcessEmbeddedContent)(void *handler, BFEmbeddedContentElement *element)

Function called after the start but before the end of an EmbeddedContent element. This funtion exists to give the developer the opportunity to replace content.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndEmbeddedContent)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an EmbeddedContent element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartLinkedContent)(void *handler, BFLinkedContentElement *element)

Function called at the start of a LinkedContent element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndLinkedContent)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an LinkedContent element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartSubContent)(void *handler, BFSubContentElement *element)

Function called at the start of a SubContent element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndSubContent)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an SubContent element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartContentRef)(void *handler, BFContentRefElement *element)

Function called at the start of a ContentRef element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndContentRef)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an ContentRef element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartRevisions)(void *handler, BFRevisionsElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Revisions element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndRevisions)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Revisions element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartExportDocument)(void *handler, BFExportDocumentElement *element)

Function called at the start of a ExportDocument element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerProcessExportDocument)(void *handler, BFExportDocumentElement *element)

Function called after the start but before the end of an ExportDocument element. This funtion exists to give the developer the opportunity to replace content.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndExportDocument)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an ExportDocument element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartFrame)(void *handler, BFFrameElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Frame element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndFrame)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Frame element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartTextProperty)(void *handler, BFTextPropertyElement *element)

Function called at the start of a TextProperty element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndTextProperty)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an TextProperty element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartPageInfo)(void *handler, BFPageInfoElement *element)

Function called at the start of a PageInfo element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndPageInfo)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an PageInfo element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartStringProperty)(void *handler, BFStringPropertyElement *element)

Function called at the start of a StringProperty element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndStringProperty)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an StringProperty element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartBooleanProperty)(void *handler, BFBooleanPropertyElement *element)

Function called at the start of a BooleanProperty element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndBooleanProperty)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an BooleanProperty element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartIntegerProperty)(void *handler, BFIntegerPropertyElement *element)

Function called at the start of a IntegerProperty element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndIntegerProperty)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an IntegerProperty element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartFloatProperty)(void *handler, BFFloatPropertyElement *element)

Function called at the start of a FloatProperty element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndFloatProperty)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an FloatProperty element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDateProperty)(void *handler, BFDatePropertyElement *element)

Function called at the start of a DateProperty element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDateProperty)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an DateProperty element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDurationProperty)(void *handler, BFDurationPropertyElement *element)

Function called at the start of a DurationProperty element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDurationProperty)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an DurationProperty element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDataProperty)(void *handler, BFDataPropertyElement *element)

Function called at the start of a DataProperty element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDataProperty)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an DataProperty element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartLocaleProperty)(void *handler, BFLocalePropertyElement *element)

Function called at the start of a LocaleProperty element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndLocaleProperty)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an LocaleProperty element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartCodepageProperty)(void *handler, BFCodepagePropertyElement *element)

Function called at the start of a CodepageProperty element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndCodepageProperty)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an CodepageProperty element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartListProperty)(void *handler, BFListPropertyElement *element)

Function called at the start of a ListProperty element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndListProperty)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an ListProperty element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartString)(void *handler, BFStringElement *element)

Function called at the start of a String element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndString)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an String element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartText)(void *handler, BFTextElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Text element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndText)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Text element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartInteger)(void *handler, BFIntegerElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Integer element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndInteger)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Integer element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDate)(void *handler, BFDateElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Date element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDate)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Date element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartBoolean)(void *handler, BFBooleanElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Boolean element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndBoolean)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Boolean element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartSheet)(void *handler, BFSheetElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Sheet element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndSheet)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Sheet element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartPage)(void *handler, BFPageElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Page element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndPage)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Page element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartBody)(void *handler, BFBodyElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Body element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndBody)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Body element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartHyperlinkBegin)(void *handler, BFHyperlinkBeginElement *element)

Function called at the start of a HyperlinkBegin element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndHyperlinkBegin)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an HyperlinkBegin element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartHyperlinkEnd)(void *handler, BFHyperlinkEndElement *element)

Function called at the start of a HyperlinkEnd element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndHyperlinkEnd)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an HyperlinkEnd element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartHidden)(void *handler, BFHiddenElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Hidden element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndHidden)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Hidden element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartAdded)(void *handler, BFAddedElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Added element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndAdded)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Added element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDeleted)(void *handler, BFDeletedElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Deleted element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDeleted)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Deleted element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartNote)(void *handler, BFNoteElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Note element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndNote)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Note element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartAnnot)(void *handler, BFAnnotElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Annot element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndAnnot)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Annot element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartNoteRef)(void *handler, BFNoteRefElement *element)

Function called at the start of a NoteRef element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndNoteRef)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an NoteRef element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartObfuscated)(void *handler, BFObfuscatedElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Obfuscated element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndObfuscated)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Obfuscated element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartHeaderFooter)(void *handler, BFHeaderFooterElement *element)

Function called at the start of a HeaderFooter element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndHeaderFooter)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an HeaderFooter element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartHeaderFooterRef)(void *handler, BFHeaderFooterRefElement *element)

Function called at the start of a HeaderFooterRef element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndHeaderFooterRef)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an HeaderFooterRef element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartP)(void *handler, BFPElement *element)

Function called at the start of a P element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndP)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an P element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartTextBox)(void *handler, BFTextBoxElement *element)

Function called at the start of a TextBox element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndTextBox)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an TextBox element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartTemplate)(void *handler, BFTemplateElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Template element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndTemplate)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Template element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartChart)(void *handler, BFChartElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Chart element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndChart)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Chart element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartSlide)(void *handler, BFSlideElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Slide element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndSlide)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Slide element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartSlideTitle)(void *handler, BFSlideTitleElement *element)

Function called at the start of a SlideTitle element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndSlideTitle)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an SlideTitle element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartSlideBody)(void *handler, BFSlideBodyElement *element)

Function called at the start of a SlideBody element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndSlideBody)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an SlideBody element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartThumbnail)(void *handler, BFThumbnailElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Thumbnail element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndThumbnail)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Thumbnail element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartSection)(void *handler, BFSectionElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Section element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndSection)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Section element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartSurvey)(void *handler, BFSurveyElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Survey element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndSurvey)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Survey element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartSurveyQuestion)(void *handler, BFSurveyQuestionElement *element)

Function called at the start of a SurveyQuestion element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndSurveyQuestion)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an SurveyQuestion element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartTable)(void *handler, BFTableElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Table element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndTable)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Table element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartRow)(void *handler, BFRowElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Row element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndRow)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Row element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartCell)(void *handler, BFCellElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Cell element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndCell)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Cell element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDatabaseTable)(void *handler, BFDatabaseTableElement *element)

Function called at the start of a DatabaseTable element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDatabaseTable)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an DatabaseTable element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.

Function called at the start of a DatabaseColumnDefinitions element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDatabaseColumnDefinitions)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an DatabaseColumnDefinitions element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDatabaseTableName)(void *handler, BFDatabaseTableNameElement *element)

Function called at the start of a DatabaseTableName element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDatabaseTableName)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an DatabaseTableName element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDatabaseColInfo)(void *handler, BFDatabaseColInfoElement *element)

Function called at the start of a DatabaseColInfo element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDatabaseColInfo)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an DatabaseColInfo element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDatabaseFieldName)(void *handler, BFDatabaseFieldNameElement *element)

Function called at the start of a DatabaseFieldName element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDatabaseFieldName)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an DatabaseFieldName element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDatabaseRow)(void *handler, BFDatabaseRowElement *element)

Function called at the start of a DatabaseRow element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDatabaseRow)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an DatabaseRow element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartArchiveTable)(void *handler, BFArchiveTableElement *element)

Function called at the start of a ArchiveTable element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndArchiveTable)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an ArchiveTable element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.

Function called at the start of a ArchiveColumnDefinitions element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndArchiveColumnDefinitions)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an ArchiveColumnDefinitions element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartArchiveTableName)(void *handler, BFArchiveTableNameElement *element)

Function called at the start of a ArchiveTableName element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndArchiveTableName)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an ArchiveTableName element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartArchiveColInfo)(void *handler, BFArchiveColInfoElement *element)

Function called at the start of a ArchiveColInfo element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndArchiveColInfo)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an ArchiveColInfo element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartArchiveRow)(void *handler, BFArchiveRowElement *element)

Function called at the start of a ArchiveRow element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndArchiveRow)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an ArchiveRow element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartTextField)(void *handler, BFTextFieldElement *element)

Function called at the start of a TextField element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndTextField)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an TextField element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDataField)(void *handler, BFDataFieldElement *element)

Function called at the start of a DataField element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDataField)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an DataField element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDateField)(void *handler, BFDateFieldElement *element)

Function called at the start of a DateField element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDateField)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an DateField element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartBooleanField)(void *handler, BFBooleanFieldElement *element)

Function called at the start of a BooleanField element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndBooleanField)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an BooleanField element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartSheetName)(void *handler, BFSheetNameElement *element)

Function called at the start of a SheetName element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndSheetName)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an SheetName element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartTextCell)(void *handler, BFTextCellElement *element)

Function called at the start of a TextCell element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndTextCell)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an TextCell element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartNumberCell)(void *handler, BFNumberCellElement *element)

Function called at the start of a NumberCell element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndNumberCell)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an NumberCell element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDateCell)(void *handler, BFDateCellElement *element)

Function called at the start of a DateCell element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDateCell)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an DateCell element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDurationCell)(void *handler, BFDurationCellElement *element)

Function called at the start of a DurationCell element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDurationCell)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an DurationCell element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartBooleanCell)(void *handler, BFBooleanCellElement *element)

Function called at the start of a BooleanCell element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndBooleanCell)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an BooleanCell element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartAddedCell)(void *handler, BFAddedCellElement *element)

Function called at the start of a AddedCell element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndAddedCell)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an AddedCell element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDeletedCell)(void *handler, BFDeletedCellElement *element)

Function called at the start of a DeletedCell element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDeletedCell)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an DeletedCell element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartRowInfo)(void *handler, BFRowInfoElement *element)

Function called at the start of a RowInfo element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndRowInfo)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an RowInfo element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartColInfo)(void *handler, BFColInfoElement *element)

Function called at the start of a ColInfo element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndColInfo)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an ColInfo element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartScenario)(void *handler, BFScenarioElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Scenario element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndScenario)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Scenario element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartPT)(void *handler, BFPTElement *element)

Function called at the start of a PT element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndPT)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an PT element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartL)(void *handler, BFLElement *element)

Function called at the start of a L element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndL)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an L element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartFingerprint)(void *handler, BFFingerprintElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Fingerprint element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndFingerprint)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Fingerprint element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartDatabaseQueries)(void *handler, BFDatabaseQueriesElement *element)

Function called at the start of a DatabaseQueries element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndDatabaseQueries)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an DatabaseQueries element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartAuthorHistory)(void *handler, BFAuthorHistoryElement *element)

Function called at the start of a AuthorHistory element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndAuthorHistory)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an AuthorHistory element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartMacrosAndCode)(void *handler, BFMacrosAndCodeElement *element)

Function called at the start of a MacrosAndCode element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndMacrosAndCode)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an MacrosAndCode element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartPrinterInformation)(void *handler, BFPrinterInformationElement *element)

Function called at the start of a PrinterInformation element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndPrinterInformation)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an PrinterInformation element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartRoutingSlip)(void *handler, BFRoutingSlipElement *element)

Function called at the start of a RoutingSlip element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndRoutingSlip)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an RoutingSlip element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartWeakProtections)(void *handler, BFWeakProtectionsElement *element)

Function called at the start of a WeakProtections element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndWeakProtections)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an WeakProtections element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartVersions)(void *handler, BFVersionsElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Versions element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndVersions)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Versions element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartFastSaveData)(void *handler, BFFastSaveDataElement *element)

Function called at the start of a FastSaveData element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndFastSaveData)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an FastSaveData element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartExtremeCells)(void *handler, BFExtremeCellsElement *element)

Function called at the start of a ExtremeCells element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndExtremeCells)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an ExtremeCells element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartLocationInfo)(void *handler, BFLocationInfoElement *element)

Function called at the start of a LocationInfo element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndLocationInfo)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an LocationInfo element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartSecureResult)(void *handler, BFSecureResultElement *element)

Function called at the start of a SecureResult element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndSecureResult)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an SecureResult element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartException)(void *handler, BFExceptionElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Exception element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndException)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Exception element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartOutlineItem)(void *handler, BFOutlineItemElement *element)

Function called at the start of a OutlineItem element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndOutlineItem)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an OutlineItem element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartArticleThread)(void *handler, BFArticleThreadElement *element)

Function called at the start of a ArticleThread element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndArticleThread)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an ArticleThread element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartFormField)(void *handler, BFFormFieldElement *element)

Function called at the start of a FormField element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndFormField)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an FormField element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartOfficeXMLPart)(void *handler, BFOfficeXMLPartElement *element)

Function called at the start of a OfficeXMLPart element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndOfficeXMLPart)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an OfficeXMLPart element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartWebCaptureContentSet)(void *handler, BFWebCaptureContentSetElement *element)

Function called at the start of a WebCaptureContentSet element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndWebCaptureContentSet)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an WebCaptureContentSet element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartCommentingAuthor)(void *handler, BFCommentingAuthorElement *element)

Function called at the start of a CommentingAuthor element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndCommentingAuthor)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an CommentingAuthor element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
typedef void(* BFHandlerStartTrace)(void *handler, BFTraceElement *element)

Function called at the start of a Trace element.

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.
element The element's data
typedef void(* BFHandlerEndTrace)(void *handler, BFElement *element)

Function called at the end of an Trace element

handler Pointer to the handler used to call this function.

Function Documentation

BFEXPORT_FUNCDEC void BFInitElementHandler ( BFELEMENTHANDLER handler  ) 

Function to initialize to NULL all function entry points in a BFELEMENTHANDLER structure

handler Pointer to a handler to initialize
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