BFPTElement Struct Reference
[Extraction handler]


Structure recieved by the BFHandlerStartPT() function. This element surounds Adobe Acrobat text operations and provides the character based highlight position associated with each text character found in the element. This element is generated on for every text operation only when the associated option named Generate Acrobat Highight Positions is set to true. This position information can be used to generate an Adobe highlight file to highlight terms when displaying a PDF file in Acrobat as defined in the Adobe technical note titled HighlightFileFormat.pdf. Only text inside this element can be highlighted by Acrobat. Note that the Acrobat highlighting feature has numerous anomolies that may cause the resulting highlight to either not be shown or to bleed into other text.

#include <extracthandler.generated.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

int uid
BFINT32 * hp
int hp_length

Member Data Documentation

BFINT32* BFPTElement::hp

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