Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
CleanContent::AnalyzeOptionAn option of type Analyze
CleanContent::AnalyzeOption::ActionThe actions that can be performed on an analyze target i.e. an AnalyzeOption
CleanContent::AnalyzeOption::ReactionThe result of performing an action on a analyze target i.e. an AnalyzeOption
CleanContent::BaseElementHandlerA "do nothing" implementation of the ElementHandler interface. By extending from this class developers can override just the start and end methods they require while insuring that new elements added in later versions will not break their existing class
CleanContent::BooleanOptionAn option of type Boolean
CleanContent::DateOptionAn option of type date
CleanContent::DirectoryOptionAn option of type Directory
CleanContent::DurationOptionAn option of type duration
CleanContent::ElementHandlerInterface that allows the developer to receive text and element data. The developer provides an object implementing this interface to the ElementHandler option of the SecureRequest
CleanContent::ElementHandler::AddedCellElementStructure definition for the element AddedCell. Contains a cell that was added to the identified sheet while tracking changes
CleanContent::ElementHandler::AddedElementStructure definition for the element Added. Added text
CleanContent::ElementHandler::AnnotElementStructure definition for the element Annot. Contains content found in annotations that have been added to the document
CleanContent::ElementHandler::ArchiveColInfoElementStructure definition for the element ArchiveColInfo. Contains archive column type and optional name
CleanContent::ElementHandler::ArchiveColumnDefinitionsElementStructure definition for the element ArchiveColumnDefinitions. Container for a set of archive column definitions
CleanContent::ElementHandler::ArchiveRowElementStructure definition for the element ArchiveRow. Contains a series of metadata fields
CleanContent::ElementHandler::ArchiveTableElementStructure definition for the element ArchiveTable. Contains column definitions and a series of archive stream metadata
CleanContent::ElementHandler::ArchiveTableNameElementStructure definition for the element ArchiveTableName. Contains the name of an archive table
CleanContent::ElementHandler::ArticleThreadElementStructure definition for the element ArticleThread. An element that provides the title text associated with an article thread found in a PDF document
CleanContent::ElementHandler::AuthorHistoryElementStructure definition for the element AuthorHistory. Contains author history information
CleanContent::ElementHandler::BodyElementStructure definition for the element Body. Containing element for the content in the body of the document. That is all text not in a sub-container like a footer, footnote or comment
CleanContent::ElementHandler::BooleanCellElementStructure definition for the element BooleanCell. A spreadsheet cell containing a boolean value equal to either true or false
CleanContent::ElementHandler::BooleanElementStructure definition for the element Boolean. Contains information that is true or false for the element in which it is contained
CleanContent::ElementHandler::BooleanFieldElementStructure definition for the element BooleanField. A database or archive field containing a boolean value equal to either true or false
CleanContent::ElementHandler::BooleanPropertyElementStructure definition for the element BooleanProperty. A property with a true or false value
CleanContent::ElementHandler::CellElementStructure definition for the element Cell. Contains the content of a cell
CleanContent::ElementHandler::ChartElementStructure definition for the element Chart. Contains the content of a chart
CleanContent::ElementHandler::CodepagePropertyElementStructure definition for the element CodepageProperty. This property provides the code page associated with non-Unicode text properties located in this document. This property is informational only. Note that non-Unicode text properties are internally converted to Unicode before being presented during extraction. This property, when available, may provide a useful hint about the locale associated with the origin of this document but is not guaranteed to be present
CleanContent::ElementHandler::ColInfoElementStructure definition for the element ColInfo. Contains information about a range of columns within a spreadsheet. A hidden range of columns is indicated by the presence of this element with a child booleanInfo element to indicate the range of columns is hidden. The first and last column numbers are 0 based values
CleanContent::ElementHandler::CollectionElementStructure definition for the element Collection. Containing element for a set of items of a certain type that may also be referenced from another location
CleanContent::ElementHandler::CommentingAuthorElementStructure definition for the element CommentingAuthor. Describes an author that has provided comments on the document at some point in the document life cycle
CleanContent::ElementHandler::ContentElementStructure definition for the element Content. A self-contained document, spreadsheet, presentation, image, database, archive, drawing or archive
CleanContent::ElementHandler::ContentRefElementStructure definition for the element ContentRef. Indicates that the referenced content is used at this location in the document. Contains an attribute named 'reference' that provides a reference to embedded, linked, or sub content. The referenced content includes an attribute named 'key' that matches this 'reference' and also contains a matching 'type' attribute
CleanContent::ElementHandler::DatabaseColInfoElementStructure definition for the element DatabaseColInfo. Contains database column type and optional name
CleanContent::ElementHandler::DatabaseColumnDefinitionsElementStructure definition for the element DatabaseColumnDefinitions. Container for a set of database column definitions
CleanContent::ElementHandler::DatabaseFieldNameElementStructure definition for the element DatabaseFieldName. Contains database field name
CleanContent::ElementHandler::DatabaseQueriesElementStructure definition for the element DatabaseQueries. Contains database query information
CleanContent::ElementHandler::DatabaseRowElementStructure definition for the element DatabaseRow. Contains a series of fields
CleanContent::ElementHandler::DatabaseTableElementStructure definition for the element DatabaseTable. Contains column definitions and a series of rows
CleanContent::ElementHandler::DatabaseTableNameElementStructure definition for the element DatabaseTableName. Contains the name of a database table
CleanContent::ElementHandler::DataFieldElementStructure definition for the element DataField. A database or archive field containing a numeric value
CleanContent::ElementHandler::DataPropertyElementStructure definition for the element DataProperty. A property used to identify binary data properties
CleanContent::ElementHandler::DateCellElementStructure definition for the element DateCell. A spreadsheet cell containing a date value
CleanContent::ElementHandler::DateElementStructure definition for the element Date. Contains information about the date of the element in which it is contained
CleanContent::ElementHandler::DateFieldElementStructure definition for the element DateField. A database or archive field containing a date value
CleanContent::ElementHandler::DatePropertyElementStructure definition for the element DateProperty. A property with a date/time value
CleanContent::ElementHandler::DeletedCellElementStructure definition for the element DeletedCell. Contains a cell that was deleted from the identified sheet while tracking changes
CleanContent::ElementHandler::DeletedElementStructure definition for the element Deleted. Deleted text
CleanContent::ElementHandler::DocumentCollectionElementStructure definition for the element DocumentCollection. A set of loosely coupled documents that are related only in that they exist in the same container such as a ZIP file, TAR file, etc
CleanContent::ElementHandler::DurationCellElementStructure definition for the element DurationCell. A spreadsheet cell containing a duration value
CleanContent::ElementHandler::DurationPropertyElementStructure definition for the element DurationProperty. A property with a duration value
CleanContent::ElementHandler::ElementA generic element
CleanContent::ElementHandler::EmbeddedContentElementStructure definition for the element EmbeddedContent. A distinct area of embedded content where the data is in another application's format. Examples are graphics, OLE objects, embedded files, and XML metadata streams
CleanContent::ElementHandler::ExceptionElementStructure definition for the element Exception. Describes a software fault cause by a malformed, truncated or corrupted file
CleanContent::ElementHandler::ExportDocumentElementStructure definition for the element ExportDocument. Identifies an exported document
CleanContent::ElementHandler::ExtremeCellsElementStructure definition for the element ExtremeCells. This element identifies a range of spreadsheet cells that are located an extreme distance away from other cells. The extreme cell ranges will be reported for extreme cell areas that contain cell content or an inserted object. This element is only generated if the ExtremeCells scrub target is enabled and will occur near the end of each sheet after analyzing all cell ranges in the sheet. The definition of an extreme cell range can be controlled by the options that define the extreme cell horizontal and vertical gap allowance
CleanContent::ElementHandler::FastSaveDataElementStructure definition for the element FastSaveData. Contains information about obsolete content left in the document
CleanContent::ElementHandler::FingerprintElementStructure definition for the element Fingerprint. Includes a type and value attribute. This element is generated by Clean Content during analysis of the content when the applicable fingerprinting options are enabled. The type of fingerprint is provided by the type attribute and may be either SlideContent, SlideAppearance, or GraphicData. The value attribute provides the fingerprint as a 128 bit MD5 hash. The fingerprint for SlideContent is generated based on the text and images found on the slide. This allows the fingerprint to be consistent regardless of modifications due to positions, colors, shapes, masters, and other slide attributes. The SlideAppearance fingerprint is an extension of the SlideContent fingerprint that includes consideration for the applicable slide master, slide background, and the position and select formatting of slide content, including shapes. Numerous presentation features are excluded from the fingerprint calculation in order to improve the consistencty of the fingerprint across different versions of PowerPoint
CleanContent::ElementHandler::FloatPropertyElementStructure definition for the element FloatProperty. A property with a floating point value
CleanContent::ElementHandler::FormFieldElementStructure definition for the element FormField. An container element that tags the content of a form field. Form fields may contain various string and text elements as well as children formfield's that defines the hierarchy of the form
CleanContent::ElementHandler::FrameElementStructure definition for the element Frame. Contains the contents of a frame
CleanContent::ElementHandler::HeaderFooterElementStructure definition for the element HeaderFooter. Contains content found in the header or footer of a document. This element exists because some formats to not differentiate header and footer text structurally
CleanContent::ElementHandler::HeaderFooterRefElementStructure definition for the element HeaderFooterRef
CleanContent::ElementHandler::HiddenElementStructure definition for the element Hidden. Hidden text
CleanContent::ElementHandler::HyperlinkBeginElementStructure definition for the element HyperlinkBegin. Hyperlink to another document, website, etc
CleanContent::ElementHandler::HyperlinkEndElementStructure definition for the element HyperlinkEnd. Hyperlink to another document, website, etc
CleanContent::ElementHandler::IntegerElementStructure definition for the element Integer. Contains integer information about the element in which it is contained
CleanContent::ElementHandler::IntegerPropertyElementStructure definition for the element IntegerProperty. A property with an integer value
CleanContent::ElementHandler::LElementStructure definition for the element L. Contains the contents of a line of pdf text. Since the PDF format does not formally define line boundaries, line detection is based on an inferrence algorithm that detects horizontal and verical shifts indicative of line breaks
CleanContent::ElementHandler::LinkedContentElementStructure definition for the element LinkedContent. A link to an external piece of content. The contents of this element will be a cached version of the content stored locally in the document
CleanContent::ElementHandler::ListPropertyElementStructure definition for the element ListProperty. A property that groups a list of values provided as string elements. This type of property is commonly used to describe resources used within the document (Fonts, Template, ... ) or to provide a simple categorization of the content (Sheet names, Slide titles, ...)
CleanContent::ElementHandler::LocalePropertyElementStructure definition for the element LocaleProperty. A property that describes the locale of the creating application. This property is information only and not guaranteed to exist. This property may provide a useful hint about the locale associated with the origin of this document
CleanContent::ElementHandler::LocationInfoElementStructure definition for the element LocationInfo. This element identifies geographic location information that is stored in the file, usually stored as GPS coordinates
CleanContent::ElementHandler::MacrosAndCodeElementStructure definition for the element MacrosAndCode. Contains information about macros and code in the document
CleanContent::ElementHandler::NoteElementStructure definition for the element Note. Contains content found in footnotes, endnotes, speaker notes, comments, and meeting minutes
CleanContent::ElementHandler::NoteRefElementStructure definition for the element NoteRef
CleanContent::ElementHandler::NumberCellElementStructure definition for the element NumberCell. A spreadsheet cell containing a numeric value
CleanContent::ElementHandler::ObfuscatedElementStructure definition for the element Obfuscated. Contains content that has been obfuscated from view in the authoring application. The type attribute identifies the form of obfuscation that has been found. This element is generated during analysis depending on the values of the applicable scrub targets
CleanContent::ElementHandler::OfficeXMLPartElementStructure definition for the element OfficeXMLPart. Detailed information about an Office part that may represent some levle of data disclosure risk
CleanContent::ElementHandler::OutlineItemElementStructure definition for the element OutlineItem. An element that provides the title text associated with an outline time in the document outline. An OutlineItem may also contain children OutlineItem's creating the outline hiearchy
CleanContent::ElementHandler::PageElementStructure definition for the element Page. The container for a page of content. This element is used to mark PDF pages
CleanContent::ElementHandler::PageInfoElementStructure definition for the element PageInfo. Page size and margin information in twips
CleanContent::ElementHandler::PElementStructure definition for the element P. Contains content that belongs to a single paragraph
CleanContent::ElementHandler::PrinterInformationElementStructure definition for the element PrinterInformation. Contains information about printers used by the document
CleanContent::ElementHandler::ProcessingInfoElementStructure definition for the element ProcessingInfo. Meta information about the process that generated the extracted content
CleanContent::ElementHandler::PTElementStructure definition for the element PT. This element surounds Adobe Acrobat text operations and provides the character based highlight position associated with each text character found in the element. This element is generated on for every text operation only when the associated option named Generate Acrobat Highight Positions is set to true. This position information can be used to generate an Adobe highlight file to highlight terms when displaying a PDF file in Acrobat as defined in the Adobe technical note titled HighlightFileFormat.pdf. Only text inside this element can be highlighted by Acrobat. Note that the Acrobat highlighting feature has numerous anomolies that may cause the resulting highlight to either not be shown or to bleed into other text
CleanContent::ElementHandler::RevisionsElementStructure definition for the element Revisions. A container for content that has been added or deleted during a specific document editing session
CleanContent::ElementHandler::RootElementStructure definition for the element Root. Root element for all extracted content
CleanContent::ElementHandler::RoutingSlipElementStructure definition for the element RoutingSlip. Contains information about routing slips
CleanContent::ElementHandler::RowElementStructure definition for the element Row. Contains a series of cells
CleanContent::ElementHandler::RowInfoElementStructure definition for the element RowInfo. Contains information about a row within a spreadsheet. A hidden row is indicated by the presence of a this element with a child boolean element that indicates the row is hidden. The row number is provided as a 0 based value
CleanContent::ElementHandler::ScenarioElementStructure definition for the element Scenario. Contains the name, author, and comment associated with a data scenario defined in Excel
CleanContent::ElementHandler::SectionElementStructure definition for the element Section. Contains content that belongs to a single section of the document
CleanContent::ElementHandler::SecureResultElementStructure definition for the element SecureResult. The result of identifying or scrubbing a single scrub/analyze target
CleanContent::ElementHandler::SheetElementStructure definition for the element Sheet. The container for a single worksheet within a spreadsheet
CleanContent::ElementHandler::SheetNameElementStructure definition for the element SheetName. Contains the name of a spreadsheet worksheet
CleanContent::ElementHandler::SlideBodyElementStructure definition for the element SlideBody. Contains text that is defined as the body of the slide
CleanContent::ElementHandler::SlideElementStructure definition for the element Slide. Contains the content of a presentation slide
CleanContent::ElementHandler::SlideTitleElementStructure definition for the element SlideTitle. Contains text that is defined as the slide title
CleanContent::ElementHandler::StringElementStructure definition for the element String. Contains text as an attribute. The text is not likely to be document content
CleanContent::ElementHandler::StringPropertyElementStructure definition for the element StringProperty. A property with a text attribute that is not likely to be document content
CleanContent::ElementHandler::SubContentElementStructure definition for the element SubContent. A container for a piece of content that may be referenced from another place in the document
CleanContent::ElementHandler::SurveyElementStructure definition for the element Survey. Contains a series of survey questions
CleanContent::ElementHandler::SurveyQuestionElementStructure definition for the element SurveyQuestion. Contains one or more text elements that may include the question text and the question help text.
CleanContent::ElementHandler::TableElementStructure definition for the element Table. Contains a series of rows
CleanContent::ElementHandler::TemplateElementStructure definition for the element Template. Contains content found in a template, master or other such construct
CleanContent::ElementHandler::TextBoxElementStructure definition for the element TextBox. Contains content that is visually separated from other content and typically formatted in a positioned rectangular region
CleanContent::ElementHandler::TextCellElementStructure definition for the element TextCell. A spreadsheet cell containing text
CleanContent::ElementHandler::TextElementStructure definition for the element Text. Contains text. The text is likely to be document content
CleanContent::ElementHandler::TextFieldElementStructure definition for the element TextField. A database or archive field containing text
CleanContent::ElementHandler::TextPropertyElementStructure definition for the element TextProperty. A property containing text that is likely to be document content
CleanContent::ElementHandler::ThumbnailElementStructure definition for the element Thumbnail. Contains an embeddedcontent element that describes a thumbnail image of the page in which it is found
CleanContent::ElementHandler::TraceElementStructure definition for the element Trace. Describes a single line in the exception's stack trace
CleanContent::ElementHandler::VersionsElementStructure definition for the element Versions. Contains information about earlier versions of the document
CleanContent::ElementHandler::WeakProtectionsElementStructure definition for the element WeakProtections. Contains information about weak protections
CleanContent::ElementHandler::WebCaptureContentSetElementStructure definition for the element WebCaptureContentSet. Detailed information about the source of content captured from the web during the creation of this document
CleanContent::EnumListOptionAn option of type EnumList
CleanContent::EnumOptionAn option of type Enum
CleanContent::FileFormatA class that represents a specific on disk syntax i.e. a file format or category thereof
CleanContent::FileFormatListOptionAn option of type FileFormatList
CleanContent::FileFormatOptionAn option of type FileFormat
CleanContent::FileListOptionAn option of type FileList
CleanContent::FileOptionAn option of type File
CleanContent::FloatOptionAn option of type float
CleanContent::FormatInformationCombination of a file format and a description that is associated with a specific TargetOption
CleanContent::HandlerOptionAn option of type Handler
CleanContent::IntegerOptionAn option of type Integer
CleanContent::ObjectListOptionAn option of type ObjectList
CleanContent::ObjectOptionAn option of type Object
CleanContent::OptionBase class for options in the Clean Content API
CleanContent::OptionSetA type-safe collection of option/value pairs. This class acts as the basis for setting, getting, saving and loading parameters to all Clean Content APIs. More specifically is acts as a base class for the SecureRequest class
CleanContent::ScrubOptionAn option of type Scrub
CleanContent::ScrubOption::ActionThe actions that can be performed on a scrub target i.e. a ScrubOption
CleanContent::ScrubOption::ReactionThe result of performing an action on a scrub target i.e. a ScrubOption
CleanContent::SecureHelperClass that contains static helper methods for the Clean Content API
CleanContent::SecureOptionsA class containing all the options available in this API
CleanContent::SecureOptions::ColorObfuscatedTextRemediationOptionEnumeration class that includes possible values for the ColorObfuscatedTextRemediation option
CleanContent::SecureOptions::DecryptionStatusOptionEnumeration class that includes possible values for the DecryptionStatus option
CleanContent::SecureOptions::FieldsA container for Microsoft Word fields. Each field includes options that allow scrubbing and modification of that field
CleanContent::SecureOptions::Fields::ActionActions that can be taken on a Field
CleanContent::SecureOptions::Fields::FieldA specific Field
CleanContent::SecureOptions::Fields::StringFieldA specific Field that can be given a new value of type String
CleanContent::SecureOptions::HeadersFootersBehaviorOptionEnumeration class that includes possible values for the HeadersFootersBehavior option
CleanContent::SecureOptions::OutputTypeOptionEnumeration class that includes possible values for the OutputType option
CleanContent::SecureOptions::ProcessingStatusOptionEnumeration class that includes possible values for the ProcessingStatus option
CleanContent::SecureOptions::PropertiesA container for document properties. Each property includes options that allow scrubbing and modification of that property
CleanContent::SecureOptions::Properties::ActionActions that can be taken on a Property
CleanContent::SecureOptions::Properties::BooleanPropertyA specific Property that can be given a new value of type Boolean
CleanContent::SecureOptions::Properties::DatePropertyA specific Property that can be given a new value of type Date
CleanContent::SecureOptions::Properties::DurationPropertyA specific Property that can be given a new value of type Duration
CleanContent::SecureOptions::Properties::FloatPropertyA specific Property that can be given a new value of type Float
CleanContent::SecureOptions::Properties::IntegerPropertyA specific Property that can be given a new value of type Integer
CleanContent::SecureOptions::Properties::PropertyA specific Property
CleanContent::SecureOptions::Properties::StringPropertyA specific Property that can be given a new value of type String
CleanContent::SecureOptions::ToTextEncodingOptionEnumeration class that includes possible values for the ToTextEncoding option
CleanContent::SecureRequestRepresents a request to perform an analysis, extraction and/or scrub of a document
CleanContent::SecureResponseRepresents the results of calling SecureRequest::Execute
CleanContent::StringListOptionAn option of type StringList
CleanContent::StringOptionAn option of type String
CleanContent::TargetOptionSuperclass used by ScrubOption and AnalyzeOption
CleanContent::TransformExceptionException thrown during the calls to Clean Content APIs
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Clean Content .NET API documentation generated on Tue Nov 23 02:28:40 2021 by Doxygen 1.6.3