CleanContent::SecureHelper Class Reference

Class that contains static helper methods for the Clean Content API. More...

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static void AttachThread ()
 Start using this API in a new thread. Must be called for each new thread that will use this API, not including the thread in which Startup is called. Threads that call this function must call DetachThread() before Shutdown is called.
static void DetatchThread ()
 Finish using this API in a thread. Must be called for each thread that called AttachThread() after the thread has finished using this API.
static void Shutdown ()
 Clean up the API. Must be called after all use of this API is complete. Must be called from the same thread that called Startup.
static bool Startup (bool debug, String jarPath, String jrePath, String[] jreOptions, bool jreOptionsIgnoreUnknown)
 Initialize the API. Must be called before calling any other API functions. Must only be called once per process. Call only one of the two versions of Startup, not both.
static bool Startup (bool debug)
 Initialize the API. Must be called before calling any other API functions. Must only be called once per process. Call only one of the two versions of Startup, not both.

Detailed Description

Class that contains static helper methods for the Clean Content API.

Member Function Documentation

static void CleanContent::SecureHelper::AttachThread (  )  [static]

Start using this API in a new thread. Must be called for each new thread that will use this API, not including the thread in which Startup is called. Threads that call this function must call DetachThread() before Shutdown is called.

static bool CleanContent::SecureHelper::Startup ( bool  debug,
String  jarPath,
String  jrePath,
String[]  jreOptions,
bool  jreOptionsIgnoreUnknown 
) [static]

Initialize the API. Must be called before calling any other API functions. Must only be called once per process. Call only one of the two versions of Startup, not both.

debug If set to true debug information will be writen to Console.Out
jarPath Full path to the directory containing CleanContent.jar. If this paramter is not null, it overrides both the standard jar search and the BITFORM_JARPATH environment variable.
jrePath Full path to the Java Runtime Environment. If this paramter is not null, it overrides both the standard JRE search and the BITFORM_JREPATH environment variable.
jreOptions An array of option strings to pass to the JVM on startup. If this parameter is not null, it overrides Clean Content's default JVM options. The strings are in the form of full arguments to the JVM, for example "-Xmx1024M", "-Xrs", etc. If this parameter is null, Clean Content will use its (very conservative) defaults of -Xmx400M and -XX:MaxPermSize=128M. If this parameter is an empty array the JVM will use it's own defaults.
jreOptionsIgnoreUnknown If set to true, the JRE will ignore options it doesn't understand. If set to false, the JRE loading will fail if it doesn't understand all the options provided.
True if the startup was successful
static bool CleanContent::SecureHelper::Startup ( bool  debug  )  [static]

Initialize the API. Must be called before calling any other API functions. Must only be called once per process. Call only one of the two versions of Startup, not both.

debug If set to true debug information will be writen to Console.Out
True if the startup was successful

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